CPT Shoe
Posts: 203
Joined: 2/13/2001 From: Fayetteville, NC, USA Status: offline
My old friends (the American Engineer Tanks) are back in action, as I have seen one approaching the road crossing the Elle River. My fine German forces have pulled back from Isigny, and we have taken up a defensive line on the Eastern side of the Elle River. Most of the action thus far has been the exchange of indirect fire across the River. In the North, is the most dangerous avanue of enemy advance. If the American is allowed to penetrate down the road there, he can plunge deep and circle around to the South cutting off large portions of our forces. The American has killed our sniper manning the Western most OP, and appears to be assembling a counter obstacle force on the Western side of the Elle. Sure do hate those American Engineer tanks...Bad memories from Pointe du Hoc. In the center some American Infantry has probed across the River and has engaged some of our Grenadiers. We send the Americans packing with direct small arms fire, and call in some more Artillery. In the South, our Forces on the Western side of the Elle have encountered American Recon attempting to secure the approaches to the River. If I had to guess, I think that the American will try to penetrate through the Boccage in the center to divert pressure from his most dangerous avenue of approach, before launching a major thrust down the East-West road. Purhaps a nice Counter-attack on his Southern flank will keep him honest.:D I relish the opportunity to bump heads with this American Commander again, perhaps this time the final outcome will be more favorable to our side. Besides, I am missing my old girl friend back in Isigny, and would not mind paying her another visit:cool:
People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.