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- 4/14/2003 1:32:30 PM   

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Uh, no I don't. :confused:


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 181
- 4/14/2003 5:59:42 PM   

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I will send out tonight before I leave! ;)


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 182
- 4/15/2003 4:01:04 AM   

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Ok it????:D


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 183
- 4/15/2003 9:19:06 AM   

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NO! You can't leave yet!:(


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 184
- 4/15/2003 2:23:26 PM   

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did you change e-mail address? good thing I have the ol';)

here ya go!


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 185
- 4/15/2003 2:25:44 PM   

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part three~ :)

M4 Jess~always looking after his Kat Loving Friends!;) :p

May I go to bed now??:rolleyes: ;) :p :D


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 186
- 4/15/2003 4:52:18 PM   

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NO!! Play our d-mn WC round first! :D


Got StuG?

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Post #: 187
- 4/16/2003 11:47:22 AM   

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[SIZE=4]Beginning of Beachhead Scenario #3 (The Elle River Crossing)[/SIZE]

The battle begins with prebombardment by both sides; the Germans hit the west side of the river with 120mm mortars and Wespes, the US counters with 155mm, 105mm and 60mm hits to the east side of the river.

I move cautiously and bump into one Grenadier squad with a scout. The only other contact is along the only road to the east (up towards the north side of the map) where my scouts spot a sniper hiding in a house on the side of the road and they eliminate him.

The map is 80x100, with bocage surrounded fields covering the southern 2/3 of the map, interspersed with light woods. As I said before, the only road heading east is towards the north and this will undoubtedly be heavily defended. If I can just drive several hundred yards up that road it eventually begins to split and circle around far to the east where all the high point value VHs are located.

This should be quite an action packed scenario.:cool:


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 188
- 4/16/2003 6:58:59 PM   
CPT Shoe

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My old friends (the American Engineer Tanks) are back in action, as I have seen one approaching the road crossing the Elle River.

My fine German forces have pulled back from Isigny, and we have taken up a defensive line on the Eastern side of the Elle River. Most of the action thus far has been the exchange of indirect fire across the River.

In the North, is the most dangerous avanue of enemy advance. If the American is allowed to penetrate down the road there, he can plunge deep and circle around to the South cutting off large portions of our forces. The American has killed our sniper manning the Western most OP, and appears to be assembling a counter obstacle force on the Western side of the Elle. Sure do hate those American Engineer tanks...Bad memories from Pointe du Hoc.

In the center some American Infantry has probed across the River and has engaged some of our Grenadiers. We send the Americans packing with direct small arms fire, and call in some more Artillery.

In the South, our Forces on the Western side of the Elle have encountered American Recon attempting to secure the approaches to the River.

If I had to guess, I think that the American will try to penetrate through the Boccage in the center to divert pressure from his most dangerous avenue of approach, before launching a major thrust down the East-West road. Purhaps a nice Counter-attack on his Southern flank will keep him honest.:D

I relish the opportunity to bump heads with this American Commander again, perhaps this time the final outcome will be more favorable to our side. Besides, I am missing my old girl friend back in Isigny, and would not mind paying her another visit:cool:


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 189
- 4/17/2003 1:18:08 AM   

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by CPT Shoe
[B]If I had to guess, I think that the American will try to penetrate through the Boccage in the center to divert pressure from his most dangerous avenue of approach, before launching a major thrust down the East-West road. [/B][/QUOTE]

Hey!!! Who gave you a copy of my playbook? I'll have that traitor shot!!! :mad:


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 190
- 4/17/2003 6:47:19 PM   
CPT Shoe

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From: Fayetteville, NC, USA
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Artillery dual continues...Americans discover that we Germans still remember how to bury mines:D

:confused: What did you expect, a cake walk?

Now if only I can convince those Engineer tanks to back up towards our positions


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 191
- 4/17/2003 10:52:49 PM   

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I'm lucky it was just a scout that found that mine. I guess the road (the only road) is off limits to the vehicles for the time being.

By the way, do engineer tanks clear mines and are they immune to them or anything like that? Anybody know? Thanks.

I apologize for reporting my turn out of synch here. I finished my turn at midnight and was going to wait to morning, but Shoe plays his turns in the morning and he's 3 hours ahead of me I think.

Anyway, on my last turn: A couple Pz Luchs roughed up a poor scout of mine so I sent a couple light tanks to take care of the matter, however, I think my tank gunners were all drunk or something because I didn't get even one hit.:mad:

Elsewhere, probing through the bocage, I encounter a platoon of Grenadiers and drive them off. The bocage must offer excellent cover because the op fire of the Germans from 1 hex is ineffective. Grenades will be the weapon to have in this battle since they are so deadly and we will be in close quarters.

The north is silent except for the mine I found the hard way.

The turn finished with the German arty blasting away in the south. Is it prep fire for an attack or is it just there to delay my movements and in a hope for casualties?


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 192
- 4/18/2003 11:36:39 AM   

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I found some more mines.:(

I ran off a couple Grenadiers and killed a routed Pz Luchs. I think the other retreated.

I've also spotted some log rifle pits.

It is hard to move very far through bocage country when being pounded by 120mm mortar fire. I'm trying to counterbattery fire at them with my off board stuff, but those guys took this turn off (i.e. no contact).

Other than that, I am just probing and 60mm mortaring any spotted Grenadiers.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 193
- 4/18/2003 9:06:15 PM   
CPT Shoe

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Probing continues across a broad front, and the artillery and mortar dual seems to be the Main Effort right now.

American light armor has crossed the Elle in the South.

We are turning back some of the probes in the center, but some headway seems to being made in the North and South.


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 194
- 4/19/2003 5:11:53 AM   

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We have contact all along the front now. Some of it is just mines, though. Those things are popping up everywhere.:eek:

That PzLuchs in the south (the only German armor I've seen) has more lives than a cat. I've wasted far too many resources trying to kill that annoying little AFV.:mad:

The Germans are very difficult to spot also. If I've pinned them with mortar fire, I can often see their prepared positions, but I can't see the units so I have to z-fire at them.

The turn finishes with loads of 81mm mortars falling on my positions. I wish the arty boys in the rear would check in once in a while.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 195
- 4/19/2003 5:19:50 AM   

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Go RB Go

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Post #: 196
- 4/19/2003 8:20:10 AM   

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Oh, so NOW you're on my side? What changed?:p


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 197
- 4/19/2003 8:48:49 AM   
CPT Shoe

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The situation has returned to normal!!

The American has penetrated our lines all across the front, with major armor elements just North of the main East-West road and in the center, with a few light armor peices in the south.

The Armor is no match for my poor Grenadiers who hold out where they can, but are forced to die in place or slowly retire to the rear under extreme pressure. In other words - Back to warfare as we have known it ever since the pesky American has poked his nose into our European affairs-

Many CS tanks, Engineer blade tanks, and some light armor as well. The major difference this time, is that I still have a large supply of mortars who are keeping up a high volume of fire. Experience tells me that this will not last however, as soon as the American breaks through our thin crusty screen, he will begin a serious witch-hunt for my indirect assets, hunting down my mortars slowly and surely until he has the upper hand.

The only two questions that remains to be answered is "How long can we delay the American from taking his objectives, and how much will it cost him?"


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 198
- 4/20/2003 6:05:06 AM   

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Mines, mines and more mines! This is really going to slow down my tanks.

Whenever, I run into dug-in troops I pound them with 60mm mortars and move up to finish them off. Unfortunately for me, the Germans have learned that those dug in positions draw alot of attention. So, they have taken to moving one hex away and then they await the arrival of my insuspecting troops all fresh and ready for business.

That Pz Luchs in the south is still alive even though I shot at it from 50 to 100 yards away about 10 times. Hits that should have killed it just bounce off without doing any damage. How long can this go on?

I'm pressing forward all along the front. I have yet to face anything more dangerous than a suppressed 50mm AT gun and a ready 37mm AT Gun. When and where will the Germans strike?


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 199
- 4/20/2003 10:37:02 AM   
CPT Shoe

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The Americans are killing us all along the front:mad:

They have broken through our screen everywhere, and have begun significant penetrations along the main East-West road. The only success we have had so far is to cause the crew from a Stuart to bail, and then they were mopped up by a gun crew who were too afraid to kill the d@mn tank to start with! Sure wish they would man that weapon again, as there are plenty more tanks coming behind that Stuart!

Stupid Luchs of mine in the South is getting the crap kicked out it...with its turret all busted up, it is only good as looker, not a killer, and I just can't get it to run far enough, fast enough, to keep the Americans behind:(

In the North, Infantry streams through the boccage and the best that I can do is provide token resistance:mad:

The American will just not let a beaten dog lie...he continues to kick, and kick, and kick. One of these days that dog is going to get tired of being kicked around and bite the foot that kicks it!


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 200
- 4/21/2003 1:50:18 PM   

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Forward elements report bears in the southern woods. Grizzly Bears!!!:eek: Grizzly Bears with 150mm HE shells. Those Brummbaers are tough. I shot one of them several times in the side with HEAT and didn't kill it. Then I hit it a couple times in the front with a 76mm Gun and didn't do anything to it. I hope I didn't make it mad.

I finally got that Pz Luchs. It was about 1000 yards from where I started chasing it. Lucky for the crews of those two light tanks that they didn't stumble upon any Grenadiers just waiting for unescorted AFVs. The boys' blood was up and I couldn't stop them from chasing those 2 Luchs.

In the north we have at least a Mechanized platoon moving up to support the FJs trying to hold the E-W road. They are supported by a Stug IV too. I hope there isn't alot more armor up there or it could go badly for my AFVs.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 201
- 4/22/2003 8:32:54 AM   
CPT Shoe

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Major tactical blunder on my part...

Bordering the major East-West road on the north, is a large 7 hex building that my platoon of FJ's chose for the anchor of the defense of the road. The FJ's were being hard pressed by American Armor and my old friend the Engineer Tank. I was bringing up a platoon of Grenadeirs on HT's and two sections of armor to reinforce the defence of the road. They chose the lee of this building to disembark and prepare to join the defense. Imagine my suprise when the armor drove right through the building as if it were no obstacle at all. It turns out that the building is actually only the center hex, even though the picture of the building extends into the six surrounding hexes. My halftracks were sitting ducks, and the Stug's are not tanks even though I have been pressed to use them in that role on occasion.

Instead of backing up the defense, that platoon now joins the general rout of all the German forces from the east bank of the Elle river. I did manage to destroy the lead American tank with Pz-III, but I am sure I will loose that tank as well as the Stug this next turn.

I am getting crushed all along the front!

After breaking through crossing the Elle river, the American is mopping up my routed units, and continueing to push East towards St. Clair. I am struggling all along the front the put up some kind of hasty defense as I attempt to prepare a suitable welcome around St. Clair, unfortunately all I have succeeded in doing is piecemealing my forces into the general rout that continues all along the front!

I must get organized, or face being humiliated and removed by my superiors!:mad:


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 202
- 7/5/2003 9:46:54 PM   

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Capt Shoe is Home!!!

Welcome home old friend!

and thank you for the service to our country!:D

Now get this going! :cool:


Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 203
Don't need no recovery time - 7/6/2003 1:46:05 AM   
CPT Shoe

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From: Fayetteville, NC, USA
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Come on GI!

Got a fresh resupply of schnitzel and beer, and I left this game hanging on a bad note. Lets get back underway and see if I haven't gained a little patience with another real world experience behind me.

I believe the ball is in your court Rbrunsmen. The 29th and others have crossed the river, front line German defenders have their hands full stopping pandamonium while trying to organize a new line of resistance. I think you just recently discovered there might be some teeth behind my grizzly growl, so come on and dust those files off, and lets get back in the fight!


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 204
Re: Don't need no recovery time - 7/6/2003 2:06:14 AM   

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From: DC
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by CPT Shoe
[B]Come on GI!

Got a fresh resupply of schnitzel and beer, and I left this game hanging on a bad note. Lets get back underway and see if I haven't gained a little patience with another real world experience behind me.

I believe the ball is in your court Rbrunsmen. The 29th and others have crossed the river, front line German defenders have their hands full stopping pandamonium while trying to organize a new line of resistance. I think you just recently discovered there might be some teeth behind my grizzly growl, so come on and dust those files off, and lets get back in the fight! [/B][/QUOTE]



Im making war, not trouble~

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Post #: 205
- 7/7/2003 2:35:39 PM   

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I'll play the turn tomorrow. It's too late right now. I can't wait to get those Grizzlies!


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 206
- 7/8/2003 1:25:47 PM   

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Well, I finally got that Brummbaer I was worried about. Unfortunately, I had forgotten where a number of Germans had been dug in, so I had to find them the hard way again.

I'm moving forward all along the front, but there is a huge line of bocage in front of me that I suspect will be full of AT guns and MGs.


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 207
- 7/10/2003 8:41:50 AM   
CPT Shoe

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I will sorely miss that Grizzly!!:(

I cannot afford to throw away combat power like that.

I am glad that you are stumbling over my units. They are in such a bad rout right now and they are doing plenty of stumbling over themselves.

If you only knew how much that error in judgment I had with the building cost me. :mad:

I have managed to rally (temporary I am sure) long enough to destroy the light tank that so Psychologically blunted my local counter-attack. My Old Friend the Engineer Tank works feaverishly on the mined, main East-West road, so I button him up with a MG and take out a Jeep that got a little aggresive in overwatch. The GI's are backing up their counter-mine effort with a flame tank that has me in quite a jam at the moment.

I forgot how deadly the US Mortar threat was to units that you have discovered, and neglected to move them...You took full advantage by pounding all known locations as my turn finished up.

Luckily for me, I still have plenty of indirect assets and ammo, so I reply with a weaker (slightly more tardier) German version of your famous steel rain.

:p Hope you can feel that!

:D :D It is soooo good to back in the thick of it!

Hey, this is only turn seven! Even though the Americans are advancing along a broad front, and have taken over initial objectives all across the front. I still have plenty of surprises left in store:cool:


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 208
- 7/10/2003 1:10:17 PM   

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I spotted Stug IVs, Pz IIIms and (oh, the terror of it!) Panther Gs!:eek: I took out one of each. I also killed a large crew (8 men) but I don't know what equipment they were attached to since I couldn't see it.

Shoe is getting sneaky by turning his op fire to 0 for his 75mm AT guns. I had to run over one of them to get it to reveal itself with the expected result: scratch one M4.:(

Still moving forward with small pockets of resistance that I am sweeping over as I approach the center North-South line of the map.

The question is: How aggressive will Shoe be with his equipment? Will he come out and play, or let me stumble upon the random mines and AT gun emplacements, thus weakening my forces before the final meeting?


Everyone is a potential [PBEM] enemy, every place a potential [PBEM] battlefield. --Zensunni Wisdom

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Post #: 209
- 7/11/2003 9:13:37 AM   
CPT Shoe

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Never was one who could muster the patience to sit back and let you stumble against my positions.

:cool: Gave a little better accounting of myself that turn.

Cost me another Panther and a Stug, but managed to get a hellcat, a greyhound, and a couple of light tanks, I will know just how aggressive I can afford to be if the American throws back this localized counter-attack.

:mad: Can't believe that I missed both of those jeeps! wasted far too much ammo trying to take those out.

The Americans have reached my main line of resistance. We will now see if we can hold the advance here, or regroup and try again near St. Clair.

For the FatherLand!


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 210
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