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- 3/29/2003 3:43:31 PM   

Posts: 672
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From: Budapest,Hungary
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Skirmishes here and there. Killed a Sherman in the south-crew bailed out, and a scout car in the rear.



"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.", Sun Tzu

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Post #: 31
- 3/30/2003 12:24:40 AM   
CPT Shoe

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From: Fayetteville, NC, USA
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Continued my move to the rear hexes, Status Quo in the South and Center


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 32
- 3/30/2003 4:19:08 PM   

Posts: 672
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From: Budapest,Hungary
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Fierce fighting on all fronts. Killed 2 shermans in the north. Killed 3 shermans near the rear hexes. Killed 2 HTs in the south.
The 4th sherman in the center survived cca 10 full hits at least and 5 assaults.:o :o :o . Like in my previous fight tha stuarts cannot penetrate the armor of the bigger steel monsters. But this is the _ONLY_ mechanized equipment we have.
Lost 1 Stuart in the north and 2 scout cars in the center, plus lots of infantry.



"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.", Sun Tzu

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Post #: 33
- 3/30/2003 10:18:06 PM   
CPT Shoe

Posts: 203
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From: Fayetteville, NC, USA
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So much for the rear hexes!

Quit your whining

Looks to me like your stuarts are doing just fine


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 34
- 3/31/2003 1:12:08 AM   

Posts: 672
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From: Budapest,Hungary
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Skirmishes all across the front. Killed one sherman in the south. One sherman was abandoned in the center. Killed two engineer squads in the center. Killed some recon in the north. Losses to infantry and one scout car.

The fate of the battle is going to be decided in the next few turns.

I counted the destroyed/abandoned shermans.
Count 26.:D :D :D

How many is still there? My estimation is 9.:o I estimate around 10 for quite a time...:rolleyes:



"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.", Sun Tzu

(in reply to CPT Shoe)
Post #: 35
- 4/1/2003 9:52:31 AM   
CPT Shoe

Posts: 203
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From: Fayetteville, NC, USA
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People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 36
- 4/1/2003 11:56:09 PM   

Posts: 672
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From: Budapest,Hungary
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Killed a HT in the north. Killed 2 shermans a HT a scout car and an engineer squad in the center. I occupied some of the central V-Hexes. Status Quo in the south.

My opponent has 2 more shermans in the south, one immobilized, and at least a section of Auxiliary shermans, two platoons the most. It will soon be known in the next turns.



"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.", Sun Tzu

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Post #: 37
- 4/2/2003 10:11:57 AM   
CPT Shoe

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From: Fayetteville, NC, USA
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Killed one Stuart in the North


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 38
- 4/3/2003 2:21:59 AM   

Posts: 672
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From: Budapest,Hungary
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Killed a sherman and a scout car in the south . Routed some engineers. Lost some stuarts and infantry.

I see 6 Aux and one regular sherman. And they are pouring against us on all fronts.:rolleyes:

The battle is still wide open.



"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.", Sun Tzu

(in reply to CPT Shoe)
Post #: 39
- 4/5/2003 10:48:49 AM   
CPT Shoe

Posts: 203
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From: Fayetteville, NC, USA
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Still trying to hold back the marines. Another staurt dies


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 40
- 4/5/2003 2:50:09 PM   

Posts: 672
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From: Budapest,Hungary
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The good news:
Killed one sherman in the north-crew bailed out. Killed one HT in the south and one in the center.
Occupied some of the south Vhexes.

The killed/abandoned sherman count: 30 :D :D :D
Do abandoned vechicles count as destroyed? there are a lot of abandoned HTs and scout cars as well...

The bad news:
There are at least 6-7 Sherman MONSTERS remaining :rolleyes: (oh boy). One engineer platoon mounted on them.

The central Vhexes were reocupied by the army. Terrain too open for the marines.

I begin not to like Steel Panthers.:o



"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.", Sun Tzu

(in reply to CPT Shoe)
Post #: 41
- 4/6/2003 12:04:33 AM   
CPT Shoe

Posts: 203
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From: Fayetteville, NC, USA
Status: offline
The Army got back the center V-hexes, now working on the North and South.

Staurt and a few trucks are killed this turn


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 42
- 4/6/2003 4:05:45 AM   

Posts: 672
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From: Budapest,Hungary
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Shooting all over the front.

Killed two Shermans and an engineer squad in the north.
Killed two Priest SPA and a scout car in the south.
My opponent throws his Priests against me.I see two of them standing on a ridge on the north-west.

I estimate 5 shermans 2 engineer squads and 2 Priests coming against me. Hope I am not mistaken.:confused:

3,5 turns to go.



"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.", Sun Tzu

(in reply to CPT Shoe)
Post #: 43
- 4/6/2003 11:00:31 AM   
CPT Shoe

Posts: 203
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From: Fayetteville, NC, USA
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Priests are no longer any good as Arty, they only have 4 rounds of HEAT and 50 rounds of M2 .50 Cal left in their ammo stores.


People like me should scare the hell out of you. Why? Because I can get inside your head. And once there, I run around like a squirrel through a habiTrail, flipping the switches that can make you do everything from craving a Pepsi to voting Republican.

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Post #: 44
- 4/6/2003 1:54:42 PM   

Posts: 672
Joined: 7/24/2002
From: Budapest,Hungary
Status: offline
Fighting in the center and in the south. Occupied two VH in the cebter and routed an engineer squad. Killed 2 shermans in the south with marine squads.

I see one sherman guerding the central Vhexes, one aproaching the southern VHexes and one guarding the rear.

I lost one scout car to a machine gun in the rear.

I think the battle is turning in my favor:cool: .

2,5 turns to go.



"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.", Sun Tzu

(in reply to CPT Shoe)
Post #: 45
- 4/9/2003 12:32:54 PM   

Posts: 672
Joined: 7/24/2002
From: Budapest,Hungary
Status: offline
Fighting in the center and in the south.
Killed a sherman in the center and an engineer squad. Secured the center Vhexes. They changed owner for the third time.
Killed two shermans in the south.
Killed the US HQ in the rear. my stuart bumped in them.
Lost one listening post in the US rear.Got one stuart immobilized there it is most likely that I will lose it next turn.

I control the northern central southern and my rear Vhexes.

Killed /abandoned sherman count: 37 :D:D:D

1,5 turns to go.



"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.", Sun Tzu

(in reply to CPT Shoe)
Post #: 46
victory - 4/10/2003 12:45:30 PM   

Posts: 672
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From: Budapest,Hungary
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Very short before the end my opponent hit the F9 key.

I very much did NOT expect this victory, beause the marines are in very serious shortage of MBTs and Halftrucks. My opponent could quickly occupy the Vhexes with them and then he only had to defend them.

Only the jungle and my good infantry saved the day.With the felp of some Stuarts. Those marine boys were really tough. I have squads with size 1. They really are one of the best if not the best of the best.:cool:

Glory goes to the marines.:) :) :)

Artur out.


"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.", Sun Tzu

(in reply to CPT Shoe)
Post #: 47
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