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Screenies? - 6/29/2009 7:01:34 PM   
Capt Cliff

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Got any screenies to torture us with???


Capt. Cliff
Post #: 1
RE: Screenies? - 6/29/2009 7:08:22 PM   

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Pavel Zagzin
WITE/WITW/WITE-2 Development

(in reply to Capt Cliff)
Post #: 2
RE: Screenies? - 6/29/2009 7:42:09 PM   

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WoW! Excellent!

(in reply to Helpless)
Post #: 3
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 7:55:43 AM   

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The screens posted are not best quality but since the artist is still working on the graphics (interface mainly) you will all have to wait for a while before seeing them with more details. In my opinion the counters look great, colorful and easy to distinguish to what HQ they're attached, but that's at a higher zoom level.


GG's AWD, GG's WBTS, GG's WitE Beta Tester
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(in reply to joey)
Post #: 4
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 8:52:52 AM   

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From: Occupied Mexico aka Rio Grand Valley, S.Texas
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Heres one Cliff...This shows a breakthough over the Depnier by Guderian, he's short one PzC as I sent it south of the marshes...This is in the shaded mode that shows newly taken areas. You will notice that armys have the same colors and you can change then to keep organization as you want...The units with "R" were routed in battle and fell back...

Attachment (1)

(in reply to Capt Cliff)
Post #: 5
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 8:57:46 AM   


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I can't recall seeing a board with squares instead of hexes since Lou Zocchi's Battle of Britain.

(in reply to PyleDriver)
Post #: 6
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 9:09:24 AM   

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I think that's excellent. Sick to death of hexes.


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(in reply to Capt Cliff)
Post #: 7
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 9:10:06 AM   

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From: Occupied Mexico aka Rio Grand Valley, S.Texas
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Heres a Soviet side screenshot near Leningrad...Just remember guys this is still early testing, but it is so great already...I've been testing for 11 months and still pour hours a day in fun...

Attachment (1)

(in reply to PyleDriver)
Post #: 8
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 9:12:44 AM   

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From: Occupied Mexico aka Rio Grand Valley, S.Texas
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There will be a hex system, its in the works...

(in reply to PyleDriver)
Post #: 9
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 9:38:35 AM   

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One last bone...Look at the detail these guys do. This is after the first (surprise) air strike losses...

Attachment (1)

(in reply to PyleDriver)
Post #: 10
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 10:16:54 AM   


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Many thanks for the extra screen shots Pyledriver. Please keep them coming.

What do the numbers on the bottom of the counters represent (such as 0-50 etc.)?


ORIGINAL: PyleDriver

Heres a Soviet side screenshot near Leningrad...Just remember guys this is still early testing, but it is so great already...I've been testing for 11 months and still pour hours a day in fun...


(in reply to PyleDriver)
Post #: 11
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 10:23:40 AM   

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combat-movement. The combat value can change alot with entrenching (fort value). That my be all the screen hots I give right now, sorry, we have alot more work to do...


Jon Pyle
AWD Beta tester
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(in reply to GaryChildress)
Post #: 12
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 11:29:22 AM   

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You have the option to toggle between attack/move and attack/ defense values also you can leave the counters without displaying any values.


GG's AWD, GG's WBTS, GG's WitE Beta Tester
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(in reply to PyleDriver)
Post #: 13
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 11:32:20 AM   

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Unit counters display lots of info noticed the small triangles on the top side corners, the one at the left is color coded from green to red meaning green maximum and red minimum, it shows info on morale, supply... you toggle between them, the triangle on the right side gives you info about how much movement is left of each unit.


GG's AWD, GG's WBTS, GG's WitE Beta Tester
Beta Tester: Panzer Corps, Time of Fury, CtGW, DC CB, DC3 Barbarossa, SC WWII WiE, SC WWII WaW, SC WWI

(in reply to PyleDriver)
Post #: 14
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 11:58:41 AM   

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Can you please post a screen which shows a unit details?

(in reply to rjh1971)
Post #: 15
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 12:27:50 PM   
Erik Rutins


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No, the art on that is still in the works. We're actually going to be fairly sparing with screenshots since we're still in alpha and a lot is still being worked on. We'd rather show more of the graphics when they are mostly finished so that you don't form first impressions from placeholders.


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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(in reply to Lützow)
Post #: 16
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 12:32:24 PM   

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Smart move. I'd rather wait, and not see stuff that isn't representative.


We are all dreams of the Giant Space Butterfly.

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 17
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 12:35:19 PM   


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ORIGINAL: PyleDriver

There will be a hex system, its in the works...

OK then. My comment on squares was not meant as a complaint. It just brought back fond memories of Lou's game from so many years ago.

(in reply to PyleDriver)
Post #: 18
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 1:03:42 PM   

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ORIGINAL: PyleDriver

There will be a hex system, its in the works...

OK then. My comment on squares was not meant as a complaint. It just brought back fond memories of Lou's game from so many years ago.

The hexes are there, just take a closer look they're hard to notice right now, but that's on the works, the square system is also there, still don't know what the final decision will be, personally I like the hexes more but don't mind having the map divided by squares as it is now.


GG's AWD, GG's WBTS, GG's WitE Beta Tester
Beta Tester: Panzer Corps, Time of Fury, CtGW, DC CB, DC3 Barbarossa, SC WWII WiE, SC WWII WaW, SC WWI

(in reply to elmo3)
Post #: 19
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 1:18:51 PM   

Posts: 4430
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The date in the top right corner of those screenies above:

Is that 8th July or 7th August ??????

My preferred date format: 7-Dec-1941

Please change the date format!


(in reply to rjh1971)
Post #: 20
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 1:22:28 PM   

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Hope PyleDriver didn't get into trouble posting these screenies.  As a beta tester I know that
can hurt you.


HOI3 & AACW2 Beta Tester

(in reply to rjh1971)
Post #: 21
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 1:23:01 PM   


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It's August 7th Joe. See the screenies in the product overview and you'll see a date of 12/4/1941.

(in reply to Fred98)
Post #: 22
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 6:13:29 PM   

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I really don't know why a format of "dd-mmm-yy" hasn't become a standard, but as long as it's explicitly stated somewhere I'm sure we'll all cope, regardless of origin.


"Nature always obeys Her own laws" - Leonardo da Vinci

(in reply to elmo3)
Post #: 23
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 6:20:05 PM   


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It doesn't seem like a big programming task to allow people to pick their preferred format as an option but it's not a big deal to me either way.

(in reply to steveh11Matrix)
Post #: 24
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 6:21:02 PM   

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Hope PyleDriver didn't get into trouble posting these screenies. As a beta tester I know that
can hurt you.

Don't worry. He will be ok in penal company


Pavel Zagzin
WITE/WITW/WITE-2 Development

(in reply to stewartbragg)
Post #: 25
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 6:21:49 PM   
Mike Parker


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if its that important I don't thing it would be all that burdensome to allow the player to choose his preferred date mask

(in reply to steveh11Matrix)
Post #: 26
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 6:36:08 PM   

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Pavel, (helpless) even the dog's get the scraps that fall on the floor. So I threw them a bone, and got spanked. Hope you guys liked them, dad hasn't come home yet, I really wonder how bad the beating is going to be...col...thats "crying out loud"


Jon Pyle
AWD Beta tester
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(in reply to Mike Parker)
Post #: 27
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 7:19:38 PM   
Capt Cliff

Posts: 1791
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WOW!!! Looking good!!!

This looks like and update of the ole War in Russia, with more fluff and stuff I assume.

Oh and the squares on the map are really hexes!! Each square has 6 exits, like a hex. applying a hex grid is only for looks.

Rock and roll guy's!!! I sure hope you make your promised release date ... *coughs* unlike poor Combined Arms.

< Message edited by Capt Cliff -- 6/30/2009 7:24:29 PM >


Capt. Cliff

(in reply to PyleDriver)
Post #: 28
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 7:33:00 PM   


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The game has a conventional hex grid.  Look closely at the map.  The offset squares just appear when there are certain overlays or filters on the map.

(in reply to Capt Cliff)
Post #: 29
RE: Screenies? - 6/30/2009 7:36:00 PM   

Posts: 6152
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From: Occupied Mexico aka Rio Grand Valley, S.Texas
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Well Clff you will love this game. Were adding alot of little things to speed game play (theres alot of stuff), research on production is on going, and Gary's getting the AI better all the time. We really want to put out a game which is very playable, fun, historic, and bug free...


Jon Pyle
AWD Beta tester
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(in reply to Capt Cliff)
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