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Joined: 7/7/2014 Status: offline
Shiny Poster! Beyond Extended Universe ALPHA.42 (for DW:U Release is up! DL LINK: extract, install as separate theme. ALPHA.42 Patch notes: - Fixed problem with Such-Oos, now they are perfectly playable - Added Character systems (~400 characters each race) for Such-Oos and Dhayut, for now without unique faces, but this is first version of race-specific 2 races character set, featuring 2 special groups in each race's society. For details about those 2 races CS please check end of this post. - Reverted to vanilla version racial art for Autuuk. - Completely changed racial art (from extended mod version) for: Securan, Kiadian, Dhayut. - Number of minor tweaks on new races, art. - Added race specific Dialogues by ParagonExile for new races. Note: - New goverment pedias by ParagonExile will be added in Hotfix ALPHA.421 which will be out tomorrow Mod Contain: - 6 new races extension above Universe: Extended race pool. All races have very unique mechanic and approach to the game, unique troop/ship/or both art, and alot of lore, writing, flavor, art involved. 3 of those races have completely unique, made for them by me ship set art. For new races overview please go here. - part of upcoming Beyond Character System (3 races implemented: Dhayut, Such-Oos (no unique face art) Ergreagd (with unique face art)) - very big expansion which will instroduce very different race-cpecific, specialised characters (~500 characters pool per race), with unique portraits each, which will expand immersion, lore, balance and depth of race differentiation. On Character system please read this POST - entry by ParagonExile. - Alot of minor tweaks as immersive names for ship templates, some tunes for balance, etc. - Alot of best mods combined : Haree78's mod - Extended Universe featuring race pool extension / race art change Das123's mod - Chrome Mod (partially) My (Blackstork's) mod - Alien Immersion Project - featring race-specific user interfaces and soundtracks. Soundtracks are not included into the mod - to get them please follow race-specific packages and instructions on this page: Martian's GEM mod (partialy) - featuring landscapes and surface art Sirian's EVE components mod - featuring better good-looking EVE component icons for DW:U components KEWB1144's Stuff'n'Bits mod (partially) - featuring beautiful planet art, surface and landscape art Icemania's Universe Improved AI mod ver . 1.01 - huge work which focuses on improvement of game AI via policy and ship template manipulation, also featuring weapon rebalance, engine rebalance, bias tweaks and more. The main mod completely compatible and merged with this mod, except race bias table. DeadlyShoe's HW ship pack mod - used after tweaking/recoloring or as they are 3 sets of ship models. Mod Team: Blackstork - art, concept, development, testing, what not Ergie - Automation, Generation/Seeding Programming, hi-tec support ParagonExile - Home writer who writes pedias, instructions, help files , dialogues, and many more! (He also exterminate Atuuks and hate Than Bendu!) Future plans: - Merging all thigns including lurchi's research megaproject into one big megamod. - Creating epic journey - Complete character system with more than 20000 unique characters and different character play for each race, and as result big rebalance and more complecity into race mechanics complex. CHARACTER SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTED: Ergreagd - with unique portrait art Highly competitive society, which progress built on constant rivalry and competition between three royal houses. Nagongds, the mediators between houses are normally overseeing external policies and deal with external threats, but they do not excel at being strong leaders, they just keepers of unstable peace between houses and normally more skilled in internal security than in anything else. If one of the houses tilts balance to his side enough, Nagongd may be replaced by one of representatives from leading royal house. Royal houses have each one own specialization, Urgegds excel at governing and trade, are rich and normally well-respected rulers, Kerengds are innovative and rule by technology, terror, implementing most advanced assassination techniques in the galaxy, while Margagd Generals and Admirals inspire and rally fierce Ergreagd warriors and more military power and skill focused, neglecting anything else. Been said that diplomacy never was their strong side, though Urgegd trade-oriented noblemen succeed to achieve some notable diplomatic deals with seemingly highly hostile to Ergreagd lifeforms. Generally, Ergreagd society have very high level of internal security, focused around areas of 3 royal houses specialization, and their fleet and ship commanders normally specialize in systems Ergreagd navies packed with - weapons, shields and countermeasure systems. Dhayut - without unique portrait art Fierce aggressive species with highly centralized society, have also some certain sub-breeds which normally perform more specialized roles. Their society is extroverted and reckless, aiming towards constant expansion and conquest, without much account of safety, defense or population happiness. They are ruled by powerful matriarchs Thha, which rule their populations and generally very intelligent, powerful and reckless. In addition, two worthy of notification non-matriarch rare breeds exist which could take places in Dhayut high command - Dhytta and Tahhyt. Dhytta is most warlike breed of Dhayut species, very dedicated, and extremely reckless, while Tahhyt is very intelligent, advanced but highly un-predictable and un-controlable breed, which possess poisoned fumes which corrupt other species arround making them un-predictable and un-controllable as Tahhyt. Tahhyt normally sent to perform complex tasks in desolation, and often separated from other breeds. Their fleet command is highly skilled in space and hyper-space maneuvering, making Dhayut famous for being one of best hyper-spatial navigators, as well as in weapon systems, targeting and damage control. Their scientists have certain affinity towards weapon and energy research, and less focused on high tech systems development. Such-Oos - without unique portrait art Quickly Thinking, Quickly Talking, Energetic, Curious Such-Oos are weak physically, but mischevious and smart. Their look, movements, attitude and charm often welcomed in many other species societies. Such-Oos been famous for being outstanding smugglers, traders, negotiators and explorers. They are very curious, fast-thinking creatures, but have lack of focus. They very weak will, disorganized, and try to avoid any physical confrontation because their weak physical strength and high squishness. Despite all those negative traits, they have own ways to survive and prosper - their mischief, smart and fast-thinking brains, their diplomatic and manipulation skills, their charm and empathy, their welcoming attitude, with which they accept any creature to their huge cities, and their techologies. The have famous two organisations - Chuso, the orden of Explorers, who are known as famous explorers, travellers, tale-tellers and diplomats, and Iocho - Scientific sub-society who are rumored for invention of famous Such-Oosian Matter Compressors. PS> This is ALPHA version of character system, it needs testing, and may pass re-adjustments, tweakings and improvements. this is already stand alone complete game, where personality , understanding lore of the race, Dismiss button , and race of character are important Its Reccomended to play with Alien Immersion mod sountracks for maximum immersion: And in this release i reccomend to play for Dhayut and Ergreagd or Such-Oos .
< Message edited by Blackstork -- 8/11/2014 6:27:23 AM >