Reorganizing too long (Full Version)

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Mathusalem -> Reorganizing too long (9/13/2005 5:02:01 PM)

I started 1805 scenarion as France. I began with reorganizing of Grande armee. Putting generals in command, changing division allocations. And gave movement orders. In the first month, no corps moved, and most of the generals did not take their command.
I restarted again, without giving movement orders. Only one general took his command. (even Napoleon failed). Is it so long ? It should take a day maximum.

Ralegh -> RE: Reorganizing too long (9/14/2005 9:08:45 AM)

I keep telling people: take units (or leaders) out of an army/corps in one turn. Put em into a new army/corps in a second turn. In the second turn the unit will be able to move away.

If units detach from an army/corps, it aint gonna move anywhere. - As an ex-army guy, let me assure you that when you leave a unit, you spend much time cleaning the entrenching tools so the quartermaster will take them back, and chasing strange paperwork. Maybe it seems a little funny that the army hangs around, but I suppsoe they don't move with the quartermaster saying its OK.

If you detach from one unit and attach to another, if may or may not be successful, and you certainly wont get to move. Usually the detach works, so you are no worse off than if you had detached one turn, and attached the next.

I suppose I should get it put in a FAQ or something - oh, I did: with version 1.2, which is still in beta!

ericbabe -> RE: Reorganizing too long (9/14/2005 5:20:22 PM)

It's a little hard to explain what's going on but here it goes:

The detach/attach orders are both "free" in the sense that they don't take up a unit's turn. However, associated with every detach order is a corresponding "wait" order. Let me give an example. You want to detach the 1st Infantry from its Corps and then order the 1st Infantry to move. The Corps gets a "detach 1st infantry" order and the Infantry gets a "wait till I'm detached" order and then another move order. It's the wait-until orders that are causing the delays.

What I might do in the third patch is have a cleanup subphase after every movement phase to allow units to act that spent the previous subphase doing nothing but executing their wait orders...

I personally don't mind that reorganizing armies takes some time, but it is confusing to players who aren't used to it, and it perhaps -- just maybe -- takes too long to make large changes to armies.

Mr. Z -> RE: Reorganizing too long (9/14/2005 11:52:06 PM)

In general, if I am assigning generals, I assign them in a single turn, without any further orders to the corps or armies.

If I also want to rearrange units, I do that separately on the next turn (though I think ususally if they're not swapping out generals either way, you can rearrange them the same turn as the generals, and it usually works).

Only then, on the next turn, do I issue them move orders.

But sometimes you just have to go with what you've got...

Naomi -> RE: Reorganizing too long (9/15/2005 2:12:04 AM)

It might be better to give the "auto-join" feature even to corps-level units as well. *(^,^)*

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