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RE: Info for Newb's

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RE: Info for Newb's - 11/29/2010 5:17:10 AM   

Posts: 4776
Joined: 1/26/2003
From: Vienna, Austria
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Great collection davbaker. Very helpful for vets as well.

Finally stickied, very late considering the usefulness of this this thread I might add...


(in reply to PaulWRoberts)
Post #: 61
RE: Info for Newb's - 12/4/2010 11:48:32 AM   


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From: Tate's Hell, Florida
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Hi Dave - I just now saw this thread. This is very helpful in getting a handle on appropriate (and hopefully minimal) house rules. Thanks for your efforts!


(in reply to LoBaron)
Post #: 62
RE: Info for Newb's - 12/4/2010 7:19:43 PM   

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From: Covington LA via Montreal!
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I agree....some really useful information, which I could have used prior to my recent games. I'm still overwhelmed, but not by as much as I was before. Thanks Dave. Hal

(in reply to pws1225)
Post #: 63
RE: Info for Newb's - 5/2/2011 5:47:24 AM   

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I looked at the leader table and do I interpret it right that the number and color just refer to how important the value is for the job or does it mean something else?


(in reply to dr.hal)
Post #: 64
RE: Info for Newb's - 5/12/2011 1:47:50 AM   


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Numbers & Colours just relative importance.
Added colours to make it a little easier to see.

(in reply to BigDuke66)
Post #: 65
RE: Info for Newb's - 5/13/2011 9:18:10 AM   

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A question regarding capturing industry, I lost Chengchow but recaptured it but when I look at the manpower there I now have 2 instead of the former 3.
I thought only heavy industry is permanently "damaged"(value is halved), for manpower I only find that you can use only 10% of the enemies manpower.


(in reply to davbaker)
Post #: 66
RE: Info for Newb's - 10/19/2011 9:15:23 AM   


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This is good, although I do have a comment on the political points/national borders interpretation.

Burma is my favourite ground theatre in the war against Japan. In it, Slim and his army developed and demonstrated air mobile operations, and eventually rolled the Japanese out of Burma with an air mobile offensive. To me, this is important as a modern development of the deep battle concept. Neither India nor China paid attention to the Burmese borders. The Chinese initially sent large numbers of troops into Burma in 1942, most of which retreated out via the Salween valley, but many via Ledo. China then transferred a full corps to Northern India, which Stilwell trained up and equipped American-style for the Ledo Road offensive--these were the best troops the Republic of China had at the end of the war. The Burma Corps retreated into India in 1942, and the Indian Army garrisoned the Chin Hills. In 1942-44, the Indian Army attacked down the Arakan, conducted Chindit operations behind the Japanese lines, and eventually repulsed a Japanese offensive at Kohima and Imphal. In 1945, the Indian and Chinese Armies then proceeded to eject the Japanese from Burma.

There were several reasons all this didn't happen in 1943-44. During the monsoon, transport shuts down. Even during the rest of the year, ground and supply transport was very limited. It's not accidental the 14th Army invented air mobile operations; the game understates the nastiness of the terrain. Secondly, most of the Indian Army was involved in controlling India in 1942-44. The garrison requirements are very understated during that period. Thirdly, the 14th Army was last in priority for supply in the British Empire. Fourthly, both the Indian and Chinese armies had a lot to learn during 1942-44. Note, nothing about PP expenditures. Burma got everything that could be spared from more pressing concerns and (key!) supplied. In WWII, it didn't help to deploy an army when all you could sustain in operations was a division. It varied among the arms, but in no more than a year, all you would have left would be a division. (Tanks had to be replaced in 3-4 months of operations, trucks and artillery in a year, infantry in six months to a year. Note these considerations also explain why the Japanese spent most of their time in garrison in China.)

The recent mods to take into account supply limitations are likely to help with this.

< Message edited by herwin -- 10/19/2011 9:20:28 AM >


Harry Erwin
"For a number to make sense in the game, someone has to calibrate it and program code. There are too many significant numbers that behave non-linearly to expect that. It's just a game. Enjoy it."

(in reply to aristoteles)
Post #: 67
RE: Info for Newb's - 2/2/2012 3:24:52 AM   

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From: Terra
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The manual states:
"Ships docked or at anchor at a port with a current size of at least 3 are immune to enemy submarine attacks."
That doesn't count for midget subs or?

So how can docked or ships at anchor be attacked?
Obviously by Port attack, anyway else?


(in reply to herwin)
Post #: 68
RE: Info for Newb's - 2/2/2012 9:34:26 PM   

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The manual states:
"Ships docked or at anchor at a port with a current size of at least 3 are immune to enemy submarine attacks."
That doesn't count for midget subs or?

So how can docked or ships at anchor be attacked?
Obviously by Port attack, anyway else?

A Bombardment TF will hit them.


(in reply to BigDuke66)
Post #: 69
RE: Info for Newb's - 2/3/2012 8:15:56 AM   

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Another question, what field of fire has a gun with a C facing?


(in reply to Skyros)
Post #: 70
RE: Info for Newb's - 2/3/2012 8:37:35 AM   

Posts: 4776
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From: Vienna, Austria
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IIRC C facing applies to all guns placed along the centerline, which means the can
fire to both sides.


(in reply to BigDuke66)
Post #: 71
RE: Info for Newb's - 2/3/2012 7:58:08 PM   

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I was just checking training and I only see experience caps for ground units, what are experience caps for pilots and ships gained by training or don't they have any limits?


(in reply to LoBaron)
Post #: 72
RE: Info for Newb's - 2/15/2012 11:19:17 PM   

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Need some help with the Air Groups.
I disbanded some dutch units and was asked if I want to reconstitute them in 120 days, what I wonder now is can I get the unit back even if I choose not to reconstitute them?
And what if I choose to reconstitute them, I see some dutch fighter units that come back in June 42 at Tjilatjap, by then I guess that position is overrun and now I wonder if those will somehow suck up replacements and/or pilots even when not on the map.
I'm just unsure of what to do with those depleted air units
Do I see correct that withdrawing them would make them show up in 60 days again and they would keep planes & pilots?
And disbanding them would make the unit come back in 120 days but would also distribute the planes and pilots into other units or the pool if possible?


(in reply to BigDuke66)
Post #: 73
RE: Info for Newb's - 9/20/2012 5:19:21 PM   


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Bump. Good stuff for us noobs

(in reply to BigDuke66)
Post #: 74
RE: Info for Newb's - 10/17/2012 10:42:57 PM   


Posts: 392
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From: Comfy Chair in Baton Rouge
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As for aircraft R&D, am I interpreting it correctly that if I keep the aircraft factory in Seattle operating at capacity I should expect to begin producing B-29's in Jan 44?  Every month of operation should result in 40 R&D points.  So by the end of 1943 I will have produced over 990 R&D points (480 per year for each of 42 and 43 plus 30 for Dec 41).  That will accelerate beginning of production by 9 months at a 100 point per month cost.  Thus a scheduled Nov 44 start of production would get moved forward to Feb 44.  At some point in Jan 44 I will reach 1,000 R&D points, and that will accelerate the production start date to Jan 44, or before the current game date.  Then I should receive 30 B-29's in the Replacement Pool during Jan 44 and 40 per month thereafter.

(in reply to Andar)
Post #: 75
RE: Info for Newb's - 10/17/2012 10:49:47 PM   
Dan Nichols

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ORIGINAL: poodlebrain

As for aircraft R&D, am I interpreting it correctly that if I keep the aircraft factory in Seattle operating at capacity I should expect to begin producing B-29's in Jan 44?  Every month of operation should result in 40 R&D points.  So by the end of 1943 I will have produced over 990 R&D points (480 per year for each of 42 and 43 plus 30 for Dec 41).  That will accelerate beginning of production by 9 months at a 100 point per month cost.  Thus a scheduled Nov 44 start of production would get moved forward to Feb 44.  At some point in Jan 44 I will reach 1,000 R&D points, and that will accelerate the production start date to Jan 44, or before the current game date.  Then I should receive 30 B-29's in the Replacement Pool during Jan 44 and 40 per month thereafter.

Allies get no R&D advances. Only the Japanese.

(in reply to poodlebrain)
Post #: 76
RE: Info for Newb's - 10/18/2012 7:05:55 AM   


Posts: 392
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From: Comfy Chair in Baton Rouge
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Thanks for clearing that up. The instruction manual does not specifically state that Subchapter 13.5 applies only to the Japanese as it does for other Subchapters in Chapter 13.

(in reply to Dan Nichols)
Post #: 77
RE: Info for Newb's - 1/19/2013 5:55:52 AM   

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I guess ship based air groups won't contribute their planes to combat missions if they are docked, anchored or repairing(any mode).
So would it be best to transfer ship bases air groups to land so they can do combat or training?
I just wonder if it's better to relocate some of the carrier units for training while the CVs are being upgraded.


(in reply to poodlebrain)
Post #: 78
RE: Info for Newb's - 1/19/2013 9:55:44 AM   


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Air operations are still carrid out by docked ships.


(in reply to BigDuke66)
Post #: 79
RE: Info for Newb's - 1/19/2013 12:55:19 PM   


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ORIGINAL: poodlebrain

Thanks for clearing that up. The instruction manual does not specifically state that Subchapter 13.5 applies only to the Japanese as it does for other Subchapters in Chapter 13.

Section 13.0 of the manual states the differences between Japanese and Allied production.

(in reply to poodlebrain)
Post #: 80
RE: Info for Newb's - 1/19/2013 4:54:00 PM   

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I can understand that float planes using catapults can still operate but carrier planes starting from a docked carrier? Sounds strange.


(in reply to ckammp)
Post #: 81
RE: Info for Newb's - 1/30/2013 4:25:19 PM   

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What is the max distance for a command HQ to upgrade a LCU TOE?
I thought it was the simply command radius but it seems to be more, but how much?


(in reply to BigDuke66)
Post #: 82
RE: Info for Newb's - 1/30/2013 4:40:19 PM   
Cpt Sherwood


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2 X Command Radius.

(in reply to BigDuke66)
Post #: 83
RE: Info for Newb's - 1/30/2013 5:19:53 PM   

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OK, thanks.

< Message edited by BigDuke66 -- 1/30/2013 5:21:08 PM >


(in reply to Cpt Sherwood)
Post #: 84
RE: Info for Newb's - 3/2/2013 8:21:59 AM   

Posts: 200
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This is indeed very, very helpful except I am stuck on something and how to do it in the game.

I was asking someone in a post about how to send guys into TRACOM and was answered as could not find answer anywhere in published materials (click pilot >80 skill and send to TRACOM = Yes). OK.. that caushewd the advice to monthly go over each nations's air focres and reassign the pilots...
1. Pull the pilots.
2. Assign good pilots to front line units and units with best equipment
3. Assign other pilots to other lesser units and units in rear areas.

All well and good except how does that work?
I tried with two air units.. One a dutch air unit the 1.VI.G.V Fighter unit, the other a chineese unit...
When i pulled pilots from the Dutch unit the names turned gray. If i clicked each pilot seperately I got an individual prompt to send the pilot off yes/no. If yes, they dissapear. Otherwise they were Gray and unavilable (unit listed with zero pilots essentially). If I waited a day would they dissapear enabling me to select new pilots?
With a chineese unit doing the same thing when I individually selected each one the promt was instead to
return each pilot back to his unit.


It boils down to this: To remove pilots I have the otion to send them to:
Release (most experienced/least experienced) pilot to: "Group" - what is that anyway? I can find no corresponding "group" to pull pilots from.(Default green slectable to right of release prompt area) or..
Release pilot to "reserve" (if one clicks the green group it becomes green reserve) where there is at least a "reserve" group to select new pilots from. (more on that in a moment) or....
manually select the pilot and have them go to "Group Reserve" which is neither group.. nor reserve.. its both.. or neither...

After any/all of the above do I wait a day for them to actually reach their destination?

Now to add pilots..
I can add from:
Any (?) random?
Replacement - which group of pilots are replacement pilots? Are they the "group", the "reserve" or the "group reserve" above?
Reserve - I think this would be the reserve group I can release pilots to unless it is the group-reserve one sends them to via manually clicking.
TRACOM - this appears self-explanatory

Further - pilots in "reserve pool" if i click them i get an option to retire them? What does this mean? Is this sending them to pasture or sending them on a furlough?

My confusion stems I can release pilots to two (2) places.. three if one includes TRACOM
but I can PULL pilots from three (3) places EXCEPT one place I can send pilots too is not an identical group I can pull them from... the "replacement" pool i can pick from is not named the same as the "group" I can release them to but cannot find... this is assuming the reserve one can release them to is the same as the reserve one can pull them from...

My apologies if this is explained but I cannot find the pilot allocating guidelines (the physical how-to) on the forums.
16.3 of this guide addresses what TRACOM does (confusingly) and how Air Commanders have a day delay but I cannot find the how to do a clean sweep and replacement as I was advised.

(in reply to BigDuke66)
Post #: 85
RE: Info for Newb's - 1/18/2015 10:14:52 AM   

Posts: 4552
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I have a question concerning HQs. The first post of this thread says the FAQ info was collected from developer posts in different threads. If you go to the referenced HQ thread
the HQ info posted there is posted by user wwengr

Is wwengr a developer or was his HQ information lifted from WITP?

I have been using the FAQ info concerning HQs for a long time, but some doubts entered my mind. The game uses recommendation system for leaders to lead assault/frontline/rear HQs, and the recommendations are based solely on land/aggression ratings. This contradicts the importance of Inspiration in selecting leaders for HQs in this guide.

< Message edited by Yaab -- 1/18/2015 11:22:28 AM >

(in reply to uncivil_servant)
Post #: 86
RE: Info for Newb's - 1/18/2015 10:28:21 AM   


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He must have gathered the information from the forum and/or experience. He was not on the development team for AE.



WitP AE - Test team lead, programmer

(in reply to Yaab)
Post #: 87
RE: Info for Newb's - 1/18/2015 10:34:13 AM   

Posts: 4552
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Thanks! The whole HQ thing is shrouded in mystery.

(in reply to wdolson)
Post #: 88
RE: Info for Newb's - 7/29/2015 5:56:58 PM   


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Please tell me what altitude need for sea attacks FB, TF enemy within range, and the airport has a supply and 4+


Sorry for my english

(in reply to aristoteles)
Post #: 89
RE: Info for Newb's - 8/23/2015 2:35:18 PM   

Posts: 1748
Joined: 9/16/2004
From: Vancouver, Canada
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Where would go to find the load costs of certain types of weapons. Having difficulty finding it in the manual. Trying to off load motorized and 5 inch guns at lower ranked ports.I remember a chart for loading large guns at certain ports.....+ AKE etc. Just trying to figure the best place to load the big boys rather than Sydney and Pearl :) Can't seem find that chart.

Thanks guys and the AE team for the best wargame on the planet!


My Top Matrix Games 1) CMO MP?? 2) WITP/AE 3) SOW 4) Combat Mission 5) Armor Brigade


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Post #: 90
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