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RE: Ships Sunk

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RE: Ships Sunk - 2/23/2012 12:00:19 PM   

Posts: 9869
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Camrahn Bay...Camrahn Bay... Camrahn Bay.
Did I fail to mention Camrahn Bay as a destination for your carriers?!?


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Post #: 181
RE: Ships Sunk - 2/23/2012 3:27:29 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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Where? Sorry...No Hablo...


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Post #: 182
RE: Ships Sunk - 2/23/2012 3:33:01 PM   


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Post #: 183
January 3, 1942 - 2/23/2012 4:16:47 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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Combat Report
January 3, 1942

A ton of action with this turn. Might take a full page or so just to detail it.

North Pacific
Take Amchitka and land at Adak. No sign of Warspite though I've got DDs with each of my TF.

Central Pacific
Christmas Isle The convoy my AMC messed with a few days ago is nowhere to be seen. Another AMC runs into a DD, 4 DMS, and CM Oglala. The AMC gets surprise and PASTES the DD with 5 hits before the Americans can open fire. At that point the AMC gets pasted with 6 hits and Torp. She dishes out more damage to 2 of the DMS. Doubt if she will make it to Jaliut but not too bad of a performance all things considered.

South Pacific
As expected more Allied ships arrive at Luganville: CA New Orleans and CL St Louis. They find the 2 DD I left there and each receive two shells from my DDs but no Torp hits. The DDs flee without damage. Luganville falls without issue.

Rabaul Invasion Force is two hexes from target.

Lew has suddenly found a love of mines. I lose a DD at Port Moresby due to hitting a pair of mines.

The KB finds many juicy targets but gets screwed by the weather! With 6-7 different TF in range the CVs only get a single attack off that does damage to an American CA and CL. A small strike of 27 Zero and 16 Kate delivers their cargo: CA Indianapolis takes 3 Bombs and CL Trenton gets a pair. The Concord dodges anything dropped in its direction. Weather prevents anything else...

Bataan: Launch a probing attack against Bataan and get a 1-2 result. Forts stay at 3. This may seem bad but it isn't. I got a 1-2 (barely) with only TWO Inf Div attacking the target. Bataan is going to fall and FAST. Another Inf Div will arrive in 2 days and we'll try it then.

Clark: The 4th Marine Regiment is now trapped here for some reason and I attack for a 4-1 result. No surrender YET.

Mauban: The Allies attack (3 Phil ID and 2 smaller units) against the 65th Brigade. They get a 1-2 and will be dealt with in a couple of days as 2 more Regiments and 2nd ID will be arriving there shortly.

Subic: The two small units trapped there will be attacked tomorrow.

Taytay is captured.

Don't have enough OOOMPH to take Cagayan at this point. Have 90th Regiment and my Tk Regiment about to move into the Mountain hex south of Cagayan.
There is only small unit there. Will take the base and then unify my troops at Cagayan and see what happens.

Eastern DEI
Weather AGAIN prevents air missions being flown by either my two CVs or LBA. SUCKS. Got several targets to hit but no luck. Spot a TF heading east from Darwin and a TF moving west from the same base. My STF will deal with the western TF and Hiryu--Ryujo will tackle the one fleeing east.

Mines are laid around the Horn Island hexes this turn. Just might work out...

Land at Ambon and more MINES make their presence known as CL Kuma, a PB, and 2 AK hit them in spite of 3 DMS Sweeping the area. Landing goes well and base should fall tomorrow.

Will invade Koepang next turn. TF only 3 hexes away but nothing attacks. A good sign that.

Central DEI
Forgot to update this area yesterday. Am bogged down at Tarakan and will have to move a unit there to help but Balikpapan is mine with NO DAMAGE. I grabbed Badjermasin a few days ago and it makes its presence known by Sweeping Soerabaja with 30 Zeros and then 18 Kates attack the Port sinking SS KVII with 3 bombs. No fighters rise to fight.

Western DEI
If the mines are clear at Batavia this coming turn I will form-up my wounded birds and bring them down to this base.

LOTS of TF moving troops and supply to Merak--Batavia.

Take Mersing and my Recon Unit pursues into Johore Bharu. I expect them to immediately be kicked out of the hex but this interrupts his retreat and provides an extra day for my boys to head due west to cut the retreat route. Send 2 Ing Reg and 2 Artillery units to do this while keeping 1 Reg back to defend the base.

Batavia begins to see minesweeping as 4 DMS get going. They sweep over 200 mines on this turn. Move in aircraft as Base Forces move from Merak. I shall consolidate ALL my planes at Batavia so I can do some serious damage.

Merak gets the attention of a serious attack this day. I have a CAP of 18 Fighters and get to deal with a strike of 4 Fighters, 3 A-24 and 31 Bombers. A second attack by 8 B-17s comes in after that. They hit the AF and no serious damage is done while losing nearly 18 aircraft.

I sent a DD STF to Cocos earlier and they find 2 AP and 2 AK. The 10 DD dispatch the 4 vessels quite quickly with a Long Lance attack. Tomorrow the Island will be visited by a pair of CAs on a bombardment mission. Need this base to provide flank protection for the Australian Adventure so I must pay some serious attention to it.

On the Central Plains I bombard Loyang and will attack it with 3 Inf Div tomorrow. Hope to drop the Forts and keep those units tied to the hex while I finish surrounding it. Across the river the Chinese in hex 88,43 are nearly done after a 62-1 attack causes 2,000+ Casualties.

Attack Kanhsien in the south with a Brigade and two Inf Reg. The attack is 1-1 and Forts drop to 1. Should take this town pretty quickly.

As mentioned above, the weather really hampered my Air Strikes for the day. All those ships near the KB as well as targets in the DEI are allowed another day to run simply due to some serious rain. CRAP.

A cursory examination of warship names seen in the last few days on the east side of Australia denotes serious US Fleet presence. No less then 4 CA, 3-5 CL and a good number of DDs are operating down here along with the normal Aussie--NZ--English ships. Really HOPE to sink my teeth into them. If the Australian Adventure actually fully fires itself, these ships that are damaged and confined to Port may eventually find themselves on the receiving end of a number of Port Strikes.

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< Message edited by John 3rd -- 2/23/2012 4:19:23 PM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 184
RE: Ships Sunk - 2/23/2012 4:20:18 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
Joined: 9/8/2005
From: La Salle, Colorado
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ORIGINAL: seille


Isn't that near the Black Sea in Turkey??!!


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Post #: 185
CarDiv5's Work Day - 2/24/2012 6:52:18 AM   
John 3rd

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The planes flew THIS Day! (Jan 4, 1942)

7 Zero, 12 Val hit 1 AKL and 3 AP
7 Zero, 12 Val, and 12 Kate hit CA Portland with 1 B and 1 Torp and CA Exeter with 3 Bombs

12 Kates SINK CA Indianapolis!


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< Message edited by John 3rd -- 2/24/2012 6:53:10 AM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 186
CLEAR Skies---FINALLY! - 2/24/2012 5:22:32 PM   
John 3rd

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January 5, 1942
Combat Report
Carrier and Surface Action

The balance books FINALLY begin to swing in the proper direction as the skies clear over North and East Australia. The remaining Japanese CVs swing into the wind for the entire day and WREAK havoc! Have to say it was not without a great about of angst as I watched THREE Allied CAs penetrate CarDIv5 Escort Screen and start rapidly shooting and HITTING CV Zuikaku.

Two attempts are made to pierce the CTF (CVs Shokaku/Zuikaku, BC Kongo, 1 CA, 1 CL, 5 DD). Three American DDs try and get SMACKED by Kongo who land 5 14" Sheel on DD Porter at 14,000 Yds. Another older DD goes down as well. Feeling pretty good about life at this point, I am shocked to see CAs Exeter, Portland, and Chicago appear and try the same thing. The Japanese open up with everything they have including 800Kg bombs towed in rowboats! I anxiously watch as Portland hits Zuikaku FOUR times with 8" Shells. She--unlike most Japanese CVs--is made of stern stuff (Sys 21, Flot 8, Eng 9 and NO FIRES). Kongo again does well hitting Portland numerous times. Two Japanese DDs are damaged as well. This fight lasts 12 gunnery rounds...

CarDiv1 unites with CarDiv5 at this point and oubles the screen as well as combat power.


Morning Strikes:
24 Zero, 54 Val, 24 Kate turn those 3 CAs into scrapmetal! There are 28 Bomb hits and 8 TT hits. SCRATCH THREE CA!

13 Zero 13 Kate find CLs Boise and Glasgow and put 3 Bombs each into them at the Port above Sydney.

12 Zero 24 Val, 12 Kate sink the remaining DD that attempted to get through the screen earlier

In a big surprise, Hiryu and Ryujo join the action as they close Horn Island in the north. They find 3 more cruisers there!

17 Zero and 21 Kate hit CA Minneapolis (3B) and CL Durban (3B)

Afternoon Strikes:
13 Zero and 25 Kate put additional Torps into Chicago and Portland sinking both.

22 Zero and 42 Kate make a Port attack at Rockhampton and hits 8 AK and 2 AP.

17 Zero and 27 Val hit Boise with 3 more Bombs and Glasgow with 2 more.

Up North Horn Island gets 17 Zero and 42 Kate putting 2 more Bombs into Minneapolis, 7 Bombs into and SINKING CL Durban, and find CA Houston and deliver 4 Bombs there.

Score: CAs Exeter, Portland, Chicago, CL Durban and 3 DDs confirmed sunk. Heavy damage done to CAs Houston, Minneapolis and CLs Glasgow and Boise.

KB moves slightly south to finish off anything floating in the area before retiring.

Hiryu and Ryujo move closer to Australia so they can finish off those 2 CAs whether they remain at Horn or move south for--theoretical--safety.


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< Message edited by John 3rd -- 2/24/2012 5:23:40 PM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 187
RE: CLEAR Skies---FINALLY! - 2/28/2012 9:33:29 PM   


Posts: 2134
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From: Germany
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Monster update, where are you ?

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Post #: 188
RE: CLEAR Skies---FINALLY! - 2/29/2012 6:17:28 AM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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It is coming. My wife and I had to a 24-Hour trip to Wichita, KS Mon-Tues. Home now and going to sleep. YES: MONSTER update tomorrow morning!


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 189
January 4-7, 1942 - 2/29/2012 7:42:43 PM   
John 3rd

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Combat Report
January 4-7, 1942

With our short trip to Wichita occurring on Monday and Tuesday, Lew and I have only gotten in a few turns since my last full update.

Things are STARTING to really swing in Japan's favor as a bunch of warships are no longer to EVER serve the Allied cause! What makes it even better is that these ships could have defended Australia but now rest on the bottom of the ocean.

North Pacific
Adak falls on the 4th.

The occupation of Attu, Adak, Kiska, and Amchatka finishes the initial moves up north. Have had a worrisome development of SBDs spotted the last two days near Attu. To be safe I pull everyone back except for a TF unloading at Attu. I prepare two Chutai of Zeros and Kates (12 each) to move up to Paramushiro Jima. Perhaps they will get an opportunity...we haven't seen Saratoga yet...

Central Pacific
No major developments.

South Pacific
Luganville is ours.

Rabaul falls on the 6th.

A STF is about to bombard Noumea to see if anything is present. Time for a little reorganization with Rabaul, Lunga, Truk, and Luganville. Will be shifting supplies, troops, and fuel forward to ready the next stage of operations. Do have a TF on the way to begin development of Milne Bay so I can turn PM into a prisoner of war camp and provide a strong base to support the upcoming Australia Operations and Landings.

The KB has a masterful couple of days operating NE of Sydney! I will recap each day:

CarDiv5 sinks the USS Indianapolis and damages CA Portland and Exeter. An AKL and 3 AP are also sunk.

A strike from Rockhampton comes in fighting 34 Zero vs. 14 Buf and 16 SBD from Lexington. For ONCE my CAP devastates the incoming strike and destroys both squadrons.

CarDiv1 links up with the other and they merge to form a very powerful TF.

Joint Strikes are flown that see CAs Portland, Chicago, and Exeter sunk as well as 3 DDs. NICE!

The KB also hits CLs Boise and Glasgow leaving them in deep trouble.

Up North at Horn Island CVs Hiryu and Ryujo sink CL Durban and heavily damage CAs Minneapolis and Houston.

The carnage continues as CL De Ruyter is sunk. CA Astoria is clobbered by 6 Bombs, an AM gets sunk, and further damage is done to Boise and Glasgow. An AK and AP heading for Sydney are caught and sunk as well.

I split the KB creating a couple of STF to finish off any cripples in the area. One STF of 2 CL and 3 DD is ordered to Sydney to try and catch anything limping there while another STF of 1 CL and 3 DD is formed and gets order to React: 6 Hexes while tagging along with KB. Several damaged DDs are detached and sent back to Rabaul.

Hiryu and Ryujo sink an AK and DD Gridley up at Horn Island.

As hoped CLs Kiso and Nagara plus their DDs meet-up and SINK CL Boise as well as further damage CL Glasgow and DD Stuart.

The days sees Glasgow, Stuart and an AM sunk by the KB.

In a suicide mission the Vindicator DB Squadron from Lexington tries to attack the CL TF moving towards Sydney. The 14 brave crews get wiped out by LR CAP!

A TF is spotted leaving Noumea and so KB swings into a position between Sydney and Noumea.

Hiryu and her consorts retire towards Kendari to replennish.

Luzon looks GREAT!

1. The two units trapped at Subic Bay surrender to the 21st Inf Div on the 4th.
2. The 4th Marine Regiment is forced to surrender at Clark on the same day.
3. Mauban falls to the 2nd ID and 8,000+ Philippine troops become PoWs on the 6th.
4. Bombardment at Bataan each day nets over 400+ Casualties with guns being destroyed continously.

I have an ID about the enter Bataan. This unit, plus the two already there will launch a Direct Attack in two days and--at the least--lower the Forts. It is my belief I'll see a 1-1 result and the END of those troops will be but 10-14 days way! 2nd ID is assigned to Java and will be lifted off by January 9th to help with finishing Java ASAP. I might have 6 Inf Div free to go ANYWHERE by January 15th...YIKES!

Am taking small bases in Central and Western Philippines each day.

Mindanao looks better as my Tanks and 90th Inf Reg arrives at the central mountain base hex there with only 1 unit to oppose them. All the other LCUs are at Cagayan. We'll take this base and then move down to Cagayan. The 65th Inf Brigade will move from Mauban by AP to the base east of Cagayan.

Eastern DEI
The 4th sees CAs Ashigara and Myoko lock horns with CLs Enterprise and Dragon and a DD. With little damage the Dragon and DD Jupiter are sunk.

6 DD sink an AVP near Exmouth Bay on the same date.

Koepang and Makassar (Central DEI) falls on the 5th.

Am moving troops and supplies forward to Kendari, Ambon, and Koepang now.

Western DEI
The damaged CVs move out from Singkawang on the 6th. They are heavily escorted and two ASW TF are working the path to Batavia. Three groups of Bombers are on ASW Patrol along the same route. It is a three day journey and the 7th goes without incedent.

Cocos Island: A STF of 3 CA and 4 DD sweep into the area and sink 7 AK carrying troops. The bombardment damages a BUNCH of PBY (12 total). The same TF is expected to hit the base again on the 8th.

Merak is struck by waning LBA each day and the planes are butchered by my Zero and Oscars.

Buitenzorg is taken on the 5th. The 4th ID moves along the southern road heading for Tjilitjap while a Tk Regiment and Inf Reg move out from Batavia along the northern road.

I had to wait for Batavia to be cleaned up but on the 6th large strikes by Betty and Nells hit Soerabaja's Port sinking an AR, 4 AM, 10 AMc, SS KVII, 1 AS, and an AVP. NICE!

Looking pretty good...

Goodness. My late Mersing Landing WORKS as Kloung falls on the 7th. The peninsula is now cut. Nearly a dozen units are trapped to the north while the rest of the Allied Army is at Mersing or Singapore.

Attack by the 18th ID going in tomorrow at Temoluh in central Malaya.

A lot of movement here but things continue looking pretty good. A large Chinese Inf Div NE of Loyang surrenders on the 7th freeing up 3 Inf Div to finish off the Chinese SW of them at Loyang. Want to bag another 100,000 Chinese before reorganizing the troops.

The 55th ID is about to open the drive into southern Burma.

I-122 puts a TT into AK Steel Worker at Horn Island

I-2 sinks AK Skagerak off Newcastle

I-3 sinks AK Steel Age with 3 TT near Newcastle

I-170 sinks AP Etolin, puts 2 TT into TK H. M. Storey, AND sinks TK Mobilgas with THREE Torps at Christmas Isle. Three ships with two BIG ONES sunk on the same day by a Japanese I-Boat. Wow. BANZAI!

This is a terrible set of 4 turns for Lew. Look at the CONFIRMED losses in Warships:

CAs: Indianapolis, Portland, Chicago, and Exeter with heavy damage (possible sinkings) done to Houston, Minneapolis, and Astoria
CLs: Dragon, Durban, De Ruyter, Boise and Glasgow with damage done to Enterprise
DDs: 6 Sunk

Folks the doorway to Australia just swung fully open. Time to get out the deep waders:
A. In the east I will keep KB in the area for a couple more days hunting and then head for Rabaul. Will commence loading troops for Noumea in 2-3 days. Noumea will serve as the base for the massed landing above and below the main target.

B. Am about to take Dempasar east of Soerabaja and will then springboard to Wyndham and the resource hex north of Corunna Downs. Need to develop Corunna for Paratroop aircraft before invading Geraldton.

Little picture here just for Boise fans...

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by John 3rd -- 2/29/2012 7:46:07 PM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

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Post #: 190
RE: January 4-7, 1942 - 2/29/2012 9:35:32 PM   


Posts: 2134
Joined: 6/19/2007
From: Germany
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Very good work John !! That are really a lot of allied warships you destroyed here in a few days.
I really hope this game (and AAR) will last for a while.

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Post #: 191
RE: January 4-7, 1942 - 2/29/2012 9:51:55 PM   

Posts: 584
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From: Serbia
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Always nice to see That Damned Ship (TM) burning In my PBEM she appeared few turns ago, caused havoc and disappeared again. I'm half expecting to see her in Tokyo Bay bombarding the Emperor's palace any day ...


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Post #: 192
RE: January 4-7, 1942 - 3/1/2012 3:09:26 AM   

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Big Bad Boise had an almost mythical rep back in old WITP days. Ask 1EyedJack about how much havoc she caused him in my first PBEM game.

I still have a soft spot for her, especially when I play the Allies.


(in reply to BigBadWolf)
Post #: 193
RE: January 4-7, 1942 - 3/1/2012 4:32:30 PM   
John 3rd

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ORIGINAL: seille

Very good work John !! That are really a lot of allied warships you destroyed here in a few days.
I really hope this game (and AAR) will last for a while.

It was solid work to be for sure. Just took a look at the sunk ships list and we are currently at 6 CA and 9 CL sunk on the Allied side. That is a SOLID start.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 194
January 8, 1942 - 3/1/2012 4:59:53 PM   
John 3rd

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Combat Report
January 8, 1942

Continue sinking Allied shipping and get some seriously positive developments on the ground side this day.

North Pacific
I keep getting notices of ships being spotted by SBDs up here near Attu. Been seeing this for 4-5 turns but haven't actually seen a plane. Strange. Have supplies dropping off at Attu and Amchitka. Will be moving those two Chutai up to Paramushiro Jima tomorrow in case my opponent decides to come east.

Central Pacific

South Pacific
Am letting the Imperial Guards Brigade and my SNLF Assault Division rest a few days at Rabaul and then they will load for New Caledonia.

Have got an Air Flotilla, and two Fleet HQ at Rabaul as well as 3 large Base Forces. Engineering--by Japanese standards--should proceed pretty quickly. Need that Sz-4 AF up to 7 QUICK. Will begin the Port Moresby bombing campaign fairly soon.

The Milne Bay Invasion Force (mainly Engineers) should land in about 2-3 days. Dispatch and STF to protect it if needed.

Eastern Australia
Sydney My STF moves into the hex and sinks an AMc. In return CL Kiso takes a mine and I have a DD get another. To be expected but...

The CVs are now due east of Sydney by 8 hexes. Nothing in its port whatsoever. The CVs launch a small attack (19Z and 26K) that sink a pair of AK due south about 7 hexes.

MOVES: Have the AOs coming down to refuel the KB. Two small TF of support ships will rendezvous and be added into the screen. Am seriously thinking of dispatching Zuikaku to Rabaul for repairs. Those 3 8" hits were not very nice. After reorganization the KB shall move due east. CA Louisville and other ships were just spotted at Suva. Might be a juicy target for 3 CVs. This Sweep east would also cover the initial moves against New Caledonia...

Have an Inf Div entering the Bataan hex this next turn. The 3 ID will launch a Deliberate Attack at that point. Should be good.

Begin loading the Sendai Division at Mauban to Java. Will load the 65th Brigade tomorrow for Mindanao.

At Mindanao Malaybalay falls to the Tk Regiment and 90th Inf Reg. This leaves only Cagayan.

Eastern/Central DEI
Will land at Denpasar tomorrow. This TF is Covered by 2 CA and 7 DD. Expect a response but shall see what happens.

The 3 Tk Regiments that took Koepang will embark in a few days for Wyndham Australia to begin the NW Aussie moves.

Kolaka, Celebes is taken and the two units there are driven into the jungle to rot.

4th ID and the Inf Reg are well on their way to their mission objectives as the Japanese move east from Batavia. Bringing in the Sendai Division shall finish this campaign quickly as well.

Am attacking the Soerabaja AF each day. There are a pair of Dutch DD there in a TF. My Kates seemingly CANNOT hit them! Grrr...

Cocos Island My 3 CA and 4 DD sweep in and crush 4 AK at the base. The CAs then bombard the target and get good results destroying a few planes on the AF and troops at the base. May need BIGGER guns for prettier fireworks. Hmmm...will think about that some.

Where has Enterprise gone? Indian Ocean or Perth? Need to find that out...

My broken little chicks are now a day from Batavia. Soryu, Shoho, and Zuiho have done OK for two days moving from Singkawang. The TF will automatically disband tomorrow and I will Post their individual numbers at that point. There are two Naval HQ present and an AR. Should see numbers come down pretty quickly.

Hex 49,76 is taken by Imperial Guards and a Tk Reg.

Temoluh FALLS to the 18th ID. Six British units are forced to retreat. Took a look around and see 12 units north of Kloung, 12 in Johore, and 14 in Singapore. I've performed this Campaign on a shoestring with 2 2/3 ID. Pretty solid at this point.

The 55th ID and a Tk Reg are gathering at Moulmein to push north.

Kanhsien FALLS in the south.

He has better try SOMETHING in Loyang FAST. The vice is closing and I cannot wait to force the surrender of over 100,000 troops.

Shanghai AF 7

< Message edited by John 3rd -- 3/1/2012 5:01:12 PM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 195
Western Java--DEI - 3/1/2012 5:07:51 PM   
John 3rd

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Here is a screenshot of my hurt chickies...

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Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 196
KB Moves - 3/1/2012 5:19:28 PM   
John 3rd

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Here is the KB and other area TF. The big AOs are coming down from the north. The two smaller STF will all combine with the carriers to make the TF much larger. Totals should be: 4 CV, 2 BC, 2 CA, 3 CL, and 8 DD.

Sorties are OK. I've got Torps on 3 of the 4 carriers.

Going EAST on a bear hunt...

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Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 197
Kaigun Construction - 3/1/2012 5:37:43 PM   
John 3rd

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Here are the reinforcements by RA as of January 8, 1942:

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Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 198
RE: Kaigun Construction - 3/1/2012 6:11:21 PM   

Posts: 584
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From: Serbia
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You are not accelerating anything?


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Post #: 199
Air Building - 3/1/2012 6:12:07 PM   
John 3rd

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Here is the top half of current aircraft construction:

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Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 200
Air Building - 3/1/2012 6:26:32 PM   
John 3rd

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Here is the bottom half with most of the Army production on it:

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Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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Post #: 201
RE: Kaigun Construction - 3/1/2012 6:35:39 PM   
John 3rd

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You are not accelerating anything?

I am holding off on acceleration until I get the CV (Nisshin and Junyo) and Yamato completed. As soon as they are done then I will work to bring ships in together. With the 3 Sho-Kais coming in in 1943 I want to get them bunched up. Same can be said for the Unryus. Will build EVERYTHING including the pair of CBs. Every ship SHALL be built so they can die gallantly!

< Message edited by John 3rd -- 3/1/2012 6:36:12 PM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to BigBadWolf)
Post #: 202
RE: Kaigun Construction - 3/1/2012 6:39:13 PM   

Posts: 4742
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ORIGINAL: John 3rd



You are not accelerating anything?

I am holding off on acceleration until I get the CV (Nisshin and Junyo) and Yamato completed. As soon as they are done then I will work to bring ships in together. With the 3 Sho-Kais coming in in 1943 I want to get them bunched up. Same can be said for the Unryus. Will build EVERYTHING including the pair of CBs. Every ship SHALL be built so they can die gallantly!

What's your prefered way of accelerating? Which phase of production?


Without any doubt: I am the spawn of evil - and the Bavarian Beer Monster (BBM)!

There's only one bad word and that's taxes. If any other word is good enough for sailors; it's good enough for you. - Ron Swanson

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 203
RE: Kaigun Construction - 3/1/2012 6:43:58 PM   
John 3rd

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Far distant is cheapest.

Will move the 2nd and 3rd Sho-Kai to early-June. The first 3 Unryus will be targeted for a late-Dec/early-Jan 1944 completion date.

Want to complete to two Tone-Kai CAs as well as the remaining 6 Agano-CLs. Good ships that can be highly useful.

To do this, I am slightly expanding my yards and putting off some of my SS Construction. Keep in mind that Stanislav completely re-tooled the SS production into much more useful subs. WANT them but will hold off for about 6 months as I get everything else organized and moved forward.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to Historiker)
Post #: 204
Kaigun Construction - 3/1/2012 6:46:28 PM   
John 3rd

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Here are the major surface units to be completed:

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Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 205
Kaigun Construction - 3/1/2012 6:49:46 PM   
John 3rd

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DDs come in pretty quickly in 1942 and then early-43. After that the Japanese shift almost exclusively to 2nd line DDs.

We premise a greater specialization of building with longer runs and more ships. The Kagero's (Pt Arthur) and Moon-Class (Maizuru) DDs are clearly evident here. Notice that Pt. Arthur is a major DD producer.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by John 3rd -- 3/1/2012 6:51:01 PM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 206
THREE Enemy CVs! - 3/2/2012 3:50:01 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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Combat Report
January 9, 1942

All three American CVs are now known for their rough whereabouts. Lexington sits in an Aussie Port somewhere trying to heal her damage. Her planes have been mercilessly shot down attacking the KB off Rockhampton (Most of her Buffalo, ALL of 1 SBD Squadron, and most of the Vindicators she carried on Dec 7th). CV Enterprise made her appearance off Cocos Isle about 10 days ago. Indian Ocean or near Perth.

CV Saratoga?

North Pacific
As suspected over the last 4-5 turns, Saratoga IS up in this vicinity. On the 9th she FINALLY flies some strikes. I bet Lew was beside himself when he saw me clear the vast majority of my shipping out of the region. Sara attacks and sinks an AV just arrived at Attu (but it didn't disband as ordered) using 6 F4F and 12 SBD. At and same time 9 Devastators hit a pair of AK at Adak as they unload supplies.

Order everyone AWAY towards Paramushiro Jima. My valuable AO heads NNW and two small groups of AK take differing routes towards PJ. The 4 AK at Adak disband into the Port.

A force of 12 Zero and 21 Kates move into PJ in case he is foolish enough to move west. A Daitai of Betty will soon join them from Kyushu.

EXCITING to know where the 3rd CV is. This means I can send Zuikaku to Rabaul for repairs and have my other 3 CV of the KB wreak HAVOC in the South Pacific. BANZAI!

Central Pacific
No news.

South Pacific
KB refuels tomorrow and then will head due west. The convoy spotted approaching Suva continues west TOWARDS the Fleet. YUM! I am hungry. Time to intercept is two days. Detach Zuikaku and 3 DD for Rabaul as described above. She may provide Zero CAP for the Milne Landing.

The Milne Landing Force is holding off for two days as Vindicators and some A-24 make their presence known out of Port Moresby. No damage but I do need CAP. Order my Betty and Nells (36 Planes) as well as a full Daitai of Zero to hit PM tomorrow.

Rabaul is building up as three TF unload troops and supplies here. Two more TF are on the way and a TK TF is now shuttling fuel to the base.

The remains of the 144th Inf Reg and large Base Force intended for Luganville but dropped at Lunga are loaded and now headed southeast to fully join-up with their units at Luganville. Fly in two Mavis Chutai to bring Search Coverage to this area so KB knows where to strike.

Bataan: Air Strikes and Bombardment continues to wreak havoc on the troops here. A Deliberate Attack as soon as another ID arrives.

Eastern/Central DEI
Hiryu and Ryujo will arrive at Koepang tomorrow and refuel/reprovision.

The Dempasar Invasion Force lands tomorrow. Have another small Invasion Force moving to land at the small Java Port directly acrost from Dempasar.

Soerabaja: Four separate attacks angle in on the Dutch DDs present in the hex. Nells--Betty: No hits, Kates: Hit Kortenaer and Piet Hein once each, 21 Vals from Soryu's Air Group SINK both DDs.

Batavia: My wounded Chickies arrive at Batavia but Shoho gets the joys of a 500lb bomb hit from a Swordfish as a force of 4 Hurricanes and 2 Swordfish manage to evade my CAP of 22 Zero! Useless! If he tries anything NOW, 90 Fighters will find his planes and I am sure they will be able to achieve SOMETHING against those planes...

Cocos: 7 DDs sweep the hex but find no targets.

Hex 49,76 falls to the Imperial Guards. The Tk Regiment follows the coast and Imp Guards move down the highway. 18th ID leaves Temoluh heading SW.

Troops gather at Moulmein.

Home Islands
The presence of Saratoga brings about a flurry of orders. 6th JNAF BF is loaded on Fast (18 Knot) AKs for Paramushiro Jima. 8th Combined SNLF (with GREAT CD) will be loaded tomorrow and sent to the Aleutians when the coast is clear. Two 24 Planes Jake Search Planes units are reraded at Tokyo to move north for serious air search. Alreay detailed the movement of other aircraft.

Damaged CVs:
Will do a daily chronicle to watch their repair status. Batavia: 2 Fleet HQ with nearly 450 Naval Support, Sz-6 Port, and an AR. Stand down the carriers and hook them up to the Repair Ship.

Soryu: Sys 26, Flot 38, Eng 3
Shoho: Sys 43, Flot 59, Eng 2
Zuiho: Sys 14, Flot 38, Eng 32

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions???

< Message edited by John 3rd -- 3/2/2012 3:51:35 PM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 207
RE: THREE Enemy CVs! - 3/2/2012 4:50:49 PM   

Posts: 9869
Joined: 1/10/2005
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My wounded Chickies arrive at Batavia but Shoho gets the joys of a 500lb bomb hit from a Swordfish as a force of 4 Hurricanes and 2 Swordfish manage to evade my CAP of 22 Zero


(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 208
RE: THREE Enemy CVs! - 3/2/2012 5:43:35 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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ORIGINAL: ny59giants


My wounded Chickies arrive at Batavia but Shoho gets the joys of a 500lb bomb hit from a Swordfish as a force of 4 Hurricanes and 2 Swordfish manage to evade my CAP of 22 Zero

Yaaa---Yaaaa-Yaaaa: SHUSH!

Darned side seat drivers...


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 209
January 10, 1942 - 3/3/2012 5:59:20 AM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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Combat Report
January 10, 1942

Lew makes the ole college try at getting to my CVs in Batavia but all for nought. Looks like there is going to be some serious action around Suva.

North Pacific
Saratoga moves away and he sends in STF to Attu. No luck. My Cargo TF and AO make clean their escape. Have to see what he intends after this. Would like to hold Sara's attention up here for while but know she cannot get to anything vital for at 10-14 days. This is GOOD to know.

Central Pacific
Christmas is becoming a beehive for shipping. My I-Boats are getting cracks at various ships nearly everyday. Would love to put together TF of several cruisers and DD to make a solid hit here...will think on that some...

South Pacific
Two Japanese TF approaching Luganville. My Air Search there picks up at least 3 TF unloading at Suva with several warships spotted. YUM!

KB refuels and moves SSW of Noumea. This will take two days before I can attack. Intend to swing up on Suva from the SW. Zuikaku makes herself highly useful by being spotted heading towards Rabaul. Perhaps this will tell Lew it is OK to move west or stay longer at Suva. Since Zuikaku only has 3 DD as escorts right now I detach a CL and 3 DD from Rabaul to thicken her Screen some.

Port Moresby is hit by 15 Zero and 11 Betty. No opposition and they make a bomb run on the AF.

LOTS of shipping unloading or about to unload at Rabaul right now.

Bataan gets hit by 90+ bombers and a 3rd ID FINALLY arrives. Order a Deliberate Attack for tomorrow. Have high hopes to lower Forts and, perhaps, get a 1-1 on the first assault here.

65th brigade is now headed to Mindanao and 2nd ID is almost loaded for Java.

Eastern DEI
Quiet. Hiryu and Ryujo will arrive at Koepang tomorrow.

Central DEI
North of Borneo, Balabac falls. That unit has been taking bases and I send it to grab the base SW of Tarakan.

The Denpasar Landing goes on without any interference. Looks GOOD. Will attack with 21st Brigade tomorrow.

My noble opponent gives it the old college try as he sends 26 Fighters and 5 Bombers towards Batavia for my CVs. DENIED! Nearly 65 Fighters shoot down 16 planes for the cost of 2 Oscars. Bump CAP another 10% for tomorrow to, hopefully, teach the lesson about leaving my babies alone. To make a hit against the CVs even more difficult, I clear out Merak's Harbor of nearly 40 vessels and send them to Batavia's Harbor.

CV Healing:
Soryu moves from 26-38-3 to 25-36-3: Like seeing improvements in Sys and Flot.
Shoho sees improvement as well: 43-59-2 to 43-53-2
Zuiho goes slightly the wrong way: 14-38-32 to 14-38-33

The net closes on Loyang as it is now surrounded. Two Tk Regiments and an ID move into the road hex going to Sian. I order the 4 Inf Div, Army HQ, and 2 Artillery units to launch a Deliberate Attack.

If these are not enough then 2 more ID will join the attack from Chenchang in 2-3 days.

SS Ops
I-162 sinks AK Empire Raja with 3 Torps near Trivandrum.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by John 3rd -- 3/3/2012 6:00:18 AM >


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

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