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- 2/24/2003 1:04:25 PM   

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From: Phoenix, AZ
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Two interesting things to report:

I found a 150mm arty park and destroyed it. However, I lost a tank to the ammo depot supplying those 2 guns. Oh, the humiliation.:o Those rifle grenades must have been souped-up in H2H, because there is no way a rifle grenade it going through 51mm of armor in v7.1.

The other interesting thing is that I found 2 StuG IIIs hiding in a bocage surrounded field. They looked to be hunkered down to let my advance pass and then to wreak havoc in my backfield. One of them was eliminated and the other better move out quickly to survive, or hope to go down, taking as many men with it as it can.

I wonder how many other little secret surprises Shoe is trying to set up for me.:eek:


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 91
- 2/26/2003 8:15:57 AM   
CPT Shoe

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:( I will miss those 150MM guns. It was some good arty while it lasted.

At least I was able to bring down two tanks that turn. Two less tanks for the troops at Isigny to worry about.

Sure do wish I had some transportation assets with my forces. It would have been nice to move those mortars and 150MM guns farther to the south, so that I could have continued to pound the Americans as they attempt to advance.

Loosing those two StuG's (I hoped they were getting left behind and forgotten about) was a telling blow. I could have had all kinds of fun wreaking havoc on Rbrunsman's rear areas.

Guess I will just have to have my fun taking out armored vehicles with grunts!


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 92
- 2/26/2003 8:27:01 AM   

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That second StuG Shoe lost went out with a whimper. It was charging up to do some serious damage to a defenseless squad and just plain forgot to look for that bazooka I set up with a side shot. One Shot, One Kill. Nice work fellas. It's about time Shoe took some Op Fire losses.:D

As for my turn, I located another couple mortar squads, now dead. Some strange sounding weapon opened up on one of my scouting jeeps and scared the crap out of me. It didn't hit, I don't know where it came from and I don't know what it is. (Could be a "Pupchien" AT Gun. :confused: )

That 76mm AT Gun in the east is slowing my advance down and NOW there's another one. It's nice that they are so close together though because they should both just fit under the umbrella of arty I'm about to rain on that village. I hope the natives are in their basements!

In the bottleneck to the West and just South of Pt du Hoc, we are finally making some headway! I took out 2 Fusilliers and ran off 3 Grenadier squads. There's a Pz Somua there that I didn't spot and that Flampanzer that I haven't seen for many turns. He could be anywhere by now.

I think the risks I've taken to run down the German mortars and arty are paying off. The barrages are just a trickle now, but I still haven't found those Nebelwerfers. Soon, Shoe, very soon! :cool:


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 93
- 2/26/2003 9:43:54 AM   
CPT Shoe

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From: Fayetteville, NC, USA
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If I only had some tanks!

Not much could be done that turn. What little forces I do have are not manueverable, so I must just sit and wait for the American to stumble into me. It is unfortunate that almost all my Indirect fire assets have been hunted down and put to death. They were doing quite well. I hope they inflicted numerous casualties on the American in the bottleneck south of Point du Hoc.

Now I must get serious, and see what devious ambushes I might leave for the clumsy American to find:mad:


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 94
- 2/26/2003 11:40:10 AM   

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Still slowly moving forward in the East. I made one AT Gun bail and caused 2 MGs to reveal themselves and I flamed one of them. There is still an AT Gun and a StuG hiding in that small village. There must be some infantry squads there too, but I haven't seen them or run into them yet.

On the Southern advance, I took out a scout and 2 squads. There is one left (that I am aware of).

In my drive through the heart of the bocage, I was lucky to have an infantry squad stumble upon a Pzfaust 30 instead of an AFV. Those AT surprises have slowed me down enough that the infantry is catching up to my armor.

What surprises are in store for me... Not tanks yet, I hope.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 95
- 2/26/2003 7:53:31 PM   
CPT Shoe

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The American stands ready to take his first set of objectives along the road to Isigny. Although we were able to take out two tanks with our AT gun ambush at the outset, the american has brought his artillery to bear, supressed my gunners, and is now maneuvering in for the kill. The American can now freely advance across all fronts, and pushes steadily south in both the east and the west.

He is cautious, and moves steadily with infantry in front. Don't think we will be lucky enough to have him stumble into more AT ambushes. It is still a long way for him to move to Isigny, and the longer he takes, the more ready we will be.


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 96
- 2/27/2003 12:17:15 PM   

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Yeah, move in for the kill all right! Shoe forgot to mention the 88 sitting off to the east in the woods. I spotted it before it could do any serious damage and there's also a 40mm (didn't know the Germans had those) out there somewhere too that I have to worry about. They are both off in some swamp land so I can't do much about them but smoke 'em and hope they can't see me any more. There is also the matter of a StuG III tucked snuggly inside that village too. I suspected it was there but it cost me a jeep to find it.:mad:

That village should be wrapped up next turn.

The bad news for me was in my push down the center of the map (sort of a south, southeast drive down the center of this huge map). There was a lonely Sdkfz 250/8 with one of those short barrelled 75mm guns mounted on it. That lucky thing killed two of my Wolverines even though I had it spotted at the beginning of the turn with infantry and did all the fire and maneuver stuff you're supposed to do.:mad: :mad:

I also spotted that mysterious thing that was shooting at me. It was just a 75mm Recoiless Rifle. I smoked it with a Sherman so it should be no problem for me.

I also nailed an immobilized Pz Samua leading away from my push along the coast. That area seems to have been given up by the Germans at this point and my men are flooding through there.

As the turn finished, a huge volley of nebelwerfers landed in the east. At least I know I shouldn't have to worry about them for a few turns. I just wish I could find those **** things!


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 97
- 2/28/2003 7:58:23 AM   
CPT Shoe

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Got off another good volley of Nebelwerfers! Thought for sure that I would have lost that asset by now(I know he still searches for them), since the American was bent on an anti-indirect fire rampage, putting to death some good 81mm mortars and my 150mm guns.

My HT 250/8 can only claim one of the Wolverines, as the 7.5cm AT Gun got the other one (watched the replay of that twice:D :D

Now at least I feel like I am making a dent. Traded those two Wolverines for the first V-hexes. Now we get to see the American in action (supress, fire, maneuver, and repeat) as he battles south to the village of Isigny, which I have been ordered to hold at all cost:cool:

Just what he arrives with on the outskirts of Isigny is in the hands of a fine buch of German troopers who have been waiting to to take some revenge for their friends in the beach defense forces. May many an American armored vehicle never reach their intended destinations!!

Buckle down boys, and lets show them what we are made of!


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 98
- 3/1/2003 2:39:26 AM   

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Well, I am merrily clearing up what's left of the Germans on all fronts and then I pull a boneheaded move and just have to locate that unit that has spotted my 105mm CS tank. So, what do I do? I load a crew on the outside of the tank to protect it from close assaults and move forward in front of my infantry cover. Yes, stupid I know, but my curiosity got the better of me and for some reason I had it in my head that it was just a crew from a destroyed StuG that was sitting there. Anyway, I roll on up and then small arms fire breaks out on just after I pass a tree hex. The first volley kills the crew, but I am not alarmed because they did what they were supposed to do, prevent close assaults. Then the squad MG opens up on my tank and does nothing which is fine. Then, I should have known better, that **** supercharged rifle grenade the Germans seem to have supplemented their squads with hits my tank and immobilizes it. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Did I convey my feelings on the subject well enough?:mad: :mad: :mad:

For all those that play me. Here's a tip: I am very curious. It is the main cause of the losses I sustain on my own turns.:mad:


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 99
- 3/1/2003 3:24:41 AM   

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[QUOTE]For all those that play me. Here's a tip: I am very curious. It is the main cause of the losses I sustain on my own turns.[/QUOTE]

mmmmm yes!:p sissy


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 100
- 3/1/2003 4:40:04 AM   

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Curiousity Killed the KAT.... Lover.

You getting used to that Kat Lover Banner yet, Jess? :p :p You're going to be flying it a looooong time.:p


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 101
- 3/1/2003 8:50:07 AM   
CPT Shoe

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Just couldn't let that tank sit there all by itself immobilized. Up rolls the Flamwagon for a good ol'fashioned American BBQ (Americans included!)

Are you not curious about the 88's in the swamp? Come on over and see what else is lurking in the bushes...We won't hurt you (Much), unless you get too close...Maybe the ellusive Nebelwerfer's are in there. Keep poking around so I get to add up more attrition on those big bad tanks of yours.


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 102
- 3/2/2003 4:57:43 AM   

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Thanks, but I think I'll avoid the AAA in the swamps to the East. They aren't worth the cost it would be to drive them away.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 103
- 3/2/2003 6:11:50 AM   

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This was a slow turn. I merely caused a Grenedier squad to retreat along the coast (that Flamwagon is hiding over there).

In the road south through the middle of the map I took out that immobilized Sdkfz250/8 and shot at a panzerschrek and grenadier squad. There is a town there with a couple AT guns that I need to get rid of and one more Pz Samua along with some infantry.

In the east I located an AT Bunker that is very difficult to destroy, but unless it shrugs off all the fire I put into it, it is going down next turn.

I'm about ready to take out another arty park, but I think it is only a couple 81mm mortars. I really want to find those nebelwerfers.:mad:


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 104
- 3/2/2003 10:24:21 AM   
CPT Shoe

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:( The American spoils my fun by calling in the **** Navy again...Smoking the heck out of my AT gun fields of fire:(

Could not rally my bunker enough to bring off a shot at the lurking tanks, think the Americans will be having a BBQ of their own next turn.

It is a slow withdrawal back to Isigny, trying to trade space for time. The defenders there can use all the help we can give them.

Indirect fire capability for the Germans is about to be extinct. At least it was good while it lasted. The Americans continue to push South, all but unopposed in a few choke points.


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 105
- 3/3/2003 12:10:56 PM   

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:mad: :mad: I lost a tank and a jeep to well hidden troops. A Fusilier and a MG Team were hidden right in the middle of two trails approaching an arty park and they got me.:mad: I took out two Fusiliers but I couldn't spot the arty. Those things are hard to spot when they are retreating or routed. I'll get them next turn.

I had no luck against that bunker either.

I did manage to take out just about a whole platoon of dug in Grenadiers along the coast.

I am starting to spot more German armor too. This is not good news because I am not ready to start fighting armor yet.

We shall see if the tide is about to turn.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 106
- 3/4/2003 12:06:05 PM   
CPT Shoe

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Not doing as well along the coast as I had hoped.

Had a lot of my infantry with their OP fire set to 1 hex, and the US rangers spotted them first from farther away. Have to be better prepared to combat the Infantry assaults now that I have almost no artillery left to speak of. Keeping the Armor unsupported will be a harder task now.

Don't know what the Enemy is talking about. We keep receiving intercepts that they are spotting armor, but unless they are referring to some Somoa's, a Luchs, and a JPZ-IV, there is somebody elses forces on the field. Can't wait to see the American Foul his shorts when some real Armor takes the field!!:D


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 107
- 3/5/2003 12:05:03 AM   

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I finally got those **** nebelwerfers and the remaining infantry protecting them without loss to myself. Those nebels are very difficult to spot!:eek:

I still haven't taken out that bunker that is right in the middle of my line of advance. I keeps shrugging off flamethrower shots and AP rounds that should easily take it out. Oh, well, there's always next turn.

My advances in the west, along the coastal areas and in the central part of the map are about to link up. There is a large, loosely organized village with a stone wall around it that I am trying to overrun, but it is slow going. I took out a 75mm Recoilless Rifle and put some serious fire on a 88mm Pupchen in that village.

Those Jpz IV, Luchs and Pz Souma concern me because I don't want them to take out one of my precious Shermans (I hope Jess doesn't read this part) with a lucky shot. And that Flammwagon is hiding around here somewhere too.

I seem to have taken over much of the North of this very large map. This village we are disputing right now, seems to be the center of the map. If I can push the Germans out of there, I will have a very nice base to coordinate my final push to Isigny way down in the South.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 108
- 3/5/2003 12:22:08 AM   

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[QUOTE]Those Jpz IV, Luchs and Pz Souma concern me because I don't want them to take out one of my precious Shermans (I hope Jess doesn't read this part) with a lucky shot. And that Flammwagon is hiding around here somewhere too.[/QUOTE]

Awwwwww I am touched...:D

M4 and rbrunsman sitting in a tree...K-I-S-S-I-N-G :D

;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 109
- 3/5/2003 9:54:43 AM   
CPT Shoe

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:( :( I will surely miss those Nebelwerfers :( :(

I am sure they caused quite a few casualties, especially when the Americans were in the choke point near Pointe du Hoc.

Managing to kill a few of the remaining Rangers here and there, as well as a few of the straight Infantry from 115th and 116th. Need to start working on his Armor, which unfortunately, he still has a lot of. There were at least 5 alone that were running over my valuable Nebelwerfers (how am I suppossed to fire rockets out of those bent tubes?)

Hopefully I can manage to land a few more surprises before he gets too close to Isigny:p


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 110
- 3/5/2003 11:06:28 AM   

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by M4 Jess
[B]Awwwwww I am touched...:D

M4 and rbrunsman sitting in a tree...K-I-S-S-I-N-G :D

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) [/B][/QUOTE]



Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 111
- 3/5/2003 1:53:00 PM   

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I finally got that bunker that was blocking my advance.

I caused another 88mm Flak way to the east to reveal its position (not that I can do anything about it).

I caught the Zugtrup of that nebelwerfer squad trying to slip away through the bocage, right into an infantry squad I had sitting there for that purpose.:cool:

I routed out some more Grenadiers from that contested village in the center of the map and got very lucky with a bazooka shot and took out that Pz Samua at 250 yards.:eek:

The bad news is that I am getting bogged down along the coast because the Grenadiers there are being very fierce fighters. One Zugtrup took on 4 on my squads and drove off 3 of them and dispursed one of them. It took my M4 to move up and dislodge it at the risk of a close assault, since it was surrounded by smoke. As tough as it was against my infantry it just ran at the very sight of my "mighty" (a sop for Jess) M4. I relentlessly ran it down and dispersed it. But, there are still at least 3 Grenadier squads I have to dislodge from the other side of a wooded creek/swampy area before I can move those men up to support the assault on the central village.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 112
- 3/6/2003 5:54:55 AM   
CPT Shoe

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Very lucky shot indeed:mad:

My only reply was to toast a few more Americans along the coast. I have now lost control of the Northern Half of the map. Lets hope the Southern half fights better than the North!


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 113
- 3/6/2003 12:13:54 PM   

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No lucky shots this time. Just cleaning up in the north half of the map and moving slowly south. The central village is nearly mine now.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 114
- 3/6/2003 7:49:04 PM   
CPT Shoe

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The Americans thought they had secured the central little hamlet, so an Halftrack had to roll up there and chase them back out.

Our forces at the bridge were putting up a rather fine blocking obstacle along the coast, when all of sudden, we receive reports of Rangers wading across the stream on our left flank, supported by an Amphib tank! Foul Play I say!!!:mad:

The least You could do after we have spent all that time and effort , is saunter into our ambush like you are supposed to. I just don't have the man-power to deal with this flanking business...and amphib tanks...shame on you:p


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 115
- 3/7/2003 1:20:38 PM   

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Well, I don't know about any ambushes, but I am concerned about these AFVs that keep appearing and then disappearing. It's hard to keep track of what you have available when you do that.

For my part, I pushed the Germans out of that little village again. Let's see if those 5 Grenadier squads can rally themselves and stop running back to the south. I took out 2 squads, but there appears to be plenty left to fight.

I took out a couple squads and a Pz Luchs and a HT. That means I have at least 2 more HTs w/MGs and 1 HT with a short barrelled 75mm Gun to deal with. Plus the Jpz and another Luchs to deal with, not to forget about that elusive Flamwagon that appears from nowhere and vaporizes one of my squads every now and then.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 116
- 3/7/2003 8:28:03 PM   
CPT Shoe

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What you have seen, you are keeping good track of!...It is what you have yet to see, that I hope will stop you before Isigny.

The American has obviously linked up his forces along the coast with those from farther inland, for his drive to the South. His Armored vehicles and his infantry have doubled, and his front has narrowed. My small little ambush forces are no match for his onslaught. As my infantry are discovered, they are quickly smoked, supressed, flanked, and eliminated. I have discovered larger numbers of infantry than I had hoped for. If the American can continue to advance his armor with infantry support I am doomed. Not to mention that I have the unlucky task of seperating the two (infantry and armor) without the use of artillery!!

Why is it we Germans are always on the short end of the stick. Why don't you just leave the plundering of Europe to us, and go back to your cattle drives and Indian fights.


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 117
- 3/8/2003 8:19:13 AM   

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Let's remember that you were the aggressor in this battle. I was just minding my own business at lovely Pt do Hoc when you attacked me!

Anyway, after clearing out a few more squads from the contested village and catching that Sdkfz 250/9 (short barrelled 75mm Gun HT), I was merrily moving units around when BLAM! there goes one of my Shermans. It seems I had forgotten to check how thick my smoke screen was down the main road into the heart of German held territory. A few turns prior to this one I had spotted a JagdPanther dug into the middle of the road so I was careful not to give it a shot at my AFVs.... not this turn though:(


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

(in reply to rbrunsman)
Post #: 118
- 3/8/2003 10:46:53 AM   
CPT Shoe

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Don't you just LOVE the sound of that word:D

As that vehicle was "in Cover" and had not moved or shot, I was under the misguided impression that it had not been seen. I will be playing much closer attention to my troops in the future.

I will be moving that vehicle. Maybe I will be able to play as good a shell game with my remaining AT weapons as I have with the Platoon of Flamwagons along the coast. The road to Isigny is lined with many perils!

May you fall victim to all of them!!


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 119
- 3/9/2003 8:40:28 AM   

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The lord taketh and the Lord giveth - I lost that tank stupidly last turn, but this turn one of my breakdowns repaired itself and is motoring towards the action. :)

I didn't see any German armor this turn. I just cleared out a few stubborn German squads and discovered another platoon is guarding another village on the coast. No easy flanking move that way I guess. :(

The far east, where it had been quiet for some time because I am too chicken to assault all that AAA in the swamp, just lit up because the Germans decided to move a 20mm AAA up to investigate a village that I control. I spotted it an sprayed it with enough MG fire to kill it. That means there are still 2 37mm AAA, 2 88mm AAA, and probably another 20mm out there. :eek: I definitely will be happy to just keep my distance from them and hopefully they won't try to take the village from me.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

(in reply to rbrunsman)
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