puck4604 -> Where to start? (9/26/2005 8:44:25 PM)
Been a couple of weeks now since my copy arrived in the mail. Beautiful game and components (and the map halos don't bother me at all). I have a lull in class work and have had time to begin reading the rules, and am anticiapting my first LNL:BOH game this weekend against my wife (who's a grognard at heart!). A few immediate questions come to mind; I'll hold off on some of them until I finish reading the rules, but a few others are fair game I believe. First, when checking on the DFT to see what damage has occurred if a defender has been hit, I compare the Damage Check against their morale to see how badly damaged they are, right? Second, I want to run our first scenario without involving tanks, so which of the non-vehicular scenarios is the easiest? That's it for now. Sorry I hadn't checked back in, but I needed time to be able to sit down and peruse the rules without having to worry about gender issues, the Crusades, or basic historiography reading interfering with learning how to play LNL:BOH. Unless something really stumps us, I'll file an AAR after the weekend.