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RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg

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RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/2/2009 2:32:29 AM   

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Turn 1, Day 2.

30th Schnelle Brigade vs 69th BDE/50th British ID

Defending Crepon with the 915/352ID left Bayeux to fall to the allies undefended June 6th. 30th Schnelle payed a heavy price for that June 7th. Lucky for them I can't see and they will live to fight turn 2. The only good news for me is there is now only one flag left, so hopefully I wont miss it next time!

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Post #: 151
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/2/2009 9:28:54 AM   

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From: Western Australia
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Fantastic GC guys! Great work on the reports and screenshots panzerlehr62!

I am playing 2 concurrent GC's with a buddy of mine one night a week (LAN nice and stable so lots of battles get done).
We do a full round as the Allies and then switch sides for the next round. It's nice and relaxing playing the Germans.

Can I ask you panzerlehr62, did you use tanks on all of your initial beach landings, or did you hold them in reserve for later like DasHoff suggested (IIRC)?


Game on!

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Post #: 152
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/2/2009 11:37:29 PM   

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Thanks Concord...

On some of the beach maps I came ashore with only infantry. Mainly it was in the Omaha maps were the allies only got 1 to 3 tanks for the BG, like Fox Green (only 1 tank day 1), Easy Red, and Dog Red. Then later in the day as I got a good foothold and had some protection for them I began to start using them.

Utah area you will have no problems using a few tanks from the get-go.

Sword, Juno and Arromanches I used as many tanks as I could the first turn to blast my way inland. It kinda hurts not having as many infantry units to fan out when you have a lot tanks (basically doing nothing) so you kinda have to limit your attack a bit. Its the maps with concrete bunkers that have LOS to the beach you have to worry most about. If you are fairly close to them it seems the tanks have a fighting chance, but if they are several hundred meters away forget about it. I paid a heavy price in infantry on some of the maps in the Omaha area but at the end of the day I still have most of my tanks for the future battles to come.

I actually found playing the allies early on to be fairly relaxing too, was only in the Omaha area I began to wonder if I would ever get ashore. Things now are not so relaxing, mainly because the battle lines are much more complicated. One thing attacking 15 to 12 with a even front line and full supplies, and its another to be in meeting engagements low on supplies with no real front line established yet. Always seems I get the worst area of the map to enter, but I am sure my oppenent feels the same way too at times. I think once things settle down (mainly in the Caen areas) I will again begin to enjoy it a bit more.

Hoff seemed to have great success against the german at-guns coming off the beach maps as the allies, but if you read most of the posts out here you will see some pretty impressive numbers posted by the german gunners (myself included).

Keep having fun,


(in reply to Concord)
Post #: 153
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/3/2009 4:39:03 AM   

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Makes sense! I think the key insight for me here is the distance of the bunkers from the beaches. When playing vs the AI, I always brought on armour. The AI would choose positions for its AT guns which made it easy for me to knock them out very early. Against a cunning human opponent though...he won't make that mistake.

We had another grand campaign session last was my turn playing the Allies. The first beach battle was Uncle Red, and I didn't bring on any armour (I was spooked...worried that I would lose them all). I had BAR teams, mortars, machineguns, and two AT guns. I was able to expand my set up zones up and down the beaches, but his hidden defenders punished my forces. I was lucky not to be booted off due to morale, and the battle ended with 2 minutes to go because both sides were "exhausted"!

The second beach assault, I took all three tanks in. I was able to smash the hidden posts with my tanks. I had a tank damaged, and might lose it from my order of battle, but they made a huge difference to the outcome.

However, I will definately think twice about bringing tanks onto those beaches where there are bunkers on distant hills!

Problem is, time is limited. I'm also sure nasty German units are approaching the conflict, and my paratroops are showing red ammo levels already! Yikes.


Game on!

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Post #: 154
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/4/2009 12:31:10 AM   

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Yeah, you can't use the AI to gage anything in this game. Its good for a game fix until you can find someone to play, thats about it.

Ive found so far the 82/101st AB's do fine no matter what the supply situation is. Matter of fact I think they like to be behind enemy lines and surrounded!

I used the first turn to basically clear the beach flanks and try to possible make the seawall. If there was some type of structure close to the seawall that I thought would help me for turn 2 (possibley to shield a tank), I would make that a primary objective. After that I kept my attack limited to a small area that I could press on my advance from. If you spead out to much, your teams will get picked off one at a time and morale will fail. Even as bad as I suck in this game, one thing I never had happen on a beach map was morale failure. Very seldom was it ever an issue. You basically have about 6 teams you can lose, after that as you approach about 8 morale will probably stop you. So use a lot of smoke (I always tryed to use about 3 mortar teams), take as much ground as the game will allow, then hold steady and wait for the timer to end it (or offer a truce). If the German player gets a wild hair (or bored waiting on the timer), maybe he will do you a favor and counter attack (if you are smart you saved your offshore arty, it does wonders on teams out in the open).

In the Omaha area were its the tuffest, don't worry so much about time. Only one German depot (Trevieres) to bring in new Bgs, and from what I can tell its only bringing back Bgs that were routed from day one. If you continue to make progress every turn, by about the 4th turn the German Bgs will begin to break as they run out of at-guns. The Germans only have 3 Bgs in reserve to start with in the area. Ost 439 is no problem to deal with, because it has no anti-tank weapons. 914 and 916 are worthy, but they can't cover 5 beach exits by themselves. Now the German player could move the 915 up from Bayeux, but from what I can tell that probably won't happen because they are needed to cover the breakout from Arromanches which happens fairly quickly.

Were I screwed up (were time is important) is in the GJS area. The Germans have plenty of depots for new Bgs and by my account will out number your British and Canadian Bgs once they have all entered. They also contain some of the best German Bgs in this game.

Good luck,


< Message edited by panzerlehr62 -- 10/4/2009 5:10:17 AM >

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Post #: 155
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/4/2009 5:39:04 AM   

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Thanks for the insights.

By the way, I think my first beach Uncle Red was such a doosie because my opponent was able to set up in a series of small bunkers all along the seawall. He was able to see me moving around (even though I was sneaking), and fire at will. Nasty! All I could do was area fire at his gun flashes...which exposed the positions of even more of my troops.


Game on!

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Post #: 156
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/7/2009 2:23:34 AM   

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Turn 1, Day 2.

Wow, the final battle for a turn that seemed to last longer then the battle for stalingrad!

WN34/716 vs 185thBDE/3rd British ID

After basically a full days rest, responsible for cutting off 2 of my battle groups, WN34 finally gets its feet wet with a little combat. At-gun heavy it forced me to make an adjustment were I wanted to enter that map. Had I come in orginally from the sea, I probably woulda got my butt handed to me. Insted I decided to disband and use the Bg from Gold, which in a way was fitting since this was there orginal beach to defend.

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Post #: 157
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/7/2009 2:29:01 AM   

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End of turn 1, day 2 action report!

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< Message edited by panzerlehr62 -- 10/8/2009 5:17:06 AM >

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Post #: 158
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/7/2009 3:59:14 AM   

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Turn 2, Day 2 (June 7th):

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< Message edited by panzerlehr62 -- 10/8/2009 5:16:39 AM >

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Post #: 159
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/7/2009 4:45:34 AM   

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Exit 2:

Turn 2, Day 2.

919th RGT/ 709th Inf Div vs 8Th RGT/ 4th INF Div

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Post #: 160
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/9/2009 12:22:17 AM   

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Turn 2, Day 2.

729th RGT/ 709th INF DIV vs 507th RGT/ 82nd AB DIV

First off let me say this. The fact that Bob didn't throw in the towell and played out this battle speaks volumes. He was caught without any anti tank defense here this time, basically had to just watch helplessly for 19mins as this battle unfolded.

The previous battle set this up for me, as I needed that area I took to deploy the most critical tank to this attack. I had no idea what he was going to use here this time (there was a longer then normal delay in his purchase phase, on occasions he has changed his tactics), but I was hoping he was going to play this as he had the previous battles. I figuired the worst that would happen is I could lose both tanks and probably 1/2 map on morale, leaving me just enuff town at the top to probably hold out for several more turns till help arrived. Best case I could take the entire map or enuff of it that he would be forced to disband this Bg.

If the counter attacking Bg arrives at the top of this map day 3 (and its the same one), then this might be the high watermark for me here. Actually I might find myself meeting the same fate after a days battling, but at least for now the 507th is in supply and can take a well needed rest!

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< Message edited by panzerlehr62 -- 10/9/2009 12:36:58 AM >

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Post #: 161
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/9/2009 12:26:33 AM   

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Screen shot from the tank deployed to the east side of this map. I think the gunners name is fitting here and was game selected, how ironic!

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< Message edited by panzerlehr62 -- 10/9/2009 12:27:58 AM >

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Post #: 162
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/9/2009 1:45:03 AM   
Andrew Williams

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The Brits had the TETRACHS arrive by glider... the US had the Shermans drive to their destination.

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Post #: 163
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/9/2009 1:56:40 AM   

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Sadly 5th Para wasn't there to get that glider, but the 507th was very happy for Heuston efforts!

St. Honorine:

916thRGT/352nd ID vs 26thRGT/1st ID

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Post #: 164
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/15/2009 10:59:02 PM   

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Merville Battery:

Turn 2, Day 2.

WN 4 / 716th INF DIV vs 8th BDE/ 3RD British ID

I wish I had an easy answer for this map, but I dont. The crossfire is insane, the cover poor, and the 20mm's deadly. All you can hope for is attrition to win this map. I finally got a little this battle, something I should have got last time had I played it right.

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< Message edited by panzerlehr62 -- 11/11/2009 10:46:27 PM >

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Post #: 165
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/15/2009 11:44:51 PM   

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Hermanville Sur Mer:

Turn 2, Day 2.

192nd PzGr/21st PD vs 8thBDE/3rd British ID

Who said the Hibiki story was over!**

Excellant German tactics rule the day here. They cleared an opening, braved tank fire, covered with well placed mortar rounds and used Panzer support to surpress my infantry teams. The end result was a well earned exit flag!

**"Small ship, Big War - The Voyages of the Hibiki". Probably the best AAR ever writen, by Cuttlefish.

Edit: Reply to bottom post. Your being very modest Bob. That was truely an amazing feat you pulled off! Also what are you doing wasting time here posting, when you have your own AAR to do (just kidding)! Ive been waiting for over a week for an update man, come on, get with it, I need my Pacific War fix...!

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< Message edited by panzerlehr62 -- 10/16/2009 12:44:05 AM >

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Post #: 166
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/15/2009 11:55:47 PM   

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While I am happy with the results of the Hermanville battle, I do want to say that a had some luck in this fight. My half track could have gotten popped by your infantry or the tanks covering the gap at the bottom of the field early on. The fact they cleared that infantry team so quickly and spotted your tanks helped me know what I was up against. Killing that one infantry team was very helpful since it allowed my assault teams to get up off their bellies and run through to the forest.

Plus the stone fence near the exit flag does make tank maneuvers tricky. And finally - it is always hard to hold big maps like this against a determined push in one spot - I know from being on the receiving end most of the time.

The Fatherland must be protected! Hitler says to throw these invaders back to the sea and we will do so!!


Upper portion used with permission of, copyright John Meeks

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Post #: 167
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/21/2009 12:22:02 AM   

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Turn 2, Day 2.

WN 72/716th ID vs 8thBDE/3rd Canadian ID

This map might be small compared to the rest, but what it lacks in size it makes up with heart. Connecting five road junctions, two of which were critical for me at this stage of the campaign, this town had to be taken fast and at all costs.

Lucky for me WN 72 was just a shell of its former self, having lost a good many teams at Dog Green beach June 6th. That being said, they didn't just roll over and play dead here either. Their command team (which terminator 7 will be based off in the distant future) almost took out my entire BG by itself.

Not taking any chances, I entered this map with air and mortar support to deal with the at-guns. Having no fuel I knew I couldn't count on armor, even thou I gambled bringing one along anyway. Battle started out great for me too with my tank(1) out of fuel and my first two recon teams (2&3) killed within seconds of contact with the enemy. Now down to 12 teams this was begining to look interesting. Wasn't until I was able to bring back the other scout teams (5) that the map was finally taken with heavy losses (even lost my mortar team(4)). What really surprised me at the end was how well morale held considering 4 of the 5 German teams were lost. We probably were at the 3min mark when it finally ended.

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Post #: 168
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/21/2009 7:07:37 AM   

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Turn 2, Day 2.

915th RGT/352nd ID vs 231st/50th British ID

Hummmm.....Only the birds were making noise in this one. So far our bill for damage is running around 500 bucks. Tired of waiting, the towns people have already started returning to there homes.

I basically just used the opportunity to take back area lost during Bobs assault for the Arromanches exit a few turns back.

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< Message edited by panzerlehr62 -- 10/21/2009 10:14:16 PM >

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Post #: 169
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/23/2009 1:22:15 AM   

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End of turn 2, day 2 action report!

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Post #: 170
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/23/2009 2:49:59 AM   

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Turn 3, Day 2 (June 7th):

I have to say the movement phase is what makes this game fun. I had some ideas were my oppenent was going in a few areas, in others I had no clue. One spot in particular I could easily have been waiting for their arrival, but Caen is my objective and that BG has the best entry point (now whether it survives is another story). The rogue German BG I now have in the Omaha area pulled off many impressive moves to snake thru to an open coast now.

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Post #: 171
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/23/2009 5:36:20 AM   

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St Marie du Mont:

Turn 3, Day 2.

919th RGT/ 709th Inf Div vs 506st RGT/101st AB Div

Not really much to say here. I set the AB up to cover the only exit available for the Germans if they decided to leave Exit 2 map. Germans faced a tuff entry point, no ammo, and a Bgs morale you will never break and the outcome was pretty much a given, if not this turn, for sure the next. Only thing I was worried about if I didn't finish them off this turn, I would be forced to stay at Exit 2 incase they decided to go back.

This is a good place for me to say something about no ammo. I think as it stands currently in the game it does not mean very much. Just my 2 cents from playing this game, but I would like to see another level of supply created so that when a BG is out of ammo, they really are out of ammo (say 10% of max, were by German Mgs would only get 250 rounds insted of 500 to 750). Maybe its not possible to do program wise, but I just think right now "no ammo" levels are a joke. We battled for nearly 19mins and the Germans never ran out (now granted Bob did a great job shuffling teams, but come on). If this was a 15m game they wouldn't even have to be shuffled!

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< Message edited by panzerlehr62 -- 10/23/2009 10:03:38 PM >

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Post #: 172
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/28/2009 10:40:29 PM   

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Turn 3, Day 2.

916th RGT/ 352th Inf Div vs 18th RGT/1st ID

916th pulled out of St Honorine heading into Mosles just as the 18th arrived from Colleville. Germans had just a slight edge and due to the terrain were able to get a better angle on the Surrain exit. I had what I thought was fairly good setup to keep the exit neutral but a great last second charge by a Marder secured it just as time ran out. 916th has been fairly busy moving toward the coast day 1 to block a break out from Fox Green and now seems to be headed back to support the Trevieres depot.

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Post #: 173
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 10/28/2009 11:06:09 PM   

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Merville Battery:

Turn 3, Day 2.

WN 4 / 716th INF DIV vs 8th BDE/ 3RD British ID

The End!....Oh crap I think there will be a sequel day 3 that wont have such a happy ending!

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< Message edited by panzerlehr62 -- 11/11/2009 10:47:00 PM >

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Post #: 174
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 11/6/2009 2:39:43 AM   

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Turn 3, Day 2.

857th RGT/346th INF DIV vs 7th BDE/ 3RD Canadian ID

Germans attacking from Benouville.

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Post #: 175
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 11/6/2009 3:04:23 AM   

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Turn 3, Day 2.

915th RGT/352th INF DIV vs 8th BDE/ 3RD Canadian ID

Germans attacking from Crepon.

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Post #: 176
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 11/8/2009 3:20:37 AM   

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End of turn 3, day 2 action report!

With a new scoring system under development the Germans are currently winning this GC 57 to 35 with 8 still undecided.

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Post #: 177
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 11/8/2009 4:18:09 PM   

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Turn 4, Day 2 (June 7th):

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Post #: 178
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 11/8/2009 5:10:33 PM   

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St. Mere Eglise:

Turn 4, day 2.

795th Ost/709th ID vs 505thRGT/82nd AB

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Post #: 179
RE: PzLehr vs Feurer Krieg - 11/8/2009 5:15:50 PM   

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Pont L' Abbe:

Turn 4, day 2.

1057thRGT/91st ID vs 22ndRGT/4th ID

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