Girlfriend vs Wargaming (Full Version)

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PimpYourAFV -> Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 9:30:37 AM)

Sorry if this is a little too straightforward... [:o]

Note that the title is not 'Humping vs Wargaming'. Most guys still retain caveman era instincts and would answer without any thought ('as usual' interrupts the GF) that humping wins over wargaming, but this topic involves the whole deal including peripherals like 'quality time' (ie: time spent together but not humping), expensive outings, social events and other activities far less entertaining than sinking ships which most guys suffer through in order to get to the icky stuff.

So its pretty simple. What do you think? Is it worth the time and expense of having a GF who interrupts your fun game with seething sarcastic remarks (I was gonna post some examples but the admins would likely frown on the material) making concentration difficult and painful? Or would you rather become a cynical, antisocial freak who does the bare minimum of real world actions to stay alive long enough to keep playing the game every spare minute of consciousness? People on the fence inbetween who successfully juggle the two issues at the same time are surely too few in number to be considered as a category, perhaps less than 3%.

Is it worth the agony? [:)]

ADavidB -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 1:15:03 PM)

A couple of suggestions for you from someone who has enjoyed the company of a non-gaming wife for 30 years:

1 - Find a girlfriend who accepts that you have hobbies and who doesn't consider those hobbies to be "the other woman"

2 - Make certain that you enjoy that girl's company as much as you enjoy gaming

Remember, you will never get a girl to change, nor will she get you to change, so find someone who matches you and who you match.

Cheers -

Dave Baranyi

michaelm75au -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 1:22:52 PM)


Or would you rather become a cynical, antisocial freak who does the bare minimum of real world actions to stay alive long enough to keep playing ...

And what is wrong with that. It sort of describes me[8D].


PS Please don't tell me to get a life. I get that from my sister and mum and niece and ...[:@]

LargeSlowTarget -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 2:06:21 PM)



A couple of suggestions for you from someone who has enjoyed the company of a non-gaming wife for 30 years:

1 - Find a girlfriend who accepts that you have hobbies and who doesn't consider those hobbies to be "the other woman"

2 - Make certain that you enjoy that girl's company as much as you enjoy gaming

Remember, you will never get a girl to change, nor will she get you to change, so find someone who matches you and who you match.

Cheers -

Dave Baranyi

Sound advice, but unfortunately those women are RARE. I thought I had found a match for me, but then I got replaced by the leader bug...

Speedysteve -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 2:06:40 PM)

Sound advice Dave.

I'm in the early stages of dating a Turkish girl. Nowhere near the stage of thinking of serious stuff but if it does ever get to that then i'll need to know she accepts my hobbies and me hers!

skrewball -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 3:23:52 PM)

Or, just get said girlfriend hooked on gaming! I lucked out...I met my girl in Ultima Online. We used to play counter-strike together and others. She understands that I like those "Why do you play that?" strategy games. When she sees I am playing, she'll just go and play Some World of Warcraft.

But you have to compromise. "If you let me finish out the hour, I promise to come and cuddle with you while you watch Sex in the City" [:)]

patrickl -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 3:56:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: skrewball

Or, just get said girlfriend hooked on gaming! I lucked out...I met my girl in Ultima Online. We used to play counter-strike together and others. She understands that I like those "Why do you play that?" strategy games. When she sees I am playing, she'll just go and play Some World of Warcraft.

But you have to compromise. "If you let me finish out the hour, I promise to come and cuddle with you while you watch Sex in the City" [:)]

My goodness!! You have done it!! Play WITP and have a VERY understanding girlfriend![:D] I wish they have umm Ulitma what? 20 years ago!![:@]

Nikademus -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 4:03:04 PM)

I think it's worth it.

Some of the comments my GF mark I unit has come up with have all but made me spit out Coca Cola across the room. My favorite one was one of her last ones where she was complaining that there was no action in the game and you couldn't see anything (therefore its boring) I pointed out the animation screen showing a plane element attacking a merchant as "showing the action" and her deadpan response was: "Big deal! you should be able to see men running around jumping off the ship as it explodes!"

(I just had this picture moment of trying to suggest such an "enhancement" to Mike Wood and imagining the funny look on his face followed by a sad shake of the head)

2nd favorite caustic remark is her now famous "Are you going to go online again and argue over what was the proper shape of a Zero's fuel tank?"

U2 -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 4:12:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: skrewball

But you have to compromise. "If you let me finish out the hour, I promise to come and cuddle with you while you watch Sex in the City" [:)]

I buy all the Sex in the City boxes for my girlfriend [:D]

PimpYourAFV -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 4:19:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: Nikademus

I think it's worth it.

Some of the comments my GF mark I unit has come up with have all but made me spit out Coca Cola across the room. My favorite one was one of her last ones where she was complaining that there was no action in the game and you couldn't see anything (therefore its boring) I pointed out the animation screen showing a plane element attacking a merchant as "showing the action" and her deadpan response was: "Big deal! you should be able to see men running around jumping off the ship as it explodes!"

(I just had this picture moment of trying to suggest such an "enhancement" to Mike Wood and imagining the funny look on his face followed by a sad shake of the head)

2nd favorite caustic remark is her now famous "Are you going to go online again and argue over what was the proper shape of a Zero's fuel tank?"

Mike Wood's reponse to that request would probably be... "No. Good bye."

How about this sarcastic remark from an ignored woman: "Yo geek! Would you rather sink a torpedo into me or keep torpedoing those fake ships?"

LargeSlowTarget -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 4:32:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: TokyoBoyTensai

How about this sarcastic remark from an ignored woman: "Yo geek! Would you rather sink a torpedo into me or keep torpedoing those fake ships?"

At least the AI won't complain about duds... [:'(]

Mynok -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 4:51:03 PM)



nor will she get you to change

But she will spend her every waking moment attempting this.....usually loudly.

WITP at anytime other than after Wife Mk III (same person, two upgrades, go figure) is in bed stands for WAR IN THE PARLOR.

ChezDaJez -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 5:13:07 PM)


I thought I had found a match for me, but then I got replaced by the leader bug...

Don't you just hate it when that happens? Admiral LST replaced by WO ABC!


Yamato hugger -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 5:16:59 PM)



A couple of suggestions for you from someone who has enjoyed the company of a non-gaming wife for 30 years:

1 - Find a girlfriend who accepts that you have hobbies and who doesn't consider those hobbies to be "the other woman"

2 - Make certain that you enjoy that girl's company as much as you enjoy gaming

Remember, you will never get a girl to change, nor will she get you to change, so find someone who matches you and who you match.

Cheers -

Dave Baranyi

Remember also that you will never get the GAME to change either [:D]

Mattremote -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 5:29:27 PM)

Like Skrewball, I met my GF playing games. It was backgammon - not a computer game, but still a game. She doesn't gripe about WITP, as long as I don't go into marathon sessions and play until 4am. We have "computer free days" now and then. And I make dinner, which helps alot (I'm a better cook than she is). Flowers too, now and then.

And it helps to remember birthdays and anniversaries as well as remembering the Japanese reinforcement dates...

tanksone -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 5:44:48 PM)

Hi, Nik I think you've made a lot of progress. GF MK1 atleast now knows what a Zero is. I've been lucky in that mt wife Mk1 actually wil come in and watch for a couple of minutes the combat results if something good happens. She's even starting to understand some of the different aircraft, what sucks and whats good[:D]


Mynok -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 5:48:10 PM)


what sucks and whats good

Man, I fear where some are going to go with that one....... [X(]


GF MK1 atleast now knows what a Zero is.

And according to Speedy she knows what a loser is too.......[:D]

Speedysteve -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 6:19:28 PM)

LOL Mynok. Yeah she once told me that Nik is a loser. 5 minutes?!? Kaput.

Feinder -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 6:20:14 PM)

It's a common event for me to walk into the living room, to find my wife watching "The secret missions Japanese submarines in WW2" or whatever on the History Channel. Definately odd. But I'm not complaining. She doesn't give a whit about computer games, but neither does she critisize me for it.


LargeSlowTarget -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 6:24:00 PM)




I thought I had found a match for me, but then I got replaced by the leader bug...

Don't you just hate it when that happens? Admiral LST replaced by WO ABC!


I guess he had better stats than me, so she kept him. Hope he's best suited to command a BB (bl00dy b1tch).

But well, that's distant past. I play a different scenario now, called "Admiral LST vs. Wife & Kids" [:)].

Speedysteve -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 6:24:26 PM)



It's a common event for me to walk into the living room, to find my wife watching "The secret missions Japanese submarines in WW2" or whatever on the History Channel. Definately odd.-F-


Mike Solli -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 7:03:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Nikademus

2nd favorite caustic remark is her now famous "Are you going to go online again and argue over what was the proper shape of a Zero's fuel tank?"

At least she knows what a Zero is....[:)]

Mynok -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 7:34:12 PM)


It's a common event for me to walk into the living room, to find my wife watching "The secret missions Japanese submarines in WW2" or whatever on the History Channel. Definately odd.

Same here. Then I started checking what came on before and found it was often "Mating Rituals of Bull Elephants" or "Endangered Impala's and How They are Being Bred".


This led to unfortunate comments by me and the transmogrification of Wife Mk III into Inflamed Gorgon Mk XXX.

Nikademus -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 8:15:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mike Solli

At least she knows what a Zero is....[:)]

she also recognizes the geography in the pacific......impressive!

Mynok -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 8:17:22 PM)

So she likes LargeSlowTarget's sig too!?!?! [X(] [X(]

Nikademus -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 8:21:56 PM)

eh....that would be....."no"

(and she only viewed Cobra's art thread with disdain...i believe the comment went along the lines of...."these nerds need to get lives")

Mynok -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 8:46:51 PM)

Just like a woman: every moment of joy tempered with a snide remark. [:@]

At least you can take some comfort that she isn't a switch hitter......

Addendum: Of course..if you're into that, you want to order GF, Series D, part # DYKE101.

Nikademus -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 8:59:25 PM)

its probably not helped by my wearing an army helmut and fatigues while playing Steel Panthers.......

Mynok -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 9:05:29 PM)

Fashion Nazi! [:D]

Charbroiled -> RE: Girlfriend vs Wargaming (11/4/2005 9:12:14 PM)

My Wife V1.2 has been enhanced with Horse V2.3 and seems to keep well occupied as long as I keep updating with Money V150.00.

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