RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (Full Version)

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ian77 -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/19/2005 2:54:02 AM)

I'll give Austria a go, never tried them before... can we have a pre 1800 scenario?

Couldnt TheRockSal be France ( if he wants to be) and kick off, he would post west coast to cent europe, and then Belphegor would process Britains turn? Just a thought to get us started "tonight"?


(What am I suggesting... I dont need a human running France if I am crappy Austria!!!!!)[X(]

TheRockSal -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/19/2005 9:40:07 AM)

Good luck with our other game, I'm a little overwhelmed at being surrounded by EVERYONE....I'm kind of happy I get Turkey this time..[&o]

nukkxx5058 -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/19/2005 11:09:11 AM)

I have no problem to change... but I understand TheRockSal would like to keep Turkey.

So I setup the game like that. I mentioned in my first post a 1792 scenario. I just hope it is OK for everyboby.

Here is the roster:

1) nukkxx (GMT+2)- Britain
2) ian77 (GMT+1)- Austria
3) Belphegore (CST)- Russia
4) TheRockSal (West coast)- Turkey

I set-up the game and send the file to Ian.

nukkxx5058 -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/19/2005 11:17:49 AM)

I just notice that I don't have Belphegor and Ian email addresses...

(mine is mentioned above)

ian77 -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/19/2005 1:15:57 PM)

I am at - ianfjohnston "at" aol "dot"com

nukkxx5058 -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/19/2005 2:20:41 PM)

Turn 0 sent to Ian. I hope I did the setup OK. Pls check and tell me if you see a problem.

ian77 -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/19/2005 2:30:38 PM)

I am in the office at the moment... will get straight onto it later this PM


Belphegor -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/19/2005 3:13:00 PM)

Sent you a message with the email address in it. Ian77, you should have got an email from me yesterday with my address...if not I am sending you another message now...

ian77 -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/19/2005 7:41:10 PM)

Got it thanks, and have sent on my move!

Belphegor -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/20/2005 12:26:36 AM)

Ermmm. it should have gone to me as the third player? Or did the game force you to send it to TheRockSal and I should expect it from him... no matter... eagerly awaiting the file.

ian77 -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/20/2005 9:00:41 AM)

Ooops, sorry for mix up... you should have it now..


Belphegor -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/20/2005 3:53:14 PM)

Sent on!

TheRockSal -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/20/2005 6:22:24 PM)

Just got the SVE file from Belphegor....there was no REP we need that or can I just play and send off the SVE file?

nukkxx5058 -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/20/2005 7:24:47 PM)

well, I think the REP file is for "reports" so in my opinion, you need it for better analysis of the situation. I don't know if it is required "physically" by the software. I think we should wait for Belphegor to send it to you... there's no rush :-) We will need a couple of turns before to reach our cruising speed :-)

Belphegor -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/20/2005 7:52:09 PM)

I did actually send both files... my email program has a nasty habit of embedding text attachments directly into the email. I have resent both files zipped to prevent that. Sorry about that. It also depends on the receiver's email at the other end, but usually it is my program's fault...

they have been resent!

nukkxx5058 -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/20/2005 8:17:53 PM)

yes, I have the same problem (with yahoo mail). That's why I sent zipped files to ian77.

TheRockSal -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/20/2005 8:26:23 PM)

Got the files....until the first patch comes out and alt-tab hopefully works for me, I need to be a little discreet in my playing here at work....but I should have my turn done the next few hours.

** Just sent off my turn to Nukkxx. Man, I'd been practicing Spain all week waiting for my turn in another game which still hasn't got to me...and now having to hurry at work with Turkey in a whole new scenario...I need to get home tonight to really figure out my 2nd move....augh.

nukkxx5058 -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/20/2005 10:42:28 PM)

My brit's turn just sent to (Austr)Ian :-)))

ian77 -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/21/2005 12:51:50 AM)

I have sent the right files this time!

Over to Russia!

TheRockSal -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/21/2005 12:56:42 AM)

HOly cow..the turns are going fast................SWEEEEEEEET

I'd better not get mine till i get to study my moves...aughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Belphegor -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/21/2005 1:51:58 AM)

sorry, study on the march! [:D]

turn sent to you.

TheRockSal -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/21/2005 4:57:35 AM)

Ok..sent turn off to England.

Question: In the regular game against the A.I. glory accumulates after one turn but no one has any glory after the first turn in our game...just curious when glory starts to accumulate in PBEM. Thanks

nukkxx5058 -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/21/2005 9:08:11 AM)

Files sent to Ian.

Regarding glory, I have no idea. I never played PBEM (my first pbem attempt crashed due to a bug)

ian77 -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/21/2005 3:55:42 PM)



Ok..sent turn off to England.

Question: In the regular game against the A.I. glory accumulates after one turn but no one has any glory after the first turn in our game...just curious when glory starts to accumulate in PBEM. Thanks

I thought the score was always zero on the events screen after the first move........

ian77 -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/21/2005 4:36:22 PM)

Well it was a fast game until it reached me[8|]

Stuck in the office with auditors finalizing our yearend accounts.. so my turn will not be ready until 1800GMT or there abouts.............sorry


nukkxx5058 -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/21/2005 4:56:16 PM)

no problem :-) it's very fast anyway so far so don't worry ;-)
IMO if we can do 4 or 5 full turns a week , this would be perfect !

TheRockSal -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/21/2005 6:24:26 PM)

Auditors.......woo hoo. I've been an accountant for this small company for a few years but the accountant before me messed the books up pretty bad and we should be up for an audit pretty soon for about a 4 year time period...can't wait for that! [:(]

Belphegor -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/21/2005 7:42:07 PM)


Well it was a fast game until it reached me

Stuck in the office with auditors finalizing our yearend accounts.. so my turn will not be ready until 1800GMT or there abouts.............sorry

Not a problem considering 1800GMT is noon my time. I'm still at work and won't be home for at least 4 more hours...

ian77 -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/22/2005 5:04:34 AM)

Work caused way too many problems[:@]

Turn now sent on its way.

Belphegor -> RE: Fast PBEM - 4 Nations (7/22/2005 5:32:54 AM)

not a problem.. the benefits of timezones.... I got it and have sent it on..

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