RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) (Full Version)

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Sergeant -> RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) (6/7/2005 3:59:19 AM)

12 Jun 42 The night is Partly Cloudy...
DMS Southard locates the minefield N.E. of Nomea and clears a path.
Meanwhile north of Efate Villa, I-29 fires at SC# 637 but missed. [:(]
Higher up at about 8k feet 7 Nells from Lae bomb Charter Towers, Australia scoring 5 runway hits. Why? Because I can! [8D]
DAWN ...A new day finds allied sub# 47 shooting two torps into AP Gosei Maru while it off-loads troops.
It is now daylight and the DMS Southard continues its mine clearing mission.
Japanese 82d NG captures Fergusson Island. [:D]
Somewhere in the Pacific I-29 runs out of ammo and is ordered back to port.
AP Gosei Maru, too heavily damaged to make port is scuttled off Fergusson Island. The 82 NG is once again stranded waiting for a taxi. [X(]
My DD grp goes sub hunting...
The HQ for 2d Division, and 38th Divsion departs Truk for New Guinea. Aircraft today are being grounded due to weather.

Sergeant -> RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) (6/10/2005 2:02:54 AM)

13 Jun 42 Stormy Night...
A dozen DMS and MSW are sighted north of Nomea clearing the minefield IJN left there for them.
Below the waves -- USN sub# S-37 fires at AP Unkai Maru at Lunga, but missed. [:-]
An IJN Patrol Gunboat sinks in The Slot. Don't recall how they got damaged -- maybe the crew was just drunk! [8|]

Daylight and the weather is still bad.
USN continues to clear mines, while S-37 tries again -- firing this time at tanker Toei Maru.
You guessed it... He missed again! [:D]
Of course teh IJN Sub services isn't having much luck either today. I-28 fired at DD Swanson near Efate Ville and missed.[X(] Out of ammo she heads for home.

Sergeant -> RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) (6/13/2005 8:41:52 AM)

14/15 Jun 42 on a Rainy night...
Allied mine clearing operations appear to be continueing. Then S-37 finally scores 2 hits at Lunga harbor on a lonely tanker (Toei Maru).
Next Day -- Mine clearing ops still in works for allies north of Nomea. Must be an important supply route. An Allied airstrike is launched on my base at Buna hitting AP Hokoriku Maru 7 times and AP Hinko Maru 6 times from their favorite altitude of 4k feet.
Not much else occurs considering the weather...

Sergeant -> RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) (6/14/2005 6:27:08 AM)

16 Jun 42 On a Partly Cloudy Night...
Four Nells from Lae bomb Port Morsby = 1 Rnwy hit from 7k feet.

The Allies attack Port Gili-Gili by sea... scoring 3 port hits, 2 fuel hits (Ouch) 1 supply hit and 40 South Seas Detatchment soldiers give up the ghost when their barracks is hit. The attacking ships slip out of port as quickly and quietly as they came and are never identified. [:(]

Nineteen Betty Bombers attack Port Morsby at breakfast time from 19k feet. All the egg yokes were broken in the mess tent!

After breaksfast and southeast of Malaita, An Allied Carrier launches a strike on my DD group performing early morning anti-sub manuevers at GuadalCannal... DD Harukaze = 2 hits, DD Tachikaze = 1 hit, DD Arashi takes 4 hits.

Midmorning a bomber force lifts off from Port Morsby and strikes at Salamaua Beach where 2d Division IJA are landing. Dauntless', Mitchells, and Havocs scream overhead at just 4k feet (as usual), and AP Kamishima takes two hits, AP Sangestu take 3 hits, and only 2 Dauntless were damaged by FLak. This convoy was unscorted and had no air support. Consequently 58 IJA soldeirs are layed out in a body count. It is discovered that CAP was over Buna! [:@]

The IJN 84th NG captures Darubia Atoll just in time for Lunch near Gili-Gili. [8D] operation Stoplight is proving to be a success.
After Lunch in a joyful ceremony Troops of 38th Div., raise the meatball flag over Nassau Beach. [:D]
Meanwhile two Sacrifice PC(s) move towards enemy CV group to try and get Intell on it. All available subs are also diverted towards it.

Veer -> RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) (6/15/2005 10:52:11 AM)


raise the meatball flag


Sergeant -> RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) (6/17/2005 7:56:55 AM)

17 Jun 42 on a partley cloudy night...
Six Nell bombers from Lae appear in the night sky over Port Morsby shadowed by the moon. A few moments later the peaceful night is broken by the blasts of bombs striking the runway from 6k feet. Then... all is quiet again.
Down below the waves Allied sub #S38 is detected and chased out of the area at Ferguson Island.
As daylight approaches...
Early morning recon flights over Japanese controlled bases reveal that the Allies are using B25 Mitchell(s) to conduct their recon. Or, are they just looking for targets of opportunity? Hmmm... Suddenly, breakfast at LAE is interrupted by 9 x A24 Dauntless, 8 x B25 Mitchells, and 11 A20 Havoc(s) attacking ships in port with 500 and 1k pound bombs. AP Owigawa Maru takes 2 hits, AP Kenryu Maru takes 5 hits. Of course the enemy is flying at their favorite altitude of 4k feet, and only one A24 Dauntless suffers flak damage. [:(]
On the other side of the map - things are very different around Guadalcannal...
At Tulagi Lieutenant Tanaka settles down for his breakfast of fish he caught himself. It's a bright morning & fishing was good off the side of his new Gunboat. He looks West and wonders about the flashes of light & distant rumble at his old base Lunga, that he observed at 4am before the sun came up. He remembers the Allied raiders from a few weeks earlier & the devestation they caused & how he almost lost his own life. Were they raiding Luga again as they did before?
Tanaka opens his Guadalcannal diary & prepares to write a new passage... suddenly he hears the approach of low flying aircraft loud & close butr coming from the East. Fear grips him for an instant but then cheers go up on the beach and at the base as he realizes they are Japanese planes. The sound is deafening as 67 Kates scream over his head at tree top level heading towards Lunga. The sun glints off their wings & the infamous red meatball painted large and proud on them. Tanaka starts to shout "BANZAI BANZAI" as the sun is momentarily darkened by wave after wave of planes; 33 A6M2 Zero fighters at high, 53 D3A Val Dive Bombers at medium, and 67 B5n Kates at low altitudes fill the sky as far as he can see - all headed in one direction with one purpose... The Raiders' day of reckoning has come! Tanaka's voice becomes strained from shouting at the planes. He watches them disappear out of sight & waits. Sweat drips from his brow as he waits. Impatiently he reaches for a cigarette. 10 minutes, 20 minutes... then he can just barely hear the low rumble of a battle taking place over 60 miles away. Tanaka runs to his radio room as other seamen gather to listen to the battle reports as they come in from Lunga.
He learns that their carrier group was lurking off the coast of Malaita waiting for the right moment over a 100 miles away....
The radio reports come fast & excited... 4 hits on CL Nashville, 9 hits on CA Portland, 1 hit on DD Henley, 3 hits on CA Chester, 2 hits on DD Grayson, 1 hit on DD Mahan. Heavy flak ... smoke is everywhere making visibility difficult. Everyone becomes silent as the casulty report is made... 4 VAL bombers have gone down in flames and 8 Kates exploded before they could reach their targets. All is silent for about 15 minutes, then it is reported that some Kates have attacked an Allied submarine #42 but its condition is unknown.
A second wave of planes fly over... the pilots cannot find any targets - the smoke and cloud cover is too heavy in the area over Lunga so they turn back disappointed...
Tanaka, thinking the battle is over returns to where he left his fish & diary. He is startled half out of his wits when 39 Kates so low you could spit on'm streak over head accompanied by 23 Val bombers at a respectable altitude. Why do those Kate pilots have to fly so low? Tanaka scratches his head thinking any lower & they could give him a haircut! He runs back to the radio room on the gunboat.
CA Chester has taken 2 more hits, 4 hits on the Pensacoala they missed earlier, 3 hits on DD Swanson, 1 hit on DD Gwin. [only DD Porter escapes unscathed!] 2 VAL and 1 Kate were shot down. The rest of the morning is uneventful. At lunch the base commander announces that IJN has raised the Rising Sun over Pompesi Island east of Truk. More shouts of BANZAI BANZAI. Tanaka settles down to write his Guadalcannal Diary once again.

Sergeant -> RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) (6/20/2005 3:44:54 AM)

18 June 42 on a Clear Night...
S.E. of Guadalcannal DD Grayson is fleeing for her life. Gunboat Choko Maru gives chase and opens up at 6k yards. Grayon is struck twice but her spead is greater than the Gunboat & she manages to limp out of sight.
I-27 waits beneath still waters. Along comes the wounded DD Grayson tying to flee the slaughter of the earlier day. As she slips noisily thru the water heading for the Malaita Straights -- I27 fires a torpedo at her from Starboard. Grayson is struck midship but continues to flee though the straights. As Grayson exits teh straights badley damaged she promptly strikes a Japanese mine and Sinks like a lead weight! [:D]
Meanwhile in the clear night sky over Port Morsby 8 Nells at 5k feet unload their bombs onto the base below for 1 runway hit.
Near Guakcannal, DD Hazekaze sinks near Tulagi and AP(s) Kenyu Maru and Hinko Maru sink off the shores of Buna. [:(]
In the Santa Cruz district a night bombardment raid by Japanese Battle group TOJO is made on the Allied PBY base at Gavigamana Atoll with no known damge to the base or planes.
Finally, A Jap DD chases an Allied sub #S40 away from off-loading operations at Salamaua Beach twice.... [:-]
Allied sub #S42 plugs two torpedos into DD Tachikaze in Tulagi Port & sinks her. [:o]
Recon reports an unidentified allied task force in the Coral Sea. Then bombers from Port Morsby return to Salamaua Beach (15 x B25 Mitchell, 8 A20 Havoc) hitting AP Kiyozumi 4 times and AP Kimishima 4 times from 4k feet. Hmmm... [8|]
A group of DD(s) alerted by S42's attack chase the sub out of Tulagi Harbor.
Finally, the 4th SNLF (commando) captures Suairo, Malaita. [8D] (operation stop light)

Sergeant -> RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) (6/24/2005 1:04:09 AM)

19 Jun 42 Night Partly Cloudy...
Fifteen Nells from Lae bomb Port Mosby. One Havoc is destroyed on the ground, 2 hits on base and 3 on runway using the enemy's favorite altitude of 4k feet.
Allied sub# S40 puts a fish into AP Sado Maru at Salamaua beach. Thirteen officers of the 2d Division HQ are KIA.
A MAVIS patrol sights DDSwanson south of Malaita.
Eleven A20 Havocs attack ships at Basiliki Island East of Gili-Gili but missed their targets from their usual 4k feet. [:-]
Four Destroyers are sighted at the allied base of Nomea.
The day is uneventful except for the afore-mentioned sightings. [>:]

Sergeant -> RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) (6/25/2005 6:14:35 PM)

20 Jun 42 Night Thunderstorms...
Operation Wau begins.
Sergeant Ishikawa stops his dinner preperation in the mess hall at Nassau Bay Resort... err Base. The building appears to be shaking & he hears a loud rumbling outside. Upon arriving at the mess hall's doorway he sees 8000 troops in formation marching out of the base behind a formation of tanks. They appear to be headed up the mountain that rises gently above the base. These are all 38th Division troops. Flashes of lightning reveals the tanks in the distance taking up the lead. He asks a passing Sergeant where they're headed & is told the airfield at Wau must be captured & that the base there will be used as the jumping off point for the assault on Port morsby. Disgusted that they did not see fit to tell him that the troops would be pulling out in the night he goes back to his food preperations & starts shutting everything down. Guess nobody wants to eat tonight. He opens a bottle of Sake & kicks back to watch the endless formation of troops passing the open door.
suddenly the the room fills with noisy engineers demanding to be fed... it seems the HQ and the engineers have stayed behind to construct the port facilities.
Off shore the allies have attacked a supply convoy on the surface near Darubia with CA New Orleans leading 5 DDs in teh attack. DD Yugiri is sunk immediately with 57 hits, but the AP Kamoi Maru makes a run for it & escapes into the night. Yugiri manages to land two hits on the New Orleans before slipping beneath the waves. [:o]
Meanwhile DD Kazagumo attacks allied sub# S40 scoring 2 hits down the beach at Salamaua where a landing of 2d Div trps is taking place. S-40 ceases to be a menace to shipping. [8D]
SS44 shoots at AP Kirishima Maru Near Lae but missed. [:-]
In The Slot PC 24 grounds itself on the rocks & sinks.
Finally a Mavis Patrol spots Submarine Tautog but it dives to escape attack Near Luganville.

Sergeant -> RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) (7/3/2005 9:51:45 AM)

I'm actually quite behind in my reporting... the game as actually advanced well into the month of July where several large sea battles took place south of Guadalcannal. In fact the depressing facts are that the IJN has lost Six Carriers without scoring a single hit on the Allied carriers. The fuel hogs were waiting for an oiler to arrive - but instead the Allies arrived & they brought their whole gang with them! It would be best if the crew puts me off on a small atoll somewhere with a bottle of Sake and a case of MREs where I can sit out the rest of the war in shame.
But the war does continue, owing to the general order that there be no surrender so long as there is a means to fight. Still... the heavy loss of ships & planes earned me no respect from the Emperor, whom I sure has ordered my demise by now.
Well -- maybe I can pull a kangeroo out my hat or somethng... I'll leave the rabits to the Allies!
[&o] Please boss man Emperor - I need more oilers to handle these fuel hogs. Hmmmm....
Oh well.... back to the war.

Sergeant -> RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) (7/5/2005 1:56:45 AM)

Late July 42
The enemy has been running nightly interdiction raids on Gili-Gili shooting up my supplies & fuel - not to mention the ships delivering them! I was forming a large Anti-Sub froup there when he made another such raid and 8 Destroyers were there to greet him this time. They didn't do much to his big Cruisers but they manage to land a few hits. One of my DDs was sunk all the rest on fire dispersed to various ports capable of repairing them. [:-]
Tonight, however, since the blood scent is heavy in the sea - He'll probably come back again so I've assembled a large Battle Group consisting of the Flag ship Yamato to greet him at Basiliki Island. Maybe this time I can bloody the enemy for a change...
His Carrier group has disappeared into the haze of bad weather. My 7 subs have halted their movements until it is spotted again. [8D]
Wondering if I should even bother doing the remainder of my June 42 AARs??? [&:]

Veer -> RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) (7/6/2005 6:02:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: Sergeant

He'll probably come back again so I've assembled a large Battle Group consisting of the Flag ship Yamato to greet him at Basiliki Island. Maybe this time I can bloody the enemy for a change...

Just a note... surface battles ONLY occur if both TFs end the turn/phase in the same hex. So if you're at Basiliki, and the enemy TF has to pass through Basiliki to get to Gilli Gilli you won't get a battle. Now if you control Basiliki/Gilli you might get a battle by setting your TF to 'react', but i'm not too sure how that works.


Wondering if I should even bother doing the remainder of my June 42 AARs??? [&:]

Sure. [:)] Maybe just a short summary of significant events - like how you lost the carriers, what led to it, etc.

Sergeant -> RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) (10/7/2005 7:36:52 AM)

The War is over... The allies have won. [&o] It ended around 28 Sept 42 game time with the loss of Shokaku and a small escort carrier. Didn't have much left. After shelling PM with 2d Div artillery the realization that the enemy had reinforced the place became evident & odds would have been 1 to 3. Hense, the Japanese tendered surrender request which was gaciously accepted.
I must say it was a learning experience. Some things learned during this game were:

Base level build-up = 3 above potential.
Airfield Level effects = No offensive ops on level 1 airfields.
Fleet AI = Disobedience of orders when enemy carriers are near by.
Large fleet ops = Fuel Hogs [8|]
Reminds me of Mr Magoo cartoon when I was a child! [:D]

New Scenario soon to start ( switching sides ) I will take Allies this time. My Honorable opponent taking Japanese. Scenario 17 Waiting his first turn. Went fishing today - didn't catch anything. [:(] Maybe next game will prove better than my fishing skills... Contemplating some changes in strategy -- one must not become too well known by one's opponent, lest one becomes too predictable. [8D]
Not sure if I'll do another AAR - too time consuming.
Many thanks to those of you that followed my AAR while it lasted. Sorry I couldn't keep it up.

wissooner -> RE: Sergeant v. Wissooner (Scn #12) (10/9/2005 10:17:00 PM)

As Sergeant's opponent I must say that he played well for a newcomer. This is a fantastic game and I throughly enjoyed this match. Sergeant and I are reversing sides in Scen. #17 and I look forward to another victory.


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