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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Brother against Brother: The Drawing of the Sword >> Tech Support >> Morale Page: [1]
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Morale - 4/19/2015 5:15:26 PM   


Posts: 23
Joined: 10/24/2009
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Williamsburg Starter Scenario, playing as North,

Doing well as North, pushed well south of the VH's and about 6pm got a message the South could not continue as morale was too low. I clicked (the do NOT continue) option, and instead of a victory like the manual suggests, I got a draw, as I was not actually "on" the VH's at the time. Broken mechanic I think?
Post #: 1
RE: Morale - 4/19/2015 6:16:03 PM   


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Williamsburg Starter Scenario, playing as North,

Doing well as North, pushed well south of the VH's and about 6pm got a message the South could not continue as morale was too low. I clicked (the do NOT continue) option, and instead of a victory like the manual suggests, I got a draw, as I was not actually "on" the VH's at the time. Broken mechanic I think?

I'm pretty sure you have to actually occupy the VH's for them to count.


(in reply to Vyper)
Post #: 2
RE: Morale - 4/19/2015 8:09:42 PM   


Posts: 23
Joined: 10/24/2009
Status: offline





Williamsburg Starter Scenario, playing as North,

Doing well as North, pushed well south of the VH's and about 6pm got a message the South could not continue as morale was too low. I clicked (the do NOT continue) option, and instead of a victory like the manual suggests, I got a draw, as I was not actually "on" the VH's at the time. Broken mechanic I think?

I'm pretty sure you have to actually occupy the VH's for them to count.


Understand about the VH mechanics, but I'm talking about this:


IMPORTANT: You may also achieve victory by breaking the morale of the enemy
army, reducing that army’s average morale below a certain level determined by
the army commander’s Leadership rating. Similarly, you must safeguard your own
army’s morale carefully. A display of your army’s average morale and the level at
which it breaks is displayed in the top-center of the screen.

That didn't work for me as stated.

(in reply to rickier65)
Post #: 3
RE: Morale - 4/20/2015 3:10:14 PM   

Posts: 11927
Joined: 3/23/2005
Status: offline
You do still have to occupy at least some of the victory hexes when you break the other side's morale to achieve greater than a draw. Admittedly the text in the manual is ambiguous on that point, but this is the intention of the game design.


(in reply to Vyper)
Post #: 4
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