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Joined: 2/20/2001 From: Raleigh,nc,usa Status: offline
[QUOTE]Originally posted by gdpsnake [B]CHITENG, "It is obvious that GDP has lots of bizzare rule interpetations that none of the rest of us either share or WANT to share." Am I the only one? I dont think so. As to the rest of your statement: Maybe I'm bizzare or maybe not, I'm looking to be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt as SOAPY/ZEN have done on some issues. Nothing wrong with that in my mind. I'm just Zealous about playtesting this game THE BEST I CAN and I want to hear EVERYTHING so I'll understand if/when I see it. Learning and playing, learning and playing.... As I could say the same of you, why don't we just keep the forum focused on the discussions and leave out such statements. Such a comment is beneath you , my friend. EDIT: I would like to add that all of us should be committed to producing the finest possible computer version of this game for the customer who buys it. All the Snakes, Chitengs, Soapys, Zens, Capitaines, Reknoys and Ragnars out there. If we don't put forward our best efforts as a team to make this goal a reality, then we are performing a disservice to Ross and the folks at Matrix. If we don't try to pick every possible brain for their interpretations (and I've listened carefully every time, believe me) and hunt for every possible chink in the armor then we could let "bugs" filter into the process and everyone hates buggy games RIGHT!? We all have our horror stories. Do we want this one to be one as well? Believe me, if mine is the ONLY bizzare interpretation, it won't make it out the door. It's a TEAM effort and we all play a part in moulding the product even if just a customer. So I don't see anything wrong with being stubborn. The ultimate tests of any game success are 1. PLAYABILITY and 2. FUN! We should therfore be openminded about everyone's definition of how the game CAN/MIGHT be played. AFTER ALL, MY way or YOUR way may both work well OR neither might work in the computer game but how will you know My way does/does not work or if YOUR way does or does not unless you know about BOTH ways and the COMPLETE rational behind them. Double duty may be great for a board game but does it fly in a computer version and vice versa (LOL! Soryy I had to say it!) I've NEVER played, ever heard of double duty before so I want to know all about it and how folks think it works in the rules down to the last dotted I so I play it/test it in every possible situation in the time alloted along with every other interpretation. It should all come out in the wash as far as Playabilty and FUN, should it not? Soapy's double duty, I don't "see it" but I'm willing to try it on for size. The movement rules Capitaine mentioned? I'm willing to use them and see.... Zen's TU corps, and all the rest. They wouldn't even be on my radar if we weren't discussing them. How about you? SNAKE [/B][/QUOTE] I have repeatedly asked the same basic question and gotten no responce. What good is a corp if it doesnt defend the city in the area that it is deployed in? On the scale of this game, you are saying that Nappy could have simply walked around the Prussian Army in 1806 and occupied Dresden. I mean lets get real, each turn is ONE MONTH. Of course the Corp covers the city in its area. What you keep calling 'double duty' is a logical abstraction of the game reality. The enemy IS able to react to your moves. Aside from which your interpetation only effects Russia and Prussia. I have a freind that loves this game except.....he will only play England. He will not play if you use the corp command limits and not if you use the 'Fleet slow down' rule. Obviously this hands the game to England. His position is... 'those rules are not realistic' But he is more than happy to use the Nappy degrades with age rule. You cant please some people. In this example, he wants none of the things that limit England, and all the things that limit other players. This type of player will lock up a game in rules disputes. See the games I have seen show me that France is dominant ALREADY. We dont need to assist them.
“It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster.” Voltaire 'For those with faith, no proof is needed. For those without faith, no proof is enough' French Priest "Statistic