jchastain -> RE: Wish List: Suggestions for a future patch (7/5/2005 8:03:22 PM)
ORIGINAL: Jordan After two days of pissing off my wife... WOW! Does that ever hit close to home. [8|] quote:
ORIGINAL: Jordan - Clearer economics. I like the variability in the results but I would like to be able to make some reasonable assumptions plus or minus a percentage, if you know what I mean. I do not want complete control nor a game where I am a clerk, determining the number of shoelaces I need to buy. On this level, the abstraction of the economics of the game are just right (imo), just need to be a little clearer, that's all. I agree, though if you have any detailed suggestions of specifically what you might add, that would likely be more helpful. I have suggested adding additional information to various boxes that I think would be helpful, especially to beginning players. But this is a case where I think they really benefit from specifics such as "Add information X to display Y". quote:
ORIGINAL: Jordan - Tactial battles. Would like to see a little more space between the opposing forces, not much more just a little. Would like the opportunity to use my light cav. As it stands now they have little practical game use (although they may affect pursuit totals in the quick battles - I don't know) and I don't produce them. Agree. But as you say, just a bit. The battles that start on the far end of the current range are just about right. The right answer might be to just reduce the variability a bit be removing the half of the current range that is closest. quote:
ORIGINAL: Jordan - Survivability(?) of nations and Conquer the World. I would like to see defeated nations be able to survive more - Austria surrended three times and still was a viable nation, playing the vital, pivot role in 1813. Not sure how this can be accomplished - maybe the victorious nation should be penalized for too harsh a peace settlement in terms of GP? That is, it should be in the interest of a player to render another nation to servititude. I like the wastage idea, which inhibits the ability to conquer the world and I even think it (and other inhibiting ideas like it) should be increased. I don't care for "steamroller" games but prefer a game with midgame and endgame challenges. Perhaps dominance rather than conquering should be the main goal. I actually haven't seen a problem here myself. Nations surrender and lose a province and some glory but are generally far from crippled. I would disagree about increasing waste. I think the game strikes a very nice balance now and allows some growth without allowing it to become a "grab everything you can" type game. I also suspect that by tightening the rules around expansion, you are more likely to narrow the appeal of the game instead of broadening it. Just my two cents worth.