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RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto

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RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 5/28/2010 12:27:16 PM   

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Thank you 82nd, I welcome your help and from anyone else who can give me some tips.

In the winter when most partisans arrive remember they can blow bridges if they have 50 ap left or more, that will crip german supply into Russia.
I didn't know it the first time I played the russians and has cost me dearly.


GG's AWD, GG's WBTS, GG's WitE Beta Tester
Beta Tester: Panzer Corps, Time of Fury, CtGW, DC CB, DC3 Barbarossa, SC WWII WiE, SC WWII WaW, SC WWI

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Post #: 31
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 5/29/2010 7:01:01 PM   


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Some more delivering of Machine guns and 2 new regiments have taken up positions in the mountains. Air recon shows that Japan is building up on the middle sector north of Wuhan. He has split up his 50 men divisions to 20 men squads with mortar and mg support. This clearly states his strategy: He wants to have mobility to outflank my bastions once he makes a break.

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Post #: 32
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 5/29/2010 10:55:12 PM   

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Our destroyer pickets in the Atlantic responded to a distress call from a convoy and sank a Wolf-pack. but not before it had cost England some much needed supplies.

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HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
Honorably Discharged Jul/80

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Post #: 33
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 5/29/2010 10:57:39 PM   

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In England work continues on building up a solid defense. The free French Forces have moved north to help defend Scotland and we continue to upgrade both North and South Coastal Commands

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HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
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Post #: 34
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 5/29/2010 10:59:45 PM   

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In North Africa the french Forces that escaped from Marseilles have been stationed in Jerusalem. Work continues on building up forces

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HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
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Post #: 35
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 5/29/2010 11:01:53 PM   

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And in India its slow going on the road to Mandalay the mountains and the river are making hard on our engineers.

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< Message edited by 82ndtrooper -- 5/29/2010 11:02:38 PM >


HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
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Post #: 36
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 5/30/2010 4:49:38 AM   


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I am considering on creating festung divisions on key cities on the southern soviet union. What do you think? Please explain to me the winter bonus for the Russians. When does it begin? When does it end? How much of a bonus is it?

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Post #: 37
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 5/30/2010 12:27:52 PM   
british exil

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It's been a long time since I played the SU in WaW. But tried the city "festung" and was hit really bad. The Germans just bypassed some of the towns and because the winter in WaW is only about 3-4 turns (if I remember correct) you don't really get a real winter bonus. The city "festung" may pay off in the rear areas Volga line, but Kiev and Kursk areas are not really given enough time to build much.

Good to hold the Smolensk area for as long as possible, giving you time to build Moscow with as many defensive weapons as you can afford. I left it too late and the door was wide open.

To hold a city against the German jugernaut you have to trade land for time. You must sacrifce some of your production cities. I tried building some tank armies in the Stalingrad area, far behind the front, too far for German recon and had a few wins with them because the German forces were spread out.
Stalingrad area is a good area to build up some forces.

Try to stall his advances, use the terrain to your benefit. Marshes and hills. Marshes can only be driven through in winter time, in summer he is forced to use foot and horse units to move through them. Slowing him down again. Woods are good for smg and a few antitank guns his Pzr's loose force in the woods. Rifles for the open terrain. Cut the supply lines with small cav units, they will not hurt the Army but will hurt his supply so he has to divert men to the cause.

The best advice is build 1or 2 massive forces with a bit of mobile units. Hit him hard in the underbelly between the crimean and Kiev. You can really hurt the German there. He is mostly heading to Moscow and Leningrad so you can cut his supply lines. So there you have room to manuvere. But there is no real winter bonus that I can really remember.

Try to force his Luftwaffe to attack your FLaK. Without his air defense you can move your units on the plains.


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Post #: 38
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 5/30/2010 2:43:02 PM   


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Clarification on winter:
The combat hit on winter is for both sides. Its effect is to make attacking quite difficult, but how bad depends on the readiness hit, which is variable each winter turn.
Winter always lasts in Dec, Jan, and Feb., with random chance that it will also hit in Dec and or March.
If you get really lucky (if you're GE), you have a 3 turn winter with very low readiness hits. Very unlucky, 5 turn winter, high readiness hits, your units will be sitting there not able to move much or attack much for 2 turns after winter is over.

First winter that GE is at war with SU, GE get an additional 50% combat reduction for the entire winter.

Good luck!

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Post #: 39
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 5/30/2010 7:10:41 PM   

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A lot of action in the Atlantic this month. German U-Boats were very active. With one being very brave and surfacing right beside the Royal Navy main battle fleets. Another spotted attacking merchant shipping off the coast of the USA. while our Destroyers where moving to intercept they spotted two more wolfpacks. making it a total of 4 in different locations.

The screenshot below shows the second two wolfpacks after we had already killed the first two. Our forces where spread thin but managed to destroy all 4 wolfpacks with no losses, it was lucky for us that the RN main battle fleets where close by and able to assist with carrier air. Unfortunate they cant stay they have to steam back to great Britain to deter Germany from any invasion.

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HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
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Post #: 40
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 5/30/2010 7:14:33 PM   

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the screen shot below shows the totals for the turn. You can see we are having good success in the battle for control of the Atlantic. Our Destroyer pickets are tired and low on supply and will need to hit port asap because of the constant fighting. so for a turn or two the Atlantic will be vulnerable.

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HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
Honorably Discharged Jul/80

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Post #: 41
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 5/30/2010 7:16:41 PM   

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Nothing much to report elsewhere just building up defenses.


HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
Honorably Discharged Jul/80

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Post #: 42
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 5/31/2010 5:54:36 PM   


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Did an air recon in the border with Vietnam and found a MASSIVE formation of Japanese. Had to re arrange my lines due to this new threat from the south. If he launches the attack now I believe he can still reap the benefit of surprise, since I only have 2 divisions guarding the whole border with Vietnam. Further north nothing more to report.

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Post #: 43
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 5/31/2010 6:34:51 PM   

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aye I told you that he will attack Hanoi to stop you from getting that extra bonus.

now he shouldn't attack till mid summer next year because once he does attack you, he has 6 turns to attack the USA or you win automatically. so if he is a smart player he will time that so he attacks pearl around Nov or December to be able to delay the USA from coming online as long as possible.

once he attacks and takes Hanoi its most likely he will swing his main army south then west and head for Singapore and Mandalay.
He will especialy choose this option if you have a strong defense around Tai tan ( spelling?)

he cant waste time trying to break your defenses when he needs to move fast and take the soft targets.


HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
Honorably Discharged Jul/80

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Post #: 44
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 6/1/2010 6:47:34 PM   


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Ah good, if he gives me that much time to prepare I can certainly arrange for a massive defensive line. I already have a ring completed with MGII's and MortarII's coming out. Most of my troops are nearly 200 points entrenched, so it wont be easy for him. I am really scared of his air arm however, 2 flying tigers wont cut it. As far as Russia, it is pretty clear from other AAR's played and your previous statement, that I am at a disadvantage. I will just try to hold on to places I can, and vacate places I cant hold. I am confident that soon enough, you will cross the Atlantic with enough dough boys to make a difference and take pressure off my front.

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Post #: 45
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 6/2/2010 2:12:26 AM   

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I am not sure what his thinking is in the Atlantic but he isn't putting the resources there he needs to so I guess he is concentrating on building up for his attack on Russia which will make it even harder for you to slow down.

The good thing for us is that in a few turns I will have such overwhelming superiority of forces in the Atlantic that he will never be able to break my control.
If i achieve that then Nothing can stop me invading Europe at will. which will quickly take the pressure off of you. I still need a few turns to build my forces but I should also have air superiority over the coast by then.
once I get air cover I will need to build the transports and oh yeah an army

I haven't shown him my Air-power in hopes that after he killed that one bomber group he will think I haven't concentrated on it very much. I hope it will come as a complete surprise to him when the time is right.

You have to hold on to Omsk until spring of 42. the way things are going now by that time I will have opened a second front. Hold on to Gorky Kazan and Murmansk if you can. Those three make a triangle that with the rivers give you a natural defensive perimeter. but to do it you have to save as much of your starting army as you can and pull back to there as your main plan from the start.  I personally would abandon Moscow except for a token force and move my main force back into that perimeter.  I would move my engineers back asap and build fortress and fortifications 2 west of Gorky, one south of Kazan across the bridge. one west of Murmansk where there is a 1 hex gap in the rivers and then I would dig in and pray. move 1 engineer unit back to Gorky and build fortifications on the two hex's next to it west to fill the gap in the mountains.

Remember what I said about building a HQ in Kazan and sending all production from OMSK to it to make a Siberian Shock army. start this from the first turn, those units get a 20% combat bonus just like the SS units do. If you do this you can have the foundation of a solid army to hold on with and eventually counter attack

Also if you don't know , every time you lose a production center that's west of Moscow its replaced on the road in Siberia from Omsk to the Siberian supply for a total of 5 or 6, they will eventually fill up every hex between those two. That is why you cant lose Omsk. So by falling back you don't really lose that much. The main cities are not replaced like Leningrad,Stalingrad and Moscow. Sevastopol is in a natural defensive area so if you concentrate on it from the start you may can hold it and keep a lot of his forces tied up.

the other important thing is that we need to get you enough PP to get infantry II asap so let me know how much you need and ill do my best to make sure to get it too you. Russia starts out with armor II, heavy infantry II, guns II, but infantry II is vital.

Also start building immobile flak in Gorky and Kazan. and those special artillery units that Russia gets are great build them also. ( i cant remember the name ) Katusha or something. they also give you trans-cap. and they are as good as regular arty II for less cost to build.

< Message edited by 82ndtrooper -- 6/2/2010 2:58:04 AM >


HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
Honorably Discharged Jul/80

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Post #: 46
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 6/2/2010 2:56:38 PM   

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i just wanted to say to play your own game and have fun. take my ideas with a grain of salt. I am by no means the best player around. You may come up with a better plan them me, I am just offering some suggestions is all.


HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
Honorably Discharged Jul/80

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Post #: 47
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 6/4/2010 11:16:43 AM   

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I need to start putting down the date on these reports, its oct or nov 1940 I believe.

not much to report an axis wolf pack in the Atlantic was destroyed with no losses. Other than that the British Empire is just building up her forces.

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HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
Honorably Discharged Jul/80

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Post #: 48
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 6/12/2010 9:28:19 PM   

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Dec, 1940
Its winter and the troops are cold !

Destroyed one lone wolf-pack in the Atlantic with no loses, not as many U-Boats in the Atlantic as I would expect. That's OK though ,our naval forces grow stronger every month.

The Royal Navy has decided to blockade the north Atlantic to stop any U-Boats from passing through, making it easier to track down and destroy the ones who pass through the channel.

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HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
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Post #: 49
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 6/12/2010 9:33:48 PM   

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In Burma we built our first fortification in the Churchill Defense Line. Named after our valiant Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill. We intend a string of fortifications north to the mountains.
Also we have begun to install coastal artillery in Rangoon.
We intend to make India and Burma a very tough nut to crack

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< Message edited by 82ndtrooper -- 6/12/2010 9:36:32 PM >


HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
Honorably Discharged Jul/80

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Post #: 50
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 6/14/2010 6:23:20 AM   


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I have a few Q's. Can I blow up the bridge in canton if i only occupy one side of the bridge and we are not at war?

I will help your defense in Burma by having strong formations in southern China. I expect many mortars and even a few guns there by the time war starts after the winter.

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Post #: 51
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 6/14/2010 9:00:13 AM   

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I have a few Q's. Can I blow up the bridge in canton if i only occupy one side of the bridge and we are not at war?

I will help your defense in Burma by having strong formations in southern China. I expect many mortars and even a few guns there by the time war starts after the winter.

no you have to own both sides of a bridge to blow it up if i remember right. (someone help me out on this please. because I am not 100% sure)

nothing new to report for the west just trying to keep supplied through the winter.

< Message edited by 82ndtrooper -- 6/14/2010 9:01:06 AM >


HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
Honorably Discharged Jul/80

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Post #: 52
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 6/14/2010 2:09:15 PM   

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Actually, I believe you can blow a bridge for which you only own one side. Chinese player blowing bridges can make life for the Japanese much more annoying from the start.

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Post #: 53
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 6/14/2010 2:42:01 PM   

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82nd how did you move that coastal artillery to rangoon? I believe you must have produced it in Calcutta and then transport it with your HQ using naval transport points? right?


GG's AWD, GG's WBTS, GG's WitE Beta Tester
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Post #: 54
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 6/14/2010 6:10:19 PM   

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ORIGINAL: rjh1971

82nd how did you move that coastal artillery to Rangoon? I believe you must have produced it in Calcutta and then transport it with your HQ using naval transport points? right?

you can do it two ways.

you can put a HQ in a city ( Rangoon in this case) and then set a production center to that HQ ( by clicking on the set HQ button for the production center and then clicking on the HQ in the city you want it to go to ( or any place that the HQ is located ) and when the production center makes it it will pop up in the HQ. Provided its not across water.

Too move it across water you need to make cargo ships and have them inside a HQ to provide naval transcap then you can do a "strategic transfer" and move it around if you have enough cargo ships.

In this case I moved it from Singapore to Rangoon via strategic transfer with 8 cargo ships.

< Message edited by 82ndtrooper -- 6/14/2010 6:11:44 PM >


HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
Honorably Discharged Jul/80

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Post #: 55
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 6/14/2010 6:33:52 PM   
british exil

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82nd how did you move that coastal artillery to rangoon? I believe you must have produced it in Calcutta and then transport it with your Hq using naval transport points? right?

I have a HQ that is just built for coastal guns and immobile FLAK, they have a truck or a few horses to move to diff locations where I want the guns to be placed, once there the order goes through to build the guns I need.
The next turn the guns are where I want or need them, I create a unit and transfer them into the unit that has be created in the same hex.

After that the Hq moves to the next hex, just have to remember to cancel the orders while on the move. Or you could create a new Hq every turn and disband it on the next turn. But that always seems a bit gamey to me, my own house rule.



"It is not enough to expect a man to pay for the best, you must also give him what he pays for." Alfred Dunhill


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Post #: 56
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 6/14/2010 10:49:55 PM   

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Thanks to both of you.


GG's AWD, GG's WBTS, GG's WitE Beta Tester
Beta Tester: Panzer Corps, Time of Fury, CtGW, DC CB, DC3 Barbarossa, SC WWII WiE, SC WWII WaW, SC WWI

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Post #: 57
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 6/26/2010 5:22:58 AM   

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Not much to report . no sub activity in the Atlantic for the last two turns. So the west is just building up her defenses


HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
Honorably Discharged Jul/80

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Post #: 58
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 7/2/2010 4:09:31 AM   

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still slow going  building up forces and expecting the invasion of Russia any day now. once things break open ill post more pics


HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
Honorably Discharged Jul/80

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Post #: 59
RE: WAW6T allied thread 82nd/and Ezto - 7/4/2010 6:12:00 PM   

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OK things are heating up.

Germany has Invaded the SU and there isn't much I can do about it. Its going to be a long hard year for Ezto.

In India I finally got the Churchill line finished and things are starting to shape up for my defenses.

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HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
Honorably Discharged Jul/80

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