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Joined: 8/7/2000 From: Kempner, TX Status: offline
FOR EVERYONE, DOUBLE DUTY HITS (RAKNOY wanted specific examples), Here's a few examples to discount double duty: *****EX 1: SOAPYFROG moves his corp into the provence of Denmark containing Copenhagen and stops. (NO other units present) According to him, he is IN the AREA AND garrisoning the city. HOWEVER, 16.0 GLOSSARY states: CONTROLLED (FRIENDLY) CITY/PORT: A controlled city/port is any VACANT city/port in that major power's territory , or any city/port in which that major power has FACTORS, whether besieged or not. Soapy does NOT have any factors (as clearly defined in) 2.4.1 THE STRENGTH OF GARRISONS (USE GARRISON/STRENGTH COUNTERS) ...shown by the factor on the ACTUAL COUNTER...the strength of corps/fleets recorded off map. mentions specifically "garrison detachments" ONE MUST HAVE FACTORS (ACTUAL COUNTERS) IN THE CITY TO CONTROL THE CITY. Double duty does not EVER put counters in a city so double duty as you allow, could never control a city/port outside your home country because you don't put actual factors (counters) in the city! Or do you argue that you can garrison a city you can't control? *****EX 2: Soapy argues with EX 1 above and says my corps in the area can be all or part of a garrison, see OK. Soapy's corps is in Denmark. To garrison the city SOME or ALL of the factors of his corps counter MUST be in the city at some time per the definition of control. Soapy argues that a corps projects it's power throughout the area INCLUDING the city so it must be true that all or part of his corps strength is in the city at some time. He argues a month is a long time and 'invisible' detachments are in the city/rotating in/out in order to garrison. AFTER ALL, the actual bodies of SOME soldiers from his corps must man the guns and gates of the city to fire at fleets/garrison. My corps enters the area. Soapy argues that his entire corps can fight so by definition, THE STRENGTH FACTORS OF THE CORPS IN THE CITY MUST RUSH OUT AND FIGHT IN THE FIELD BATTLE. Heck his whole corps strength COULD be in the city ( says ALL or part) so the whole corps in the city must be allowed to rush out of the city to fight the field battle. BUT THE COMBAT RULES SPECIFICALLY FORBID UNITS IN CITIES FROM JOINING A FIELD BATTLE IN THE AREA! SO WHAT PART OF SOAPY'S CORPS IS IN THE CITY DOING GARRISON DUTY?!?! because that part MUST be excluded from field combat! OR conversely, IF Soapy argues that the factors in the city CAN fight, then: *****EX3: Soapy has a corps in the area and a strength factor in the city. BY HIS intrepretation of, ALL OR SOME of his corps may also be in the city! (LANGUAGE TEST: MAY does not mean MUST but doesn't exclude COULD!) SO WHAT DOES ONE DO SOAPY? DOES A PLAYER have to DECLARE WHAT PART of his corps, if any, is in the city in EX 2 or EX 3 everytime the situation arises?. I could say yes, part of my corp is in the city according to SOAPY says, "so what?" the part of my corps in the city can come out and fight because my corps can be in the city and in the area doing double duty. THEREFORE: If strength from your corps in the city can come out and fight why not the garrison strength factor?!?! THEY are all soldiers after all and could be ordered into the field. Can't say your "Temporarily detached" soldiers can fight but the "Semi-permanent detached" {semi because they can always be absorbed at some other point in the game and are never permanent} can't fight?! FRENCH SOLDIER ON GARRISON DUTY: "UH, sorry sir but we don't recognise Napoleon's authority over us to join the fight but we do acknowledege the 1st corps guys gotta go." DOH! The combat rules SPECIFICALLY FORBIDS UNITS IN CITIES TO FIGHT IN FIELD BATTLES. BUT SOAPY wants it both ways with strength factors in his corps which he claims can be doing garrison duty AND field duty. *****EX4: GLOSSARY DEFINITION OF A FIELD FORCE: Land forces excluding guerillas (unless attacking) NOT in a city or port. Obviously, units in areas are field forces NOT in a city! GLOSSARY DEFINITION OF GARRISONS: REGULAR infantry, cossack, friedkorps, guerilla or militia FACTORS which ARE NOT PART OF A CORPS, and are placed in a city, port or on a depot. Obviously, units in cities are garrisons. SO factors that do garrison CAN NOT BE PART OF A CORPS!!!!!!!!! SO THE FACTORS MUST BE PLACED IN A CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS DEFINITION SPECIFICALLY CONTRADICTS YOUR INTREPRETATION OF where you say cossacks, friedcorps, and guerrila factors may also be used to form all or part of a city garrsion (Double duty) JUST LIKE allows your corps to do double duty. CLEARLY!! WITHOUT EQUIVOCATION!!! Cossacks, friedkorps and guerilla factors MUST BE IN THE CITY TO FORM ALL OR PART OF THAT CITY'S GARRISON. The definition of the glossary term is clear! THESE FACTORS MUST BE PLACED IN A CITY, PORT OR ON A DEPOT! SO how can you say that that allows your corps to do the garrsion double duty scam? REMEMBER YOU AGREED THAT THE OTHER UNITS OF COULD DO SO AS WELL TO SUPPORT YOUR LOGICAL INTREPRETATION OF!!!!!!!!!!!! AGAIN, the only LOGICAL intrepretation is that allows corps to act as all or part of a garrison WHEN LOCATED IN THE CITY. This also supports the reason this rule is even written! The GLOSSARY DEFINITION OF A GARRISON says REGULAR INFANTRY STRENGTH POINTS, NEVER GUARD!!!!!!! allows an exclusively guard corps to garrison so one need not CONVERT factors from guard to regular! *****EX5: A totally guard factor corps can not garrison a city because ONLY REGULAR INFANTRY, NOT GUARD INFANTRY can garrsion. So SOAPY YOU'D have to convert all your guard factors in this Guard corps to regular factors in your corp as they INVISIBLY detached to garrsion the cities!!! because only REGULARS CAN DO GARRISON!!!! Or as an extension, since ALL or part of the corps can be considered to garrison the city (rule I'd say ANY corps with guard would need to be converted because ALL of the CORPS CAN BE CONSIDERED ON GARRSION IN THE CITY!!! That's just as logical as your intrepretation. *****EX6: SOAPY says a TU fuedal corps CAN garrison from an area. YET, he argues that it's done through "detachments of factors" not represented in games terms that go into the city to man the guns. BUT RULE SPECIFICALLY PROHIBITS ANY "detachements" from Feudal corps. *****EX7: SOAPY argues that the corps in the area is garrisoning a city as well according to because of 'detachments' that can be considered in the city and that these detachments are 'moving about' so all can be considered in both places at a time (double duty) OK. RULE 7.3.3 SPECIFICALLY SAYS DURING A LAND POWER'S MOVEMENT PHASE so detaching/absorbing occurs then (and also as a result of some combat rules.) BUT IT AIN"T HAPPENING DURING THE NAVAL PHASE so how can you be detaching/absorbing factors during the NAVAL PHASE in order to fulfill the requirements of a garrsion to man the guns?! *****EX8: Rule Detachments MAY NEVER EMPTY A CORPS!!!!!! So how under, could my corps in the area BE ALL inside of a city deployed in 'invisible detachments' from the corps counter IN THE AREA. SOAPY CAN'T DENY rule as it is HIS BASIS for double duty. SO SOAPY, how does ALL of your corps garrison from the area since by definition ALL of the factors of the corps would be in the city and not in the counter (NOT ALLOWED BY!) AND DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT THE CORPS COUNTER COULD BE CONSIDERED IN THE CITY!! YOU VEHEMENTLY STATE THAT CORPS CAN NOT ENTER CITIES DURING THE MOVEMENT PHASE!!!! AND COMBAT MAY NEVER HAPPEN TO PUT IT THERE! SO PICK ANY ONE OF THE ABOVE EXAMPLES OR PICK THEM ALL. IF JUST ONE IS PROOF TO KILL THE DOUBLE DUTY SCAM THEN IT DOESN"T MATTER IF SOAPY ARGUES ALL THE REST AWAY. CAN YOU DISPROVE ALL THE EX's? Perhaps, but I doubt it will be convincing. NO, IT'S OBVIOUS to me that was written to avoid having to convert factors from regular to guard just to garrison with a corps, to allow for TU feudal corps to garrison (since they can't detach-even invisibly) and to avoid saying "you have a corps in the city but no factors, therefore you ain't garrisoned." OBVIOUSLY a corps counter could garrison a city but IT MUST BE IN THE CITY! !*!*!*!*!*! NOW for the SOAPY conclusion that a corps counter (OR any other counter) can never move into a city in the movement phase. Substitute any unit/leaders you wish: EX1: Napoloen, Empereur of the French, leader counter is stacked with the 1st corps and moves into the provence containing Paris. NAPOLEON: "Commander, why have we stopped? I need to be in Paris tonight." COMMANDER: "Sorry, Sir, but SOAPY says there's no rule that specifically says I can move my corps or any other unit into the city right now!" NAPOLEON: "Well, when can we?" COMMANDER: "Sir, we have to wait for our enemies to enter the Paris provence before the combat rules allow us to move in. NAPOLEON: "That's absurd! What prevents the men from physically walking into the...wait a minute, where are those guys going?" COMMANDER: "Oh, SOAPY says that ALL or Part of my corps strength can go into the city to act as a garrsion but you and I as leader and corps leader have to stay here until we are retired or an enemy enters the provence. Then we can go too!" NAPOLEON: "WHAT about 7.3.4? Vice-versa?!?! COMMANDER: "Oh, SOAPY says that only allows units to move out of cities. The vice-versa is just there for detach/absorb reasons." NAPOLEON: "What about the rule that says leaders move into cities with their corps counter?" COMMANDER: "Again, SOAPY says that's only in the combat phase." NAPOLEON: "But all these references are in the movement section of the rules?!" COMMANDER: "Sorry, Sir, we can't assume anything not written in black and white. But good news! I just saved a bunch of money on my horse insurance!" NAPOLOEN: "But the naval rules don't say the fleets are moving during the naval movement step, only how much it costs to make such a move just like the Land Movement rules 7.3.4 only mention the cost of moving in and out of a city and not when the move is happening.?!?!?! DOH! OBVIOUSLY is describing movement during the naval movement phase even though it never says "during the naval movement phase." LIKEWISE, 7.3.4 describes movement during the land phase WITHOUT SPECIFICALLY saying "During the land movement phase." So units may move IN OR OUT of cities during the movement phase! SNAKE