James P -> Nooooooo!!!!!! (6/2/2001 3:35:00 PM)
I give up!
While managing to work around the problem as discussed in topic: http://www.matrixgames.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=15&t=000158
I have now hit another snag. Suddenly from nowhere, when I'm playing an unsecured head to head game, I open and play the turn with no problems. When I end my turn and hit save, the game crashes back to the windows desktop.
The only thing that has changed on my PC config since I was last able to save is I have upgraded Windows Media player to version 7.1, and I can't see why this would effect SPWAW!!!. This means I can no longer play any form of head to head game, secure or unsecured due to these problems - bring back version 4.5!!! :mad:
How can a step up in version produce so many new problems? I have had my credit card charged $30 for the version 5.1 CD to be shipped to the UK and I now know is not going to work, so it's money down the drain......Can I cancel my order and get a refund Matrix??
Sorry to ask this, but I love this game, but $30 dollars for something I can't play is a luxury I can't afford