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Is there a map editor?

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Is there a map editor? - 2/26/2014 3:46:03 PM   


Posts: 97
Joined: 2/26/2014
From: Colorado
Status: offline
I haven't yet bought case blue but it looks great. I really like building my own maps and the game's info page states there's a "full scenario editor" but I'm wondering if that means you can create completely new maps. I've seen games that by "map editor" they mean you can simply "cut up" the game's existing map into smaller pieces. Can someone advise me if it's possible to create your own maps from "scratch"? Thanks in advance!
Post #: 1
RE: Is there a map editor? - 2/26/2014 6:47:15 PM   

Posts: 329
Joined: 2/28/2012
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Yes you can, but the editor is in many aspects a "low level work", i.e. for many aspects of a scenario you have to first understand how things work in the editor and only then you can create them. The basics, like creating a map, should not be an issue, but from there on... Note, I did not dive into the editor myself, but from just looking at it I can say the above.

Yes, if you are dedicated, you can do that all. But do not expect point and click, drag-and-drop with simple event editing.



(in reply to Xenomorph)
Post #: 2
RE: Is there a map editor? - 2/26/2014 8:09:07 PM   


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The editor is very flexible though. It could probably model any blitzkrieg-like scenario, or even trench warfare. I for one like that it is that flexible.

(in reply to joeyeti)
Post #: 3
RE: Is there a map editor? - 2/26/2014 9:03:14 PM   


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It seems however very few people mod for CB, which is disappointing since it's such a good game. But from what I read, the editor is not that simple, like said joeyeti, you will need dedication - but if you come up with something good, we will love you!

(in reply to ernieschwitz)
Post #: 4
RE: Is there a map editor? - 2/27/2014 3:35:59 AM   


Posts: 97
Joined: 2/26/2014
From: Colorado
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Thanks for the responses! I'm still unclear if you're saying the map editor itself is difficult or it's just that the scenario editor in its entirety is rather beastly. I don't mind (too much) the work that goes into creating a scenario so long as I can pretty easily create a map to get started. For me, A completed map helps visualize what I'm hoping to accomplish scenario-wise. I find that if just getting the map itself created is a massive project, then I'll lose interest. I'm betting that a lot of folks here are familiar with the TOAW3 game. The map editor in it is VERY simple; just choose the terrain type you want and start clicking on the hexes where you want it. Creating the OOB etc to go with the map is another matter. I guess it's just personal preference but if anyone can fill me in on the difficulty of just creating the maps themselves I'd appreciate it. Thanks again!

(in reply to Hugolin)
Post #: 5
RE: Is there a map editor? - 2/27/2014 6:10:52 AM   

Posts: 329
Joined: 2/28/2012
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As far as I understand it the map creation/editing is not the hard part, so if you are aiming just to edit or create a map, you should be ok when you check the editor and its manual out.
What is harder is to create new units from scratch, create "regimes" for them and editing the Events to be triggered in the scenario.

This is due to using obscure names and definitions etc and also due to the UI of the editor not being the best organized or intuitive piece of machinery. If I can compare to something then it would be like coding in basic but powerful C (for Decisive Campaigns) versus coding in a more intuitive and readable (but less powerful) Basic variant for other games.



(in reply to Xenomorph)
Post #: 6
RE: Is there a map editor? - 2/27/2014 7:46:57 PM   


Posts: 97
Joined: 2/26/2014
From: Colorado
Status: offline
Thx for your help! I know this one's a longshot since it seems no one's messed around with the editor too much but... What about the possibility of creating a map and then importing an entire oob from another scenario into it? Is that do-able? I'm likely to purchase this game but I can't at the moment bc my regular laptop is in the hands of tech support guys. I'm just trying to learn as much about it to help me tip the scales and so any input is much appreciated!

(in reply to joeyeti)
Post #: 7
RE: Is there a map editor? - 3/1/2014 6:02:46 AM   


Posts: 637
Joined: 12/2/2009
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I just purchased this, and am messing with the editor also. A lot is not covered in the manual, such as very much about the event engines, etc... but the map part is straightforward like TOAW3.

(in reply to Xenomorph)
Post #: 8
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