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Joined: 4/10/2008 Status: offline
14th - 15th August CENTPAC On 14th august, SS S-32 torpedo and sink a MSW at Kwajalein. It is a VERY small victory, but is there not a saying that big stream are made of littles rivers ? On 15th august, at Johnston, SS Whale fire at a PG and miss, and must get back home because all it's torpedoes are empty... BURMA Harassement of 33d jap div at Mandalay is not very effective because thunderstorms prevent most of my bombers to fly... . Just East of Mandaly, same fate about the harrassement of the 2 japs tank reg trying to cut the road to Lashio; nearly no planes fly their attack missions. The japs, 1st and 8th tank reg, launch an attack against my hinese troop guarding the place, but the attack fail...because of the 101st australian Antitank guns; bringed patiently from Sidney by ship, then by rail to Imphal, then by plane to Lashio, and just in time here !!! In the same time, my british tank in Mandalay (3rd Carabiniers and 7th armored) launch an attack, wich fail at 0/1 but seem to cause more casualties to the japs than to me. Anyway, i am anxious because it could well be the time for all the japs unit walking from Singapore to reach the front... South of this front, Andaman is a milk run for japs bombers. I have no more fighters there. I must wait better times. DEI Koepang is bombed daily. On 15th august, my dutch gunners even manage to down a sally. My B-17 group flying from Derby to attack Maumere from max ceiling are at a halt: lack of result, high fatigue... In Sumatra, my escaped troops from Palembang are also milk-run for japs bombers. SoPac Luganville is heavily bombed by the japs. My few fighters squadrons are leaving the place for stopping the bleeding. No raids on Efate from me. There are more and more japs planes here, and it seem KB is still covering it. I have no CV to react. Koumac is pounded by artillerie, and on 15th august, 2nd USMC and 40th US div, 138th US RCT and 3rd Australian tank reg gather to launch an attack on the japs. Odds 108/1. 6700 japs casualties, South Sea Detachement and Maizuru NLF are supposed to be destroyed (but there are probably evacuated fragment) CHINA This theater of operation is a real nightmare. Japs troops are still stucked at Wuchow. The Assaut Value of the japs is raising, but no artillery shot come from these units. I fire land bombardement each day to stuck these troops here. Another japs army try to open the road south of Wuchow. My bombers try to support my troops. But due to bad weather or lack of coordination (or both), they come in several scattered little groups, and fall in the teeth of a band of 38 Nates. 14 allied bombers are destroyed ( Blenheim, Wellington, SB2c). Don't believe the screenshot : these LRCAP allied fighters never get involved in these fight ![]( .
BUT A NEW HERO HAS ARISE Well, it is maybe a little romantic, but that's nearly true. The japs send bombers on the same point south of Wuchow to disrupt my troops. As you can see from the screenshot, my LRCAP is not big. But it is enough. The brits planes and pilots are cracks ! On 14th august ,a first raid of 27 Oscar and 14 sally face my 8 spit and 2 Australians Kittyhawk. 1 kittyhawk is downed, but 9 oscar are also destroyed. A second raid gather 31 oscar and 11 sally, and another kittyhawk is downed, but 2 oscar are destroyed. These 11 kills are made solely by the 28th squadron on Spit Vb. Flt Hazard score no less than 7 kills, raising to 13 !
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< Message edited by gladiatt -- 4/7/2010 7:26:38 PM >