jchastain -> How waste works... (7/12/2005 2:54:53 AM)
For any who missed this burried in another thread, I played around with waste a bit and here is how it seems to work... First, waste is a result of total production ONLY. It is not impacted by number of provinces, level of feudalism, or anything else. Next, waste does not seem to impact labor, food or (strangely) wool. (Wool is especially strange since cotton does experience waste - bug?). There is a threshold level of production for each remaining item below where waste is created. For most items it is 10. For Iron and Cotton, it is 20. So, there is no waste at all on the first 10 of everything produced and the first 20 of iron or cotton produced. For any production above that threshhold, waste is set at 50% for everything EXCEPT textiles - they experience waste at 90%. So, if you produce 24 horses, the first 10 are below the threshold. The next 14 experience 50% waste so you lose 7 of them to waste. For any production above 3x the threshold, you lose 90% waste. So any production above 30 for most items and any production above 60 for Iron and Cotton experiences extreme (90%) waste. So, if you produce 40 horses, the first 10 experience no waste, the next 20 experience 50% waste so you lose 10 of them, and the remaining 10 produce 90% waste so you lose 9 more for a total waste of 19. (Textiles waste 90% all the time so the step up doesn't impact them).