Feinder -> RE: A Modest Proposel (11/14/2005 4:48:20 PM)
The amount of IJN shipping available in WitP to haul around invasions that make June 6th look like child's play. It took 6 weeks for Japan to land their troops in the Philipines. Now it takes 1 day. Oh, and did we miss the scouting reports where there are simultanious mega-invasions at Khota Bharu (took 2 weeks to complete historically), Rabaul, Canton Island, Lunga, Noumea, Kendari and Tarakan. In about 3 weeks, those same troops will be gleefully boarding their transports, and heading to Chadpur. Um, no. The lack of sea-lift was a very real problem for Japan historically. With 440 APs to start, and an average of what, about 2k per AP, you're talking about a lift capacity of 880,000. Since I don't know the proportion of large AP to small AP, we'll cut that number to 800,000. An "average" division is about 15k to transport. We'll go high, and call it 20k. That's a lift capacity of 40 Divisions to start. Not that Japan even has that (what is it, including all the the NLF and Gd Btns/Bdes, comes to about 10 Divs?). But the ability to insta-land 10 divisions is ludicrous. The fact that Pearl, Noumea, NZ, Oz, India are even considered for invasion (and holding) by WitP players, substantially bears out the flaw. Could Japan have landed troops in Oz? Sure. A couple of SNLF or a MAYBE a full Division? Sure. But not the mega-landings possible in WitP. The 4 Divsion beach-heads that we see regularly in WitP, are completely implausible. The naval WARSHIP ob is accurate. But to start, the Japanese shipping ablility is utter non-sense. -F-