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RE: Steam sale thread - 12/6/2020 5:53:01 PM   


Posts: 3545
Joined: 4/2/2004
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ORIGINAL: Kuokkanen

Should I try the game on my outdated laptop for you?

I went and did it, graphics settings dialed to bottom. Old laptop in question, about 10 years old:
HP Pavilion dv7
Turion II P520 Dual-Core 2.30 GHz
4 GB of RAM
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650

Here's the result:

Graphic distortions may be result of outdated graphic adapter & drivers. Nevertheless game is playable and I estimate 5 years old gaming desktop computer should be capable to run the game without problems. Desktop computer I use to play the game is about that old, but graphic adapter (GTX 1660 Super) is more recent.

Screenshot on the initial page is oversized. Click on it to get right screenshot.

< Message edited by Kuokkanen -- 12/6/2020 5:54:03 PM >


You know what they say, don't you? About how us MechWarriors are the modern knights, how warfare has become civilized now that we have to abide by conventions and rules of war. Don't believe it.


(in reply to Kuokkanen)
Post #: 2161
RE: Steam sale thread - 12/6/2020 7:22:19 PM   

Posts: 142
Joined: 10/10/2020
From: Sweden
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Old comment and quoted Redcoat here down below only (So the DLC´s NOT for free anymore, someone might not get it).

ORIGINAL: redcoat

The Crusader Kings II expansion The Reaper's Due is currently free on Steam:

If i may, this game is as bad yes as EU 4. Time consuming only and the game easily is just about info screens all over, a surface which is lovely btw and Paradox is one poor game developer. Are they Swedish? I think i saw that somewhere.
First and foremost how they make the game "tough", give those ridiculous armies which is represented by one animated knight\warrior moved around in real time the upper hand in numbers, pretty much how they balance the game. It´s for you to figure out how to have bigger and better armies and all but i don´t CARE.
Hours after hours put into it just to find out it´s just as bad as the first one mentioned, Europa Universalis 4, and just because it looks good and all those random events pops up to relieve you from the constant wait to accumulate wealth, prestige etc. it still is just too little to do and complicated to find a way to wage war which is supposed to be done with that darn "Cassius belli" or what it was called, try to find it in this game how to do that as well, i dare you.

It´s about heirs, marriages and family bonds and relations and it works i would say pretty much the same like Europa Universalis 4.
If someone likes this game after all be sure that you REALLY like this game and will make use of those DLC´s that comes with it at a price for i for one won´t make the same mistake twice and buy them all after just a few hours of game play, i fell for the mesmerizing first look at it and the purty music, not again. Not another EU 4 no thanks.¨

Edit: And Kuokkanen, thanks for that info for the previously mentioned game here in the thread.

< Message edited by Protonic2020 -- 12/7/2020 11:47:36 AM >


Think for yourself and never let others do it for you

(in reply to redcoat)
Post #: 2162
RE: Steam sale thread - 12/7/2020 10:54:22 AM   

Posts: 142
Joined: 10/10/2020
From: Sweden
Status: offline
Updated "little" REVIEW ON Crusader Kings II: It´s flaws just becomes more and more evident the longer i play it, i HATE how Paradox have made it into one RTS game since you during war gets totally bombarded with irrelevant pop up screens about this and that, and have i mentioned that my temper isn´t that great always? I flat out start to raise my voice against the game.

Does this look like a normal RETREAT to anyone? (Pic below).
Running halfway across the world is so typical since EU 4 as well, a minus just there. The game is for sure alluring and done like some seductress that wants to get married with you to then later just run off with your cash, that´s Paradox folks, DLC´s that may cost you up to 2 to 300 euros if you get them all. Special price for you, (10 to 20% off on Steam but does that matter when it´s close to what a WHOLE gaming console costs these days?) Just too rich to sell games with that final price tag for just ONE full game. Especially if it´s like this one, IMHO.

German army remains "takes a hike", retreats, to Gawd knows where, HOLY COW! (I have seen a unit retreat INSANE distances before though):

"Lucky" us they are so "generous" to provide all gamer´s with the WHOLE basic game for free, to wet your appetite for those DLC´s, or is that being cynical and ungrateful? Lots of those " now but you´ll be the judge, i want to be fair as well.

You want others input that´s a critic also it´s there to read it on Steam in the review section.
The funny YouTube clip one:
Paradox developer talks about Crusader Kings 3 (PARODY fake!)

(Try not to laugh yourself when watching the above clip)

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Protonic2020 -- 12/7/2020 12:33:25 PM >


Think for yourself and never let others do it for you

(in reply to Protonic2020)
Post #: 2163
RE: Steam sale thread - 12/7/2020 5:39:22 PM   

Posts: 3783
Joined: 5/15/2005
From: Carson City, NV
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I'm probably stupid for jumping in here, but what's new?

I own all versions of Crusader Kings, III being my favorite. I used to get irritated at the DLC "scam" as I used to call it. However, now after playing a game for a while and getting used to it, I look forward to DLC content coming out, IF it has enough in it to warrant the price tag. Paradox is known for it anyway, so when I buy one of their games, I expect to see a lot of updates-patches and DLC. Just a fact of life anymore. A console game like the PS4 is usually about $60 USA funds on average. I have lots of them, and most have been put away to never be played again. I wish PlayStation had a return policy like Steam does, I would have about 2/3 less than now.

I also have all the Europa Universalis versions. I have gotten mad at all of them. The CK and EU series both do stupid things, they also are a lot of fun. I don't think Paradox will ever fix them completely. They just do another version which is so popular of a trend nowadays.

I also have Stellaris, Surviving Mars, and their latest one Surviving The Aftermath. Surviving The Aftermath is getting a lot of criticism, and it's not my favorite by any means. It's another management game where the people wander around like idiots and complain. Makes me want to shoot them. I wish games would have that feature enabled, shoot the complainers if they won't work.

I'm not much help here, just rambling. I'm not smart enough on any Paradox game to debate the mechanics very deeply. I play to have fun and when the fun stops, I do something else. Games to me are a way to forget about how crappy life is, not mimic it. Life as a disabled person sucks.

(in reply to Protonic2020)
Post #: 2164
RE: Steam sale thread - 12/7/2020 5:58:25 PM   


Posts: 2757
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I could never get into CKII, so have to agree with Protonic2020. But that is sort of old news.

CKIII I could actually play out-of-the-box. Paid full price and feel it was worth it. Not to overstate it, but find it a beautiful game and good UI. Arguably, the most stable and solid Paradox game on release-day.

Hearts of Iron IV I have played the most of any game in my life, next to the old Steel Panthers. But I avoid the DLCs, as they have Mixed reviews. Game plays well with mods, and that is a key benefit throughout the Paradox game series. Large, committed and creative player base makes DLCs unnecessary for me, at least.

Greetings and good wishes to all!

Sorry LarryP, I did not know of your disability. You are well known here, and it does grieve me to hear it. I have pain every day, but when I can sit for a while I try to play a game or two. Those 12-hour sessions of yesteryear have come back to haunt my bad back. ;)

< Message edited by Rosseau -- 12/7/2020 6:02:29 PM >

(in reply to LarryP)
Post #: 2165
RE: Steam sale thread - 12/7/2020 6:23:01 PM   

Posts: 3783
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From: Carson City, NV
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I also have HoI4 and previous versions too. I've put in many hours on that game. Tons of free mods too. That is a very good game! The in game help is excellent.

I broke my neck in 1984, got better until 2004, then had a surgery 3-1/2 years ago that went sour. Doctors... no further comment. Sorry to hear of anyone having pain daily. It's my way of life now and it's horrific. 'Nuff said here.

I like CKIII a lot. I have a mod that enables cheats. Tons of money, character boosts, you name it! It's fun to use but if I use it too much it makes the game way too easy.

Good to see you Rosseau, and Happy HolyDays to you and everyone else on these Matrix forums!

(in reply to Rosseau)
Post #: 2166
RE: Steam sale thread - 12/7/2020 10:15:20 PM   


Posts: 536
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But Sweden (Paradox) more international about their games. I'm trying to stop crash (Shadow Empire) about Turkish language Windows. There is no beta or quickfix about it yet for Steam, only for Matrix beta. How that can be good marketing?

(in reply to LarryP)
Post #: 2167
RE: Steam sale thread - 12/8/2020 10:42:51 AM   

Posts: 142
Joined: 10/10/2020
From: Sweden
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ORIGINAL: gamer78

But Sweden (Paradox) more international about their games. I'm trying to stop crash (Shadow Empire) about Turkish language Windows. There is no beta or quickfix about it yet for Steam, only for Matrix beta. How that can be good marketing?
Off Topic warning:
Sweden´s got problems now, BIG problems all over. We are one peculiar breed of people here yes. "International" you say and we take pride in it, we´re not many, a bit above 10 million in population and still we are able to make a "noise" in all kind of areas internationally. I´m proud of our heritage as people, now not so much anymore.

Paradox got something there but they blew it, big time. I´ll never trust that game developer again. 9.8 hours (they count hours in one tenth´s of an hour? Weird), on Steam and time to do this:

Good luck with your crashing game there now. Shadow Empire is a better one.

< Message edited by Protonic2020 -- 12/8/2020 1:44:02 PM >


Think for yourself and never let others do it for you

(in reply to gamer78)
Post #: 2168
RE: Steam sale thread - 12/8/2020 5:14:59 PM   


Posts: 3545
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ORIGINAL: Protonic2020

Sweden´s got problems now, BIG problems all over.

I'm from Finland and I agree with you


You know what they say, don't you? About how us MechWarriors are the modern knights, how warfare has become civilized now that we have to abide by conventions and rules of war. Don't believe it.


(in reply to Protonic2020)
Post #: 2169
RE: Steam sale thread - 12/8/2020 5:26:13 PM   

Posts: 1452
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I've only played CK 2 about 3-4 hours without cheating. I cheat a lot in that game, because I just kind of like getting to do what I want no matter what.


"Venimus, vidimus, Deus vicit" John III Sobieski as he entered Vienna on 9/11/1683. "I came, I saw, God conquered."
He that has a mind to fight, let him fight, for now is the time. - Anacreon

(in reply to Kuokkanen)
Post #: 2170
RE: Steam sale thread - 12/8/2020 5:50:17 PM   

Posts: 142
Joined: 10/10/2020
From: Sweden
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ORIGINAL: Kuokkanen


ORIGINAL: Protonic2020

Sweden´s got problems now, BIG problems all over.

I'm from Finland and I agree with you

Yeah i thought so, your name kind of gives you away.


Think for yourself and never let others do it for you

(in reply to Kuokkanen)
Post #: 2171
RE: Steam sale thread - 12/8/2020 9:40:13 PM   

Posts: 3783
Joined: 5/15/2005
From: Carson City, NV
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I've only played CK 2 about 3-4 hours without cheating. I cheat a lot in that game, because I just kind of like getting to do what I want no matter what.

I couldn't agree more!

(in reply to Gilmer)
Post #: 2172
RE: Steam sale thread - 12/10/2020 12:03:28 AM   

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Been playing euro truck sim2, never really got into it but now playing everyday

(in reply to LarryP)
Post #: 2173
RE: Steam sale thread - 12/10/2020 4:42:50 AM   

Posts: 1148
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Crusader Kings III is on sale for 20% off ($39.99 U.S.) at Steam. Or you can pick up the Crusader Kings III Royal Edition for $67.49 U.S. Prices good until 14 December 2020.


This war is not about slavery. --Robert E. Lee

(in reply to demyansk)
Post #: 2174
RE: Steam sale thread - 12/15/2020 1:58:46 PM   

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From: My Mother, although my Father had some small part.
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ORIGINAL: Protonic2020


ORIGINAL: Kuokkanen


ORIGINAL: Protonic2020

Sweden´s got problems now, BIG problems all over.

I'm from Finland and I agree with you

Yeah i thought so, your name kind of gives you away.

Yes, but at least he admits it. I know how dumb fins are. I also know what is close to a lot of fins as well.

But in England, swedes are a vegetable.


Seek peace but keep your gun handy.

I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!

“Illegitemus non carborundum est (“Don’t let the bastards grind you down”).”
― Julia Child

(in reply to Protonic2020)
Post #: 2175
RE: Steam sale thread - 12/18/2020 3:27:49 PM   

Posts: 662
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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic I & II

£1.58 each at Fanatical

< Message edited by Mobeer -- 12/18/2020 3:28:04 PM >

(in reply to RangerJoe)
Post #: 2176
RE: Steam sale thread - 2/5/2021 7:20:24 PM   

Posts: 1035
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There is a free DLC for World of Warships on Steam at the moment. The Exclusive Starter Pack

The DLC is not compatible with an account created outside of Steam. The base game is free on Steam.


“‘Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’”

George Orwell, 1984

(in reply to Protonic2020)
Post #: 2177
RE: Steam sale thread - 2/5/2021 7:55:27 PM   


Posts: 3916
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ORIGINAL: redcoat

There is a free DLC for World of Warships on Steam at the moment. The Exclusive Starter Pack

The DLC is not compatible with an account created outside of Steam. The base game is free on Steam.

Been playing it for nearly 3 years. And you can just d/l from its site if you don't favor Steam. Battles never last more than 20 minutes. Ands if you sink, you can exit and try a different ship in your collection. You don't get this pack though if you don't go through Steam.

< Message edited by Aurelian -- 2/5/2021 8:06:21 PM >


If the Earth was flat, cats would of knocked everything off of it long ago.

(in reply to redcoat)
Post #: 2178
RE: Steam sale thread - 2/6/2021 5:28:42 PM   

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Steam is featuring a 2K Publisher Sale. You can get XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Pack for $9.99, XCOM 2 Collection for $19.99, Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Platinum Edition for $34.99, and many more 2K games at big discounts.

Have fun!


This war is not about slavery. --Robert E. Lee

(in reply to Aurelian)
Post #: 2179
RE: Steam sale thread - 2/6/2021 5:54:06 PM   

Posts: 3783
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From: Carson City, NV
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ORIGINAL: Aurelian


ORIGINAL: redcoat

There is a free DLC for World of Warships on Steam at the moment. The Exclusive Starter Pack

The DLC is not compatible with an account created outside of Steam. The base game is free on Steam.

Been playing it for nearly 3 years. And you can just d/l from its site if you don't favor Steam. Battles never last more than 20 minutes. Ands if you sink, you can exit and try a different ship in your collection. You don't get this pack though if you don't go through Steam.

There's some weird reviews for this game. Is it true it is constantly trying to suck money out of the player?

(in reply to Aurelian)
Post #: 2180
RE: Steam sale thread - 2/6/2021 9:09:12 PM   

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There's some weird reviews for this game. Is it true it is constantly trying to suck money out of the player?



This war is not about slavery. --Robert E. Lee

(in reply to LarryP)
Post #: 2181
RE: Steam sale thread - 2/6/2021 10:09:15 PM   

Posts: 1380
Joined: 7/11/2013
From: Lamezia Terme (Italy)
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ORIGINAL: Protonic2020

Updated "little" REVIEW ON Crusader Kings II: It´s flaws just becomes more and more evident the longer i play it, i HATE how Paradox have made it into one RTS game since you during war gets totally bombarded with irrelevant pop up screens about this and that, and have i mentioned that my temper isn´t that great always? I flat out start to raise my voice against the game.

Does this look like a normal RETREAT to anyone? (Pic below).

Er... "Shattered retreat" can be turned on or off from the option menu.

Have you tried to check out the other options? There are a lot, almost as many as Matrix World in Flames, and you can save your choices.


"Yes darling, I served in the Navy for eight years. I was a cook..."
"Oh dad... so you were a God-damned cook?"

(My 10 years old daughter after watching "The Hunt for Red October")

(in reply to Protonic2020)
Post #: 2182
RE: Steam sale thread - 2/7/2021 3:53:55 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Aurelian


ORIGINAL: redcoat

There is a free DLC for World of Warships on Steam at the moment. The Exclusive Starter Pack

The DLC is not compatible with an account created outside of Steam. The base game is free on Steam.

Been playing it for nearly 3 years. And you can just d/l from its site if you don't favor Steam. Battles never last more than 20 minutes. Ands if you sink, you can exit and try a different ship in your collection. You don't get this pack though if you don't go through Steam.

There's some weird reviews for this game. Is it true it is constantly trying to suck money out of the player?

There are things that cost money. But you don't have to spend any to play. Lately I've bought a few ships, premium time and doubloons. But you can play your way from Tier 1 to Tier 10 without spending a dime. Along the way you earn credits, XP for ships and commanders, and free XP. You use those to research ships, improve your current ship, commander skills, and if you save enough free XP, a premium ship.

I can show some examples if you wish.


If the Earth was flat, cats would of knocked everything off of it long ago.

(in reply to LarryP)
Post #: 2183
RE: Steam sale thread - 3/18/2021 9:32:39 PM   


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Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game got -75% cut. I bought it a month or so ago and have played multiplayer.


You know what they say, don't you? About how us MechWarriors are the modern knights, how warfare has become civilized now that we have to abide by conventions and rules of war. Don't believe it.


(in reply to Aurelian)
Post #: 2184
RE: Steam sale thread - 5/4/2021 5:18:15 PM   

Posts: 441
Joined: 12/29/2000
From: München, Bayern, Deutschland
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AI WAR II - 60% off


(in reply to Kuokkanen)
Post #: 2185
RE: Steam sale thread - 5/4/2021 6:52:53 PM   

Posts: 3783
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From: Carson City, NV
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AI WAR II - 60% off

I've got both AI War games. It's done by an excellent guy, but the games are very different from any other. Watching a YouTube video before buying is what I would suggest.

(in reply to Vasquez)
Post #: 2186
RE: Steam sale thread - 5/5/2021 12:22:22 PM   

Posts: 1380
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From: Lamezia Terme (Italy)
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AI WAR II - 60% off

I've got both AI War games. It's done by an excellent guy, but the games are very different from any other. Watching a YouTube video before buying is what I would suggest.

I played the first game to death back in the day. I have all of the expansions too. The variety of situations (maps, AIs, random units pool...) is so great that I guess one could play only this game for years and never experience everything it has to offer...


"Yes darling, I served in the Navy for eight years. I was a cook..."
"Oh dad... so you were a God-damned cook?"

(My 10 years old daughter after watching "The Hunt for Red October")

(in reply to LarryP)
Post #: 2187
RE: Steam sale thread - 5/5/2021 6:41:03 PM   

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From: Carson City, NV
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So I assume you liked the first AI, any plans to buy #2? It's done extremely well but it's just a very different kind of game. AND, being RTS makes it unlikable for me right off. The programmer developer is a very meticulous guy. He has help for everything and options galore. Just wish it were not real time...

I bought both AI games to support the dev and will buy all he does in the future. Not many programmers as picky and thorough as him.

(in reply to RFalvo69)
Post #: 2188
RE: Steam sale thread - 5/5/2021 7:37:32 PM   

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From: Lamezia Terme (Italy)
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So I assume you liked the first AI, any plans to buy #2?

I'll watch some YouTube videos first. I still like the first game a lot, so I want to know what changes the developer has made for AI 2 before jumping in.

Regarding the first, I supported the development by buying the expansions over the years, but there still are a couple of them that I never activated in game - go figure.


"Yes darling, I served in the Navy for eight years. I was a cook..."
"Oh dad... so you were a God-damned cook?"

(My 10 years old daughter after watching "The Hunt for Red October")

(in reply to LarryP)
Post #: 2189
RE: Steam sale thread - 5/5/2021 9:09:43 PM   

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This new AI has amazing help, tooltips, and options. I'm always impressed by Chris Parks ingenuity. It's fun, but just different. It's like the first game pretty much, just much more of it. Now that we have been talking about it, I'm going to give it another go.

(in reply to RFalvo69)
Post #: 2190
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