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The library of WitE resources

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The library of WitE resources - 7/20/2017 1:17:28 PM   

Posts: 2038
Joined: 4/14/2016
From: Berlin, Germany
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This thread collects resources made for and about the game War in the East.

If you know resources not yet listed, please message me by personal message, E-Mail or this thread!

Please note that information may refer to older game versions.

1. Documents and videos

1.1 WitE Operational Boot Camp (by dlazov66): A boot camp for new players to complement the manual.
1.2 WitE Best of Forum Posts (by governato): A collection of many good forum posts. Somewhat outdated, but still helpful.
1.3 How Supply works (by EwaldvonKleist): A document about HQ build ups, supply optimisation, the leader roll system and some more stuff. It is a comprehension of information from the manual, own tests and forum posts.
1.4 German OOB as a Word document (by SuluSea): A document summarising the OOB for the 1941GC with division's morale and all leaders.
1.5 The supply system in WitE 1-an in detail explanation. (by EwaldvonKleist) A document that explains the supply system of WitE in detail with all important formulas.
1.6 Basic player's guide (by thedoctorking) Play tips for people doing their first steps into the game.
1.7 Checklist/turn processing order (by EwaldvonKleist) A checklist I made for my own use to streamline my play of Axis turns. Note that the checklist only concerns the early Axis turns, for defensive play, changeds are in order.
1.8 Axis team protocol (by Telemecus) Protocol of the Axis turn handling for team (more than one player per side) games.
1.9 CV calculation formulas (by morvael) Spreadsheet by WitE update-developer morvael showing the combat value calculation algorithm used by the game.
1.10 Equipment CV table (by morvael) A table showing the CV associated with every ground element type according to different CV display and calculation modes.
1.11 Detailed checklist/turn processing order (by Telemecus/EwaldvonKleist)
1.12 AAR-guide for Axis players (by EwaldvonKleist) A guide for Axis players with some case studies.
1.13 Soviet Calendar (by Nix77) Spreadsheet containing good-to-know events with corresponding dates (e.g., what is the first turn when you can form air groups, when do inf divs upgrade)/reinfocement lists etc. for the Soviet side.
1.14 Updated manual (by Chris21wen) The original manual updated to the latest patches by a player. (safety copy)
1.15 Soviet aircraft timeline (by ?) Chart showing the availability timeline and maximum production numbers of Soviet aircraft.
1.16 Axis aircraft upgrades (by Telemecus) Overview graphic of Axis aircraft upgrades and conversions.
1.17 Axis support unit guide (by Xhoel) Guide about the use of Axis support units.
1.18 (Video) YouTube tutorials on game mechanics (by Joelmar) A series with videos and visualized explanations of game mechanics. Here is the direct link to the YouTube channel.
1.19 Air system references and tips (by redrum68) Overview of air tactics, air strategy and aircraft types.

2. Maps:
2.1 Planning map (by ?): The complete WitE map as a high resolution image. There also is a planning map for the "A rainy day in Russia" map mod.
2.2 Historical frontlines map (by Goranw): The frontlines of 1941 and 1942 drawn on the planning map to compare your results with history.
2.3 Railway map (by EwaldvonKleist): A map showing an optimised rail strategy step by step. Thanks to HLYA for Inspiration. The coloured arrows show the final position of each FBD at the end of the turn. The rail repair in the South will slightly speed up witht he extra Romanian FBD. The railway path is shown up to turn 5. After this point, the railway construction has to be adapted to the situation.
2.4 1942 offensive plan (by Telemecus) Plan for the 1942 summer offensive from the 8MP game, which can be edited and used as a planning map with the free foxit pdf reader.
2.5 Blizzard shelter map (by eskuche) A map showing cities with size >4 (red) and size 3 (orange) which give shelter to units during the 41/42 blizzard.

3. AARs:
Some AARs I have found to be especially interesting from a teaching point of view.
3.1 Telemecus and Axis team: In-detail-AAR with many explanations, especially regarding the air war
3.2 Hardluckyetagain: Strategy AARs for the Axis and the Soviet side.
3.3 MichealT: Axis and Soviet side.
3.4 Pelton: Pelton has written an AAR-guide for German players which can be downloaded here.
3.5 EwaldvonKleist: Do you want total war-an AAR-Guide for Axis players. Guide thread and AAR.

4. Spreadsheets
Descriptions for the spreadsheets can be found below.
4.1 Axis air groups tracker and Soviet aircraft tracker v2.0 (by Telemecus) Trackers for the axis air groups and the soviet overall aircraft numbers. Feedback/reports on possible inaccuracies will be appreciated by Telemecus, please PM or E-Mail him if you have found something!
4.2 OOB tracker for the Axis side (by ledo) A spreadsheet to track the Axis OOB in detail.
4.3 Statistics tracker (by fetmun) detailed and highly automatised statistics tracker, generating lovely charts.
4.4 Soviet vehicle tracker (by Telemecus) Detailed tracker for Soviet ground vehicle (AFC, SP guns, Rocket launchers, trucks etc.) production. Feedback/reports on possible inaccuracies will be appreciated by Telemecus, please PM or E-Mail him if you have found something!
4.5 Leader selection aid for the Axis and Soviet side.

5. Miscellaneous (WitE memes):
5.1 Red Army 2.0: Would be a good title for a horror movie.
5.2 Evolution of the Ants
5.3 Illustration of the "Pacman" strategy
5.4 Pocket Hub WitE encirclement porn since 2010.

6. Software and mods
6.1 Situation map/slideshow generator (by Niedowidek_Slith) Tool to create a situation map from the commander's report export function, good for planning, AARs and to make a slideshow of a whole game.
6.2 Patch and mod archive (curated by morvael) Archive of WitE patches and art mods.
6.3 WitE tracker (by joelmar) A WitE written in php. Still under developement, joelmar appreciates suggestions and bug reports! The link directs to a folder which contains the latest version of the program. Here is the program's own discussion thread.
6.4 WitE macros (by eskuche) Macros to automatize repetitive WitE tasks.
6.5 Semi-random start (by eskuche) Semi-randomized initial locations of Soviet units for the 1941 GC using a purpose-built spreadsheet.

7. Non-english WitE and wargaming forums
7.1 Si-games German strategy game forum with some very good WitE-AARs
7.2 Leqg French wargaming forum.
7.3 Netwargamingitalia Italian wargaming forum.
7.4 Spanish wargaming forum.
If you know the authors of some of the documents please PM me so everyone gets the credit he deserves.
7.5 Russian Vkontakte Gary Grigsby forum

Here you can find further explanations for some of the spreadsheets.

re 4.2: (by ledo)

Things that need to be changed manually:

Make sure to change the date in the the basic setup. Currently this is the check to see which air models are out of date. If you keep mine (Jun-41) you might not get an accurate reading for your own data.

You need to import the unit tables from the commander's report and then copy paste them into the raw data worksheets in exactly the same format. Also copy paste the unit data into the Ground Force OOB Support Calc work sheet exactly the same way, including only "Type" "Name and "HQ Name" columns in the exact same order.

Moving units around in your OOB. You have remove and add rows to make room and then drag down all the formula columns. Remember that there are hidden columns so expand those if something isn't working. This includes breaking down and building back up a division. If you see an error next to a division try adding 1/ in front of it and it will probably fix it. You'll then have to add two rows and input 2/ and 3/. Eventually I'll try automate this as is done in the Air Force worksheet. Ground force leaders and support levels will change automatically. OKH sometimes bugs out though, if it does copy paste the word OKH from the raw data and replace every mention of OKH in the Ground Force OOB sheet (including hidden cells), there should be 5, i think.

One of the hidden columns in the Ground OOB is the Support Level Modifier this includes the chance of commitment as per the manual. This is always 1 for a division. At the corps level you will see a denominator of 10, 20 for army level, 40 for army group and 80 for O.K.H. If uncertain always copy a formula from the exact same type of HQ or unit.

If you have more than 8 air wings in an air base you will have to unhide all cells, add additional rows to the air base and make sure the 1-8 numbers in cells A:A extend down to however many number of air wings you wish the worksheet to find.

re 4.3: (by terry1040)

I struggled a little bit making it work for me.
So here is my detailed way how I got it running with my CG.

Start with Downloading the Excel-Sheet via the Link provided.

#### Open and Understand the file structure####
1) Open the File in Excel. The first 2 Tabs "Production" and "Global Stat" are for the analytics. Here you will do your interactive reporting.However to prepare this for your game, you first need to import the data onto Tab 3.
2) Switch to Tab 3 "raw date"
3) Zoom In !!! (:-)
4) The first column A is the turn number. Do not touch this column.
5) The first line contains headers. Do not touch the first line.
6) The file already come with 5 Turn of sample data (about 14000+Lines!!!). You do not need that and must delete it to make things work for your game.

#### Deleting the current data sample ####
7) Select Field B2. Mark the row across until you reach AK2, just before the orange column. Do not mark the orange part or beyond. Do not touch anything beyond AK2.
8) Continue to mark all fields downwards until you reach Line 14036 (orange).
9) Delete the content of all marked fields, i.e. all the data samples.

#### Entering your data ####
10) Export the file from WitE from the commanders report
11) You will find the resulting file in the Save-Folder in your local WitE-Installation-Folder (../dat/save/)
12) Open the resulting CSV-File (e.g. "Stats(Turn 001 1941-07-10 Ax).csv") with your Text-Editor (in my case Notepad).
13) Select all data and copy it within the Text-Editor into your Clipboard.
14) Switch to your Excel-Sheet again. On Tab3 select Field B2.
15) Past the clipboard data into the Excel-Sheet

#### Cleaning the Excel-Sheet ####
16) Scroll down until you see the end of your inserted data.
17) Select the Last row of your data and mark the whole row with a color of choice (I used green).
18) Check Column A. All your data must be preceeded by the right turnnumber. If this is not the case, correct the turnnumber so that it is consistent in column A for all your inserted data, e.g. 1.
19) Select the next Row below your last dataset. It should start with the next turn number, e.g. 2. This is where you will past your next export file. For example for Turn 2.
20) The Excel-File currently contain enough lines for about 5 Turns. If you run out of line, you need to insert additional ones for turns 6 and beyond.
21) Make sure you do not touch the bottom part of the file. It also contains some formulars to ensure the analytics work. You easily recognize this as it has a different structure.

Enjoy :)

< Message edited by EwaldvonKleist -- 3/21/2021 10:53:10 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 7/20/2017 3:14:29 PM   
No idea


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Some admin, please, stick this.

(in reply to EwaldvonKleist)
Post #: 2
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 8/16/2017 6:19:56 PM   


Posts: 441
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Excellent set of resources - much appreciated


(in reply to No idea)
Post #: 3
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 11/28/2017 4:03:39 PM   

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From: Berlin, Germany
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Updated with the spreadsheets that recently came up and my explanations on the logistics.
Edit: Waiting for your air force guide telemecus :)

< Message edited by EwaldvonKleist -- 11/28/2017 4:06:11 PM >

(in reply to rocketman71)
Post #: 4
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 11/28/2017 4:30:51 PM   


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Thank you very much for that, very, very helpful

< Message edited by Splatsch -- 11/28/2017 4:31:38 PM >

(in reply to EwaldvonKleist)
Post #: 5
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 11/28/2017 6:05:02 PM   


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Post #: 6
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 2/11/2018 9:58:01 PM   

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Another spreadsheet by Telemecus added for the tracking afficionados. The Soviet vehicle tracker (4.4) is a tool to track and calculate soviet AFV numbers.

(in reply to Twigster)
Post #: 7
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 2/13/2018 2:26:32 AM   

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Question about the fetmun statistics tracker. I'm no kind of expert in Excel. Making the charts work is difficult. How do I change the columns it is looking at for the data? Is there some button to push or must I figure out how to edit the table directly?

(in reply to EwaldvonKleist)
Post #: 8
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 2/13/2018 8:47:42 AM   

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this is the User page of fetten:
I am sure he is the best one to offer help, for his excel skills are beyond doubt.

(in reply to thedoctorking)
Post #: 9
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 3/22/2018 6:45:12 PM   

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Updated with the basic players guide by Thedoctorking.

(in reply to EwaldvonKleist)
Post #: 10
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 4/22/2018 8:39:26 AM   

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Telemecus' Soviet aircraft tracker has been updated to v2.0f, making it more user friendly while improving accuracy, he appreciates all kind of feedback!

(in reply to EwaldvonKleist)
Post #: 11
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 5/10/2018 12:16:59 PM   

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Does someone has a collection of WitE art mods or links where to find them? Maybe they can be included here as well.


(in reply to EwaldvonKleist)
Post #: 12
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 5/22/2018 7:02:53 AM   

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have been away from the game for 12 months & lost most of my saved data on the game due to a computer crash.

YOU, SIR....are a life saver

do you know whether this strange rule of Soviet surrendered units before November 41 re-appear in the list?

On a side note....I miss Pelton!

< Message edited by Icier -- 5/22/2018 7:04:30 AM >


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.

(in reply to EwaldvonKleist)
Post #: 13
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 5/22/2018 2:29:42 PM   

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Glad you like it :)
If you know more documents that should be uploaded here, make sure to notify me.


(in reply to Icier)
Post #: 14
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 6/19/2018 2:45:37 PM   

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Updated with a checklist for Axis turns during the 1941 summer offensive, and a protocol for team games, as it is used in the 8MP game (currnetly 1.7 and 1.8)
@Ice: I missed to answer a part of your comment: What "strange rule with units before november 1941" do you mean?

< Message edited by EwaldvonKleist -- 6/19/2018 3:09:15 PM >


(in reply to EwaldvonKleist)
Post #: 15
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 6/20/2018 9:56:18 AM   

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ORIGINAL: EwaldvonKleist

Updated with a checklist for Axis turns during the 1941 summer offensive, and a protocol for team games, as it is used in the 8MP game (currnetly 1.7 and 1.8)
@Ice: I missed to answer a part of your comment: What "strange rule with units before november 1941" do you mean?

Assume units that surrender before Nov 1941 return without Admin point expenditure. After that date they will consume any remaining Admin points, so Soviets should end their turn with 0 admin points??? That rule??


Molotov : This we did not deserve.

Foch : This is not peace. This is a 20 year armistice.

C'est la guerre aérienne

(in reply to EwaldvonKleist)
Post #: 16
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 6/21/2018 9:15:54 PM   

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That is the one.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.

(in reply to 56ajax)
Post #: 17
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 7/29/2018 1:42:18 PM   

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I want to say "Thank You EwaldvonKleist" for your dedication to this game with all of these updates. Often recognition is lost on the content provided by one as diligent as yourself. So "Thank you Sir" for all the hard work and toil you have put into maintaining this reference material.

Thank you Sir.


(in reply to Icier)
Post #: 18
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 7/29/2018 4:18:18 PM   

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ORIGINAL: HardLuckYetAgain

I want to say "Thank You EwaldvonKleist" for your dedication to this game with all of these updates. Often recognition is lost on the content provided by one as diligent as yourself. So "Thank you Sir" for all the hard work and toil you have put into maintaining this reference material.

Thank you Sir.

+1, great job EwaldvonKleist!


AAR WITW: Gotterdammerung 43-45
AAR WITE: A Clash of Titans 41-45
WitE 2 Tester and Test Coordinator

(in reply to HardLuckYetAgain)
Post #: 19
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 3/3/2019 2:42:59 PM   

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Thank you both for your kind words!
The library has been updated with new resources:
-1.6: Basic player's guide by thedoctorking
-1.7 and 1.11: Turn processing checklists for Axis players by Telemecus and EwaldvonKleist
-1.8: Team protocol for games with multiple players per side
-1.9 and 1.10: Combat value calculation spreadsheets by morvael showing the so far not exactly known CV formulas
-1.12 link to a new AAR-guide for Axis players

5.3: A new pacman WitE meme!

< Message edited by EwaldvonKleist -- 3/3/2019 2:44:11 PM >


(in reply to xhoel)
Post #: 20
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 3/8/2019 10:19:51 PM   

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Updated with:
1.13: Soviet calendar with important dates and events
5.4: WitE Pocket Hub encirclement porn meme.


(in reply to EwaldvonKleist)
Post #: 21
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 4/30/2019 4:06:08 PM   

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The player joelmar is currently working on a WitE tracker based on a php application. A link to the most recent version can be found under 6.3 or here, he of course appreciates feedback and bug reports. Expect a dedicated WitE tracker thread soon!

< Message edited by EwaldvonKleist -- 4/30/2019 4:07:14 PM >


(in reply to EwaldvonKleist)
Post #: 22
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 4/30/2019 4:23:52 PM   

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I have already told Joelmar that I saw a piece of software to create similar organograms being sold to a company for a six figure sum. So do not underestimate what would be the commercial value of what is being done here. Joelmar deserves high praise for what he is contributing here.

I have already generated a few reports for the 8MP game with this. But the interesting point for me is this could be a real framework for automating a lot of the spreadsheets and charts I and others do. And do it in a robust way that once coded does not need a spreadsheet nerd to repeat. I am excited by this as I can see the potential it has for being expanded to many other uses. WitP has a tracker - why does not WitE?

(in reply to EwaldvonKleist)
Post #: 23
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 4/30/2019 11:19:31 PM   

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Updated version of my basic player's guide for those interested.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to Telemecus)
Post #: 24
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 5/1/2019 11:24:49 AM   

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many thanks for that but unfortunately the pictures in pdf are very indistinct/blurred

< Message edited by fritzfarlig -- 5/1/2019 11:26:12 AM >

(in reply to thedoctorking)
Post #: 25
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 5/1/2019 11:35:12 AM   

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@tdk: Nice!
Is the image quality a result of file size limitation? The mod forum has 10mb limitation (more than enough) or you can send me the pdf by E-Mail, as my gdrive is, for this purpose, unlimited. Will update the link once the image

Added category 7 with links to non-English language WitE AARs/sections.

< Message edited by EwaldvonKleist -- 5/1/2019 11:52:23 AM >


(in reply to fritzfarlig)
Post #: 26
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 5/2/2019 6:24:31 AM   

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I send you a email

(in reply to EwaldvonKleist)
Post #: 27
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 5/2/2019 10:15:59 PM   

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Tdk or me? i did not receive one.


(in reply to fritzfarlig)
Post #: 28
RE: Collection of good WitE resources - 5/27/2019 9:40:56 PM   

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Added a new version of tdk's basic players guide with much better image quality (1.4), a pdf-based editable planning map (2.4) and a section with links to non-English sites with WitE content.


(in reply to EwaldvonKleist)
Post #: 29
RE: The library of WitE resources - 7/5/2019 9:20:28 PM   


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Many thanks for this!


The Wehrmacht that set out to conquer Russia in 1941 was a poor army with strictly limited resources.
- Supplying War (1977)

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