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WtP or WiTE

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WtP or WiTE - 12/29/2010 11:08:58 PM   


Posts: 20
Joined: 2/12/2005
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I am about the pull the trigger on purchasing either WtP or WiTE. Subject matter is not an issue here. Both games interest me. If anyone has played both games and can throw out their opinion, I would appreciate it.
Post #: 1
RE: WtP or WiTE - 12/30/2010 3:09:45 PM   


Posts: 2576
Joined: 5/9/2000
From: Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Status: offline
Oh, that's a tough one, which one is better? More fun to play? Deeper? Better OOB? Nicer graphics?
Both are great games, maybe WitE is bit deeper and more complex, whereas WtP might be a *bit* easier to play. Then again, WtP is more polished, WitE has many posts, because many people bought it but also because it raises many questions. There are some things that are not as obvious to the gamer who just bought WitE, as they were to the playtesters (who have been playing that game for months to get familiar with the game).
Both games will have lots of scenarios, updates, dev. support, and expansions too. Both games have great graphics, although WitE has nicer map graphics, I prefer the unit graphics of WtP.
WtP has the "cards" you can play, the bonusses you get from an multi-angled attack.
Sole reason I bought WitE is, well the Eastern front. WitE is not for sale yet, it still is 80€, I think WtP might be for Christmas sale, haven't checked that out though.

In my book they are the most prominent wargames that recently got out.

Heck, it's like asking which girl is prettier, the blonde or the brunette?  Both ofcourse.

(in reply to Nomowhale)
Post #: 2
RE: WtP or WiTE - 12/30/2010 3:55:21 PM   

Posts: 886
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most likely the brunette will not be too enthusiastic if you take the blonde too...
i only have WtP and even though this sure is the lighter of both, the more abstract one, it's a time consuming experience. i guess you would have to quit your job to enjoy both.

(in reply to Josh)
Post #: 3
RE: WtP or WiTE - 12/30/2010 5:20:58 PM   


Posts: 20
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I appreciate your input. I have to keep the blonde at home happy so I can't buy both at the same time (which is what I want to do). I think I will purchase WtP first and then wait a little while to purchase WiTE.

(in reply to Keunert)
Post #: 4
RE: WtP or WiTE - 12/31/2010 4:02:27 PM   


Posts: 2576
Joined: 5/9/2000
From: Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Status: offline
Priorities, priorities...
I think you've made a good choice, IMO WtP is somewhat easier to master than WitE, and small scenarios in WtP are also somewhat easier to play.
Having said that, both games are fun and compelling, very well worth their money. Ofcourse, WtP is a lot cheaper than WitE.

(in reply to Nomowhale)
Post #: 5
RE: WtP or WiTE - 12/31/2010 9:17:19 PM   


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I bought it last night. You have to love a game where you can play a tutorial, and then jump right it to play. I will study the manual, but everything was pretty intuitive. I was very impressed. I am looking forward to digging into this game.

(in reply to Josh)
Post #: 6
RE: WtP or WiTE - 1/2/2011 4:30:50 AM   


Posts: 9088
Joined: 5/16/2004
From: Colorado
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wow, really surprised to find someone who thinks ae witp is easy! lol
AE is a monster of a game, and at one turn / day pbem a huge time and effort to play..
I did some early play testing for wite, much much smaller scope than AE... I gues it would be which area appeals more, Eastern front or Pacific...
They are both games that easily overwhelm even veteran gamers, to play them well one must have lots of free time and a knack for multiple simultanious planning...
My vote, by them both! lol
and retire!

(in reply to Nomowhale)
Post #: 7
RE: WtP or WiTE - 1/2/2011 8:51:25 AM   

Posts: 346
Joined: 10/15/2003
From: United Kingdom
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@freeboy, I think you're confusing War in the Pacific (WitP) with (Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg) from Warsaw to Paris (WtP). Its an easy mistake to make and perhaps the Mnemonic to use for the second game should be DCTBFWtP - but it just seems such a long abbreviation I think most folks prefer using WtP.


(in reply to freeboy)
Post #: 8
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