RE: War Report 4/5/42 - IJN BB's hit in the DEI (Full Version)

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FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report 4/5/42 - IJN BB's hit in the DEI (11/17/2006 6:37:35 AM)

Certainly. There are no Sir Robins on the Allied team in this game. Sometimes to their benefit, sometimes not.


ORIGINAL: Monter_Trismegistos

Wow. First sending lone cruisers to torch your convoys. Then he is sending lone CV into harms way, and put 4 torps to BBs without punishment. This guy definetely has big cojones. Who is he? Despite I am JFB, i think he earned a medal.

FeurerKrieg -> Allied Cruisers Hit! War Report 4/6/42 (11/26/2006 11:00:22 AM)

War Report 4/6/42
Various airstrikes across China and Burma.
On Borneo, the defenders were pushed out of Balikpapan in a final assault. The oil and resource facilities there were captured 100% intact and will be useful in fueling the Imperial war machine. Troops continue to unload at Palembang and Betty/Nell bombers continue to hit enemy troops there.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Ground troops continue to move on Noumea, the 38th should move into bombardment positions tomorrow, and the rest of the ground troops a day or two after that.

Recon reports from yesterday proved correct and several Nells launched from Rabaul to hit the ships at Milne Bay. The heavy cruiser Australia was hit with 3 torpedos, the heavy cruiser Canberra was hit with 4 torpedoes, and the formidable light cruiser Mauritius was hit with 3 torpedoes and confirmed sunk. A group of submarines in the area will move to cover the approaches to Gili Gili tomorrow in case the wounded cruisers make a run south for PM or the Australian coast. If they do not run, then Bettys or Nells will likely finished them off tomorrow. Also, the AK Mormacland was reported sunk at Christmas Island.



Top down, CA Australia, CL Mauritius, and a listing, damaged CA Canberra.

Sub Ops:
Nothing to report today.

Non-Ops Air Losses
Walrus - 2 (on the Mauritius)
Blenheim IV - 1

Imperial Air Force
G3M Nell - 5
Ki-15 Babs - 1
Ki-46-II Dinah - 1

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
AP Shinko Maru 52/69/0 (Balikpapan)
PC CH32 41/37/0 (Balikpapan)
AP Matsukawa Maru 44/53/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Hyuga 27/33/3 (Balikpapan)
BB Mutsu 47/36/13 (Balikpapan)
BB Kongo 34/16/2 (Palembang)
AP Tacoma Maru 42/47/0 (Koumac)
DD Urakaze 65/80/0 (Koumac)
CL Kashima 62/60/0 (Koumac)
AP Tsuruga Maru 53/81/0 (Koumac)
AP Gyoko Maru 80/70/0 (Koumac)
AK Kinugasa Maru 36/8/0 (Koumac)
AP Seattle Maru 51/63/0 (Koumac)
AP Atsuta Maru 74/95/0 (Koumac)
AP Ume Maru 23/14/0 (Kagoshima)

Ships sunk today:
AP Tazan Maru (Koumac)
AP Arabia Maru (Koumac)

The following made it back to Rabaul today:
AP ZUiho Maru 66/46/0 (Koumac)
AP Otori Maru 35/21/0 (Koumac)


FeurerKrieg -> Action EVERYWHERE! War Report 4/7/42 (11/30/2006 10:27:50 AM)

Wow, what a day.

War Report 4/7/42
Standard airstrikes across China/Burma, of course.

The main event for today was a nighttime running surface engagement near Palembang. The British were back, showing up with two Battlecruisers and escorts. Not sure if they expected to meet resistance or not, but the Kongo, Mogami, Takao and escorts were ready for the challenge.
Kongo (top) versus Royal Sovereign.

The British task group came from the east and then moved in closer to the coast. The Kongo group moved out to attack from the west, but the British detected them early, firing off starshells to gauge the targets. The Japanese cruisers and destroyers fired off a full spread of torpedoes, every ship in the group fired. Unfortunately none of them connected. In return the British launched a couple torpedoes, one of which found the Kongo. Flames started aboard the Kongo and immediately the British took the advantage, pounding the Kongo with nearly a dozen 15in shells from the Royal Sovereign. Warspite was further to the east and not in position to attack at this point in the evening.
While the British concentrated their fire on the Kongo, the cruisers and destroyers moved east to seek shelter in the dark. As they did so, they fired off numerous torpedos and kept their guns blazing. Several 8inch shells hit the Royal Sovereign, but could not penetrate the ships armor, even at 2000 yards. One torpedo caught the DD Palading, and several primary and secondary shells hit the DD's Paladin, Napier, Electra, and the CLAA Columbo.
The Kongo was developing a heavy list and had ceased firing when the first torpedo hit. It attempted to turn about and head for the harbor. The British pursued west and hit the Kongo repeatedly with the big 15in shells, until finally the big ship was driven under.
As the Kongo was being sunk, the Paladina and Napier lost their struggles with fires and floods and went under also. The Japanese task force was out of range to the east, and the British began to head northwest, presumably to check the channel for targets.
The commander of the Japanese group now knew he was severly outgunned, two Battlecruisers against two heavy cruisers. However, in true samurai style, he turned to the northwest and headed for the British. As the British looked for targets to the north, ahead of them, they did not detect the cruisers coming up from the southeast. They took a large sweep across towards Muntok, and then headed southeast when they were caught off guard by the Mogami, Takao and their escorts.
Again, the cruisers fired off many torpedoes, but at the shorter range, many more of them hit. The Royal Sovereign took 3 torpedoes immediately and was dead in the water. The Columbo took a torpedo that lit it up as well. The DD Electra, already on fire from earlier, was an easy target and took many 5 & 8inch shells until it sunk. The destroyers ran in for more torpedo shots and managed to hit the Royal Sovereign again, and also put one into the Warspite which had by now moved into range. The fourth torpedo was too much for the Sovereign and it went under. The cruisers and detroyers steamed at full speed to the west to get away from the Warspite before it could get a good fix on them, while the DD Shirayuki and DD Hatsuyuki, slowed from damage, turned north to head for Singers. The Shirayuki sunk before dawn however.

The 2nd Battle of Palembang.

2nd Battle of Palembang (1st was the battle with the Ashigara)
BB Kongo, CA Takao, CA Mogami and 6 Destroyers
BB Warspire, BB Royal Sovereign, CLAA Columbo, and 3 Destroyers

Japan: 1 BB Sunk, 1 DD heavily damaged. 1 DD sunk.
British: 1 BB Sunk, 1 BB damaged (torpedo), 1 CLAA heavily damaged, 3 DD sunk.

While this battle raged in the approaches, on the coastline, transports continued to unload troops and supplies for the land battle.

South of Borneo, the SS Sealion attacked the AK Dainiti Maru on the surface with its deck gun, landing a hit with the 4incher. However, the AK did managed to drive the sub off with a hit from its 3inch gun.
Sub attack near Balikpapan.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
As if the surface battle in Sumatra wasn't enough, a US carrier launched a raid against Wake Island! In the morning, Liberators attacked as they have been the last few days, but today Oscars were on hand to meet them. The first strike got by easily enough, but the second Liberator attack was turned away due to damage inflicted by the Oscars. Later in the day, a large group of SBD Dauntlesses attacked from the northeast. While only one was shot down bythe Oscars, the strike was made less effective by the CAP. Flak brought down two more SBDs. The SBD hit both the airfield and a couple ships at the port. A small Wa class MSW and a cargo ship. Both were hit with 1000lb bombs and scuttled.
SBD's attack Wake Island.

On New Caledonia, things were no less surprising. As the 38th moved took positions outside the main base at Noumea, Catalina transports were spotted taking off to the north. A short time later, reports of American paratroops floating down onto Koumac base were heard! The two base forces there easily withstood the assault, and now those Marines are cut off from supplies. Also, recon shows a rising troops count at Noumea, so it is clear that the Allies have drawn a line in the sand here. No LBA attacks today though.

Normanby Island was checked and secured by a small SNLF contingent today as well.

Sub Ops:
The sub fleet was on its toes also today, scoring 4 hits, and one big kill in various action.

The RO-61 added to its kill scores with an assist when it found the damaged CA Canberra near Milne Bay, as expected. It manage to put a torpedo into the cruiser, causing the ship to lose what little hold it had on its damage control. It sunk rapidly.
The RO-61 finishes off the heavy cruiser Canberra.

The RO-34, near Noumea, caught a convoy of reinforcements heading into the port and managed to hit a cargo ship carrying troops and supplies. Although not sunk, the cargo certainly took some damage.

The I-174, was the first sub of the war to claim to hits in one night, as it patroled the retreat route of the ships hit at Milne Bay. It put one torpedo into each of the AK's Empire Hartebeeste and Kwangtung. The I-174 did take some light damage from the escorts DC's, but it will stay on station for now.

The subs have all been ordered to continue to track with the damage ships as they head for Australia.
Sub activity for 4/7/42.

Non-Ops Air Losses
SBD Dauntless - 3
Walrus - 1 (On the Canberra?)

Imperial Air Force
Ki-43-Ib - 3
Ki-46-II Dinah - 1
F1M2 Pete - 1 (On the Kongo)

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
AP Shinko Maru 52/72/0 (Balikpapan)
PC CH32 41/37/0 (Balikpapan)
AP Matsukawa Maru 44/61/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Hyuga 27/34/1 (Balikpapan)
BB Mutsu 48/35/5 (Balikpapan)
AK Dainiti Maru 29/6/12 (Balikpapan)
AP Tacoma Maru 42/52/0 (Koumac)
AP Gyoko Maru 80/77/0 (Koumac)
AK Kinugasa Maru 36/8/0 (Koumac)
AP Ume Maru 23/10/0 (Kagoshima)
DD Hatsuyuki 70/44/25 (Palembang)
DD Akatsuki 32/4/16 (Palembang)
SS I-174 12/8/0 (Gili Gili)

Ships sunk today:
MSW Wa2 - Scuttled at Wake
AK Delagoa Maru - Scuttled at Wake
BB Kongo - Lost at Palembang
DD Shirayuki - Lost at Palembang
AP Atsuta Maru (Koumac)

The following made it back to Rabaul today:
DD Urakaze (Koumac), may still sink - at 92 flood.
CL Kashima (Koumac)
AP Tsuruga Maru (Koumac)
AP Seattle Maru (Koumac)


Raverdave -> RE: Action EVERYWHERE! War Report 4/7/42 (11/30/2006 10:42:16 AM)

Just love your detailed AAR.keep up the good work.

FeurerKrieg -> RE: Action EVERYWHERE! War Report 4/7/42 (12/1/2006 8:38:32 AM)

Thanks Raver! Always nice to know someone out there is reading. [:)]

Terminus -> RE: Action EVERYWHERE! War Report 4/7/42 (12/1/2006 12:15:23 PM)

Make that sometwo...

Monter_Trismegistos -> RE: Action EVERYWHERE! War Report 4/7/42 (12/1/2006 5:03:37 PM)

Somethree [:D]

MarcA -> RE: Operation Go (12/8/2006 2:16:52 AM)


I have been asked to appear before you in person, to report on the preparations for the forthcoming Operation Go. In short, forces of the Chinese Expeditionary Force are poised to make a lightning strike on the city of Chungking.

Prior to presentation of these plans, a brief review of operations in China is warranted. At the start of the war for the liberation of the Asian peoples, armies of the CEF marched on Changsha. This was vacated by the Chinese. After this a strong force pushed along the Homan/Sian axis. Despite fierce resistance, these cities were taken and North and South China was cut in half.

At this point the CEF forces were divided between Yenen in the North and Wuchow in the South. The Chinese took this opportunity to strike at Hsingyang. This force, of 4 corps, was caught, surrounded and summarily annihilated. The Chinese made several rescue attempts, all of which were easily repulsed. The final attempts, by 4 corps and a tank division, was itself caught when units of the 1st Para Rgt landed on and captured Ichang. Unfortunately the Para's could not be reinforced prior to strong enemy forces retaking the city. The Paras did however destroy all defences in Ichang.

At this point pressure was re-applied at Wuchow and Yenen. Resistance at Yenen has been stiff and little progress has been made in the 3 month long siege. However, Wuchow quickly folded and the enemy of 9 corps fled and have been cornered in the lands West of Kweilin. This allowed our forces to March on Kweiyang.

Approximately 3 weeks ago, during a CEF command meeting, Lt Gen Homma of the 12th Army HQ presented plans for a lightning strike through central China, from Changsha to Chungking. As the fighting has devolved to the far North and far South the enemy has left his centre poorly defended.

Discussion of these plans by the CEF chiefs of staff, followed by some war games, indicated the plans had merit and had the potential to end the war in China in one swift motion.

Operation Go


Orders were issued at the staff meeting for forces from all areas of China to converge on Changsha in utmost secrecy. Reconnaissance flights have indicated that the enemy has not reacted to any of these movements and has primarily been unaware of them.

The forces arrayed for Operation Go consist of 14 Div, 5 Bde, 3 Tank, 15 Art and 3 Combat Eng Rgts, all under the command of the Lt. Gen Homma’s 12th Army, with 5th army subordinate to Homma's 12th. A reserve of 6 divs has also been made available, to counter any enemy thrusts or provide support to Homma's primary assault group.

Essentially, the primary assault group will cross the fords West of Changsha, shattering the units of the 5th War Area defending the ford. The enemy combat strength is estimated at 9 corps. The primary assault group will then chase the shattered corps all the way to Chungking. Once in Chunking the city will be quickly assaulted with the aim of pushing out the defenders. How successful this will be will depend on how well the city has been fortified and the number of defenders. Current estimates only put the defenders at 3 corps.

Prior to reaching the Chungking a fast flanking group, consisting of one heavy bde and 3 armoured units, under the command of Lt Gen Kuno's 5th army, will move NE to try to intercept possible reinforcements from the Ichang and Sian areas. Forces of Lt Gen Tanaka’s 23rd Army are also currently marching on Kweiyang, planning to enter the city concurrently with the assault on the fords. This is to prevent enemy reinforcement along this axis.

As I speak air units, which have recently been concentrating operations about Kungchang in the North to confuse the enemy, have started the preparatory bombardment of the forces of the 5th War Area. Our troops will be crossing the fords within the next two days.

I will endeavour to keep members of the war council informed of events.

Glory to the Emperor

General Mantill

FeurerKrieg -> War Report 4/8/42 (12/16/2006 8:27:29 AM)

War Report 4/8/42
Fairly quiet in most areas after yesterday's actions. In Burma, west of Lashio, Japanese forces routed the Chinese defenders on the east side of the river.
Morotai was captured by the Yokosuka 3rd SNLF as well.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Problems at Noumea are arising rapidly. Two new divisions were identified during a strong counterattack which forced the 38th Division back to La Foa. Also, a large group of Allied ships off the coast of Koumac is not good to see. Whether they are there to pick up the USMC paratroops, or drop off new troops is unclear.

After internal discussions with Gen Mantill and GHQ Alex, I have decided to not attempt entering Noumea for now. Ideally, our troops will pull back to Koumac and do their best to hang on until such time as events in China, Burma or the DEI free up a couple divisions that can be used as reinforcements. In the meantime, Mavis transports in Rabaul will pick up a few cadres of the various units at La Foa in case they are eliminated.

The Santa Cruz and New Hebrides will be secured in the interim to provide proper airsupport if and when the offensive is resumed. In the meantime, we will have to be satified with the fact that current fighting will be occuring in a place that we can afford to lose.

Sub Ops:
The RO-64, south of Gili Gili, attacked the AK Empire Hartebeeste and hit with two torpedoes. The cargo ships sank later in the night.

At Koumac, as the Allied fleet closed in, the I-160 took some shots at the AK Hollywood, but failed to score any hits.

Subs will remain on station around New Caledonia. The environment is target rich at the moment, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of escorts around.

Non-Ops Air Losses
PBY Catalina - 1

Imperial Air Force
H8K Emily - 1
H6K4 Mavis - 1

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
AP Shinko Maru 52/84/0 (Balikpapan)
PC CH32 41/47/0 (Balikpapan)
AP Matsukawa Maru 44/60/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Hyuga 27/39/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Mutsu 55/49/3 (Balikpapan)
AP Ume Maru 23/5/0 (Kagoshima)
DD Hatsuyuki 75/55/10 (Palembang)
DD Akatsuki 37/5/6 (Palembang)
SS I-174 12/4/0 (Gili Gili)

The DD Urakaze sunk in port at Rabaul today.

The AP Gyoko Maru, and AP Tacoma Maru arrived in Rabaul today.

The AK Dainiti Maru and AK Kinugasa Maru secured from fires and flood today.


FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report 4/8/42 (12/17/2006 11:09:57 AM)

War Report 4/9/42
The airwar in Burma moves to Lashio proper as the Chinese retreat to that base. A small handful of Hurricanes put up a defense there today. One Zero was lost, but the airfield was hit with over 120 bombers and effectively closed. In China, 101 Sonia dive bombers, and 71 Sally bombers, began pounding the Chinese forces guarding the river crossing west of Changsha.
On Borneo, the base of Sinkawang was attacked by the 16th Naval Guard unit, who easily forced out the 11th DAF Base Force garrision. The enemies retreat to Pontianak. Also, our troops began landing at Jambi, north of Palembang.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
At New Caledonia, the intention of Allied ships off Koumac became apparent as enemy troops were reported disembarking from landing craft through the night and day. Garrision forces were not numerous enough to offer any significant opposition to the landings. The main group at La Foa is enroute back to Koumac, whether they will make it in time to secure the base is questionable.

At Wake, the Americans showed up again. The BB New Mexico, 3 cruisers and escorts moved in to bombard the island base. The DD Mochizuki was just arriving at port in the middle of the night and bravely attempted to hit the battleship with Long Lance torpedoes, but its shots went wide and the counterattack from all the enemy ships easily sunk the destroyer. The time and ammo spent dispatching the destroyer may have been helpful however, as the bombardment did absolutely no damage to the airbase, and only light damage to the coastal defense guns on the base. Many hits were landed on the enemy ships, but none penetrated their armor.

The next morning the enemy ships were still offshore when two gunboats that had been intending to rendezvous with the Mochizuki arrive. They were also attacked, but managed to escape with heavy damage. The enemy ships were all firing heavy caliber guns though, and with any luck they are now too low on ammo to do another bombardment tomorrow. Alf's at Wake attempted to attack the enemy ships. Although the 30kg GP bombs had little effect, one lucky hit on the CL St. Louis managed to take out an AA mount.
A lucky hit off Wake Island.

Slightly over 100 miles to the east, a few ships were spotted moving in to the island. Reports show that a couple of them may be enemy troop transports. The fleet doesn't look large, but recon could have simply missed some of them. Betty's have been moved to Saipan and Kwaj in case long range strikes can be launched. The Emily's at Wake have moved back to Marcus for now, and some Kate have been moved to Kwaj for movement to Wake the next day. There are currently twenty 5.5" guns and twenty-three 4.7" guns functioning on the atoll, so with luck any enemy landings will still take a fair pounding before hitting the shore.

While it is tempting to move our carrier fleets towards Wake, to do so would delay the taking of Santa Cruz and Louganville. In short, we would be reacting to Allied moves instead of forcing them to react to us. For now, what air units that can be brought to bear will be, but major naval assets will not be commited. If Wake is lost, the Allies will have a hard time suppling it, and it is possible that we could launch a reconquest attempt in the future.

Lastly, Canton Island today finished its airbase constuction efforts. Medium range bomber will now be able to carry torpedoes from the base. Efforts will now change focus to providing fortications and island defenses.

Sub Ops:
The target rich environment at New Caledonia is proving to be a boon for our subs.
In the evening, near Koumac, the AK Olopana was spotted outside of it formation. The I-160 took the opportunity and attacked the ship on the surface hitting with several torpedoes and its deck gun. Later in the morning, after tracking the ship and seeing it not sink, it approached again and put another torpedo into the Olopana. This time it sunk rapidly.
Further west from Koumac, in the broad daylight, the RO-34 managed to put three fish into the AK Admiral Chase. Due to the daylight hours, the RO-34 had to leave the scene before the ship could be verified sunk.
A couple subs are now nearly out of torpedoes and will head back to Rabaul for restocking and some R&R.

Non-Ops Air Losses
Hurricane II - 5
Hudson I - 1

Imperial Air Force
A6M2 Zero - 1
Ki-48 Lily - 1
E7K2 Alf - 1

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
AP Shinko Maru 51/78/0 (Balikpapan)
PC CH32 41/44/0 (Balikpapan)
AP Matsukawa Maru 44/63/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Hyuga 27/36/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Mutsu 57/55/1 (Balikpapan)
PG Saiko Maru 99/79/49 (Wake)
PG Kogyoku Maru 53/44/43 (Wake)

The DD Akatsuki, AP Ume Maru and SS I-174 have stopped all fires and flooding on their ships.
The DD Hatsuyuki has pulled into Singaport for emergency repairs.


FeurerKrieg -> War Report 4/10/42 (12/23/2006 10:47:27 AM)

War Report 4/10/42
Waves of Japanese airplanes hit Lashio again, keeping the airfield shut and destroying several Hurricanes on the ground.
Approximately 70 Betty bombers hit Bankha also.
The Allies had some planes up as well, Martins and Hudsons from Bankha and Batavia hit a couple transports unloading troops at Jambi. Blenheim IV's from Akyab attacked the troops marching on Lashio - they were met by a light CAP which reduced the effectivness of their attack.
Also, Cebu Island was occupied in the Phillipines.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
More action at Wake today:
The two damaged gunboats sailed east from the island in the nightime and managed to stumble across a group of transport ships escort by only a DMS. Unfortunately the gunboats were in such a bad way from the hits taken the day before from the big US ships that they could not effectively engage the transports. To make matters worse, the transports and even a tanker proceeded to shell the gunboats, sinking them both after many 3 and 4" shell hits. At Wake itself, the New Mexico and company came in for another bombardment run, again doing little damage. Our Coastal guns blazed away and the New Mexico was actually reported to have minor fires on deck.

Later in the evening and throughout the day, various Allied ships attempted to unload on the shores of Wake. Our troops were ready however and the Allies took some damage. First the AK San Simeon hit a mine and several enemy troops were lost in the explosion. Then, as the ships closed to unload, our coastal guns continued to land hits now and then, actually heavily damaging three cargo ships and one destroyer.

Once the sun was up several airstrikes were launched, but none managed to hit a target. Alf's launched from Wake itself, and from Kwajelein, Betty's on long range missions spotted their targets, but had a tough time putting their bombs into any enemy ships. LB-30's flew in attacks from Midway and although they got past the Oscar's at Wake, they did little damage.

The American's attempted an attack to gain some ground but did not fair well. Although our troops did take some casaulties, the enemy shock attack was easly stopped cold. We expect more reinforcements tomorrow, but the enemy force that has already landed is likely in rough condition.

Ground combat at Wake Island
Allied Shock attack
Attacking force 3320 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 86
Defending force 10137 troops, 78 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 135
Allied max assault: 64 - adjusted assault: 7
Japanese max defense: 132 - adjusted defense: 264
Allied assault odds: 0 to 1 (fort level 1)

Japanese ground losses:
240 casualties reported
Guns lost 7

Allied ground losses:
465 casualties reported

A group of Kate torpedo bombers has been brought in to take care of some of the enemy ships in the area. Also, a lone destroyer has been ordered in to attempt to hit enemy transports at night tomorrow. With luck the landings will be distrupted in the nighttime by the destroyer, and then the Kates will sink some enemy ships in the daylight.

At Koumac, the 6th Armor managed to reach the base to reinforce the base forces currently defending the area. It is expected that several of our naval battalions will reach the base tomorrow night as well, hopefully just in time for any attacks launched in during the day tomorrow. Enemy LBA has not been active, my guess would be it is scouring the seas expecting to catch our carriers comng after their transports. They won't find them of course, but our subs will continue to try and get some more hits in.

Sub Ops:
The AK Admiral Chase, hit a couple days ago, today was spotted sinking near Noumea. Subs in various places near Thursday Island, Noumea, Koumac and south of NG continue to stay in the thick of things looking for easy targets.

Non-Ops Air Losses
Hurricane II - 10
Blenheim IV - 2
Hudson I - 1
PB2Y Coronado - 1

Imperial Air Force
Ki-43-Ib Oscar - 3
H6K4 Mavis - 1

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
AP Shinko Maru 51/77/0 (Balikpapan)
PC CH32 41/48/0 (Balikpapan)
AP Matsukawa Maru 44/75/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Hyuga 27/37/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Mutsu 57/56/0 (Balikpapan)
AP Hakuyo Maru 10/5/9 (Jambi)

The PG's Saiko Maru and Kogyoku Maru were sunk east of Wake today.


FeurerKrieg -> BB New Mexico Sunk! War Report 4/11/42 (12/30/2006 12:08:00 PM)

War Report 4/11/42
Butung Island, near Kendari, was occupied by Japanese forces today.
Nates over Rangoon proved their worth today, shooting down approx 30% of an unescorted raid by Blenheim IV bombers. The remaining bombers were heavily disrupted and the raid caused little damage. Many Japanese planes again hit Lashio, as well as hitting Bankha in Sumatra.
Martins flying out of Balikpapan hit a transport unloading at Jambi. And Sonia divebombers stationed at Georgetown hit the AK Annalock at Kuala.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
At Wake:
In true Samaruai style, the DD Makigumo steamed in to Wake at full speed to try and find enemy ships by surprise. Unfortunately, the American transports were guarded by a small group of enemy destroyers on patrol. The Makigumo and these destroyers squared off for several hours, but very early on the Makigumo took hits to its main guns which put it at a sever disadvantage. The ship pressed on, however, and managed to fire off torpedoes, one of which hit the DD Kilty, which - along with multiple gun hits - managed to sink the enemy destroyer. AS was inevitable, the Makigumo was driven under by the other three enemy destroyers and was lost at sea with all hands.
Nighttime destroyer battles at Wake.

Throughtout the night, enemy ships continued to try and unload. Our coastal defense guns damaged several ships throughout the night and next days, as well as inflicting several casualties as the enemy was still landing under fire. In the midst of the landings, the BB New Mexico and its cruiser group fired off several secondary sized gun rounds at our defense, but did little damage. Enemy Liberators also flew over from Midway, but did little damage. Partly because they were harassed by our Oscar fighters.

During the daylight hours, Bettys from Kwajelein took the long flight to look for targets again, this time though they did hit one of the Allied ships, the APK Mauna Loa. More importantly, the Kates that had flown in yesterday were loaded with torpedoes and managed to locate the BB New Mexico as it retreated from its nighttime bombardment. No less than 5 torpedoes were put into the New Mexico, and the ship rapidly sank in the noon time sun.
The USS New Mexico, burning after being hit by several torpedoes.

On the island itself, the landing was again a failure. Several elements of the 25th USA Div and the 34th USA Engr Rgt were isolated and neutralized. Although some pockets of resistance remain, the initial threat presented from this invasion has passed for the moment.

At Koumac, the level bomber masses began attacking ground units at Koumac. Many of the naval landing groups have arrived at the base and the 38th Div is expected to make it to Koumac tomorrow.

Lastly, the CA Australia was confirmed sunk today.

Sub Ops:
The I-19 attacked and hit the AK Absaroka near Koumac.

Non-Ops Air Losses
Blenheim IV - 15
OS2U-3 Kingfisher - 2
Walrus - 1
PB2Y Coronado - 1

Imperial Air Force
Ki-43-Ib - 2
B5N Kate - 1
Ki-21 Sally - 1
Ki-27 Nate - 1

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
AP Shinko Maru 51/72/0 (Balikpapan)
PC CH32 41/42/0 (Balikpapan)
AP Matsukawa Maru 44/82/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Hyuga 27/32/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Mutsu 57/62/0 (Balikpapan)
AP Hakuyo Maru 15/0/3 (Jambi)
AP Kamishima Maru 37/15/15 (Palembang)


MarcA -> RE: BB New Mexico Sunk! War Report 4/11/42 (1/7/2007 11:56:56 PM)


At day break on the 12th of April forces of the Chinese Expeditionary Force stormed the bridges across the Xiangiang river west of Changsha. The crossing was held by forces of the 7th and 44 th Chinese corps under the command of the 5th War Area with the 168th, 63rd, 2nd New and 4th New corps in reserve.

The chinese forces were smashed and driven back west towards Kweiyang.


The preperatory air bombardment for the assault was light at 3 days in order to maintain the deception that the primary attack would occur in the North West.

Although the 59th Chinese Corps was dispatched to the area from Kweiyang a few days ago it was dispatched too late to particpate in the battle. Further the appearance of more SEAC fighters at Kungchang highlights the success of the deception until the the last moment.

The 70th Div and 20th Mixed Bde have been ordered West to block the 6 shattered and single fresh corps on the Kweiyang road while all remaining forces proceed to Chungking with all speed. The supporting engineering and artillery forces have also been ordered across the river and to proceed to Chungking as well.

Current estimates puts the fighting strength at Chungking at 4 corps. There are a further 6 (estimated) which can be dispatched from the blockade around Sian while there are approximately 9 at Ichang, though most of the forces at Ichang were badly malled during the recent fighting at Hsingyang.

I will keep the memebers of the high command informed of significant develpments.

FeurerKrieg -> War Report 4/12/42 (1/9/2007 9:06:18 AM)

War Report 4/12/42
Various airstrikes over China & Burma. Sonias at Alor Star hit the AK Annalock in northern Sumartra several times. Some of our ships took some hits at Jambi from Martins based at Bankha. West of Kendari, the Sasebo 1st SNLF chansed some Dutch holdouts from the mountains into the base at Pomala.
Gen Mantill has already detailed the initial victories in China.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
At Wake the Allies are pulling back. Although several Kates made spotting reports, no attack successfully located their targets. The MSW Rail and AK Dorothy Philips were confirmed sunk in the area though.

At New Caledonia, all units have returned to Koumac except for a NLF unit standing garrison at La Foa. Recon shows 102nd USA RCT and the 7th Australian Division forming up on the beaches, along with some elements of the 2nd USMC Para Bn. Once our troops have rested, we may attempt a counterattack to push them into the water before the enemy can build up strength.

Sub Ops:
No activity today. A convoy of several ships east of Australia continues to be tracked by 6 subs.
One sub is also following along with the retreating Allies ships at Wake.

Non-Ops Air Losses

Imperial Air Force
Ki-46-II Dinah - 1

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
AP Shinko Maru 51/64/0 (Balikpapan)
PC CH32 41/39/0 (Balikpapan)
AP Matsukawa Maru 44/97/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Hyuga 27/20/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Mutsu 57/64/0 (Balikpapan)
AP Hakuyo Maru 16/0/1 (Jambi)
AP Kamishima Maru 40/26/6 (Palembang)
AP Yamura Maru 27/8/15 (Jambi)
AP Hokumyo 58/5/24 (Jambi)


Akos Gergely -> RE: War Report 4/12/42 (1/9/2007 10:49:37 PM)

Very, very good AAR and an excellent eye candy - I've just read it through from post one today ;-). May I ask why don'T you upgrade the allied ship graphics to Fremen's nicer ones?

Where is KB right now - what is with the damaged CVs? Since there would be no heavy USN CV reinforcements until well into '42 summer I think you should consider splitting KB up into smaller TFs. Also what is the status of the warships in building? Did you cancel Musashi? Shinano? How about the Unryus?

Cheers and keep it up!

FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report 4/12/42 (1/10/2007 5:21:50 AM)

Thanks for the comments!

1) Allied ship graphics - it is on my drawing board, but I haven't gotten to it yet. I figured I should do the Jap ships first since I'm playing the Jap, and those are mostly done now(with Fremen's work mostly, and cargo ships from JWE I think). Rest assured, I will get there eventually. I did try to upgrade the Allied AK/AP/TK (JWE's maybe?), but the background was wrong so I had the big pink box. I switched those back to stock for now.

2) KB - It is between the Home Islands and the Phillipines. The Hiryu has headed into the repair yards, replaced by the Hiyo and Ryujo (fresh out of the repair yards). They are now (and have been for a couple weeks) under the command of Gen Mantill and will be used for seaborne support for his operations in India/Burma.

3) KB is out of my command, so I can't comment on how Mantill will be handling it. Mini-KB is heading towards the the western edge of the Marshalls and will be covering the assaults on Luganville and the Santa Cruz islands. Several Glen subs are headed south to watch for convoys going to Australia, and the Mini-KB will also be used to attacked any of those convoys that try to make it through.

4) Yamamto is finished and linking up with KB. I think Mushashi is under construction, and all the CV's I think are under accelerated production. I'll try to remember to check sometime, or perhaps Alex can comment on the production plan he is following. Oh, and I think Shinano is halted.

Akos Gergely -> RE: War Report 4/12/42 (1/10/2007 10:41:51 AM)

Thanks for the info. Yeah I also think Shinano does not worth the effort (though I like her very much), but Musashi might well worth it, especially later in the war.

As for the Allied ship sided i have a huge pack, with all art replaced from Fremen's (90%), Big B's and TOMLABEL's ones, I can send it to you if you want (it's approx 5-6 MBs zipped). It contains some extra arts I used to put in for upgraded ships (some allied ships really changed their appearance - Tennessee class BBs for example...)

FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report 4/12/42 (1/10/2007 11:03:10 AM)

Sure, you can email them to me. I'll PM my email address.

Akos Gergely -> RE: War Report 4/12/42 (1/10/2007 5:53:52 PM)

Files sent, let me know what you think ;-).

FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report 4/12/42 (1/11/2007 10:31:01 AM)

Lots of new Allied ships are from various sources now installed courtesy of csatahajos.

Thank you sir!

lyceum -> RE: War Report 4/12/42 (1/11/2007 1:18:05 PM)

Great AAR! Really like the maps and presentation. [:D] Was it not thought the KB would be better served in your control Fuerer Krieg? Think it could certainly be needed around New Caledonia. Looks like BB Mutsu is going down slowly too [:(]

Terminus -> RE: War Report 4/12/42 (1/11/2007 3:20:21 PM)

As long as she stays in port and isn't struck again, she'll eventually be pumped dry and be able to limp home.

Fantastic AAR as ever, Feurer...

FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report 4/12/42 (1/11/2007 7:47:29 PM)

If KB went near New Caledonia, it would get hammer by 2E and 4E bombers. I was happy to get away with only light damage to the Shuikaku, and repairable damage to the Hiryu. FOr now, I like to think the Allies don't know where KB is. Once it shows up in the Indian ocean, they may decide to be bold, not realizing mini-KB is in the Pacific. Until the Allies get more carriers, I think mini-KB is sufficient in the Pacific. By the end of 42, Mantill will probably be done with KB and it will get some yard time for repairs, and then into the Pacific for the 1943 Allied counterattacks.

The British fleet has shown no hesitancy in coming out under threat of LBA, so any invasions in India would be threatened by surface forces unless KB can patrol the Bay.

Regarding Mutsu, she is under Alex's control and I think (but Alex would be the one to comment) she is making for the HI straight away. The ship is past the Phillipines now, but still has a fair way to go.

FeurerKrieg -> War Report 4/13/42 (1/23/2007 10:22:37 AM)

Back at it, I have a couple reports I need to catch up on, only tiem to do one tonight though.

War Report 4/13/42
The AK Annalock was reported sunk near northern Sumatra.
Wasile was secured by the Yokosuka 3rd SNLF. Several enemy fighters were encountered over Batavia, but our Zero's dealth with them in short order.
There were contiued airstikes over China, and enemy bombers hit the AP Tamashima Maru near Jambi.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Many Allied cruisers bombarded Koumac through the night. In the face of cruiser bombarments and heavy bomber attacks, the ground troops at Koumac are still a determined bunch. Today their AAA guns managed to down a LB-30 Liberator - a small victory but certinaly uplifting to the troops on the ground.
LB-30 Wreckage near the airfield at Noumea.

Sub Ops:
East of Yanam, India, the I-158 took aim at the DD Panther, but all its torpedoes went wide of their mark. Luckily the ship was not damaged in the counterattack by the enemy destroyer.
East of Australia, we fared better as the convoy that is being tracked was attacked by the I-23 (a Glen sub) which hit the AK Empire Moorhen with three torpedoes, sinking the cargo ship instantly. Escorts attacked and caused minor damage to the I-23.

Non-Ops Air Losses
Hawk 75A - 8
F.K.51 - 5
CW-21B Demon - 5
Brewster 339D - 4
LB-30 Liberator - 1

Imperial Air Force
G4M1 Betty - 3

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
AP Shinko Maru 51/74/0 (Balikpapan)
PC CH32 41/41/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Hyuga 27/18/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Mutsu 57/68/0 (Balikpapan)
AP Kamishima Maru 42/19/2 (Palembang)
AP Yamura Maru 29/8/5 (Jambi)
AP Hokumyo 66/13/11 (Jambi)
I-23 15/2/0 (Australia)

AP Matsukawa expired in the Celebes Sea.
AP Hakuto Maru put out its fires.


FeurerKrieg -> War Report 4/14/42 (1/25/2007 10:38:47 AM)

Turns coming fast these days. I'm still a day behind on the reports, but the screenshots & reports are filed away neatly, so no worries about missing any action.

War Report 4/14/42
China and Burma were fairly quiet in the air, but at Batavia Zeros and Betty's cut through the enemy CAP and successfully hit three cargo ships, the Virginian, Steelmaker and Sibolga. A follow on strike put another torpedo into Sibolga, sinking the ship.
One Hudson attacked a the CL Yura near Singapore but missed.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
Allied cruisers again hit Koumac, causing slightly less casaulties this time around. Enemy bombers launched repeated ground strike with the 38th Div and 56th Brigades taking most of the heat. The enemy ground units at La Foa managed to cut off the 8th NLF and destroy what was left of the unit. A bit less than half of the unit had been evacuated by Mavis float planes to Rabaul. The unit will rebuild there for now.

Ise, Nagato and a slew of cruisers pounded the airfields at Henderson, destroying two Catalina's and doing a fair amount of damage. They will continue their bombadment tomorrow and then head north to replenish the large guns. Nells from Rabaul also attacked the airfields in the daylight, but score few hits.

Near Wake a group of Alf's and Oscar's attacked some Allied cargo ships fleeing to the east, but landed no hits. Some LB-30's showed up over Wake also, about half were turned away by the Oscars on CAP, including one that was spotted crashing in the distance as it attempted to return to Midway. The couple that got through inflicted light damage on the coastal defenses there.

Sub Ops:
A change of sub commanders at La Foa and Noumea a couple days ago seems to pay dividends today. First the I-169 was attacked but took light damage at La Foa. Later, the I-169 attacked and hit the cargo ships American Packer, but nearby escort this time hit the sub cause significant damage. It will attempt to return to Rabaul.
The I-175 at Noumea attacked the DD Le Triomphant, but its torpedoes went wide of their target. The attacks are encouraging as these ships had been sitting for some time not launching attacks. Making an example out of their former Captains seems to have worked.

Non-Ops Air Losses
CW-21B Demon - 5
LB-30 Liberator - 1
Brewster 339D - 2
PBY Catalina - 2

Imperial Air Force
Ki-46-II Dinah - 1
H8K Emily - 1
G4M1 Betty - 1
G3M Nell - 1

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
AP Shinko Maru 51/78/0 (Balikpapan)
PC CH32 41/40/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Hyuga 27/15/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Mutsu 57/66/0 (Balikpapan)
AP Kamishima Maru 43/15/0 (Palembang)
AP Yamura Maru 29/4/1 (Jambi)
AP Hokumyo 74/10/6 (Jambi)
I-169 49/45/0 (La Foa)


lyceum -> RE: War Report 4/14/42 (1/25/2007 1:03:21 PM)

Really enjoying your write-ups Fuerer Krieg!

How is supply at Koumac? In the face of allied air power is it feasible to send in transports of troops and supplies? Are you looking to evacuate or hold/conquer New Caledonia? Maybe a 'Tokyo Express' of fast destroyers could get some supplies and troops through?

FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report 4/14/42 (1/25/2007 9:35:06 PM)

Around 20k supplies at Koumac. The goal is to hold at Koumac, while Lougainville (currently size 3) is secured. Once I have two airbases, it will force the Allies to split their LBA attaks. If I can get Efate up to size 2 (not sure what it is at the moment) then I'll have three airbases they have to split LBA over to keep them all closed. With luck, that will present enough spread that I can get some fighters in there and take some pressure off Koumac, and also provide for LRCAP if I want to send in some Tokyo Expresses.

Long term, if I can hold at Koumac long enough, I may be able to get some divisions from the SAA (but only after the DEI is secured, that is certainly a priority for any 'free' divisions), and then will resume the offensive. Small cadres of all the units at Koumac are being flown back to Rabaul just in case the worst happens and we get kicked out of Koumac.

The South Seas Detachment is currently a bit east of Lougainville and meeting up with the mini-KB, I expect a landing in the next 10 days or so.

If this is all the farther the perimeter goes in the Pacific, I'll be happy enough. Most of the current serious assets (ie KB) are going to be put into taking parts of India and China at the moment, so that we can then take some assets back from those theaters in time to put up a fight in the Pacific. (At least that's my impression, Alex & Mantill might have slightly different views).

FeurerKrieg -> War Report 4/15/42 (1/26/2007 10:20:29 AM)

War Report 4/15/42
The air war was alive and well in China as hundreds of Japanese airplanes attacked targets from Lashio to Changsa. Several enemy planes were destroyed on the ground at Chungking.
Farther south, Bettys and Nells attacked a cargo ship at Batavia but scored no hits. Also, the SS Drum attack a Japanese troop transport near Hong Kong, it did not hit.

Feurer Krieg Area Report
No enemy ships hit Koumac today, allowing our forces there to launch an attack against the enemy. A fair amount of casualties were inflicted on the enemy even in the face of heavy attacks by Allied LBA.

Ise, Nagato and company pounded the airfields at Henderson again before heading north to rearm. Today's damage was focused more on the personnel areas than the airfield and caused significant casaulties.

At Wake, three Alf's attacked the AK Corrales and score a hit with a 30kg bomb. Apparently the ship was not in the best of shape as it was reported to sink the same day. Radio intercepts reported some elements of the 25th USA Division were on board the ship. The AK Laida was also reported sinking east of Wake.
Lucky hit east of Wake.

Sub Ops:
The I-175 attacked and hit the AK Admiral Nulton at Koumac today, sinking the ship. It also managed to dodge the escorts twice throughout the night and next morning.

Non-Ops Air Losses
I-16c - 11
Blenheim IV - 5

Imperial Air Force
E7K2 Alf - 3
Ki-48 Lily - 1
E14Y1 Glen - 1
G4M1 Betty - 1

At-Risk Damaged Ship Report
AP Shinko Maru 51/78/0 (Balikpapan)
PC CH32 41/39/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Hyuga 27/4/0 (Balikpapan)
BB Mutsu 57/71/0 (Balikpapan)
AP Kamishima Maru 43/11/0 (Palembang)
AP Hokumyo Maru 78/25/5 (Jambi)
I-169 49/42/0 (La Foa)


Vetamur -> RE: War Report 4/15/42 (1/27/2007 6:01:02 PM)

Hello.. just wanted to say I love your AAR. I just discovered it (until stumbling upon yours I was only reading Pzbs and Pauks consistantly) and am hooked. 

I also have a quick question..Im a newbie and in my first PBEM Im in about the same time frame you are (about 3 weeks game time behind). I noticed you only have about half the political points I have making me think I am not using my enough... can you give me a BRIEF over view on what youve spent them on?

By comparison..I only recently started re assigning commanders of air groups and ships.. I transfered a handful of air units from the HI to SE Asia and China.. and I transfered maybe one armored regt. to the Phillipines (when I was getting impatient with how difficult it was to take out the last bastion of resistance)..

am I overly conservative?

FeurerKrieg -> RE: War Report 4/15/42 (1/27/2007 8:42:45 PM)

PP points- Well, I can't say I really remember what they have been spent on. A fair bit has gone to releasing Home Defense air units. The 6th Armor Reserve also cost a bit. Personaly I have spent some on a couple Base Force units (moving them to SE or 4th Fleet) but that doesn't cost much. Also, I have used a tiny bit to switch actual bases over to the proper command, again its cheap and mostly for 'aethetics' so that when I look at the strat map 4th fleet is the areas I want it to be in.

I have spent a fair amount on leader changes, espcially with subs and airc ombat TF's. I'm always changing a sub commander when they come into port if the current commander hasn't done well. Usually trying to get high agression and high naval skill. For the Glen subs, I put in commanders with low aggression so they won't take the same risks.

Not sure what PP's my teammates have used.

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