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Barge vs. landing craft TF's

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Barge vs. landing craft TF's - 9/4/2020 1:45:54 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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From: LI, NY
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As a Japanese player I get lots of these little craft. Good for short runs to bring supplies and reinforcements to small bases.

I generally use these two TF settings interchangeably. But I wonder what are the differences?


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RE: Barge vs. landing craft TF's - 9/4/2020 1:56:05 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Haven't done a lot of landing under fire late in the war but I was unaware that you had an option of one or the other with the same craft. I don't think barges have much flak on them but the landing craft sure do.


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RE: Barge vs. landing craft TF's - 9/4/2020 2:08:05 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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I believe that barge TFs have to have a port of 1+ to unload and landing craft TFs can unload over the beach.

So in essence, barge TFs are transport TFs and landing craft TFs are amphibious TFs.

Also note that Barge TFs are limited to 25 ships and Landing Craft TFs can have 100 ships.


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RE: Barge vs. landing craft TF's - 9/4/2020 2:28:23 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Done correctly, Barges can load and move troops short distances and unload overnight and disband into port before the air strikes. Very useful late game.

(in reply to Nomad)
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RE: Barge vs. landing craft TF's - 9/4/2020 4:26:34 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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Done correctly, Barges can load and move troops short distances and unload overnight and disband into port before the air strikes. Very useful late game.

How do you get them to unload and disband in one night?


(in reply to Lowpe)
Post #: 5
RE: Barge vs. landing craft TF's - 9/4/2020 12:12:09 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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ORIGINAL: geofflambert



Done correctly, Barges can load and move troops short distances and unload overnight and disband into port before the air strikes. Very useful late game.

How do you get them to unload and disband in one night?

Now that you say it sounds weird. Perhaps my memory is faulty, but against Tiemanj I am sure I documented it in 1944 traveling 1 hex

found this in a two minute search, I can't remember if they are not being attacked because of being small, or disbanding prior to air phase. I will look harder later, after some work.

"I have broken down a heavy ID at Fusan and will use barges to move the splinters across. Experience has shown that barges can load, move and unload and then disband to port up 1 hex in one day, but can they make the trip across from Korea in one day and not be bombed to pieces."

< Message edited by Lowpe -- 9/4/2020 12:15:44 PM >

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Post #: 6
RE: Barge vs. landing craft TF's - 9/4/2020 10:42:09 PM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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From: St. Louis
Status: offline Beaching Craft. Beaching craft unload completely in one turn.

Empty barges would be an undesirable target. I recently attacked and sunk about 20 or 30 LCTs that were amphib unloading. All the troops were off but my dive bombers went after those.


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Post #: 7
RE: Barge vs. landing craft TF's - 9/5/2020 1:12:46 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit


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ORIGINAL: rustysi

As a Japanese player I get lots of these little craft. Good for short runs to bring supplies and reinforcements to small bases.

I generally use these two TF settings interchangeably. But I wonder what are the differences?

The two types of TF do not admit the same ship types into them.


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Post #: 8
RE: Barge vs. landing craft TF's - 9/5/2020 3:12:15 AM   
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Matrix Legion of Merit

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ORIGINAL: rustysi

As a Japanese player I get lots of these little craft. Good for short runs to bring supplies and reinforcements to small bases.

I generally use these two TF settings interchangeably. But I wonder what are the differences?

The two types of TF do not admit the same ship types into them.


Now I get it. As Japan doesn't have all those little ships I won't see that in my game.


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Hume

In every party there is one member who by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles provokes the others to apostasy. Nietzsche

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(in reply to Alfred)
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