pry -> Pry's New Scenarios (4/30/2005 9:20:08 PM)
6 New campaign Scenarios, 3 Stock map versions and 3 that utilize Andrew Brown's map After 2 months worth of testing and no major reported issues, I now consider these scenarios game ready. Meaning that these scenarios can be played long term and should present no issues to PBEM or AI games. I may still make a few more changes to the data base to further refine the scenarios but players should be able to enjoy a good game now. The only major change that has not been fully tested is the reduced daily allotment of Allied fuel and supply in the 44 and 45 time period. All other changes are working as expected and the pace of the game has been drastically reduced to more historic flow. 06/26/05 Updated files to correct Japanese air groups 476,477 and 478, made several minor changes related to Allied units equipped with device 451 and 456 and fixed the air group list order to fix an issue related to Russian activation. Files updated to correct several issues 06/05/05 Added all changes to DB that are going into the Official 1.6 release except 155 mm item noted below. Removed Japanese 33rd Division from Shanghai and have it arriving as a reinforcement in Bangkock 01/01/42, this is meant as an AI helper to get the AI to utilize the 33rd in the correct area of operations. Files updated to correct Tojo Error, 05/02/05 Files updated to add 6 new bases to China in the AB Map scenarios and moved the Japanese 21st Division back to Hanoi 05/03/05 Files updated to correct 12/8 Start scenarios aircraft, corrected move orders of Japanese 33rd Div and made various changes to planning of CD units, 05/08/05 Scenario 30 Stock Map 12/7 Start, Historical 1st Turn and 1st turn surprise can be turned on or off Scenario 31 Stock Map 12/8 start, Both Historical 1st turn and 1st turn surprise need to be turned off Scenario 32 Stock Map 12/7 start, Blank start for the Japanese player all orders and task forces have been canceled. The synopsis for this one is that the Allies knew war was coming and made their defensive deployments accordingly, they just had no real idea where the attacks were going to happen. The Japanese player is free to select the where and when to suit his plans. Historical 1st turn should be turned off (if left on nothing will happen that turn as no units have orders) and 1st turn surprise should be turned on. Scenario 33 Andrew Brown's Map 12/7 Start, Historical 1st Turn and 1st turn surprise can be turned on or off Scenario 34 Andrew Brown's Map 12/8 start, Both Historical 1st turn and 1st turn surprise need to be turned off Scenario 35 Andrew Brown's Map 12/7 start, Blank start for the Japanese player all orders and task forces have been canceled. Art Files needed for the scenarios to work, you can overwrite the stock art with these and not mess up the stock games, new art is in unused slots in the stock games so it will have no effect. What is different with these scenarios from the stock scenarios, I designed them to be more detailed and offer the player more flexibility in playing the game while slowing down the pace of the game by making supply a much more precious resource by making it much harder to haul it to where it is needed. I also totally revamped the Air OOB's of both sides down to the Squadron / Chutai level wherever possible along with many other changes that I feel enhance the game. I designed these primarily for PBEM games, but they retain the ability to be played against the AI without any problems, Play them or don't play them the choice is totally yours but feedback is greatly appreciated and encouraged. If you have comments and or questions PLEASE state the specific scenario you are talking about thanks... List of Major Changes
. (General list applies to all 6 scenarios) War In The Pacific, Campaign #30 (RELEASE BETA-Version 1.61, Optimized for Stock Map by Pry) Device Changes Japanese Dropped the 47mm AT gun load cost to 6 from 7 (Air transportable) Device 139 Type 13 radar changed to air search Allied Added device 345 Canadian Rifle Squad, replacement rate of 10 per month Added device 352 Canadian Rifle squad (12/43) rate of 10 per month Added device 362 Canadian Engineer rate of 3 per month (All the above was to make Canadian units stop drawing from and being a burden on British replacements) Device 454, 5 Inch CD Gun no longer upgrades to 155mm Field gun (451) In US Naval base forces in now upgrades to device 456 155mm CD Gun Device 451 has been changed to army gun and will no longer shoot at ships, all CD units Equipped with (451) have been changed to device (456) 155 mm CD Gun. Ship Class Changes Japanese Allied All remaining Flush deck destroyers that have not upgraded previously now upgrade to APD's in 5/44 Ship Changes Japanese Removed all task forces except for historical 12/7 invasions and put ships in port, the exception to this is the Wake Invasion Force in the 12/7 start only. There is no way around the hyper 12/7 turn movement which would allow this TF to arrive on day 1 but I decided to allow this TF to remain in the scenario. Reduced cargo capacities of all AP's and AK's, AP's (L) 2250, (M) 1500, (S) 750 AK's (L) 5500, (S) 1750 Reduced tankers capacities by 1/3 rd. 11000 and 6000 left Navy tankers at stock capacity Allied Added damage to all Allied ships undergoing overhaul or repair on 12/7/41, to reflect historic limited availability status. Reduced endurance of several USN BB classes to more real world numbers. Reduced cargo capacities of all AP's and AK's, AP's (L) 3000, (M) 2000, (S) 1000 AK's (L) 5500, (S) 2250, Liberty 5600 Victory 5900. Reduced tankers capacities by 1/3 rd. (L) 12000 and (S) 6000 left Navy tankers at stock capacity Adjusted arrival dates of most of the USN ships (especially Submarines) to correct historic availability date. Aircraft Changes Japanese Added L2D2 Tabby factory to Nagasaki with production of 10 per month (This was also added to 1.5) Added 1 armor to KI-27 and Claude (Out classed Yes, but not as bad as the stock game makes them they should not fall from the sky like rain anymore (Subject to testing)) Allied Added (171) P-38F Lightning available 12/41 build rate 20 per month Added (187) P-43A Lancer available 12/41 build rate 10 per month Added (202) P-80A Shooting Star available 4/45 build rate 100 per month Changed P-39D starting production date to 12/41 from 01/42 Changed A-20B starting production date to 12/41 from 01/42 Changed B-25C starting production date to 12/41 from 01/42 Changed F-5A starting production date to 2/42 from 06/42 Reduced several allied aircraft production rates to more realistic numbers (Subject to testing) Air Group Changes Japanese Broke down the entire Japanese air force (IJAAF and IJNAF) to the Chutai (9 - 12 aircraft) level where possible, Japanese player now has 744 groups to control. Removed damaged aircraft from all starting Japanese squadrons and made them operational (w/pilots) Allied Overhauled the entire USAAF OOB and reduced down to squadron level where possible. Allied player now has 1210 groups to control. Increased experience of pilots in VR squadrons to 60 from 25, these pilots were already fully trained and combat ready not new recruits. Moved USAAF air groups in the Philippines to correct starting locations Location Changes Japanese Moved Japanese 33rd Division to historical starting location (Shanghai, China) Moved Japanese 4th Division to historical starting location (Shanghai, China) Moved Japanese 21st Division to historical starting location (Tsingtao, China. One small detachment was located in Indo-China) Moved Japanese 2nd Division to historical starting location (Naha, Okinawa) Moved Japanese 18th Division to historical starting location (Canton, China) Broke down 5th Division into 2 reinforced Brigades, 9th Brigade target Khota Bahru and 21st Brigade target Songkhia (Note. 5th Division is now unable to recombine to form a full division, division was historically used as garrison for Malaya after capture) Changed Nissan engine production in Tokyo to produce Nakijima engines instead Changed Ishikawajima engine production in Tokyo to produce Nakijima engines instead Changed Nissan engine production in Shimizu to produce Nakijima engines instead Changed Nissan engine production in Hamamatsu to produce Nakijima engines instead Changed Armament assembly in Osaka/Kure from 0 to 10 Changed Armament assembly in Marizuru from 0 to 10 Reduced all Japanese land units to 0% disabled, they started the war at the time and places of their own choosing and were totally ready. Increased aviation support to Japanese home island static base forces. Allied Added 20 point Shipyard to Soerbaja Added 15 point shipyard to Perth Added 20 point shipyard to Manila Replaced British infantry and engineers from Canadian units and Hong Kong Fort and replaced with Canadian infantry and engineers Removed all daily supply and fuel from West Coast bases and moved to United States base 330, supply will now have to trickle down to the coast from the supply center. Reduced total daily supply and fuel on to 30,000 supply and 20,000 a day each.(again subject to long term testing, also in testing so far this has caused an occasional bottleneck at US West coast ports while waiting for fuel and supply to trickle down to the ports, values subject to change based on test results) Reduced daily supply and fuel at Karachi (10,000, 5,000) and removed all daily supply and fuel from Bombay. Karachi is now the only supply point in India, values subject to change based on test results. Added 50 Indian infantry squads to each of the Static base forces in India as garrisons. Increased Aviation support at the following Australian bases, Perth (90), Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne (150) each and made them static. Increased aviation support at Auckland to (90) and made unit static Increased aviation support (250) to Major West coast base forces and made them static. Pilot Changes Japanese Changed IJAAF to 35 per month Changed IJNAF to 25 per month Allied