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RE: PBEM support?

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RE: PBEM support? - 8/9/2010 6:09:20 PM   

Posts: 642
Joined: 1/14/2003
From: Oklahoma
Status: offline
I am sure many of us started on baord wargames, many great memories, and few opponents.  With computers wargames and the internet, I can always find opponents, it is the time I don't have, (damn job and family).

To me the perfect computer wargame allows not only PBEM, but has team play intergrated into the system.  I think this would be a game changer in the world of computer war games. 

Right now all PBEM games are designed for one to one play, and if you want to play a team game you have to save and send to the next person on your team, and wait, the more players, the longer it takes to get your sides file done.  Then you have to wait on the other side to get their file done. 

Why not create a PBEM system that allow all players on each side to do thier file at the same time! and then the files would be combined and sent off to the other side!  Even better all players on all sides can do their files at the same time and each side would watch the replay, a WEGO system.  No more wasted time waiting on your own players.  I am no programer, but surely something could be done.  Finally with a game this large, it will lend itself naturally to team play, and team play better reflects the real issues of command and coordination.

"A Way" to do this:
1.  Team Captain Method....One player would be the guy who would allocate Commands to subordiante players, (which only he could change), just like in real life.  Each subordinate player moves his units, and would only be able to move his units, and then once finished, he would send the file to the team captain, who would be able to combine all files into one to send to the other side, either for WEGO viewing of the results, or turn based viewing of the results.


"Actions Speak Louder than Words"

(in reply to elmo3)
Post #: 61
RE: PBEM support? - 8/9/2010 6:56:35 PM   
Capt Cliff

Posts: 1791
Joined: 5/22/2002
From: Northwest, USA
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I am sure many of us started on baord wargames, many great memories, and few opponents.  With computers wargames and the internet, I can always find opponents, it is the time I don't have, (damn job and family).

To me the perfect computer wargame allows not only PBEM, but has team play intergrated into the system.  I think this would be a game changer in the world of computer war games. 

Right now all PBEM games are designed for one to one play, and if you want to play a team game you have to save and send to the next person on your team, and wait, the more players, the longer it takes to get your sides file done.  Then you have to wait on the other side to get their file done. 

Why not create a PBEM system that allow all players on each side to do thier file at the same time! and then the files would be combined and sent off to the other side!  Even better all players on all sides can do their files at the same time and each side would watch the replay, a WEGO system.  No more wasted time waiting on your own players.  I am no programer, but surely something could be done.  Finally with a game this large, it will lend itself naturally to team play, and team play better reflects the real issues of command and coordination.

"A Way" to do this:
1.  Team Captain Method....One player would be the guy who would allocate Commands to subordiante players, (which only he could change), just like in real life.  Each subordinate player moves his units, and would only be able to move his units, and then once finished, he would send the file to the team captain, who would be able to combine all files into one to send to the other side, either for WEGO viewing of the results, or turn based viewing of the results.

This sounds like a lot of rewrite of the basic code for the game. At this point I don't see it happening. I agree a WEGO system is much better vs. a human player but againt the AI you've added a lot more complexity, since the AI doesn't know where his opponent is and can't guess. PBEM games using an WEGO system would be great.

< Message edited by Capt Cliff -- 8/9/2010 6:58:48 PM >


Capt. Cliff

(in reply to Zemke)
Post #: 62
RE: PBEM support? - 8/9/2010 6:58:21 PM   

Posts: 24082
Joined: 6/7/2001
From: Zagreb, Croatia
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Hi all,

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Leo "Apollo11"


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