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- 3/21/2003 8:30:18 AM   

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From: Phoenix, AZ
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I dislodged 2 zugtrups and 2 Genadieres from La Cambe. The are still more soldiers holding the village, but I am getting closer and I now have my own buildings to hide in instead of having to walk down the middle of the street.

Units in Center (La Cambe) and east will be linked next turn.

On the coast I'm still stuck.:mad:


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 151
- 3/22/2003 12:40:51 AM   
CPT Shoe

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Started to pull back from the village of La Cambe. My positions there cannot be held since you have taken their left flank. Pulling out assets, my StuG spotted a Truck moving some of your infantry around, and it was just too good of a target!

All seems quite along the coast in Grandcamp.

I make it still 2.5 KM of road for you to travel in order to reach Isigny, and there are but 12 turns remaining...

As the terrain narrows and funnels forces together in the south, it begins to look like I have a pretty good, sizeable, force assembled to welcome you!


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 152
- 3/22/2003 8:25:28 AM   

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I say, "One step at a time." and La Cambe is almost mine. Hahahahaha

That Stug that hit my truck may just be immobilized and facing the wrong way to do any good. I heard a big KaChunk! and say "engine damage" flash on the screen before some Grenadieres popped smoke to block my LOS to the Stug. We shall see once I get through to the other side of this village. My 60mm mortars are really tearing up the Germans since there response time is so fast. I have enough to pound them on delay 0.1 and 0.3. It's almost too easy, almost...

The Germans have a very, very good FO. They are getting the same 0.1 delay on their one last 81mm mortar as I'm getting on my 60mms. It's a shame that almost all of my 105mm tubes have malfunctioned. :mad:


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 153
- 3/22/2003 9:03:35 AM   
CPT Shoe

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I think you will be baby stepping from here to Isigny.

You can have La Cambe, we are tired of the women there and the wine and beer is all gone!!:D

Not much action except for my valiant mortar crew firing as fast as they can load.


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 154
- 3/27/2003 8:30:41 AM   

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I've driven off some more Grenadiers from La Cambe. There are 3 AFVs that are taking shots at me as I move to the south of the village however. I also caught a squad trying to hide on the other side of the bocage near the village and drove it off too.

Everywhere else is pretty quiet.

Isigny is looking very far away at this point.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 155
- 3/27/2003 10:30:37 AM   
CPT Shoe

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Fired the mortar again.

Shot at a vehicle crew that ventured into the dismal swamps of the east...definately a bad move, as I have A TON of weapon systems sitting idly by with nothing to do over there.

Completely pulled out of La Cambe now.

Follow the yellow brick ROAD GI!! A suprise awaits you:D :D

Need to hold for 9 more turns.


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 156
- 3/28/2003 12:52:32 AM   

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by CPT Shoe
[B]Shot at a vehicle crew that ventured into the dismal swamps of the east...definately a bad move, as I have A TON of weapon systems sitting idly by with nothing to do over there.

Well that was their punishment for spiking their own 105mm Arty tube. "Off to the Eastern Front with you lot!" I thought I'd see how they liked it where the action is.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 157
- 3/29/2003 3:36:50 AM   

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One of the stragglers out of La Cambe won't be reporting in. I nailed a PzIIIn from 450 yards with a bazooka. As tough as that one PzIIIn is on the coast, this one cracked like an egg from one lucky hit.:D

I also re-spotted the 88 in the swamps to the east, so I got one crewman of mine killed for one crewman of the 88. I'll take that trade.

The coast is quiet... for now.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 158
- 3/29/2003 4:51:23 AM   
CPT Shoe

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That was not very nice of you, you cursed American!

Did you think I was just going to roll over and let you move freely to Isigny.

I have built up enough combat power to launch a little surprise of my own.

Caused two squads south of La Cambe to surrender, put a hurtin on the lucky Bazooka dude and injured a few others starting to move South of La Cambe along the road as well.

Not waiting for the American attack along the coast as well. Killed a squad on the north side of Grandcamp...was suprised to see that the two tanks that were immobilized have been repaired. The Engineer tank is missing, the other CS tank seems to be fixed as well, but has not moved. Lets see what you do with a threat to your supply lines:mad: :mad:

8 turns left to hold out:D


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 159
- 3/29/2003 6:05:34 AM   

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****!! You weren't supposed to find out that those guys fixed their tracks until I wanted you to. :mad:

(I think) that squad on the coast you killed (haven't seen the turn yet) has been spending the last few turns popping in and popping out of the village each turn to see what you were up to. You weren't supposed to come out of the village!

I guess that's what I get for letting up on the mortar fire these last two turns.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 160
- 3/30/2003 10:29:59 AM   
CPT Shoe

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So much for that little offensive spurt!

That is about all I have you, all that is left is the final movement to Isigny, which is still a ways away, and there are only seven turns remaining.


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 161
- 3/31/2003 7:37:47 AM   

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I'll make this a double report:

Last turn:
I killed a Stug and a JPz IV. Plus several Grenadier squads. That seems to have stopped the brief counter attack the Germans started. That was the good turn I had.

This turn:
I damaged a 20mm AAA that has been giving me trouble on the coast and I caused a zugtrupp (the last infantry on the coast???) to retreat. Other than that, I managed to immobilize a good tank of mine right in the front lines.:( And, one of my prescious 60mm mortars malfunctioned. In addition to that, I lost an MG team in the swamps trying to draw out the AAA that is there. I didn't spot any AAA for that sacrifice. Not a good turn. I just hope the JPanther and the Marder IIIM I've been watching have withdrawn enough to give me time to cover my tank.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 162
As it should be.... - 3/31/2003 10:38:42 AM   

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so GREAT.... designer note:D


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 163
- 4/1/2003 9:34:15 AM   
CPT Shoe

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Moving some of my forces farther in (gaining those interior lines) I discovered my Poles have been sleeping on the job! They were about to be ambushed, and didn't even know it. They fired off one shot and then became supressed so bad they could no longer fire...Not the greatest quality troops there!!

The battle for Grandcamp on the coast has begun. One CS tank and an Engineer Sherman against a Pz-III...Wonder how long that will last:mad:

I think the American is trying to bait me with that "Oh my poor tank has been immobilized!" ploy...I say eat what might be my final mortar volley, as the American has climbed the boccage. One tube for the tank the other the infantry squad:mad:

And He said he was having a bad turn...

Seven to go!:D


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 164
- 4/1/2003 10:51:28 AM   

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This was a good (lucky) turn.

I killed the PzIIIn with my 105mm tank with one shot that shouldn't even have penetrated the front armor. I then took ~3 hits from an 88 Flak that I couldn't spot and only suffered suspension damage. I'll have to track it down with infantry and then take it out. But I think the coastal town is mine soon.

I also think I got the last of the mortars. I killed two ammo boxes and one spotted 81mm mortar and I torched the location of the other, but I still haven't spotted it.

The only bad news is that I lost another 60mm tube of my own. I think their tubes are melting from firing so much.

The Polish troops did manage to spot my deep "recon" squads that had managed to cut very far to the south near the coast. I think they will need armor support to take on my Infantry squads.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 165
- 4/2/2003 10:15:28 AM   
CPT Shoe

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Both Grandcamp and La Cambe have fallen to the Americans

My last mortars are toast

I could not even return a single shot at the American this turn

But the good news for the day is that there are only 5 turns remaining, and The American has yet to even see the outskirts of Isigny:D

And A little joy was felt by all...


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 166
- 4/2/2003 12:20:01 PM   

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Unless you roll over, I'm not reaching Isigny, but I am taking the coastal village. I got an 88 there and a previously silent 20mm AAA has been damaged.

I also stumbled upon an HT that had an unfortunate accident: It was immobilized facing the wrong way, so I could shoot it up at my liesure.:)

I think if I squint really hard, I can just see the outskirts of Isigny over a stone bridge about a mile down the road.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 167
- 4/5/2003 9:46:33 AM   
CPT Shoe

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You must be squinting really, really hard!

The Americans advance south down the main road to Isigny. In the lead comes one of our own Pak 50's. It is too much for the German troops to bear, and they now vow to fight to the death. We kill a truck, and rough the Pak up, as we renew our efforts to send as many americans to Hell before we ourselves depart.

Four turns remaining...


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 168
- 4/6/2003 6:39:33 AM   

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The coast village is now mine as I have eliminated the last of the AAA there. There is a long straight road south of the village to a cemetary and another VH. A zugtrupp there killed my probing crewmen, so I'm not sure I want to rumble down that road unless I have more infantry support for my tanks, which I don't.

In the center, I stumble upon a straggling MG42 that was trying to sneak up on my arty park. I think I killed it with mortar fire at the end of the turn, but not before losing a truck to it and having to waste my 105mm gun's indirect fire opportunity trying to suppress the MG42.

I shot up some Polish infantry with an advance squad way down south. That squad also reported the presence of a JdPanther laying in wait along the road to Isigny. We called in mortar support to let it know we saw him.

On the road to Isigny with my main advance, I just creep up and pop smoke to avoid the shots from the JdPanther and the Marder.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 169
- 4/6/2003 11:35:16 AM   
CPT Shoe

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That smoke works both ways!

Some fine German troops crept into the smoke to shoot up some Americans (they now travel North on the road:D )

Looks like the little hamlet of Cardonville and it's German Radar station will be the next battle site. The Americans creep slowly south from La Cambe, and some infantry have chased one of our Polish troops from one building on the extreme West of Cardonville. Still a long way to Isigny, and although we have not chased the American back into the sea, we have not rolled over either.

Sure wished we had some indirect assets as it looks like the Americans are piling up behind the smoke on the main road to Isigny.


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 170
- 4/7/2003 11:42:42 AM   

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That brash Fusilier won't be reporting in any more!

I kick myself for letting your JdPanter slip though my fingers: Imagine the thoughts of a poor Sherman that emerges through the smoke to be staring down the barrel of an 88 only 150 yards away! :eek: The Sherman survived the first errant shot from the beast, failed to unload its bazooka carrying passenger, and survived the second 88 that skipped off the front hull (what luck!). Unfortunately, the passengers didn't take that close call too well and they and their bazooka decided to jump off and cry for Momma. The third round did kill the Sherman.:( And, as the JdPanther was vulnerable to a side shot, I moved my other Sherman incorrectly and came up 50 yards short of getting that shot off. :( :mad: They had to satisfy themselves by driving off an MG42 that was protecting a VH.

In the swamps to the east, I've finally spotted 3 88mm AAA guns. My MGs can't do anything about them, but it is nice to be able to shoot at something instead of sitting around on guard duty.

Along the coast, I am picking my way dangerously towards another VH. It's not worth many points (50), but it is an objective, so I will try to take it in the next two turns.

I also found a hiding Marder and Polish squad behind some bocage near the central village. I ran off the Poles and killed the Marder with a lucky splash damage hit from a rifle grenade.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 171
- 4/8/2003 7:31:40 AM   
CPT Shoe

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You and your **** lucky hits!:mad:

The best that I can say, is that I have slowed down the American Southern advance to a crawl of a few 100 meters a turn. I think that the Isigny is safe for now.


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 172
- 4/8/2003 12:05:58 PM   

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Bad news for me. I lost a Sherman to a Marder. It was the same old story, I survived the first shot, but couldn't resist taking one shot at the Marder only 200 yards away. Not a smart move.

Other than that, my engineer tank on the coast drove through all opposition (zugtrupp and 2 grenadiers) with several assaults shrugged off to capture the last VH along the coast. It remains to be seen whether the Germans can rally and assault the tank and recapture the VH.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 173
- 4/9/2003 8:37:55 AM   
CPT Shoe

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That **** Engineer tank has more lives than a cat:mad: :mad:

It was the same one that was disabled earlier in the battle, and has now survived numerous assaults, yet still is parked on the The last coastal V-hex intact.

Polish troops are not worthy to guard captured Spam cans!!! They really suck! Maybe get one shot off if that, before pissing themselves and running (leaving little brown piles where they once stood).

This has been a monumental fight for me. Ups and downs all across the board. My idle AAA park appreciates the target practice your crews provide. Don't overlook that recaptured V-hex in the North-east:p :p


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 174
- 4/9/2003 12:49:17 PM   

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I was hoping that I had really cleaned out everything in front of me as I moved south because I didn't have enough men to leave squads just standing around guarding every little 50 pt VH. I noticed the one you took back and only hope that you don't seize all the remaining ones on your last turn.

The Poles are just about the only thing I see except for the platoon that is screwing around with my immobilized engineer tank on the coast. I forgot to plot arty on you for the last turn since I forgot I was player #1. Oh, well, maybe you'll have luck against the engineer tank.

I'm glad I decided to leave the swamps in the east alone. You have a quad 20mm, a 37mm and 3 88s over there, at least!:eek:

This was a nice long battle. I'll be sorry to have to leave my men. You wiped out all the poor Rangers except for 2 mortar teams. So, the rescue didn't go so well, but the advance to Isigny went as far as it could I think. I'm still several hundred yards short of the outskirts of Isigny and I only have 2 mobile tanks left and many of my infantry squads only have grenades left. What a fight!:cool:


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 175
- 4/9/2003 6:19:57 PM   

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The next scen will be sent to R-man tonight....;)

I just need to tweek it first:cool:


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 176
- 4/10/2003 6:30:35 AM   

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Note: these scenarios will be included in the awaited next H2H mod. comming very soon! THANKS PANZER LEO!!!!!

29th: The 115th is in line on the banks of the Elle. Mission get St.Clair sur-l'!

German: You must pick very soon...counter attack?

At start history: A company of the 115th on the flank, falls to a massive GE arty strike.....and then the attack order goes out!
"29th!!!" "BATTLE LINE NOW!!"

Beyond the Beachead*
The 29th Infantry Division in Normandy*
Scenario three*
The Elle River*
Close on St.Clair sur-l' Elle*
Beyond the Beachhead, The 29th Infantry Division in Normandy *
Stephen Ambrose, noted historian and author of the best-selling Citizen Soldiers, has written a new Foreword to Beyond the Beachhead: The 29th Infantry Division in Normandy. Here is an excerpt from Mr. Ambrose's*
"They were the first American troops in the British Isles in World War II. They didn't want to be there. They would have much preferred to be back home in Maryland or Virginia getting on with their educations, getting started on their careers, courting, marrying, having kids of their own. But there was an evil force in the world and it fell to these guys from the 29th Division - the "Blue and Gray" - along with their compatriots in the US Army, to destroy that force, Figures fail to speak to us of the pain, misery, degradation, horror and terror of combat, or of the triumph of the men of the men of the 29th, those citizen soldiers who endured and prevailed in the most extreme experience anyone could go through. But Joseph Balkoski fills in those human gaps in this magnificent account."*
Comments on Beyond the Beachhead: The 29th Infantry Division in Normandy :*
"If you want to know what it was like, from private to general, from rifle to tank, from beginning to end, this is the book for you...The book is quite amazing." -Charles M. Schulz, creator of Peanuts*
"A glorious retelling of a brave invasion. . . . A riveting tale." -The Baltimore Sun*
"A vital contribution to World War II literature." Harold P. Leinbaugh, author of The Men of Company K*
"Beyond the Beachhead is one of the best accounts I have read on the preparation and execution of the D-Day invasion. It has been an enormous resource for me in preparing speeches relating to the Normandy invasion." -John O. Marsh, Jr., former Secretary of the Army*
"Surely one of the best works in the field I have ever read. The research is obviously exhaustive and I am most envious of the brilliant writing style and ability to tie the various elements togeter with superb effect." Colonel John English, author of A Failure in Command: The Canadian Army in Normandy*
"The 29th Infantry Division has an illustrious history, of which I am very proud, especially because so many members of the Maryland National Guard belonged to it. These citizen soldiers performed their duty with courage, pride, and self-sacrifice. We owe Mr. Balkoski our gratitude for ensuring that generations of Marylanders to come won't forget the 29th Infantry Division's dedicated service during World War II, Former Maryland Governor William Donald Schaefer*
"I could not put this book down,If you have a tatse for Normandy books, read this last, all the rest will not measure up after." -Captain Mitch Reed, Book Reviewer*
*Read the book*
M4 Jess


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 177
- 4/10/2003 8:31:54 AM   
CPT Shoe

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Looking forward to starting the new scenerio.

Final act of German defiance was to finally kill the American Engineer Tank and take back the coastal V-hex.

Final result was a marginal defeat against my fine troops. Final good-byes to over 1000 men, 22 AFV's

Still had over 10 each 88's left in the game that were of no tactical use!!:(


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 178
- 4/10/2003 8:38:32 AM   

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That was a costly Marginal Victory for my US troops. I had one Ranger squad left from the original Pt do Hoc defenders. I had 2 tanks and only about a dozen squads left.

I don't see how anyone could reach Isigny. There were too many choke points where the German armor could lay in wait and plenty of bocage that needed to be checked for ambushes.

It was a very exciting scenario for me with many squads low (or out of) ammo and some with more than 10 kills, IIRC.

The next one should be great!:cool:


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 179
- 4/14/2003 7:21:34 AM   

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Rman has the next scen.......great reading boys!!!


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 180
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