Posts: 802
Joined: 7/7/2014 Status: offline
No, they are not new races, obcourse. I've stated already how they will work. This is solely Character system feature. They will work as CS groups (normal races have 2-5 groups with/without non-group pool, humans will have 12 and nbo "no-group" pool), like other CS groups for other races. They will be lore/character customisation/tuning feature for one and only Human race. All characters will belong to one of 12 factions, and depending on what goverement you pick and what cheracter set you have your human empire might be very different from human empire in your previous/next game. Player can have different human race if it being ruled by different humans. Humans are just so diverse :) To people who skip character micromaqnagement this feature will be invisible. This feature only defines character set of Humans as a Beyond race which have race-specific Character system. Probably if we cooperate with illanite they and their art will go later to augment his Unity mod which will have human-only factions. For Beyond they are just CS groups. The file lirealy says that according to % stated in % column you have different leaders/governors/generals/other roles characters, which bear their faction credentials/logo and related bonuses connecting faction background with characters bonuses. This also means that Human race have most flexible CS which will cover most of the bonuses among 12 factions of its CS. As example if we take Pan-Asian Conglomerate, their charatcers will be 11% of human race characters pool, their leaders/governors will provide bonuses inspired / influenced/ synergized with Beyond Corporate Nationalism goverment (re)design and often bear industrial bonuses, bear their faction related positive and negative traits, their generals will almost always have Armor Strength and Troop Maintenance bonuses, and their Espionage/Diplomacy character will be matched to Competitive/Reserved attitude. 12 Factions means 12 different patterns for character skill/trait allocation, per each separate character role. Dlakar have 2 groups and non-group pool, Securans have 4 groups, Mortalens have 6, Humans will have 12. This create unlimited epic/story-play/game synergy and strategy combinations with humans. You cant control correlation between character/goverment in term to force goverment if certain characteter comes to leadership because of lack of modding features, but you can force it with providing neglecting bonuses/making them fit/unfit synergy wise. Obcourse the final point if full character diversification as been made for Ergreagd, where each charatcer (vector-art illustrated and generated with ergies tool from portrait part banks i draw/tune for each group) will have unique face and bear some things related to his charatcer group, for example, same PAC characters will be mainly asian or indian, with some exlusions, bearing their uniforms, while The Caliphate will look properly for guys who are following Islamic religion and mainly originatig from middle east states.
< Message edited by Blackstork -- 10/26/2014 3:10:01 PM >