Mike Solli
Posts: 15792
Joined: 10/18/2000 From: the flight deck of the Zuikaku Status: offline
ORIGINAL: Cribtop Mike, the hardest thing for me with the economy (indeed, with the game itself), is that I'm a top down thinker (strong "N" in Myers Briggs). Gary Grigsby was clearly a bottom up, linear thinker in spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs (strong "S" type in Myers Briggs). It's very hard for me to process information in such a left brained way. In other words, I may know I want 160 Helens per month, and I can look up that they require 2XHa-34s, and I can eventually chase down the factories, etc. But multiply this times 1,000 decisions and I go a little crazy. I've got the memory and brain power but not the stamina to go one step at a time. How do you organize your thoughts? What informational tools do you use to get on top of it? I hope this makes sense. I've said this before on the economy and my forlorn wish the game had a "setup phase," but often get blank stares from the forum. I'm not sure I can correctly communicate my problem. Hi Cribtop. I understand your question. I use the tracker to some extent, but not as much as others do. I have some spreadsheets that I use to handle some economic things. PM me your email address and I'll send them to you. For airframes and engines, I have a spreadsheet where I input the number of each airframe I'm building and it'll calculate my engine needs. I suspect tracker can do that but this works for me and is pretty simple to read. So, when I'm figuring out the airframe/engine thing, I simply figure out what planes I want to build and in what quantity. Then I look at the engine portion of that spreadsheet and it tells me how many engines I need to build. I update it once a month with the #s in the pools and what's being produced, both airframes and engines, and at a glance, I see where I stand and can make decisions.
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