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RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress

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All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985 >> RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress Page: <<   < prev  16 17 [18] 19 20   next >   >>
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RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/7/2017 1:41:13 AM   

Posts: 20708
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From: metro Chicago, Illinois, USA
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Another (private) Dev Forum post:



From the work-in-progess CSEE How-To:

Akin to the on_unit_kill() function is on_unit_reduce(), for example:


function on_unit_reduce (x, y, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader, loss) -- DO NOT REMOVE

if string.find(orgname, "Engineer") ~= nil and
side == ISRAELI_SIDE then
note(true, "Comment", "Be careful with, be sure to protect your engineer units. You need them to breach the Old City walls.")



In this example, if an Israeli engineer unit suffers point reduction, we want to display a pop-up reminding the Israeli player to be careful with such units.

A conundrum: How do you determine if a unit is engineers or not?

There is a standard CSEE function, counter_type(), like so:



counter_type (trackid)


For the given trackid (counter), returns its type value.


trackid -- integer; 0 or greater


Returns a value (not a quoted string!), any of:



if counter_type () ~= ARMOR then



But where do you see ENGINEER in that type list? You don't! Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any unit ID number range that universally signifies the engineer type. What to do then?

With a bit of advanced Lua, we can determine if a given unit is an engineer. You will observe where one of the on_unit_reduce() inputs is the unit's orgname. We can use one of the standard, built-in Lua string library functions, find(), to see if "Engineer" appears anywhere in the unit's orgname. If it does appear, then string.find() returns a non-nil value, and '~= nil' (doesn't equal nil) evaluates to true. So the if condition is satisfied, we have an engineer!

Hmm. In future, we might want to determine if other units, in other scenarios, are engineers. How about we define an isengineer() function, in user.lua:


function isengineer (trackid)

local name = counter_name (trackid)
local orgname = counter_orgname (trackid)

return string.find(name, "Engineer") ~= nil or
string.find(orgname, "Engineer") ~= nil

if string.find(name, "Engineer") ~= nil or
string.find(orgname, "Engineer") ~= nil then
return true
return false



Note the use of the --[[ ]] multi-line comment, to demarcate an alternative way to return true or false.

This function is superior to our earlier check, is more general, because it checks both the counter name and its orgname to see if either contains the word "Engineer". (We could, if we really wish to, make this case insensitive, so that unit names or orgnames with "engineer" (lower case) would match also. Too, we might look for matches on abbreviations, such as "engr". We must be very careful, however, because we might extend the match set so broadly as to invite false positives.)

With the isengineer() function defined, the above code could be redone as


function on_unit_reduce (x, y, trackid, pid, name, side, nation, oid, orgname, points, strength, HQ, Leader, loss) -- DO NOT REMOVE

if isengineer (trackid) and
side == ISRAELI_SIDE then
note(true, "Comment", "Be careful with, be sure to protect your engineer units. You need them to breach the Old City walls.")



In fact, this technique is so powerful that we could define (in user.lua) all manner of custom is*() functions, such as:

isjeep ()
isrclr ()
ismortar ()
ishowitzer ()
ismachinegun ()
ishorse ()
iscamel ()

and on and on.

Nifty, huh?

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< Message edited by berto -- 12/7/2017 8:00:48 PM >


Campaign Series Legion
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(in reply to berto)
Post #: 511
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/12/2017 1:03:31 AM   

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While we all wait for the post-Holiday release of CSME 2.0, a sneak peek at our future Vietnam game. (Still a work-in-progress. Graphics subject to change.)

Those Vietnamese are tough!

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Campaign Series Legion
Campaign Series Lead Coder
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Post #: 512
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/12/2017 11:13:11 PM   

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Looks great! I own JTCS, I do not own ME but i will seriously consider buying vietnam when it's released.

(in reply to berto)
Post #: 513
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/15/2017 10:01:24 PM   

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Another recent (private) Dev Forum post:



The Reconnoiter (instant recon) feature in action:

The selected (yellow highlight) American Reconnaissance 66 has just exercised the instant recon option, which suddenly revealed the previously hidden NVA sniper unit (orange circle) lurking in the jungle beyond. Now, rather than blundering forward into an opfire ambush, I can plan ahead what I will do about the sniper(s).

Yay for the Reconnoiter (instant recon) feature!


Campaign Series Legion
Campaign Series Lead Coder
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(in reply to athineos)
Post #: 514
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/16/2017 12:24:11 AM   

Posts: 69
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From: United States (USA), California (CA)
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I like the graphical style on that CS: Vietnam picture above a lot. I'm glad you guys are keeping the CS series alive and with a cool future! Are Snipers going to be easier for a platoon to kill? Can they aim at leaders in the stack?


Three63 of The Blitz Wargaming Club

(in reply to berto)
Post #: 515
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/16/2017 1:03:28 AM   

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berto, do you have any new 3-D shots of american & vietnamese units to show us?

(in reply to berto)
Post #: 516
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/16/2017 1:11:27 AM   

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Sadly, no 3D worth showing yet. The VN 3D is still very much a work-in-progress.


Campaign Series Legion
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Panzer Campaigns, Panzer Battles, Civil War Battles Lead Coder

(in reply to athineos)
Post #: 517
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/16/2017 1:12:01 AM   

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I like the graphical style on that CS: Vietnam picture above a lot. I'm glad you guys are keeping the CS series alive and with a cool future! Are Snipers going to be easier for a platoon to kill? Can they aim at leaders in the stack?

We are still sorting out issues like these.


Campaign Series Legion
Campaign Series Lead Coder
Panzer Campaigns, Panzer Battles, Civil War Battles Lead Coder

(in reply to Three63)
Post #: 518
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/16/2017 11:19:10 AM   

Posts: 20708
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Another recent (private) Dev Forum post:



The Reconnoiter (instant recon) feature in action:

The selected (yellow highlight) American Reconnaissance 66 has just exercised the instant recon option, which suddenly revealed the previously hidden NVA sniper unit (orange circle) lurking in the jungle beyond. Now, rather than blundering forward into an opfire ambush, I can plan ahead what I will do about the sniper(s).

Yay for the Reconnoiter (instant recon) feature!

We are in the process of tweaking this, reducing the ability/likelihood of recon units to spot and unconceal sniper units at such long range. Also to make detecting sniper units much harder in general.


Campaign Series Legion
Campaign Series Lead Coder
Panzer Campaigns, Panzer Battles, Civil War Battles Lead Coder

(in reply to berto)
Post #: 519
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/22/2017 3:09:48 PM   

Posts: 20708
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In this, my second play through of the Vietnam "The Battle of the Crescent" (Bo_Duc_1970.scn), I am doing much better as the Americans than the first time around.

A different game, a different conflict, with different units and terrain, requires different tactics. Duh.

As the Americans, don't lead with your ground forces. The NVA/VC are mean SOBs at close range. Instead, use your abundant airstrikes, helo gunships, and artillery to soften up the enemy first. Whittle down the enemy, then close in.

After playing so much CSME, unlearn some bad, inappropriate habits. Vietnam's a whole new game. It goes without saying?

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Campaign Series Legion
Campaign Series Lead Coder
Panzer Campaigns, Panzer Battles, Civil War Battles Lead Coder

(in reply to berto)
Post #: 520
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/22/2017 6:42:44 PM   

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A different game, a different conflict, with different units and terrain, requires different tactics.

Which brings up a question I was thinking to ask you a couple of day ago. Viet cong loved Tunnels. Are you planning to include them in the game?

(in reply to berto)
Post #: 521
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/22/2017 6:56:09 PM   

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This is what I am talking about... (See Pic attatched)

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(in reply to athineos)
Post #: 522
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/22/2017 7:14:11 PM   

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Tunnels? Yes, most definitely!


Campaign Series Legion
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(in reply to athineos)
Post #: 523
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/22/2017 7:18:46 PM   

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Man, I cannot wait to play this game!!!!!!

(in reply to berto)
Post #: 524
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/22/2017 7:39:44 PM   

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It will play quite differently from Middle East, that's for sure.


Campaign Series Legion
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(in reply to athineos)
Post #: 525
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/22/2017 7:40:21 PM   

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Systematically wearing down the foe.

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Campaign Series Legion
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(in reply to berto)
Post #: 526
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/22/2017 8:23:09 PM   

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A Minor Victory is in the bag.

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Campaign Series Legion
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Post #: 527
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/22/2017 9:08:43 PM   

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And so it ends, close to a Major Victory, but no cigar. A Minor Victory cigarillo only.

On first play through, I thought this scenario was unbalanced in favor of the NVA. It had me a bit worried.

No worry. I just had to drop my Middle East mindset and adopt some new tactics. With thoughtful play, the Americans can easily win this.

This was vs. the AI. Loads of fun. It seems to play realistically too. We still have lots of work ahead of us, many wrinkles to iron out, but already this is shaping up to be an awesome game. You can take my word for it.

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< Message edited by berto -- 12/22/2017 9:09:11 PM >


Campaign Series Legion
Campaign Series Lead Coder
Panzer Campaigns, Panzer Battles, Civil War Battles Lead Coder

(in reply to berto)
Post #: 528
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/22/2017 10:08:03 PM   

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Based on early play throughs like the preceding, already we are discussing some of the wrinkles, and how we might iron them out. So far, the discussion is tending towards making Allied/American game player tougher. So an easy American win in the Bo Duc 1970 Battle of the Crescent scenario? Not so easy once we're done with it.


Campaign Series Legion
Campaign Series Lead Coder
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(in reply to berto)
Post #: 529
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/22/2017 10:55:01 PM   

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If memory serves me right, this battle had a better outcome than the battle for Khâm Đức and Ngok Tavak which was considered a defeat for U.S. forces. I am pretty sure they will be included in the game. It looks like you are making good progress!!!

(in reply to berto)
Post #: 530
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/25/2017 12:37:16 PM   

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The whole war was a turning point in the history of war where there were two opponents before each other on the battlefield, we now have a guerrilla army who hid among the civilian population

(in reply to athineos)
Post #: 531
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/25/2017 2:09:01 PM   

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While we wait ... and wait ... for CSME 2.0 to be released, a little Christmas present to our patiently waiting fans:

Campaign Series Event Engine How-To

Happy Holidays, everybody!


Campaign Series Legion
Campaign Series Lead Coder
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(in reply to fritzfarlig)
Post #: 532
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/25/2017 5:15:29 PM   
Big Ivan

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Very nice present berto and you knew exactly what I wanted!

Now I can be a bit more ready for the CSEE when CSME 2.0 comes out.

Very nice present indeed, Thank You!


Blitz call sign Big Ivan.

(in reply to berto)
Post #: 533
RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/27/2017 5:39:05 PM   

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Another recent (private) Dev Forum post:



Okay, I think this is now maybe done.

  • WaterBlock hexside hints as red hexsides.
  • MinorRiverJoin hexside hints as blue hexsides.
  • StreamJoin hexside hints as light blue hexsides. (Note the magenta circled StreamJoin at the lower center. That's a goof! Needs to be undone.)
  • CycleSel #s as in-hex numbers. (Note the yellow circled hexes at the left.)

  • An aid to utilizing the new waterway types. Applicable only to edmap (hints don't show in the game engine).


    Campaign Series Legion
    Campaign Series Lead Coder
    Panzer Campaigns, Panzer Battles, Civil War Battles Lead Coder

    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 534
    RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/29/2017 6:58:53 AM   

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    For something different, how about a first screenshot of our very first (new standard) East Front III alpha build. Game executables are in pretty good shape, so they are beta status, but there's still work going on with data files and graphics so alpha it is, overall.

    The current thinking with East Front III color scheme is based on the good old Panzergrau. What do you think?

    Attachment (1)


    (in reply to berto)
    Post #: 535
    RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/29/2017 1:23:15 PM   


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    I like.

    (in reply to Crossroads)
    Post #: 536
    RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/29/2017 7:45:31 PM   
    Big Ivan

    Posts: 1963
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    Nice Crossroads and the rest of the Development Team!

    I like the black 2D silhouettes and NATO like in CSME. May they possibly be available for EFIII?
    The black 2D silhouettes remind me so much of AH-Arab Israeli Wars, good stuff!

    I'm also a big 3D guy. I play mostly in that dimension. Nothing like a column of Pz-IIIG's, Halftracks and Trucks strung out on a road and Sdkfz-11t's
    towing guns. While a battalion of mounted Russian cavalry supported by T-26c tanks lies in ambush just around the next bend. Can't wait to see that view, Oh please, pretty please!

    Just to wet our whistles I had to...


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    Blitz call sign Big Ivan.

    (in reply to randy44)
    Post #: 537
    RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/30/2017 1:06:45 AM   

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    My Favorite color!

    (in reply to Crossroads)
    Post #: 538
    RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 12/30/2017 7:26:32 AM   

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    ORIGINAL: athineos



    My Favorite color!


    (in reply to athineos)
    Post #: 539
    RE: Sneak Peeks, Coming Attractions, Works-In-Progress - 1/3/2018 11:22:34 PM   

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    Many old scenarios look a new life ?

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