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RE: Camp. 43 Allied AAR

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RE: Camp. 43 Allied AAR - 12/4/2014 11:44:27 PM   


Posts: 1688
Joined: 9/8/2011
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Weather was a decisive factor in my loss, but the AI did a good job most of the game till the end. That strategic blunder is what caused me to not take Berlin way before I did and before the rains came and turned everything to mud. Not having the units from 5th Army to help my push into Germany is why I ended with the Draw, and I compounded it by not doing it sooner when it was becoming apparent I needed them. I was asking too much of the units I did have for the push. Lesson learned ;).

(in reply to SigUp)
Post #: 121
RE: Camp. 43 Allied AAR - 12/5/2014 1:25:14 AM   
Joel Billings

Posts: 32265
Joined: 9/20/2000
From: Santa Rosa, CA
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Really enjoyed this AAR. Great job, thanks.


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(in reply to marion61)
Post #: 122
RE: Camp. 43 Allied AAR - 12/5/2014 9:35:53 AM   

Posts: 1985
Joined: 1/23/2002
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Great AAR - I've already added this game to my Christmas wishlist.

It looks like Italy is fraught with peril & opportunities....but I'm really impressed with how well the AI did on the defense, all the way up until the end.


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Post #: 123
RE: Camp. 43 Allied AAR - 12/5/2014 2:00:10 PM   
Erik Rutins


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From: Vermont, USA
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The AI definitely puts up a good fight - if you are an experienced wargamer, you should start with the AI on Challenging. At that level against me personally, it plays either side quite well.


- Erik


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(in reply to paullus99)
Post #: 124
RE: Camp. 43 Allied AAR - 12/5/2014 4:56:38 PM   


Posts: 386
Joined: 1/3/2001
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ORIGINAL: meklore61

End game ground losses.

Very nice AAR, thanks.

The casualties seem pretty high for the Allies: 739K deaths, versus historical
approx. 400K US and 600K C'wealth over the whole war in all branches & theaters.

I guess that gets reflected well enough in the VP's, but did you notice any big
impact on units - strength well below TOE, lots of green replacements reducing
quality, need to cannibalize some units etc etc?

Historically of course the Allies suffered a lot from inadequate infantry replacement
flows during this campaign and hopefully this game reflects that impact on force
effectiveness, not just via VP's.

(in reply to marion61)
Post #: 125
RE: Camp. 43 Allied AAR - 12/5/2014 5:21:06 PM   


Posts: 1688
Joined: 9/8/2011
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Most of my casualties mounted after I had invaded Italy proper. I pushed hard in Italy and made some fruitless attacks before I gave up trying to reach Yugoslavia before the game ended. The AI played very well at the settings I had it on, for me. I didn't really have much supply issues since I understand how it works, but I did run my troops ragged with little rest. Fatigue was my biggest enemy.

I lost more paratroopers this game than ever before also due to the rule changes, which needed to be done. I lost 3 divisions and several regiments of paratroopers before I understood how the new rule worked ;). If you drop your paratroopers, make sure you can relieve them the next turn, or that the division has a place to retreat to (regiments don't retreat if I remember correctly).

(in reply to Szilard)
Post #: 126
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