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RE: Unorthodox

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RE: Unorthodox - 6/13/2015 12:50:11 PM   

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Turn is away.

It is funny, how trashed I am getting. My biggest success is not having a sub sunk once located.

This must be going down and the absolute worst defense in 1944.

Really just running scared right now, I pulled back and about the only offensive them I am doing is hunting subs, and some worthless night bombing.

Even stopped chasing his deathstar with my subs. Too many clicks and they all go to the wrong area anyhow. His Deathstar, which isn't really a deathstar with a 2000 plane CAP is still running wild, it could go to Cam Ranh Bay, or Manila, or Hong Kong or Shanghai. There were four divisions at sea in harms way, but they have all but finished unloading and are safely ashore in China, Luzon, or Formosa.

Just getting kicked, and then kicked some more.

I am up to 152 B24J shot down, but with a total of 510 by the end of the month that gives him 358 in service.

Yesterday I also shot down 6 b24d1, raises my total there to 288 out of a potential 338.

I also shot down 2 Jugs, but still haven't destroyed more than 200 yet of them, and they seem to be everywhere even at Guam where they trashed some Tonies sweeping even. I figured for sure there would be second string fighters there.

Tomorrow I should upgrade another Sentai to Frank As', next month production most likely will start on the D4y4 at around 200 planes per month, and in April the second Jack with generous cannons comes on line.

I am starting to think I should have produced Anns all along, as a kamikaze here at the end for Army bomber squadrons. Would have, should have, could have...

Allies are back to targeting my Ha45 engines...I have good pools for now, at least 4 months worth, so I guess he could be targeting something worse. I still think he should target the night fighter factories first, and after a month or two there would be none left flying...but what he is doing isn't shabby either. It takes patience to run a night campaign, and the willingness not to get frustrated by weather, poor results, etc.,etc.

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Post #: 5131
RE: Unorthodox - 6/13/2015 12:57:49 PM   

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More fighter squadrons as reinforcements coming...also in one month now I get 2 more NF squadrons of 18 Irving Sa. And in June their radar gets activated.

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Post #: 5132
RE: Unorthodox - 6/13/2015 6:58:58 PM   

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Feb 17, 1944

No night bombing by the Allies.

Instead the 4Es hit the port Shimoneski, and Keijo where he nails some ships in port. I lose one xak, 2 ACMs, 2 10 knot SC, while he loses 6 B24s (two types), I am happy with the trade since my industry survives another day.

Goodness, though, look at these results against sweeping Lightnings! I will take it, and gladly.

Wakkakani falls on Hokkaido, we hold north of Hakodate, but he has 10 tank battalions there and he will simply wear me out. I did knock another American division to 100 AV or so, but the tanks keep coming and I don't have anywhere enough AT capability to stock him.

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Post #: 5133
RE: Unorthodox - 6/14/2015 12:19:55 AM   

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Allies spotted my carrier hideout...we shall see if he comes after them...

Got another new size 42 Fighter Squadron, upgraded them right away to Franks, and sent them to a fresh base by rail.

One of these days the fires may go out on Honshu, but then again, it will probably burn for the rest of the game.

10 AA units now at Tokyo, not enough, but better.

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Post #: 5134
RE: Unorthodox - 6/14/2015 1:13:22 AM   

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I figure I have one more month before he invades Honshu, maybe 2 months if I am lucky.

I have thought about sending 700 AV of troops around to the most likely beaches, have them sit for a week or longer, and then move them to another beach. Perhaps an additional 2 divisions will get him to pick a different beach and reset his prep. But, then again it might not work.

One thing, I definitely don't like, is that there are a lot of places for him to invade. In addition, rather than invading Honshu, he could go to establish an airbase on one of the Japanese Islands to close off western Honshu or even invade Korea.

But, I think he will go for the finish line and invade, his goal is to take Tokyo...

Here is a look at even more happy news...another Thunderbolt shows up in scant days. We will see how well Frank A can counter flying low. If I lose 3 for every 1 Jug I will be very happy. So far, we have not had a square off of Franks low versus sweeping Jugs. It will happen soon though.

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Post #: 5135
RE: Unorthodox - 6/14/2015 11:02:34 AM   

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Feb 18, 1944

Night bombing of Osaka and Gifu. At Gifu he targets more Ha 45 engine factories. 2 Manpower hits at Osaka, and 1 engine hit at Gifu. We damaged a bunch of B24s but didn't bring any down.

We manage to destroy more Allied planes again this turn, about 50. Not enough by far.

The Deathstar moves to Manila, Corsairs shred the 50 plane CAP and then his planes sink many cargo ships in port. At some point I guess he will run out of sorties. Unfortunately he spotted a troop transport and detached some surface ships, they probably will be chased down and sunk tomorrow (A HQ, and an Eng unit).

Also he has spotted large tanker convoys near Hanoi.

Lilly dive bombers prove they can hit YMS...just not destroyers.

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Post #: 5136
RE: Unorthodox - 6/14/2015 11:17:38 AM   

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The Allies keep shock attacking with their tanks, he has 10 tank units...and they force another retreat here. Hakodate can hold for a maybe a few days. I simply don't have the anti tank capability to stop him.

He brought more than a dozen tank units, 10+ divisions, and the most I was able to get onto Hokkaido was 3 divisions, 3 brigades and 2 tank regiments and 2 rapid fire 47mm units.

He really could have landed directly on Honshu, and skipped Hokkaido. I wouldn't have been able to stop him. Alfred is proved right again with Hokkaido falling, and he thinks an invasion of Honshu will occur in September. I disagree and think it will happen in a month or two.

Hachinohe is the most heavily defended port with only 937 assault value. I at least have been transferring over all the artillery from China that was bought out, the 3rd Tank Division is unloading now, but I will be extremely hard pressed to stop a landing of 5 divisions. But I will try!

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Post #: 5137
RE: Unorthodox - 6/14/2015 11:41:29 AM   

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Not a real happy picture. I have a whopping 15 divisions with which to defend Honshu with, 9 of the depot divisions, 2 others are not entire divisions yet.

I don't even have troops on every base yet, and some bases are protected only with the most skeleton of defenses.

I will get 3 divisions and 1 mixed brigade in the next 50 days. I will be able to buy some troops out from China, and have most of 2 divisions on Formosa, 1 division at sea south of Mindanao (at risk given the deathstar's location off Manila) and one division at Amoy.

So maybe I will have 20 divisions on Honshu when the invasion comes...pretty bleak.

In GreyJoy vs Radar, GreyJoy invaded in September; 6000 AV in Akita, 6000 in Hachinohe, 2000 at Hirosaki. Radar was able to counter with slightly more and hold the beaches with forts 5 despite daily BB bombardments. In addition, Radar had a whopping 8000 AV left as reserves and garrisons of the remaining ports. That is a lot of AV!

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< Message edited by Lowpe -- 6/14/2015 5:56:02 PM >

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Post #: 5138
RE: Unorthodox - 6/14/2015 11:47:13 AM   

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Allies have two British and one Indian brigade here in the jungle, and they aren't so tough without Allied tanks. Despite being bombed into the stone ages here, we hold easily and inflict double the casualties on him. Soon, he will realize he can continue moving southeast and try to cut the rail line, but my troops should get there well ahead of his.

Elsewhere, I have rotated fresh troops in and the exhausted divisions are rotating out to rest.

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Post #: 5139
RE: Unorthodox - 6/14/2015 1:00:35 PM   


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If you want to gamble, I doubt that the coast north of Tokyo are targets. The terrain sucks for an invasion and he would have to march down through those mountains. The areas along the eastern coast and just south of Ominato/Hirosaki are most likely. I would cutoff those two ports with landings. Build up the bases if not already built up, and then land 1 hex away from Tokyo or simply march down.

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Post #: 5140
RE: Unorthodox - 6/14/2015 1:02:17 PM   

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Less ambitious plan on hitting the American BB/CV at Sapporo. This time just a single squadron of Myojo divebombers, set at 15K, escorted by 42 Oscars at 18K and 42 Tojo IIc at 20K with a sentai of Franks doing LRCAP at 25K.

Weather forcast is rain, and the weather has really stunk here. Beefed up search, and dedicated two squadrons to searching only that location during both the am and pm phase.

All Myojo pilots have 70+ NavBombing skill. I thought about sending in a sentai of Kamikazes, but I really need the 800kg do harm the battleships so that limits Kamikaze choice to Myojo and my biggest squadron was only 27 and the pilots aren't great yet.

I could have sent in torpedo bombers, but in poor weather they are very unlikely to hit.

< Message edited by Lowpe -- 6/14/2015 5:53:21 PM >

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Post #: 5141
RE: Unorthodox - 6/14/2015 1:08:17 PM   

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ORIGINAL: vicberg

If you want to gamble, I doubt that the coast north of Tokyo are targets. The terrain sucks for an invasion and he would have to march down through those mountains. The areas along the eastern coast and just south of Ominato/Hirosaki are most likely. I would cutoff those two ports with landings. Build up the bases if not already built up, and then land 1 hex away from Tokyo or simply march down.

That would be quite the gamble, and you have to realize the Allies will have perfect information almost of my defenses. And then realize my poor track record on guessing right.

That is what Greyjoy did, attacked Hachinohe and Akita. He got stalled, in a 6000 AV battle on both sides. I have a feeling if I build up there, then he will simply land further south closer to Tokyo -- I think he wants to get to Tokyo sooner rather than later. So that is 6 open hex bases that need at least 2 divisions each, and perhaps 3. There goes almost all the Divisions on Honshu.

Obviously, if he attacks further south, I will have time to rail troops in from somewhere...

< Message edited by Lowpe -- 6/14/2015 2:15:36 PM >

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Post #: 5142
RE: Unorthodox - 6/14/2015 8:37:12 PM   

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Feb 20, 1944

It is so painful to document how much I stink at this game now....

No night attacks.

My raid on Sapporo looks good, there is a fast battleship there, weather is nicer, then the Franks LRCAP the wrong hex and get swept by 25 Jugs. 10 or 11 gone. They were too high and too few in number to do anything other than die.

So then I thought, well maybe the Myojo won't fly, but of course they do. 24 dead Oscar escorts later every single Myojo is shot down. Not even one single bombing run.

Then the Deathstar moves to my Tanker fleets near Hanoi...but he attacks them with Ventura's from Indochina. Well, now here is a chance for some Zekes to kill some unescorted bombers...nope, the Venturas fly right under the already low flying Zekes and sink an E. Then Lightnings sweep the Zekes and we actually manage to drop 2 of them in exchange for 1 op loss on a Zeke.

My one and only success.

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Post #: 5143
RE: Unorthodox - 6/14/2015 8:46:37 PM   

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You know that on the immediate horizon is three months worth of high replacement rate for the 2nd gen P-47s. He can try to pace his losses or go for the knock out blow by just sweeping base after base. Don't envy your position.


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Post #: 5144
RE: Unorthodox - 6/14/2015 9:00:47 PM   

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Yeah, I know, I posted the stats for the new Jug a few posts back and compared it to Frank. Longer range by 2. Heartwarming. Invasion Honshu in about a month.

Given how absolutely ineffective I have been I am just not sure what I can do. Oh well. I can try.

Can Canton take any size ship? Anyone know off hand? I am off to watch a movie...

Well I did ferry troops over from Fusan, I did wipe out two more Chinese Corps, I did manage to evacuate from Hakodate some troops, my industry only burned a little bit at Osaka, I am still holding in Indochina, I did manage to scatter a convoy and save most of the ships and troops.

Oh, and I get two more night fighter squadrons in less than 30 days plus a raft of AA.

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Post #: 5145
RE: Unorthodox - 6/14/2015 9:19:10 PM   

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ORIGINAL: ny59giants

You know that on the immediate horizon is three months worth of high replacement rate for the 2nd gen P-47s. He can try to pace his losses or go for the knock out blow by just sweeping base after base. Don't envy your position.

The good news is, it's not three months. The bad news is, it's four months.


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Post #: 5146
RE: Unorthodox - 6/15/2015 1:04:52 AM   

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ORIGINAL: witpqs


ORIGINAL: ny59giants

You know that on the immediate horizon is three months worth of high replacement rate for the 2nd gen P-47s. He can try to pace his losses or go for the knock out blow by just sweeping base after base. Don't envy your position.

The good news is, it's not three months. The bad news is, it's four months.

That is actually good news, that means there are less planes that first month!

Turn is away, I hope to spring some surprises this turn...he can definitely ruin my day by using some targeted night bombing, which I wouldn't put past him!

Picked up a new sentai of 36 torpedo bombers today, tomorrow a fresh 42 plane Army fighter squadron. Lots of troops moving over from Fusan...and I am evacuating units from Hakodate.

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Post #: 5147
RE: Unorthodox - 6/15/2015 1:20:04 AM   

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Other moves, stopped making the D4Y1 and moved the last two factories up to the D4Y4, it should start production on March 1 at 240 a month. A lot will go kamikaze most likely, and join the Myojo in making the one way trip.

A lot of the joy of Japan is making planes, r&d, etc. Once you can't accelerate the planes, and you realize you will never get that model, some of the fun goes out of Japan.

The D4Y1 has been my best performing kamikaze to data at getting thru the CAP.

Even with my incredible airplane building program I am still saving HI each turn. And I can still save 5k supply a day, but I need to watch that very carefully, especially with all the fort building going on at Honshu. I am worried about my totally non-existent vehicle pools, psst: If you don't tell the Allies I won't. We will have fields of wood tanks guarding Honshu.

Up to 4 Sentai of Franks, most are still repairing, but I will sprinkle them forward to catch the Allied sweeps, and hopefully make a better fight of it in the air. Stay low, stay low and in large numbers.

Bad news the CVE Sanatee came off the sunk ships list. Lousy Allied damage control.

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Post #: 5148
RE: Unorthodox - 6/15/2015 4:29:15 PM   

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Feb 20, 1944

Our torpedoes miss, but we score two hits, one on the Lexington II and the Wasp. Both superstructure hits.

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Post #: 5149
RE: Unorthodox - 6/15/2015 5:00:24 PM   

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Unfortunately our larger surface group doesn't close with the Allied carriers.

During the night Gifu is bombed, the HA45 factories, and one is destroyed. Nicks were on the job! I did lose 4 Nick D, but gladly.

During the day the Deathstar races to west of Hong Kong, avoids my surface group, bombs Hong Kong, Sweeps Hanoi (3 waves), and also sinks 2 destroyers caught out in the Ocean, and some other basically worthless ships.

If only the timing would have been a little different over Hanoi.

Anyway, the Deathstar has got to be getting short of sorties, low on fuel, and short on escorts. Something has to got to give!

Anybody ever launch a coordinated kamikaze strike from the KB?

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Post #: 5150
RE: Unorthodox - 6/16/2015 9:32:45 PM   

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I think I can snag the Deathstar here in one to three days depending what the Allies do with it. I sincerely doubt if I ever have a better chance.

So moms the word...

< Message edited by Lowpe -- 6/16/2015 10:33:40 PM >

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Post #: 5151
RE: Unorthodox - 6/17/2015 3:35:24 PM   

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Feb 21, 1944

Nagoya bombed by 4E, no industry damage, a few fires started. AA/NF on duty. 5-6 4Es lost

Some of my Deathstar bait doesn't disband in port, and is sunk. Tankers, not bad, would be bad if I was trying to make mid 45, but I am not. I am swimming in feul and oil for the rest of the year.

The Jaws of what is left of Japanese strength is closing on the Deathstar, might be big fireworks tomorrow, or the next day. Or he could smell something and flee in a totally unexpected direction, there is one safe way out. Well, safer way out.

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Post #: 5152
RE: Unorthodox - 6/17/2015 3:48:24 PM   

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Feb 21, 1944

Nagoya bombed by 4E, no industry damage, a few fires started. AA/NF on duty. 5-6 4Es lost

Some of my Deathstar bait doesn't disband in port, and is sunk. Tankers, not bad, would be bad if I was trying to make mid 45, but I am not. I am swimming in feul and oil for the rest of the year.

The Jaws of what is left of Japanese strength is closing on the Deathstar, might be big fireworks tomorrow, or the next day. Or he could smell something and flee in a totally unexpected direction, there is one safe way out. Well, safer way out.

Good luck. Hope you bleed the Imperialistic Invaders dry.

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Post #: 5153
RE: Unorthodox - 6/18/2015 1:15:25 PM   

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Feb 22, 1943

Industry survived another turn. The Nicks need the rest, inventory of Irving Sa is growing nicely now at 133. I get two more squadrons in 23 days. I wonder when he will start attacking the industry that isn't really defended?

Presently I am cranking out a surplus of 5K supplies while still building forts and increasing some select engine and plane facilities. The D4Y4 Judy is 80%researched and should start production in 10 days (March 1). Plane production stands at 2400 a month, and in March will jump to 2700+. That is a lot of planes.

With the Deathstar running all over the place, there is no way he is going to invade Honshu in the next 30 days. Or at least I don't think so. Since I am always wrong about these things, I am still shipping in lots of troops and preparing. The Korean coast is well garrisoned.

The Deathstar missed my first trap by 2 hexes. Sigh. It is now north of Miri and could go in lots of directions. Hopefully it will chose the right direction right into my forces. I have slugs of ground troops scattered all over the places, along with ships, etc disbanded in ports as they tried to avoid the Deathstar which has to be running out of steam.

Hakodate fell, some barges were shot up evacuating disabled troops so no real loss.

Two squadrons of Lillies sortied after 3 destroyers right into Lightnings and paid the price. No escorts.

Stalemate in Indochina, the Allies seem to be moving troops to attempt the jungle terrain west of Bangkok, I have more forces headed there too, but it is where almost all the Allied bombing is taking place. Once he fails there, then I suspect naval invasions will start and more paratroop operations.

This turn Franks will see how well they can do against Jugs sweeps over Ominato and maybe a shot at the Deathstar.

Here is a look at the AA reinforcements coming soon. I need them!

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< Message edited by Lowpe -- 6/18/2015 2:16:25 PM >

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Post #: 5154
RE: Unorthodox - 6/18/2015 1:16:43 PM   


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Are there any AA units in China/Manchuria you can buy out and send to the HI?

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Post #: 5155
RE: Unorthodox - 6/18/2015 2:48:19 PM   

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I have one at Fusan....all that is left. Currently I have a bunch stuck along the China coast, and still some more to come back from the outposts of the Empire.

I am still a long way off from the 8cm to 12cm upgrade...

I put too many on islands, and had many in Indochina. For the most part that has changed. Which is a shame really, because at one point in 43 I had all major factories covered with AA on Honshu, and thought, I can ship them to Indochina and still get them back by mid 44. That was bad thinking I guess, although they have certainly contributed in holding Indochina.

Osaka and Yokohama are still filling up their recently upgraded TOEs -- not even halfway finished yet.

None of the airbases or heavy industry or factories in Manchuko/Korea are protected except for Fusan. Harbin has a very nice factory cranking along for example making almost 1/2 my Oscars.

However, between the night fighters, the AA and base forces I have gotten back, I think the easy pickings on Honshu are almost gone his bomber morale has to be poor with all the planes shot down. He gained over 1000 vp bombing the manpower in Jan and Feb, but his last two raids have netted only 1 factory point destroyed. Of course that will change, but I feel I have made some progress and figure he will switch to hitting unprotected areas soon.

My Armaments pools are very generous, but I am still spending 1380 per day of HI on them. That is 38 planes a day...I am thinking about shutting down all the armaments to keep stockpiling HI which only stands at 1.46 million -- whats that 40,000+ more single engine planes?

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Post #: 5156
RE: Unorthodox - 6/18/2015 2:56:12 PM   

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I shut Urumchi's refineries down, since I could never get the fuel to flow out. I just turned them back on again for the supply generation. Not much per day, but it will still help. I don't think I am going to run out of fuel in this game.

Also, I have gotten around to destroying 16 more Chinese units, and I am just now taking Yenan, which I simply bypassed in late 42. Now there is really just groupings of 1-3 Chinese units to hunt down and kill. Probably over 20 of them scattered here and there.

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Post #: 5157
RE: Unorthodox - 6/18/2015 3:10:47 PM   


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This turn Franks will see how well they can do against Jugs sweeps over Ominato and maybe a shot at the Deathstar.

My experience has been they will die just like everything else. Where Jugs sweep Japanese planes fall to the ground unless you have very large CAP which is layered. If you can get the sweepers down where they longer have the dive, Franks will do just fine. The trick is getting them down.

Watch cutting armaments too much because you do get a lot of new units in 44 which will need to filled out. Also watch vehicles. I did not manage those as well as I should have.


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Post #: 5158
RE: Unorthodox - 6/18/2015 3:31:46 PM   

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This turn Franks will see how well they can do against Jugs sweeps over Ominato and maybe a shot at the Deathstar.

My experience has been they will die just like everything else. Where Jugs sweep Japanese planes fall to the ground unless you have very large CAP which is layered. If you can get the sweepers down where they longer have the dive, Franks will do just fine. The trick is getting them down.

Watch cutting armaments too much because you do get a lot of new units in 44 which will need to filled out. Also watch vehicles. I did not manage those as well as I should have.


Thanks Andav. Maybe I will get lucky and the bombers will come before the sweepers....

My Vehicle levels are extremely low. When I took over the game in Aug of 1942 the factories were still at their starting levels, I expanded to 180, then to 210 and have stayed there. But given all the fighting in this game, pools don't really exist. Don't tell the Allies! As long as they aren't targeted, and I don't replace lost vehicles in HQs I think I will be ok.

Just perusing upcoming Allied planes, and lo and behold the British get 40 Jugs a month shortly, like in May. Wunderbar!

I saw the BB New Jersey yesterday, at the Camden Docks. She is a little bigger than the LeHermione (French Frigate, sail, that will be visiting shortly). Unfortunately, family went to the Aquarium instead, (the wife and kids did the New Jersey when she first showed up; they were about the only ones on the ship and had a great time running around on it. My Father in Law, rip, as an Engineer during the war helped to design the gun mounts for something or other on that class at the Philly Naval Yards. My wife's Grandfather was a lifelong welder at the Naval Yards, but no clue on what he actually worked on.

Anyhow, in the Aquarium, near the Shark Tunnel is a photo display of P40s!....Beautiful paint jobs and nice pictures, was hoping to see a model of one in the gift store but no luck. "Not the best plane, but very reliable..." was one of the blurbs about the the P40.

Where ever you go WITP is always around you...

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Post #: 5159
RE: Unorthodox - 6/19/2015 11:57:54 AM   

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Feb 23rd, 1944

Very quiet day. No night bombing.

Hokkaido falls...

Lillies destroy two AM, look how effective the Franks are. 18 Shot down...some kind of seriously good roll.

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