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Transferring planes from offmap ships, bug or Feature?

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Transferring planes from offmap ships, bug or Feature? - 9/30/2002 6:25:44 AM   


Posts: 349
Joined: 3/27/2000
From: Adelaide, SA, Australia
Status: offline
Hello all.
Something I accidentally discovered this weekend.
You can transfer Air groups from ships enroute to Truk from Japan, to Truk! (Transfer range is listed as 0 hexes.)
To gain access to the Airgroup, use the "list seaborn airgroups" Button, then select the airgroup to call its screen up.
The transfer to base as normal.
Would someone like to see if this also works for the allies also, and report back?


"We're having a war, and we want you to come!"
So the pig began to whistle and to pound on a drum.
"We'll give you a gun, and we'll give you a hat!"
And the pig began to whistle when they told the piggies that.
Post #: 1
- 9/30/2002 6:55:30 AM   

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I've already done this as Allies in a PBEM game to good effect. I've even taken the floatplanes from cruisers that had not arrived yet.

(in reply to Possum)
Post #: 2
Hope someone fixes this bug. - 9/30/2002 9:55:16 AM   


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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Slaughtermeyer
[B]I've already done this as Allies in a PBEM game to good effect. I've even taken the floatplanes from cruisers that had not arrived yet. [/B][/QUOTE]

And people call ME gamey!!!!!!!!:p


With dancing Bananas and Storm Troopers who needs BBs?

(in reply to Possum)
Post #: 3
Re: Hope someone fixes this bug. - 9/30/2002 12:30:21 PM   

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Luskan

And people call ME gamey!!!!!!!!:p [/B][/QUOTE]

Is that a taste or a smell thing, mate?


Put my faith in the people
And the people let me down.
So, I turned the other way,
And I carry on anyhow.

(in reply to Possum)
Post #: 4
heh. . . . - 9/30/2002 6:14:19 PM   


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General outlook on life ;)


With dancing Bananas and Storm Troopers who needs BBs?

(in reply to Possum)
Post #: 5
Re: Transferring planes from offmap ships, bug or Feature? - 9/30/2002 8:45:49 PM   


Posts: 743
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From: Miami, Fl. U.S.A.
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Possum
[B]Hello all.
Something I accidentally discovered this weekend.
You can transfer Air groups from ships enroute to Truk from Japan, to Truk! (Transfer range is listed as 0 hexes.)
To gain access to the Airgroup, use the "list seaborn airgroups" Button, then select the airgroup to call its screen up.
The transfer to base as normal.

Does this also work for ships that are sitting in Japan and NOT on their way to the South Pacific? If so, then I would consider it a major bug. One could, theoretically get all the plane groups from all of the carriers by the second day of the war.


(in reply to Possum)
Post #: 6
Maybe only very close ships in transfer can send aircraft? - 10/1/2002 1:51:48 PM   

Posts: 24082
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Hi all,

Maybe only very close ships in transfer (i.e. those that are rather close to
their transfer destination Turk/Brisbane/Noumea) can do this?

If that is a case here then I don't see this as a bug...

Leo "Apollo11"

(in reply to Possum)
Post #: 7
- 10/1/2002 6:28:08 PM   


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Why would any one even try to do that?

I already don't like the ease in which you can transfere planes around. But to grab them from units that haven't even reached the operational area is petty and cheap.

At the battle of Coral Sea one of the big Jap carriers lost most of its air group and the other one returned to Japan for major repairs. Neither ship participated in the Battle of Midway. If they were playing UV, the Japs could have transfered their airgroups onto the undamaged one and it could have been in the big battle. T

I know I have read some accounts of planes and pilots being transfered from ship to ship. But it was never done on the scale that UV allows. Now people want to grab airgroups from the future.!


I'm a hazard to myself.

Want. Take. Have.

(in reply to Possum)
Post #: 8
UV true to life - 10/1/2002 8:07:03 PM   


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"At the battle of Coral Sea one of the big Jap carriers lost most of its air group and the other one returned to Japan for major repairs. Neither ship participated in the Battle of Midway. If they were playing UV, the Japs could have transfered their airgroups onto the undamaged one and it could have been in the big battle. T

I know I have read some accounts of planes and pilots being transfered from ship to ship. But it was never done on the scale that UV allows. Now people want to grab airgroups from the future.!"


To the contrary, the US did it repeatedly during the Guadalcanal campaign and the Japanese did it in 1943 in the I-Go offensive - one of the reasons they could not interfere with the landings in the Marshalls was that they had already shot their carrier groups. The reason the Japanese did not do it at Midway was that their groups had been decimated and they wanted to rebuild them - they didn't see the need for an extra carrier at Midway and Hara's division was not considered up to the standards of the others anyway.

(in reply to Possum)
Post #: 9
- 10/2/2002 12:19:54 AM   


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It is a bug.

IMO, It is also REALLY cheap to take advantage of this.


I love it when a plan comes together.

(in reply to Possum)
Post #: 10
Not just that menu - 10/2/2002 12:54:39 AM   
Tuomas Seijavuori


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My PBEM opponent (hi Anssi!) just pointed me to this thread. I investigated a little and found that I had accidentally abused this bug last weekend. The problem is, if you do not pay attention to your arrival list constantly, you can transfer non-existent planes out of Noumea. That's right, you don't have to go to the List All Sea Based..." menu to transfer them. They show up when you click "Next Squadron" in air base menus. I was quite tired when I played my UV turn last weekend and I was happy to find new Wildcats there which I immediately threw into a heated battle in the Solomons. I guess I thought they were a VMF squadron, I didn't even pay attention to their sign.

I've agreed to put them to 0% training somewhere until the carrier arrives. Thanks to early discovery of this bug, they hardly flew any missions or accomplished anything, so the only damage done is my opponent now knows I've got a carrier enroute. :(

(in reply to Possum)
Post #: 11
Stop this right now... - 10/2/2002 5:43:43 AM   
Oleg Mastruko

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Oh come on! Don't be so righteous. What is next? Whole thread devoted to "I am sorry I used this on you!" "And I am sorry too!" boo-bloody-hoo-hoo - deadly opponens crying and falling into each other's arms... and possibly more... ;)

I for one don't see anything wrong with exploiting this... "situation" (I won't even call it a "bug" since we don't know whether it's intended by developers or not).

I didn't notice it, I never used it, and most probably never will (especially as US - I don't see Wildcats being very usefull outside CV), but if any of my opponents wants to use this - they're free to do so.

If the Japanese player is allowed to transfer his Zero Daitais from CVs in Truk to Rabaul in the very first move (and that's what I usually do, to provide LRCAP immediatelly), why it is "more" wrong to transfer aircraft from CVs that are already on their way to Noumea or Truk? Let's assume they are within aircraft radius, transfer the planes, use them as you see fit and move on.

Now if transfer of aircraft would be available from CVs in Tokyo or Pearl that's another matter, but from CVs that are already on their way - sounds fine to me.

Let's not become to "politically correct" re using various "devices" in this game. Without ahistorically aggressive use of resources there would be no wargames. I am all for setting strict home rules in advance, and adhering to them, and I have my "set" of home rules I use in my games, but this is just going too far IMO.


(in reply to Possum)
Post #: 12
- 10/2/2002 12:23:26 PM   
Tuomas Seijavuori


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Oleg, I see your point. I can play it either way, but like you said, this needs to be discussed between PBEM opponents. This was a new situation which emerged during the game and my mate put it very clearly he doesn't like this undocumented feature/bug and we made an agreement.

Compared to, say, performing low-level attacks with US medium bombers before they became a standard practise, this fighter transfer feature is more powerful. Whether it is more 'gamey' I cannot say, because I do not know whether it would have been physically possible to fly F4F-4's from Pearl to Noumea in 1942.

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Post #: 13
- 10/2/2002 2:05:03 PM   


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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tuomas Seijavuori
[B]I cannot say, because I do not know whether it would have been physically possible to fly F4F-4's from Pearl to Noumea in 1942. [/B][/QUOTE]


Its gamey.


I love it when a plan comes together.

(in reply to Possum)
Post #: 14
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