carburo -> RE: Starvation Oddities (8/12/2005 6:47:08 PM)
High quality reinforcements push your units morale up. Oddly enough, if you manually transfer guys from a low morale unit to a better one, it doesn’t seem to lower its morale. In my experience, you can create guard units by reinforcing regular nfantry, but you can lose the guard status the same way. Once I reinforce one of my guards with guys from the other unit and the reinforced one became a regular infantry. The strange thing here is that both units had the same high morale, so I can’t explain why the reinforced unit went from 8+ to 6; especially because, as I said above, transfering guys doesn’t seem to affect the morale of regular infantry. I think currently a guard is simply a unit with morale>8. Any infantry going over this threshold becames a guard, but a guard going below it revert to regular infantry. However, I don’t know if guards created this way have the same morale booster effect that guards built the regular way.