Hard Sarge -> RE: I have been trying to get others to join in (7/30/2005 6:09:37 PM)
Hi Mwalker LOL, well, don't really see myself so much as a uber, but I do think a lot of us should be seen as Experten main trick is I have been flying flight/combat sims, since 1981 I have and do fly a lot of Fighter Ace, a online sim, and while I like IL-2 very much, I see it mainly as a offline game, the way SA is set up is really poor (situration awhareness, lol, spelling again) overall in IL-2 I don't fly on realitic, as the sim is no where close to real, the FM sucks, and the AI cheats, and the game is very heavy into the SU slant so as the main point is to have some fun, I would say to get into the level of flight that feels right to you, if that means no stalls, turn the stalls off, if you don't think you need to land after every flight, turn the have to land off (all of my flight sims, I tend to go out and fly around and then come back to land, if I can land with no hassles, then I believe I do not need to land, as I know I can do it, if I have trouble with the landing in the game, then I will work on it, until I feel, I would know how to do it, so do not have to) again, the idea is to enjoy yourself, not make it a job but so saying, I do try to keep most of the flight model close to real for combat, well, that depends on how you fly and what you do, over all, the old rule is still the basic, get close and fire only when you think you got a good chance to hit something like a 109 K, with that big old 30mm in the nose, means get close and tap the trigger, one round that hits is almost a sure kill, and as you don't really have many rounds, you do not want to mash the trigger Allied planes with 50 cals, you need to open up further back, as the 50 dont really do the damage that other guns do, but they do tend to wear a plane out, a good brust and the plane will just glide to the ground, it is a kill, but it takes time to get and if you stick with the cripple, you are a easy target for the AI one trick if they have the edge in turn, is to keep changing targets, lock on this one, then break off and go after another, also, in a big fight, you can lock onto some one who is chaseing one of your mates the AI does get target fixatated, hopefully not on you, as you can get every plane in the sky on your tail the higher rank you are, the better you can control the fight, if you control the squadron, you can then pick the targets for each flight, you would be surprise how much better the squadron will do, once you take control of it IL-2, is sort of strange as the dead six is not a good place to be, but if you can angle off on your attack, you can really knock down planes fast if possible, the wingroot, is the prime target, your lead is a little long, you may hit the engine, a little short, you will tear up the tail, a little high and you got a chance to hit the cockpit, and a little low and you may still rip off a aireron , and of course, if you hit what you aim at, you can chop the wing off, or hit the fuel tank and blow it apart try to be higher, when ever you got a spare moment, gain alt or gain speed and trade it for alt later if you can, don't climb into a fight, but in combat, you got to do what you got to do of course, being able to see patterns in how the AI flys also helps :) HARD_Sarge if you need details on anything, give me a situation and I will run it over