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Joined: 7/19/2005 Status: offline
Yes. And that’s just how it works (kinda, sorta). There’s hundreds of lines to the minefield thing, but it all boils down pretty simply: open ocean/ shallow water, your base/enemy base, the TF type (amphib, surfcom, minewarfare), the TF mission and how long might it linger in the hex (i.e., is it looking for mines, patrolling for something, or just an amphib TF looking to anchor). And once a minefield is detected, what would the TF do? An amphib/surfcom TF would attempt to avoid and exit the minefield. A minesweep TF would enter the minefield and try to do some bidness. One detects a minefield in various ways. The most obvious is getting blown up, but that’s not the most desirable method. Another is spotting a mine. Lots of different class types can spot mines. Mine warfare classes (layers and sweepers) and good escort types, in appropriate (mine warfare) TFs have the best shot. But even good escorts in an amphib TF have a “chance” (that’s one way amphib TFs “detect” minefields). So what does one do when they detect a mine? They get a “chance” to destroy (shoot) it. Depending on the TF type, the combat report message will be a bit different. A lucky tuna boat in an amphib TF might get to “destroy” a mine. The same lucky tuna boat in a minesweeping TF might get to “clear” a mine. It’s all loops within loops with the minesweep TF components looping to the “clear mines” text messages, and others looping to the “destroy mines” text messages, because the mine TFs are wanting to “clear”, while the others are wanting to “avoid/exit”. So, yes, those escort types in a Sweep TF can detect mines (that’s what the TF is there for), and shoot at the ones they find (called “clearing” if they are successful). But shooting (‘clearing’, ‘destroying’, whatever), a mine doesn’t help much. If the TF must remain in a hex with a 200 minefield, it just means the next ship has 199 chance to get whacked instead of 200 (99.9% instead of 100%, base chance). The only way to keep your ships from getting blown up is sweep a channel through the minefield. And the only class types that can sweep a channel are the ones listed above somewhere. Somewhere down in the dark nitty gritty there’s this check for Amphib TFs where a minefield is detected: If Path = Exists, Then Go On. If Not, Go To Sequential Death Roll Sweeping a channel is utterly different from spotting and potting at individual mines.