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RE: Unorthodox - 6/5/2015 5:14:50 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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New strategy being tried out today, I am sending in one squadron of Frances at 30k, escorted by 420 Oscars.

The Frances will be making torpedo runs hopefully, and might do just as well as Kamikaze attacks, heck maybe even better. I have no expectations, but would be happy if they can actually make some runs and not get all shot down. Good pilots, don't you know.

If they can get past the CAP they have a chance to hit I should think.

Plus the normal sweeps, defense of Tokyo, which is starting to bristle with AA, but unfortunately of the 8cm kind mostly.

Still moving, moving troops, rebasing a lot of worthless ships at Shanghai, so they aren't bombed at Fusan. Playing pilot swapping, etc. First squadron of Frank a converted, be a few days before they start to see combat.

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Post #: 4981
RE: Unorthodox - 6/5/2015 5:24:50 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Here are the two Navy bombers. I think I knew the Frances could carry drop tanks and a torpedo, but I had forgotten in.

Well, we shall see how they do in their first combat mission tomorrow.

They are flying out of Hachinoe, I beefed up the air defenses with Tonies, Zekes, Tojo, and Jacks, soon I will be using Franks defensively too. I am hoping a low stacked CAP will bring the Jugs down to where I can kill some. They dive on the Zekes, and Tonies, the Jack and Tojo and Franks are able to climb up and counter dive or just dogfight them. We will see how the theory goes...I expect maybe only a small sweep of 18 Jugs tomorrow. I will gladly trade 3 fighters for each Jugs.

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Post #: 4982
RE: Unorthodox - 6/5/2015 5:41:19 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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I really am kind of experimenting here with land based air attacks to see what has a chance of working without causing huge casualties.

So far it seems if you can heavily escort one squadron at high levels you can get past the enemy CAP and make bombing or kamikaze runs. The problem is level bombing from 30K will miss, but you can fly your torpedo bombers in high, and they will drop down to make their run. I don't know if this exposes them to a longer dogfight to get thru or not.

My guess is if you wanted to be really gamey, you could turn George into a Kamikaze and strike from 41K, which is higher than the American carrier planes can fly. I bet this would work....I may have to resort to it. I shall try to resist the temptation, however.

In March several Army fighters go to 49 sized planes, and they will make for nice Kamikazes. I already have the 1st Sentai as a Kamikaze group with 42 Oscars. Once the pilots are set, I will let them lose, maybe as soon as tomorrow.

I am trying some night bombing today with Helens. I have had almost zero success night bombing, and really only consider it harassing attacks. Moonlight is now 74% and waxing.

I probably should get another turn back today, since it is Friday. Bottoms up!

< Message edited by Lowpe -- 6/5/2015 6:42:11 PM >

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Post #: 4983
RE: Unorthodox - 6/5/2015 6:46:18 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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We continue to rack up victory points over here in Indochina. Overall I picked up 40+ lcu VP versus about 11 in losses. However, it pails in comparison to the Allied gains from night bombing.

Still, I will take any favorable trade...his pool of British and Commonwealth equipment and squads must be kind of hurting.

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Post #: 4984
RE: Unorthodox - 6/5/2015 7:36:19 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Wasp personnel appraise the damage from the Myojo and her 800 kg bomb.

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Post #: 4985
RE: Unorthodox - 6/5/2015 7:48:11 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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And the Destroyer Kimberly after surviving an encounter with the Tone, but caught during the day by dive bombers.

The only good Fletcher, is one without a stern.

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Post #: 4986
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 12:49:48 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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That looks like my 17 year old son's room!


Andy M

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Post #: 4987
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 1:39:52 AM   
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Matrix Elite Guard


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My 10 year old daughters' is worse.

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Post #: 4988
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 11:38:22 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Feb 5, 1944

No night bombing. Tokyo fires down to 4K.

Allies bombard Akita, catching an AM there, with a Fletcher task force from Sapporo.

After losing 7 recon planes to the Deathstar, the Frances make their run, only 7 survive the CAP to make runs and at least they pick a decent ship to attack. 20 Oscars and 20 Frances lost for no gain, but an exciting, if disappointing moment.

No George sweeps today, poor weather?

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< Message edited by Lowpe -- 6/6/2015 12:53:08 PM >

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Post #: 4989
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 11:40:59 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Fltechers here, Fletchers there, Fletchers everywhere. A task force of 10 of these guys puts up a fearsome AA barrage, but on a task force of only 4 we manage to make a few 500kg hits and put one down.

Tough, tough, nasty ships.

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Post #: 4990
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 11:43:29 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Fletchers just everywhere. Hear we put two down...The Tone and her accompanying light cruisers are re-armed at Singers, which is bombed for the first time today.

On the bright side, 3 less Fletchers, I have sunk 25+, only 975 more to go.

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Post #: 4991
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 11:51:59 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Indochina, more Allied bombardments. He bombards every day and loses on every bombardment; but I guess he doesn;t care as he is trying to destroy my supply.

Allies bomb the troops on the far northern Bangkok/Moulmein holding position, and then deliberate attack again. A 1-2 even with one of my ID in reserve, I have turned them back to Combat and perhaps put another Division into reserve. I am moving up a fresh division, and will cycle one of the more fatigued divisions out for a little rest.

The Andamans, once the focus of the war are largely quiet. I am flying out troops, a slow process with only 6 Tabby's flying, but they do move a lot.

The Prince of Wales, nailed with 3 torpedoes, is still at Tavoy. An Iboat has been trying for weeks to get a shot at her (port size 2) but no joy. I am dispatching a midget. You couldn't ask for a better target as their is no active enemy ASW there. A midget putting down the POW for good, you couldn't ask for a better outcome.

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Post #: 4992
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 12:09:46 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Fletcher envy?!?


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Post #: 4993
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 1:08:28 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Hard not to have Fletcher Envy.

Turn is done, More sweeps up, even in Indochina. Hopefully can put a few more Fletchers down...bombarding the Allied Tank Army again at Rahaeng and hope to score a few more afvs.

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Post #: 4994
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 2:05:09 PM   
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Matrix Elite Guard


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Just enlarge the economy to overcome Fletcher envy. There's pills you can buy over the internet, or at Walgreens.

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Post #: 4995
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 3:36:25 PM   
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Matrix Elite Guard

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August 44 in my game and according to my ship sunk list my opponent is down about 120 Fletchers, of which I think at least 100 have actually been sunk, just another 75 to go Pity almost all of my good DDs are gone.

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Post #: 4996
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 3:49:01 PM   
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Matrix Elite Guard

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And just a word regarding Kamikaze performance, you really need a LowNav skill of 70 to see decent results, its the same with other skills such as Air, Torp etc, 70 seems to be the magic number.

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Post #: 4997
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 4:40:39 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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And just a word regarding Kamikaze performance, you really need a LowNav skill of 70 to see decent results, its the same with other skills such as Air, Torp etc, 70 seems to be the magic number.

Thanks, I have started thinking that. Quite a few of the pilots had a skill of 70, by no means all, but that is the next step I guess.

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Post #: 4998
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 5:49:07 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Feb 6th, 1944

Allies night bomb Yokohama. Eventually there will be 96 of the 12+cm DP guns here, currently there are almost 30. These are the best AA guns in Japan...

Severe storms, Irvings and Petes, and AA are a good combination.

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Post #: 4999
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 5:53:33 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Enemy battleships bombard Muroran...CD guns score 5 hits on the DEs. Plus earlier in the night they sink an AM.

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Post #: 5000
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 5:57:35 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Sweeping this day with Tojo IIc's. Here thanks to outnumbering the Spits 5-1 we actually destroy one. Huzzah! Err., I mean Banzai!

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Post #: 5001
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 5:59:55 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Lightning sweeps. Normally he has been hitting at the edges, does this mean a lot of 4Es are on the way for Osaka?

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Post #: 5002
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 6:09:54 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Not Osaka, every 4E beastie strikes at Gifu, the Ha 45 factory there. Eventually all the fighters are gone, poor play on my part not dedicating more KI100I there.

For whatever reason, the Lilly DB like to take one for the Emperor! This destroyer is also hit with normal 100 kg SAPs too. Left with on fire, heavy damage.

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< Message edited by Lowpe -- 6/6/2015 7:29:21 PM >

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Post #: 5003
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 6:13:43 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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I like Vals.

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Post #: 5004
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 6:16:34 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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More anti-Fletcher goodness.

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Post #: 5005
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 6:20:06 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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More Allied AFVs lost. How long can he keep losing these puppies before it starts to hurt?

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Post #: 5006
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 6:32:37 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Only 380 fighters and 200 bombers here in the Deathstar, but they are 7 to 8 hexes away. I wonder if they will attack the industry of Japan too?

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Post #: 5007
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 7:06:34 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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not sure why they would ---- port attack more likely

how is your AA?



Only 380 fighters and 200 bombers here in the Deathstar, but they are 7 to 8 hexes away. I wonder if they will attack the industry of Japan too?

< Message edited by topeverest -- 6/6/2015 8:06:49 PM >


Andy M

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Post #: 5008
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 7:19:10 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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More Allied AFVs lost. How long can he keep losing these puppies before it starts to hurt?

It could be motorized support...


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Post #: 5009
RE: Unorthodox - 6/6/2015 7:20:09 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Hey, that is pretty likely. The CS Nisshin just finished an upgrade, and will be leaving, only 2 DD and one SS are in port, with the DD leaving in 2 days.

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