Cap Mandrake -> PDB (5/4/2006 10:09:36 PM)
Presidential Daily Briefing, Oval Office, July 29, 1942 Present: POTUS, Mr. Hoover, Gen. Marshall, Adm King, Adm Leahy, Sec Stimson Absent: Mr. Truman, (sent out to get coffee and to see if he could find some kind of fish eggs) POTUS: "Good, now that Truman is gone, lets get down to business. I detest that self-righteous, populist, diletante. If I hear one more hackneyed aphorism from that product of two centuries of consanguineous marriage I swear I may decorate that $20 back-country suit of his with patrician vomitus. I never want that nimrod to be cleared on the Manhattan Project, is that clear?" All: "Yes sir" POTUS: "Very well. <turns to Hoover> Bill tells me you are the reason I can't have my sea urchin eggs. Is that right?" Hoover: <appears obviously surprised> "Sir..are you saying..have you also been served canned sea urchin roe from M&M Enterprises? <his voice rising in pitch in apparent alarm> POTUS: "How should I know, it comes to me on ice. It is really quite delicious." Hoover: "But Mr President, that product, and it's distributor are suspected in the Japanese "Go -gan" leader abduction plot. You may be in jeapordy" POTUS: "Oh not that again. Didn't you hear about Presidential Directive 1.8? Gen. Marshall, Adm. King, are we OK on that? Any abductions since 1.8 went into effect?" Gen Marshall: "No sir" Adm King: "No, Mr. President" POTUS:: "Well, there you have it. Mr. Hoover, I want my fish eggs back and I want it now. Is that clear?" Mr Hoover:: "Yes sir, but what about the war profiteering angle?" POTUS:: "Oh Christ! Now you sound like Truman. Why not throw Henry Ford in the klink too? I want my fish eggs and I want a case for Churchill too. Period. End of discussion. The color of innovation is green Mr Hoover, and it has pictures of my predecessors on it. "<turns to Marshall> "Now, General Marshall, how are things going in South Java? In particular, can you tell me if the Japanese have been pushed back from a position called...hold on...<pulls paper out of pocket>.....a position called "Kittyhawk West".........