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Joined: 3/13/2002 From: metro Chicago, Illinois, USA Status: offline
From the Weathers Mod main NOTES.txt file: quote:
My weathers mods -- why bother? For some answers, see the NOTES.txt files in the weathers mod game folders (for example, the weathers mod ACW/NOTES.txt file). In my weathers mods, I try to base weathers on real-world climate and weather patterns, for example * climate (weather) and terrain maps, such as: * * * * * * * climate graphs, such as: * * climate data and summary descriptions, such as: * *,_Virginia#Climate I also base things on my understanding of how climate and weather work, from personal experience (residing and traveling), but also a lifetime of casual study (geography classes, news accounts, global warming blogs, histories, etc.). Within reason -- given limitations in the AGE engine weather mechanism, and limits on time and effort; I am not a meteorologist or climatologist, and the weather mods are not a scientific study or PhD thesis! -- within reason, you can expect a fairly good weather model and representation of the real physical world. In my weathers mods, there will be much less variability, fewer weather patterns, than in the unmodded, official games. In my opinion, AGEOD has in some ways over-engineered its weather model (in other ways, under-engineered); the weather is too granular, with too many weather areas and terrain types. This is especially true of the earlier games (AACW, WIA, NCP). Simplifying is key. But climate and weather are complicated and unpredictable, you might say. You might say; and I would respond: * day-to-day weather differences; but game turns are not one day, rather 15 (or 30) days * freak snowstorms or cold snaps, especially to the south; in real life, they do happen, but rarely, and usually dissipate quickly * inverted continental temperature patterns (warm to the north, cold to the south; or warm to the west, cold to the east); but in real life, these are atypical, are not at all usual * the "Little Ice Age" -- roughly the 16th through the 19th Centuries -- and the generally somewhat colder weather toward the end of that age compared to our current weather; but the differences are "somewhat" (in real life, real history), not drastic (as sometimes in the official games) We are looking to average normal weather over time (15 days, or 30 days) and space (the game map). Variety may be the spice of life, and for some people make for more interesting game play; but my preference is for realism, and plausibility. These are serious historical simulations, not anything-goes fantasy games. My opinion. So game weather will be blander and more boring than what you are used to. In my weathers mods, I strive to follow these general principles: * colder to the north, warmer to the south * colder in the uplands (hills and mountains, and depending on the game, also wilderness, taiga, etc.); warmer in the lowlands and toward the coasts * consistency east to west (not north to south) * broad banding, averaging out weather over the 15-day (or 30-day, in the case of WIA) game turns * no "crazy quilts" or "peek-a-boo" (now you see it, now you don't)) weather patterns, or as little as possible In order to achieve the desired effects, I have to * in all games, re-assign some regions from one weather area to another * in some games, reduce the number of weather areas * in all games, constrain each region to just one or two "adjacent" weather possibilities in any given month Region re-assignments: In the official game data files, regions are sometimes mistakenly assigned from one adjoining weather area to another, leading to "orphans", "holes", and "fingers". At other times, there are outright goofs (for example, in RUS assigning the southern Steppe region $Alexandrovsk to the northern Subarctic weather area). These must be corrected. Reducing the number of weather areas: Here are some typical weather areas (in this case, from the WIA/GameData/Areas.ini file): --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Area #81, Western_Great_Lakes {Area} UID = $area_Weather_Western_Great_Lakes Name = Western_Great_Lakes Hierarchy = -1 ListParams = $Lac Huron Sud|$Lac Huron Nord|$Chutes aux Saubles|$Saginaw Bay|$Lac Huron|$Sauts des Francais|$Anse au Tonnerre|$Sault|$Lac Superieur Sud|$Lac Superieur Ouest|$Anse de Michipicoton|$Grande Baie|$Baie des Puans|$Lac Michigan Centre|$Lac Michigan Sud|$Lac Superieur Est|$Saint Joseph|$Muskoka|$Huron|$Nunda|$Ojibwa|$Buffalo|$Quinatowa|$Portage|$Saint Clair|$La Grande|$Ganago|$Keweenaw|$Laurium|$Marinette|$Menominee|$Laona|$Wausau|$Oconto|$Shawano|$Wautama|$Dubuque|$Oshkosh|$Kewaunee|$Manitowoc|$Mauwatosa|$Ocanomowoc|$Mascoutins|$Maquaketa|$Neenah|$Savanna|$Kitchigaming|$Green Lake|$Pottewatomis|$Le Detroit|$Saint Denis|$Sandusky|$Sebawaing|$Lapeer|$Levallon|$Flin|$Saginaw|$Standish|$Sable|$Mackinaw|$Cadillac|$Clare|$Alma|$Kalkaska|$Manistee|$Manton|$Muskegon|$Grand Havre|$Owosso|$Grand Rapides|$Fontain|$Maumee|$Saint Ignace|$Sault Sainte Marie|$Munising|$Manistique|$Marquette|$Ispheming|$Escanaba|$Saginaw river|$Elkhart|$Dawagiac|$Kenosha|$La Porte| {/Area} // Area #82, Eastern_Great_Lakes {Area} UID = $area_Weather_Eastern_Great_Lakes Name = Eastern_Great_Lakes Hierarchy = -1 ListParams = $Milles Iles|$Lake Ontario|$Niagara Mouth|$Long Point Bay|$Lake Erie|$Bass Islands|$Lake St Clair|$Nioure|$Famine|$Gameydoes|$Cataraqui|$Quinte|$Ganaraske|$Oshawa|$Rouille|$Mississauga|$Niagara|$Sippee|$Urse|$Cedar|$Utanvas|$Blanc|$Sandosky|$Lorain|$Miamee|$Ashtabula|$Cataraugus Creek|$Tegynagerunte|$Irondequoit|$Gannagaro|$Osceola|$Oneida|$Oswego| {/Area} --------------------------------------------------------------------- I effectively reduce the number of weather areas by emptying the weather area members list, as in --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Area #81, Western_Great_Lakes {Area} UID = $area_Weather_Western_Great_Lakes Name = Western_Great_Lakes Hierarchy = -1 ListParams = {/Area} --------------------------------------------------------------------- and reassigning the member regions to another weather area (in the example, to Eastern_Great_Lakes). (The consolidated regions are therefore sometimes misnomers. In the above example, I would like to rename Eastern_Great_Lakes as simply "Great_Lakes". But that would necessitate changing too many game data files. To ease mod installation, I try to keep things simple, and just live with some of the misnomers. But this is behind-the-scenes stuff that shouldn't matter to you, the gamer.) In the most extreme case -- WIA -- I have reduced the number of active weather areas from the default 19 down to the mod 7. In other cases -- ROP & RUS -- the number of active weather areas is unchanged (but still with region re-assignments among areas). More tightly constraining weather possibilities: Here are some typical weather specifications (in this case, from the ROP/GameData/Weathers/WeatherPatterns_Interior_Uplands.ini file): --------------------------------------------------------------------- Interior_Uplands|January|normal|Fair|0 Interior_Uplands|January|normal|Mud|0 Interior_Uplands|January|normal|Snow|70 Interior_Uplands|January|normal|HarshWeather|30 Interior_Uplands|January|normal|VHarshWeather|0 Interior_Uplands|January|low|Clear|0 Interior_Uplands|January|low|Mud|0 Interior_Uplands|January|low|Snow|70 Interior_Uplands|January|low|HarshWeather|30 Interior_Uplands|January|low|VHarshWeather|0 Interior_Uplands|January|high|Clear|0 Interior_Uplands|January|high|Mud|0 Interior_Uplands|January|high|Snow|20 Interior_Uplands|January|high|HarshWeather|80 Interior_Uplands|January|high|VHarshWeather|0 Interior_Uplands|January|coldwater|Clear|0 Interior_Uplands|January|coldwater|Mud|0 Interior_Uplands|January|coldwater|Snow|70 Interior_Uplands|January|coldwater|HarshWeather|30 Interior_Uplands|January|coldwater|VHarshWeather|0 Interior_Uplands|January|water|Clear|0 Interior_Uplands|January|water|Mud|20 Interior_Uplands|January|water|Snow|80 Interior_Uplands|January|water|HarshWeather|0 Interior_Uplands|January|water|VHarshWeather|0 Interior_Uplands|February|normal|Fair|0 Interior_Uplands|February|normal|Mud|0 Interior_Uplands|February|normal|Snow|100 Interior_Uplands|February|normal|HarshWeather|0 Interior_Uplands|February|normal|VHarshWeather|0 Interior_Uplands|February|low|Clear|0 Interior_Uplands|February|low|Mud|0 Interior_Uplands|February|low|Snow|100 Interior_Uplands|February|low|HarshWeather|0 Interior_Uplands|February|low|VHarshWeather|0 Interior_Uplands|February|high|Clear|0 Interior_Uplands|February|high|Mud|0 Interior_Uplands|February|high|Snow|50 Interior_Uplands|February|high|HarshWeather|50 Interior_Uplands|February|high|VHarshWeather|0 Interior_Uplands|February|coldwater|Clear|0 Interior_Uplands|February|coldwater|Mud|0 Interior_Uplands|February|coldwater|Snow|100 Interior_Uplands|February|coldwater|HarshWeather|0 Interior_Uplands|February|coldwater|VHarshWeather|0 Interior_Uplands|February|water|Clear|0 Interior_Uplands|February|water|Mud|50 Interior_Uplands|February|water|Snow|50 Interior_Uplands|February|water|HarshWeather|0 Interior_Uplands|February|water|VHarshWeather|0 [...] --------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can see, each terrain type is limited to just one or two "adjacent" weather possibilities in any given month. For example: 100% chance Snow; or 50% chance Mud, 50% chance Snow. To allow three or more possible weathers for a given region and month is to invite inverted weather/temperature patterns, "checker board" patterns, or worse. Contrast the above with some typical standard defaults (in this case, from the official ACW/GameData/Weathers/WeatherPatterns_Weather_Upland_South.ini file): --------------------------------------------------------------------- Weather_Upland_South|January|Other|Fair|20 Weather_Upland_South|January|Other|Mud|40 Weather_Upland_South|January|Other|Snow|25 Weather_Upland_South|January|Other|Frozen|15 Weather_Upland_South|January|Other|Blizzard|0 Weather_Upland_South|January|Marsh|Fair|60 Weather_Upland_South|January|Marsh|Mud|25 Weather_Upland_South|January|Marsh|Snow|5 Weather_Upland_South|January|Marsh|Frozen|10 Weather_Upland_South|January|Marsh|Blizzard|0 [...] --------------------------------------------------------------------- For all the craziness that results, too much variation! I use a Perl script (program),, to generate the month-to-month weather parameters (chances) for each weather area and terrain type. You don't need to run this script, or to understand its operation; that's my job. Just know that the script helps to ensure consistent treatment across all climate types, across all terrain types, across all games. The various Weathers *.ini files are a great mass of data. helps to make sense of it all, to manage all the complexity, and to reduce outliers, typos, and other mistakes (such as the combined weather chances exceeding 100% for any given month and terrain type). How do my modded weather parameters compare to the AGEOD official defaults? To answer that question, I use another Perl script,, to compute concise, concise, easy-to-see cross references of one game's weather specifications to another's. In my weathers mods, you can expect many changes, but I try not to stray unnecessarily far from the official AGEOD standards and defaults. For the latest version of &, (also the latest version of the Weathers Mods, other scripts, and possibly other useful stuff), visit After all the region corrections, re-assignments, consolidations; after specifying the weather parameters (chances); after performing some rigorous, comprehensive QA (using AGElint, and by other means); after all of that, I tested, tested, tested. Based on my tests, I am fairly well satisfied with the AACW, ROP, RUS & WIA Weathers Mods results. Not perfect. But good enough. Certainly better than the standard defaults. There is much more I could say, but let's keep this short (ha!). For more, much more discussion, please see any of * (AACW) * (ROP) [older, but still interesting discussion] * (RUS) * (WIA) * (WIA) [older, but still interesting discussion] Some disclaimers: * I am not a climatologist. (I only play one on TV.) * My criticisms of AGEOD games weather modeling may be out of date. The official game weathers may have changed recently, or since I have written this. * The AGE weather model is imperfect (what isn't?), and limits what we can achieve. There are some maddening quirks and gotchas in the AGE weathers system, also in the game data files. We try to do the best we can, given all the constraints, and the mod objectives. * I am diligent, and careful, and to the best of my ability I QA my work and strive to give you the best product reasonably possible. I make my share of mistakes, but except for honest differences of opinion, I correct my goofs! So, that in a nutshell (well, a bagful of nutshells) summarizes my Weathers Mods. Enjoy! Robert Osterlund, aka "Berto" Oak Park, Illinois, USA 2012/09/12
< Message edited by berto -- 9/12/2012 6:23:40 PM >