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Joined: 10/20/2012 From: Utlima Thule Status: offline
Turn 59: 19-25 August 1944 Perhaps not surprising, my Paratroops are off to enjoy the hospitality of South Armagh Now this did actually work in my favour in that the extra interdiction generated, plus the advance of my brave Canadians, forced a substantial retreat by the Germans. Tactical Air hit two blocks. The Germans immediately around Auxerre and then to the south of Paris. I'm hitting this sector as I think that is where their mobile reserve is and want to minimise reserve reactions (or make them pay with attrition if they do respond). Strategically, Bomber Command worked over the Hannover region and 8 Air hit the Berlin region in a series of major raids. 8 Air is now so well escorted that the German interceptors are suffering heavy losses. On the ground, despite my interdiction, my opening attack was stopped by the intervention of the German reserves. The reason I attacked twice was to make the Germans react. Movement under interdiction creates attrition and slowly weakens them too. The next total failure was not quite so planned. But then my Canadians got to work unhindered, wrecking the German lines at Auxerre. VP situation is slipping out of control. Some of my losses are probably avoidable, but I have little choice but to trade off losses for small gains and hope that the Germans hit a critical point. At the least, I think if I can win the battles around Paris they have no prepared defence line till the German border. Final position around Auxerre. At least I am managing to keep my armour heavily concentrated rather than risking it become dispersed. Supply will improve as I now have a decent rail net. Etampes and Gien will be set up as depots next turn. One thing to bear in mind is that the capacity of a depot is different to its priority. So a small depot (the black bar) might attract all the supply it can handle if it is level #3 or #4 but it still can't supply many formations. That has two consequences. One is that you use up more trucks as units try to draw supply from further back in the chain. The other, more important, is your cv drops. The implication of rule is profound, especially compared to WiTE. In WiTE, as such, shortage of supply has no combat effect (it has others in terms of fatigue and morale) until you actually run out of supply. Shortages of ammunition follows a relative simple rule of between 51-100% units fight as normal, if under 50% they fire less often, if over 100% they may fire more often (so there is a less direct relationship between ammunition and CV). In WiTW, every missing 1% of ammunition costs 1% off your cv (up to 50%) and for motorised units missing fuel costs 2% off cv for every missing 1%. You cannot lose more than 50% due to these in combination but it makes operating at the limits of your supply line a major problem. In turn that is why letting stocks build up for an offensive is so important. In WiTE, once you have 50% ammunition, for all practical purposes you have enough. But in turn, its why you need depots with enough capacity, so to supply an offensive you either need one huge depot (unlikely) or a lot of smaller ones. So in my case Orleans and Chartres will help but neither are going to be sufficient in their own right. Reason for this long comment is it has taken me some time to really understand the implications of the supply model in WiTW. But all of this is why supply delivery, build up and interdicion is so much more important than it is in WiTE.