John 3rd
Posts: 17178
Joined: 9/8/2005 From: La Salle, Colorado Status: offline
While the vast majority of the Kaigun is being used in the DEI Region, my opening moves are now plotted and sent to Adm. Benoit for final polishing. My major responsibilities and Opening Moves Ordered: KB-1 Nagumo Force---A total of 5 CV will strike at Pearl Harbor for a single day. To facilitate a quicker return to the Marshalls and Canton Region, the carriers will sneak into launching range from the SW of Pearl. The TF carries 441 planes that will all be used in the attack. Planes: 30 Zero on Escort @ 17,000 Ft, 80 Zero on AF Attack, 140 Vals @ 12,000 Ft Naval Attack, and a like number of Kates @ 8,000 Ft Naval Attack. This impressive TF is made even more so in that it includes the new Battleships Yamato and Musashi as well as the two Ikoma-Class BC, 2 CA, a CS, and over a dozen escorts. Sub Force---As stated in an earlier post 29 I-Boats and Ro-Class are moving throughout the Pacific under my control. The Marshalls---The Atolls of Rio-Namur, Maleolap, Kwajalein, and Jaluit all sit covered by Japanese Infantry and Support Troops. None are over crowded but it does come close. Objectives: 1. Within days of Pearl Harbor, Ocean and Nauru shall be taken by small Infantry Detachments. 2. Baker Island will be invaded by an SNLF. A follow-on Bafe Force will begin loading Dec 8th. 3. Canton Isle is the real target for earlier attack. A pair of AMC are loaded with an SNLF and they will attempt to race to the Atoll and capture it in a coups-de-main. We'll see if it works. These guys are a potential sacrifice. 4. Going in ahead of these boys will be a STF of 2 CA, 1 CLAA, and 5 DD. They should hit the Canton area on the 9th to clear any shipping out. By the 10th, the KB should be moving into the area... Truk---A large amount of Infantry, Engineers, Base Forces, and Support Troops have moved here. HQ--Combined Fleet has set-up shop at this location. While having almost no aircover to speak of, the Japanese early operations will set the tone of the southward thrust: 1. Kavieng will be taken by the 9th/10th. 2. Lae and Shortlands by the 12th 3. Lunga by the 14th---The Lunga Force is an SNLF and 2 Naval Construction Bat. 4. Covering this initial set of convoys is a powerful force of 1 BB, 2 CA, 1 CL, and 4 DD patroling NW of Rabaul. 5. Additional Covering Forces will be dispatched after the 7th 6. The main Invasion Fleet carrying the 4th Inf Div will begin loading on the 7th and will hit Rabaul about the 14th. It will be Covered by 2 BB and several escorts. DEI---After extensive consultation with Admiral Benoit my talents have been called upon to catch as many of the 'Thundering Herd' as possible when they try to escape the Deathtrap that is Manila Bay. Four fast-moving TF made up of a CL and 2-4 DD are mine to move about in the Philippine/Borneo Region. My counterpart is VERY interested in grabbing Singapore FAST and wants to ingnore the shipping for the most part. His CVs (KB-2 with 3 CV and KB-3 with 2 CVL and 1 CVE) will help to either support the invasion of Mersing or the reduction of Amboina. While airpower is expected to do its part in sinking the 'Thundering Herd,' these hard-hitting and quick STF should be able to get the job done. THOSE are the plans from my side for December 7th! Thoughts/Questions?
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