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- 2/8/2003 8:17:51 AM   
CPT Shoe

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From: Fayetteville, NC, USA
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The American has just about reached the Southern-most edge of my defensive sector, and I am doing very little to slow him down. I have almost zero combat power, and have no recourse except to fire an occasional harrassing shot, and hope we kill or disperse some shaken troops. Those airborne forces in the rear must be causing some serious headaches, as we still have no contact with any reinforcing forces. We are determined to send as many americans to hell as we can before we fall for our country!


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 31
- 2/8/2003 8:25:54 AM   

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Hang in there Shoe!

Daddy is comming in the next scen!



Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 32
- 2/8/2003 9:17:55 AM   

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The beachhead is ours. The only areas that need to be cleaned out are: 1 chateau (sp?), a smallish bocage area, and the extreme SE corner of the map where I suspect that last annoying pair of 81mm mortars are hiding. Other than that there are just 2 more bunkers I can circle back and take out from behind.

Time to surrender I think so we can get on to your revenge scenario. What do you think?


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 33
- 2/8/2003 10:54:48 AM   
CPT Shoe

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As painful as it may be, I still have the means to resist. Although I don't believe I will retain those meager means for more than a few more turns. Please indulge me with a couple more turns. My HQ has been pushed to the extreme southeast portion of the map. Don't you want to crush the final resistance? Don't you want to capture those last two v-hexes? Come on take them away. I DARE YOU :)


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 34
- 2/8/2003 2:51:00 PM   

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There was no resistance in the bocage area and I took the chateau from a zugtrup protecting it. I also took out a zugtrup that had a beautiful view down the length of the eastern gully. Neither of them will be sending reports back to your cowering A0 unit.

I also located another bunker. This time it was with a full squad so I didn't lose the unit. That bunker has been heavily smoked and will be dealt with as soon as I can call up the demo teams.

I still want those annoying 81mm mortars. And I know exactly where they are.

Moving forward brashly.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 35
- 2/8/2003 9:34:14 PM   
CPT Shoe

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"Well Hello there!"

It's about time you guys in the rear figured out something important was going on up here at the beach. Send a messenger back (lines of commo are still cut) and let them know that the Americans have landed in force. Give me some fresh Grenadiers and some supporting STUG's and we will see if we can at least re-take Vierville-Sur-Mer and hold until you re-inforce with some muscle!

"lets move out!", I have an axe to grind.:mad:


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 36
- 2/9/2003 1:13:42 AM   

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Uh Oh! I was afraid of that. There were just too many turns left in the game for me to be securely where I am.:eek:


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 37
- 2/9/2003 2:04:07 AM   

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Well, one section of StuG IIIs is not going to slow me down that much. I immobilized one with a rifle grenade and finished it off with a Bazooka team. The platoon of Grenadieres in support of the StuGs didn't offer too much resistance. I'll finish them off next turn unless more help arrives. I'm too close to the Entry Hexes for them to spread out and make mischief.

I also found a lone MG squad trying to sneak up on one of the cliff-side VHs. He has been targeted with 50mm mortars to pin him down and will be dealt with too.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 38
- 2/9/2003 2:33:06 AM   
CPT Shoe

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:( :(

The valiant Oberleutnant Benker rushes off with his platoon of Grenadiers and supporting STUG section.

"Once more into the breach my dear friend." Sadly I will miss him.


If I want to live to fight another day, I must make my preparations to depart.


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 39
- 2/9/2003 4:02:57 AM   

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It may have been too late to dash off with your A0, I found him. It was only with a leading squad and after a brief firefight, having done some damage to the German Commander's staff, the valiant Germans actually shot back and chased off my squad!

It seems like my men are tiring of this battle and that they are not rallying as well as they had been even though most units have regrouped and are now in contact with their platoon leaders.

The German "reinforcements" lost 2 squads and I immobilized the other StuG. They will be finished off next turn...


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 40
- 2/9/2003 5:26:13 AM   
CPT Shoe

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Well I managed to get away, with tail tucked firmly between legs.

I am ever hopeful that I have performed well enough with the assets that I was given to prevent the High Command from sending me to the eastern front as punishment for my defeat. Give me another chance, another battle, perhaps we can still push the Americans back into the sea.


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 41
Capt Shoe - 2/9/2003 5:32:06 AM   

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you put up a grand fight! You will like the next scen much me!;)

I suggest you use this same thread as it will make the HOF!


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 42
- 2/9/2003 5:32:30 AM   
CPT Shoe

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The few remaining German forces:

2 bunkers, one rifle pit, 2 x 81MM Mortars with ammo dump, MG42 with malfunctioned weapon, and a disabled STUG...

Surrender quietly to the American forces.

German losses @693 - American losses @589
(As best as I can remember)


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 43
- 2/9/2003 5:40:33 AM   

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Jess, How about a few words from you about this next scenario?

The last one was very exhilarating. I think you would have to be very bad to lose as the US on the Beaches and I don't think the Germans had a chance, but it is worth the play, because it really gives you a sense of the personal peril that each man, US or German, must have felt on those beaches. As the US commander, I had no choice but to throw my men into the meatgrinder. If they didn't move forward, the whole invasion would have been stopped at the beach. As the German, the individual soldier must have felt that he didn't have enough bullets and that there would really only be one ending to this day: Defeat.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 44
Pointe du Hoc - 2/9/2003 5:54:02 AM   

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Pointe du Hoc

The 2nd Rangers are trapped on Pointe du Hoc, with the 5th Rangers in support the 29th is orderd to reinforce the 2nd. And move onto Isigny. The 747th Tank Battalion will join the 29th for the push.

Orders are to take the Point before the Americans can reinforce. HQ is giving you command of a BattleGroup with support of some Hvy Panzers and Stugs. There is also Polish OST units under your command. Therefore your oders are two fold, Capture Pointe du Hoc and defend Isigny


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 45
- 2/9/2003 6:14:43 AM   

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Cool!! I wandered around Pointe du Hoc too while I was there last Sept. That place has huge craters still there from the shelling it took.

I'm 6' tall, these craters are way over my head.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 46
- 2/9/2003 6:15:59 AM   

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Closer to the craters.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 47
Way Way - 2/9/2003 6:28:15 AM   

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Post more post more! :D :cool: ;)


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 48
- 2/9/2003 7:33:10 AM   

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This is what Shoe's bunkers looked like after I was through with target practice on Day 1 of the Invasion of Fortress Europe.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 49
Lets get this ball - 2/9/2003 8:58:29 AM   

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Fight Fight !!!!:mad:


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 50
- 2/9/2003 1:40:11 PM   

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Ah, the "lovely" Pt. du Hoc. All is quiet on this windswept, moonscape of a mess (although, stangely for this time of year, visibility is at least 2km). My Rangers suffered greatly to take this point of land to deny the gun emplacements here the ability to bombard the beach landings. Unfortunately, all was for naught because the Germans, although they put up a great defense here, had already conceded this speck of land to us by removing the 105mm guns our recon planes had said were here; replacing them with black painted telephone poles.:mad: Now, for some reason we are meeting light resistance again. Scouts and snipers have been engaged in the area and we have been bombarded by those cursed 81mm mortars which seem to cause so much havoc for such a small weapon. This little harassment wouldn't alarm me so much, except for the heavy arty (nebelwefers) we just suffered through. I fear it was preparations for a counter attack against us.

What could the Germans want with this place, since there are no guns here any more? I don't like the situation I am in, but the Rangers will do their duty!


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 51
- 2/9/2003 3:37:30 PM   
CPT Shoe

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Nice, very large map!

And look at all the toys I get to play with!!

Lets go throw the Rangers off of the point.


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 52
- 2/9/2003 3:40:03 PM   

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Post #: 53
- 2/9/2003 10:23:54 PM   

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by VikingNo2



Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 54
- 2/11/2003 9:20:55 AM   

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As I suspected, this is an assault. I have used my good American Radio to call for backup. I am reliably informed that help is on the way. As soon as I said that Poineers were spotted moving along the roads towards my positions, HQ did not hesitate in agreeing with my assessment that this was no feint.

I have started to route out the snipers and Recon teams that have infiltrated my positions. But the best I could do against the squads moving up the roads towards my positions from the east and south was offer some suppressive fire and call for mortar support.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 55
- 2/12/2003 5:12:32 AM   
CPT Shoe

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We have the American surrounded on that finger of land the French call Pointe du Hoc. That finger is a lot smaller than it used to be thanks to the Allied Navy. We push our forces forward, but we are careful as we face an elite force. Lord knows how they managed to assault up those cliffs. At least we had the good fortune of moving those heavy guns inland before the assault. May the remaining moonscape be the last resting place of many an American today.

We are finding what can only be called a skirmish line. They fire some supressing fire, then we manuever and take them out. We are trying to crush the American before he has the chance to reinforce, but we are mindful not to move carelessly in case the cornered dog has sharp teeth.

I am pushing a lot of forces into the fight, but in the back of my mind I am preparing the defense of Isigny in case the Americans can reinforce in the face of our slow deliberate counter-attack, and mount a counter, counter-attack. Our indirect fire countinues to pound the point, and as we get more eyes into the area, you can bet it will get hot indeed for the surrounded Rangers.


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 56
- 2/12/2003 8:12:53 AM   

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Corporal, please get Regimental HQ on the Radio...

Sir, I am now certain that this is a major counter attack. Scouts (those that are reporting in (I fear for the rest)) are spotting a mixture of armor: a SPW 250/8, a Flammwagen, a StuG III G, and a StuH 42. We are making due with what we have available to us to throw up a defense. I will hold out as long as I can. Please send reinforcements as soon as possible.

Colonel RB Out.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 57
- 2/12/2003 9:23:47 AM   
CPT Shoe

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Didn't take long for the Allied air to get involved. **** aircraft attacked one of our Stug's moving into the fight, killed the grenadiers that were riding it, and shook the crew up pretty good, but at least it wasn't destroyed.

We keep moving forward causing just a few casualties here and there. We have to be patient with our attack as these Rangers carry quite the compliment of AT weapons, as long as we can keep the Allied Air from swatting our armor, we should be able to sweep the Rangers off the pointe with out too much difficulty. If they get reinforced before we are able to strike the death blow, then we will have a different battle on our hands.

We will see if a little steel rain will soften the Americans up. "Begin another bombardment"


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 58
mmmmmmmmmmmm???? - 2/12/2003 9:32:16 AM   

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you carry the banner of Kats....and fight with/as the rangers and the Might that is the 29th Inf?????

now what would that make you.....

I know I know...



wait a sec... I take that back....:p :rolleyes:

{am I gonna catch hell in Stalingrad as the Kruats?} or what?

M4 Jess~


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 59
- 2/12/2003 10:46:33 AM   

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Jess, nobody ever said the Rangers were bad. They're the best in the world! Now, imagine what they could have done if they were backed up by some Katz!:eek:


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 60
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