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Historial Accuracy?

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Historial Accuracy? - 2/19/2014 2:29:05 AM   
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Matrix Elite Guard

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Has anyone been able to capture Stalingrad and/or the Caucuses, as the Germans?
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RE: Historial Accuracy? - 2/19/2014 2:36:03 PM   
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Matrix Trooper


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Stalingrad, well yes, but for that you need to destroy as much as possible of the the Red Army before reaching it.

As to the Caucasus, it's huge, can an Axis player 'conquer' it all? I won before ever reaching Baku... Anyone else having made it there?

(in reply to Footslogger)
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RE: Historial Accuracy? - 2/20/2014 9:50:17 AM   
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Matrix Veteran


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Versus the AI, it is quite possible to capture Stalingrad and Baku. Have never attempted it against a human player.

(in reply to Hugolin)
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RE: Historial Accuracy? - 2/20/2014 9:40:27 PM   
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Matrix Elite Guard

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ORIGINAL: stonestriker

Versus the AI, it is quite possible to capture Stalingrad and Baku. Have never attempted it against a human player.

So if you were playing against Zhukov himself and if Hitler didn't interfere, could the Germans have taken those areas in question?

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RE: Historial Accuracy? - 2/21/2014 8:06:25 AM   
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Matrix Veteran


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ORIGINAL: Footslogger


ORIGINAL: stonestriker

Versus the AI, it is quite possible to capture Stalingrad and Baku. Have never attempted it against a human player.

So if you were playing against Zhukov himself and if Hitler didn't interfere, could the Germans have taken those areas in question?

Well, considering Zhukov was a human, I can´t say for sure :) You should take a look at the AARs for any PBEM games and see the results. AFAIK, Germans have won against the Russians in these games, but the opposite has also happened.

But the players have the option of selecting different variants. Constrained Oil for the Germans necessitates less armoured assaults, while Command & Control for the Russians will ensure that they cannot run/retreat as fast as possible in the beginning of a game. So it very much a mix of the players skills and the variants chosen which will affect the outcome.

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Post #: 5
RE: Historial Accuracy? - 2/22/2014 1:40:52 PM   
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Matrix Trooper


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About 'historical accuracy': a look at history in general shows how much is due to randomness, moods, chance, weather, personalities, timing, freaks, snafu and luck, to name a few. Napoleon had bellyache at Borodino, to name but one thing.

Of course the historical Case Blue raises a lot of questions, a lot of what-ifs: what if the Axis concentrated on Stalingrad? Or in the Caucasus? What is Hitler let OKH run the show, instead of unduly influencing it? On the contrary, what if Stalin had done like Hitler and micromanaged everything? What if Turkey intervened? What if there were more reserves behind the Axis front in November? We know the historical results, but those are due to a long chain of events which no game can reproduce. That's why we play, after all, and not watch a slideshow of the units moving around.

Like someone said in this forum, once the first shot is fired, history goes out the window.

However, back to more sober matters, the start-up situations of the scenarios appears to me fairly historically, and the game is certainly playable, if you like epic strategy games!

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Post #: 6
A thought I had while watching this series on youtube - 2/24/2014 11:53:12 PM   
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Matrix Elite Guard

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As the German player, does the game allow you to bomb the oil fields? I think 70%-90% of the Red Army's oil came from the Caucuses and they must have been in range of the Luftwaffe. Of course Hitler would never have approved.

I have been watching this WW2 series:

< Message edited by Footslogger -- 2/26/2014 3:33:40 AM >

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RE: A thought I had while watching this series on youtube - 2/26/2014 9:07:19 PM   
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Matrix Trooper


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I don't have the answer, but good idea to try!

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RE: A thought I had while watching this series on youtube - 3/21/2014 10:09:15 PM   
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Matrix Recruit


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ORIGINAL: Footslogger

As the German player, does the game allow you to bomb the oil fields? I think 70%-90% of the Red Army's oil came from the Caucuses and they must have been in range of the Luftwaffe. Of course Hitler would never have approved.

I have been watching this WW2 series:

Problem was that by the time they realised they weren't going to reach Baku at all the Luftwaffe had been decimated, up until the Stalingrad disaster there was always the idea that the Germans could advance to Baku. They wanted to capture it intact, therefore there was no point in bombing it. At the point where it would actually be desirable to deny the oil to the Soviets the Luftwaffe was incapable of doing so.

(in reply to Footslogger)
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