rtrapasso -> RE: did this change? land mvmnt rule??? (5/6/2005 12:26:13 AM)
ORIGINAL: freeboy OK, MY COMPLETE BAD FOR LACK OF MAKINGHTIS CLEAR>>> [&o] I surronded Canton wiht units, he is in Canto, I also have units in Canton I am nmoving units from the hex just to the right of canton into canton.. the hex becomes empty, at which time z's forces slinshot out of canton.. I at the same time get a new unit into this hex.. he then moves to cultivated hex next to Swatow, but now may be stuck there as I again am surrounding him.. this time he dies!!!!! Swatow fell during this time frame OK - Japanese unit surrounded in Canton. Allied units also in Canton. Allied units surround Canton including hex directly to the east of Canton (call this hex A). I *assume* there are no Japanese in hex A with the Allied unit as when the Allies vacate it, it becomes empty. (Let me know if this is wrong). Japanese move from Canton to east (into hex A), at the same time Allied units move from hex A west into Canton and other Allied units move (from elsewhere) into hex A. If i understand this, then he should be moving from one allied ZOC to another (not supposed to matter if the ZOC is disputed. This is NOT supposed to happen. Of course, if i am mistinterpreting what you said let me know.