Cap Mandrake -> Genus Epiblastia (10/9/2005 6:24:19 PM)
Scene: Communications hut, Port Moresby, Feb 28, 1942 Radio Operator: "Sir, message received, codename 'Milo'. Its from our recon team on the Kokoda Trail. Codename 'Milo' is not in the book but here is the message. It was broadcast in the clear." OOD: "The God Damned radio discipline around here is just shot to Hell. Alright, let's here it" Radio Operator: "Yes sir. It reads...Milo, we found a possible new species of the genus Epiblastia right off the Kokoda Track in the valley you suggested. It is a beautful creamy white with yellow stamens. We have four in our possesion now. Still searching. It is bloody hot out here. We are going to want more than your original offer for new finds. Returning soon" OOD: "That's it?" Radio Operator: "Yes sir. Transmission ended. Do you know what Epiblastia is sir? I just tried to sound it out. I'm not sure of the spelling" OOD: "I'm not sure son, but it may be one of the Japanese knee mortars. Very odd paint scheme though, white and yellow. That just doesnt seem practical in the jungle. I wonder if it was diverted from Manchuria and hasnt been repainted yet." Radio Operator: "Manchuria sir?" OOD: "Yes, Manchuria, son. It snows there you know" Radio Operator: "Ah, I see sir" OOD: "Right, in any event it sounds like they have some PW's....and it sounds almost like someone has promised them a reward of some kind. I am going to have to look that up in the Army Field Manual. I am not sure that is permitted. While I am working on that, get this over to G2" Radio Operator: "Will do sir, right away"