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Three AGEOD Titles Get a Price Drop!

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Three AGEOD Titles Get a Price Drop! - 3/11/2010 6:17:08 PM   

Posts: 1574
Joined: 3/2/2006
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Get AGEOD’s award winning products at a new lower price

Matrix Games and AGEOD ( are thrilled to announce a price drop in three fantastic AGEOD products! Now these three acclaimed strategy games are available for purchase at a permanently reduced price of $19.99 – a $30 drop from their original $49.99 price! The titles selling at their newly reduced price are:David Heath, Director of Operations at Matrix Games, said “These three titles are no strangers to accolades and awards, so their new low price makes any of these rich strategy games a real bargain!”

In World War One – La Grande Guerre you take charge as a military and political leader during the most trying and critical times of the First World War! As either a member of the Central Powers, the Entente or a neutral nation, you will confront the epic gauntlet of challenges that faced the likes of Kitchener, Joffre, Luddendorf, Clemenceau, Czar Nicholas II or Enver Pasha in scenarios that range from single theatres to the entire grand campaign.

Birth of America 2: Wars in America is the much expanded reprise of veteran developer AGEOD’s acclaimed first release, which allows players to command either side of the conflicts before, during and after the American War for Independence between 1636 and 1815. Apart from the engaging turn-based strategy play that has been expanded and vastly improved over the original, Birth of America 2: Wars in America includes major new features like an improved and expanded map including the Mississippi River, new European off-map boxes (France, Great Britain, Spain, Holland) and more.

AGEOD’S American Civil War - The Blue and the Gray is a historical operational strategy game with a simultaneous turn-based engine (WEGO system) that places players at the head of the USA or CSA during the American Civil War. The player will be faced with a large selection of scenarios and campaigns which are played over the largest Civil War map ever, complete with an unequalled level of look and detail. Additionally, American Civil War – The Blue and the Gray includes dozens of different troops, hundreds of events, over 300 historical leaders with unique abilities to make this an enjoyable yet historically accurate Civil War experience for strategy fans and hardcore wargamers alike.

< Message edited by SeanD -- 3/11/2010 6:18:40 PM >


Sean Drummy

Marketing and Press Relations Manager
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RE: Three AGEOD Titles Get a Price Drop! - 3/13/2010 11:03:53 PM   


Posts: 737
Joined: 6/23/2004
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I live in Canada. When I went to your story there was a price of $21.99 CAD for the digital download of Birth of America 2 so I am assuming that this is the $19.99 USD adding an exchange rate of 10% which actually seems kind of high considering that currently the Canadian dollar is worth about 98 cents USD. Please clarify the price in CAD. Thanks.

(in reply to SeanD)
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